America continues to lose! Ford to lay off workers because tariffs have cost $1B

Thanks for the novel, but right now Mueller has accumulated 5 guilty plea's.
You forgot to mention not one of those has anything to do with the non-existent criminal accusations against the President and the fact that after 2 years they do not have any evidence of the crimes they know never happened.

All the indictments and prosecutions they have accumulated - questionably - have been 'Scooter Libby' indictments / convictions, those that are a result of the investigation yet have nothing to do with the false accusations on which the investigation was opened / begun.

,,,and, yet, the fact that Hillary has never been indicted for anything does not discourage you from your opinion that she is guilty of everything short of standing on the grassy knoll.....
There is no winners when you start a trade war. Everyone loses. The only thing they're good for is skyrocking prices back to the consumer. Consumers cut back on their purchases, and the job lay-offs begin in every sector of the economy.

We've been there done that before.
The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’


Congress has to approve changes to any existing trade agreements. Trump can't do it himself. As Bob Woodward's book describes most of Trump's tariff rhetoric is nothing more than crazy ivan hyperbole to throw a bone to his ignorant Nationalist base to keep them intact.

Both Republicans and Democrats are historically free trade, so he's not going anywhere with his threats. It's just his political strategy. And unfortunately there's way too many STUPID people in this country that are easily manipulated by someone like Trump who VOTE.


Weird how tariffs and forms of tariffs have been working for China, Europe, Canada and well just about every other country except the US for the last 30 years.

Trade wars never work for anyone. The price of Ford vehicles go up to cover the cost of tariff's and American run over and buy foreign cars, at sometimes a cheaper price. Ford workers get laid off from their jobs. It's a no win situation.

Everytime Trump threatens with tariffs, they threaten right back. We are in a global economy--& it's here to stay.

A trade deficit is nothing more than a paper deficit. We can't expect smaller populated countries like Canada & Mexico to buy 2 washers & dryers, and 5 American cars per family. Therefore, every sale of an American product overseas, is a trade surplus. The only country we should have a trade surplus with is China, as they have a bigger population. But they manipulate their currency where we show a trade deficit.

Again Trump is throwing a bone to his Nationalist base with these threats. Any existing trade deals are written law, that would have to be approved by congress and signed into law, like any other bill. So it's just a lot of hot air. Republican nor Democrats would not agree to do that.


Trump is continually threatening our # 1, 2, & 3 largest buyers of American products. China, Canada & Mexico. Now imagine what would happen to our economy if they just told Trump to FUCK off--they'll be buying elsewhere.

Bringing strategic manufacturing capabilities back on-shore is going to hurt.

Well... the sooner we 'take the pain' and get started, the sooner we'll be self-sufficient in those areas again, and the sooner the pain stops.

Continuing to be reliant upon adversarial nations for so much of our manufacturing is a deadly trap that we must escape before it's too late.

Short-sighted critters, unable to see the long-term strategic need, may be safely ignored during this painful stretch of time.

You're not going to get manufacturing back--get over it. The reason manufacturing has shipped overseas, is because our Employers are required to pay for social security, medicare, workman's compensation, unemployment insurance, and now medical insurance.

Apple & other corporations have to compete in a Global economy, making certain that those I-phones are also affordable in foreign countries, otherwise they would be have to shut their doors. The benefit to you is--that you're not paying $3000.00 for an I-phone made and manufactured in the United states.

We are also moving into a lot of automation, ATM machines, self checkout's at stores, that are going to be the future. So get a job that cannot be shipped overseas, or done with a machine.

Manufacturing shipped over see because of overregulation in the US, which was one of the first thing TRUMP got rid of after taking office.

Automation is only productive to a certain point. Just look at how many people are employed by Amazon. And all those machines don't build themselves. There will always be a need for a manufacturing workforce to some degree.
And, frankly, I don't care anywhere near as much about the jobs as I do the native manufacturing capability.

Imagine having to go to the Japanese and Germans to manufacture the components for our weapons systems in the 1940s!

That's pretty much what the damned fools are advocating... those who insist that revitalizing American manufacturing is pointless.

It's time we stop listening to them.
Amazing how shortsighted snowflake morons have no vision and cannot see down the road.

No wonder so many Leftist conclaves are going bankrupt and their citizens becoming homeless hordes.

Amazing how you don't know the origin of snowflake.
Original pro slavery white boys.
Or maybe you do?
Weird how tariffs and forms of tariffs have been working for China, Europe, Canada and well just about every other country except the US for the last 30 years.

Trade wars never work for anyone. The price of Ford vehicles go up to cover the cost of tariff's and American run over and buy foreign cars, at sometimes a cheaper price. Ford workers get laid off from their jobs. It's a no win situation.

Everytime Trump threatens with tariffs, they threaten right back. We are in a global economy--& it's here to stay.

A trade deficit is nothing more than a paper deficit. We can't expect smaller populated countries like Canada & Mexico to buy 2 washers & dryers, and 5 American cars per family. Therefore, every sale of an American product overseas, is a trade surplus. The only country we should have a trade surplus with is China, as they have a bigger population. But they manipulate their currency where we show a trade deficit.

Again Trump is throwing a bone to his Nationalist base with these threats. Any existing trade deals are written law, that would have to be approved by congress and signed into law, like any other bill. So it's just a lot of hot air. Republican nor Democrats would not agree to do that.


Trump is continually threatening our # 1, 2, & 3 largest buyers of American products. China, Canada & Mexico. Now imagine what would happen to our economy if they just told Trump to FUCK off--they'll be buying elsewhere.

Bringing strategic manufacturing capabilities back on-shore is going to hurt.

Well... the sooner we 'take the pain' and get started, the sooner we'll be self-sufficient in those areas again, and the sooner the pain stops.

Continuing to be reliant upon adversarial nations for so much of our manufacturing is a deadly trap that we must escape before it's too late.

Short-sighted critters, unable to see the long-term strategic need, may be safely ignored during this painful stretch of time.

You're not going to get manufacturing back--get over it. The reason manufacturing has shipped overseas, is because our Employers are required to pay for social security, medicare, workman's compensation, unemployment insurance, and now medical insurance.

Apple & other corporations have to compete in a Global economy, making certain that those I-phones are also affordable in foreign countries, otherwise they would be have to shut their doors. The benefit to you is--that you're not paying $3000.00 for an I-phone made and manufactured in the United states.

We are also moving into a lot of automation, ATM machines, self checkout's at stores, that are going to be the future. So get a job that cannot be shipped overseas, or done with a machine.

Manufacturing shipped over see because of overregulation in the US, which was one of the first thing TRUMP got rid of after taking office.

Automation is only productive to a certain point. Just look at how many people are employed by Amazon. And all those machines don't build themselves. There will always be a need for a manufacturing workforce to some degree.
And, frankly, I don't care anywhere near as much about the jobs as I do the native manufacturing capability.

Imagine having to go to the Japanese and Germans to manufacture the components for our weapons systems in the 1940s!

That's pretty much what the damned fools are advocating... those who insist that revitalizing American manufacturing is pointless.

It's time we stop listening to them.

Gawd, is this all you do sucking off socialist benefits?
Cut and paste from your double wide?
After WWII we had 50 % of the worlds production, the world caught up.
As Goldwater said humans are incredibly selfish.
Guess where they went to make the most $?
It's 70 years on Darlin, get used to it
Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be if you have a basic understanding of economics.

Ford announces plan to lay off workers after tariffs cost them $1B
I'm no Trump fan, obviously, and imo his knowledge of global markets is infatile, outside of borrowing money from Russian mafia guys, but because of Lighthizer and more sane elements inside the administration, I don't think tariffs are the issue .. aside from China. And we cannot allow China to continue biz as usual
Now the real story ..

Ford planning job cuts as part of reorganization plan

Ford planning job cuts as part of reorganization plan


Ford Motor Company is planning to cut some of its staff over time as the company begins to reorganize its salaried workforce to become a more fit business.

NBC News reported on Monday that the plans are part of Ford's $25.5 billion reorganization plan that intends to cut costs by, among other things, making its staff leaner and reducing layers.

"A lot of the [reorganization] is about making different choices about strategy," Chief Financial Officer Bob Shanks told NBC News.

A spokesperson for Ford told The Hill that the exact amount of employees that will be cut as part of this move is unknown. But a report from Morgan Stanley estimated a "global headcount reduction of approximately 12 percent" of its 202,000 workforce around the world, according to NBC.

But a report from Morgan Stanley estimated a "global headcount reduction of approximately 12 percent" of its 202,000 workforce around the world, according to NBC.

"Such a magnitude of reduction is not without precedent in the auto industry," the analysts wrote in the investment note, NBC News noted.

The automaker has lagged behind competitors in sales and has also been adversely impacted by Trump's steel and aluminum tariffs, according to NBC.

Lol this is hilarious. How about you read the last line of your own article?
How about you actually watch the video?
Billy is a moron. He saw the FAKE NEWS headline and got a hard on.

The liberal media has these dumbfucks wrapped around their fingers
Billy has the attention span of a...wait!
Billy doesn’t have an attention span!!

They gave several reasons for the layoffs; tariffs just one of them and who knows how much impact that had on their decision.
Doesn’t it bother you that before this tariff idea was proposed, just Trump and one retarded advisor were the only people who liked the idea? Actual non-partisan economists overwhelming said how stupid the idea was. If Obama had done this, you people would be whining about it to this day.

Can’t you think for yourself? You even acknowledged the tariffs were part of the reason for Ford doing these layoffs lol

Yes I did, and you are implying it's the only reason.

The fact is this tariff idea is only in the beginning stages. It's hurting the Chinese economy like crazy. So it's really a game of chicken where we have the upper hand because our economy hasn't been this good in nearly a half-century.

Let it play out. Others have made threats only to finally realize that the US is their biggest consumer, and it's better to get less than to get nothing at all.

If Trump's plan pans out, it will be great for our steel industry.
or, Trump isn't/ won't back down.
Amazing how shortsighted snowflake morons have no vision and cannot see down the road.

No wonder so many Leftist conclaves are going bankrupt and their citizens becoming homeless hordes.

Where do you get these bullshit ideas? Are these the lies the Russian Propaganda Machine is currently spreading?

The press is the "enemy of the people" campaign has backfired brilliantly. More people are reading the MSM and more people believe the MSM than believe the idiot President. Fewer and fewer people believe Trump. Now the new campaign is the "Democrats are the angry mob". That's how peaceful protest is being played by this Administration. From the NFL players kneeling, to the women's march, the GOP continues to get it all wrong.

Rembers the "deplorables" comments. This is just like that one. Remember how well that worked?
when the press uses Demoloser talking points as their lead in story daily, no one needs to know anymore that they are connected. you are my political enemy. hence so is MSM.
Trade wars never work for anyone. The price of Ford vehicles go up to cover the cost of tariff's and American run over and buy foreign cars, at sometimes a cheaper price. Ford workers get laid off from their jobs. It's a no win situation.

Everytime Trump threatens with tariffs, they threaten right back. We are in a global economy--& it's here to stay.

A trade deficit is nothing more than a paper deficit. We can't expect smaller populated countries like Canada & Mexico to buy 2 washers & dryers, and 5 American cars per family. Therefore, every sale of an American product overseas, is a trade surplus. The only country we should have a trade surplus with is China, as they have a bigger population. But they manipulate their currency where we show a trade deficit.

Again Trump is throwing a bone to his Nationalist base with these threats. Any existing trade deals are written law, that would have to be approved by congress and signed into law, like any other bill. So it's just a lot of hot air. Republican nor Democrats would not agree to do that.


Trump is continually threatening our # 1, 2, & 3 largest buyers of American products. China, Canada & Mexico. Now imagine what would happen to our economy if they just told Trump to FUCK off--they'll be buying elsewhere.

Bringing strategic manufacturing capabilities back on-shore is going to hurt.

Well... the sooner we 'take the pain' and get started, the sooner we'll be self-sufficient in those areas again, and the sooner the pain stops.

Continuing to be reliant upon adversarial nations for so much of our manufacturing is a deadly trap that we must escape before it's too late.

Short-sighted critters, unable to see the long-term strategic need, may be safely ignored during this painful stretch of time.

You're not going to get manufacturing back--get over it. The reason manufacturing has shipped overseas, is because our Employers are required to pay for social security, medicare, workman's compensation, unemployment insurance, and now medical insurance.

Apple & other corporations have to compete in a Global economy, making certain that those I-phones are also affordable in foreign countries, otherwise they would be have to shut their doors. The benefit to you is--that you're not paying $3000.00 for an I-phone made and manufactured in the United states.

We are also moving into a lot of automation, ATM machines, self checkout's at stores, that are going to be the future. So get a job that cannot be shipped overseas, or done with a machine.

Manufacturing shipped over see because of overregulation in the US, which was one of the first thing TRUMP got rid of after taking office.

Automation is only productive to a certain point. Just look at how many people are employed by Amazon. And all those machines don't build themselves. There will always be a need for a manufacturing workforce to some degree.
And, frankly, I don't care anywhere near as much about the jobs as I do the native manufacturing capability.

Imagine having to go to the Japanese and Germans to manufacture the components for our weapons systems in the 1940s!

That's pretty much what the damned fools are advocating... those who insist that revitalizing American manufacturing is pointless.

It's time we stop listening to them.

Gawd, is this all you do sucking off socialist benefits?
Cut and paste from your double wide?
After WWII we had 50 % of the worlds production, the world caught up.
As Goldwater said humans are incredibly selfish.
Guess where they went to make the most $?
It's 70 years on Darlin, get used to it
Translation...”Trump is fucking with my slave labor portfolio!”
Trade wars never work for anyone. The price of Ford vehicles go up to cover the cost of tariff's and American run over and buy foreign cars, at sometimes a cheaper price. Ford workers get laid off from their jobs. It's a no win situation.

Everytime Trump threatens with tariffs, they threaten right back. We are in a global economy--& it's here to stay.

A trade deficit is nothing more than a paper deficit. We can't expect smaller populated countries like Canada & Mexico to buy 2 washers & dryers, and 5 American cars per family. Therefore, every sale of an American product overseas, is a trade surplus. The only country we should have a trade surplus with is China, as they have a bigger population. But they manipulate their currency where we show a trade deficit.

Again Trump is throwing a bone to his Nationalist base with these threats. Any existing trade deals are written law, that would have to be approved by congress and signed into law, like any other bill. So it's just a lot of hot air. Republican nor Democrats would not agree to do that.


Trump is continually threatening our # 1, 2, & 3 largest buyers of American products. China, Canada & Mexico. Now imagine what would happen to our economy if they just told Trump to FUCK off--they'll be buying elsewhere.

Bringing strategic manufacturing capabilities back on-shore is going to hurt.

Well... the sooner we 'take the pain' and get started, the sooner we'll be self-sufficient in those areas again, and the sooner the pain stops.

Continuing to be reliant upon adversarial nations for so much of our manufacturing is a deadly trap that we must escape before it's too late.

Short-sighted critters, unable to see the long-term strategic need, may be safely ignored during this painful stretch of time.

You're not going to get manufacturing back--get over it. The reason manufacturing has shipped overseas, is because our Employers are required to pay for social security, medicare, workman's compensation, unemployment insurance, and now medical insurance.

Apple & other corporations have to compete in a Global economy, making certain that those I-phones are also affordable in foreign countries, otherwise they would be have to shut their doors. The benefit to you is--that you're not paying $3000.00 for an I-phone made and manufactured in the United states.

We are also moving into a lot of automation, ATM machines, self checkout's at stores, that are going to be the future. So get a job that cannot be shipped overseas, or done with a machine.

Manufacturing shipped over see because of overregulation in the US, which was one of the first thing TRUMP got rid of after taking office.

Automation is only productive to a certain point. Just look at how many people are employed by Amazon. And all those machines don't build themselves. There will always be a need for a manufacturing workforce to some degree.
And, frankly, I don't care anywhere near as much about the jobs as I do the native manufacturing capability.

Imagine having to go to the Japanese and Germans to manufacture the components for our weapons systems in the 1940s!

That's pretty much what the damned fools are advocating... those who insist that revitalizing American manufacturing is pointless.

It's time we stop listening to them.

Gawd, is this all you do sucking off socialist benefits?
Cut and paste from your double wide?
After WWII we had 50 % of the worlds production, the world caught up.
As Goldwater said humans are incredibly selfish.
Guess where they went to make the most $?
It's 70 years on Darlin, get used to it

If you're referring to Social Security & Medicare as "socialist" programs--you're wrong, Because employees & employers make those contributions. They're paid for, and you're not going to get anyone to give them up.

Bringing strategic manufacturing capabilities back on-shore is going to hurt.

Well... the sooner we 'take the pain' and get started, the sooner we'll be self-sufficient in those areas again, and the sooner the pain stops.

Continuing to be reliant upon adversarial nations for so much of our manufacturing is a deadly trap that we must escape before it's too late.

Short-sighted critters, unable to see the long-term strategic need, may be safely ignored during this painful stretch of time.

You're not going to get manufacturing back--get over it. The reason manufacturing has shipped overseas, is because our Employers are required to pay for social security, medicare, workman's compensation, unemployment insurance, and now medical insurance.

Apple & other corporations have to compete in a Global economy, making certain that those I-phones are also affordable in foreign countries, otherwise they would be have to shut their doors. The benefit to you is--that you're not paying $3000.00 for an I-phone made and manufactured in the United states.

We are also moving into a lot of automation, ATM machines, self checkout's at stores, that are going to be the future. So get a job that cannot be shipped overseas, or done with a machine.

Manufacturing shipped over see because of overregulation in the US, which was one of the first thing TRUMP got rid of after taking office.

Automation is only productive to a certain point. Just look at how many people are employed by Amazon. And all those machines don't build themselves. There will always be a need for a manufacturing workforce to some degree.
And, frankly, I don't care anywhere near as much about the jobs as I do the native manufacturing capability.

Imagine having to go to the Japanese and Germans to manufacture the components for our weapons systems in the 1940s!

That's pretty much what the damned fools are advocating... those who insist that revitalizing American manufacturing is pointless.

It's time we stop listening to them.

Gawd, is this all you do sucking off socialist benefits?
Cut and paste from your double wide?
After WWII we had 50 % of the worlds production, the world caught up.
As Goldwater said humans are incredibly selfish.
Guess where they went to make the most $?
It's 70 years on Darlin, get used to it

If you're referring to Social Security & Medicare as "socialist" programs--you're wrong, Because employees & employers make those contributions. They're paid for, and you're not going to get anyone to give them up.
But but but Trump said I'd get my Medicare and soc sec!

Bringing strategic manufacturing capabilities back on-shore is going to hurt.

Well... the sooner we 'take the pain' and get started, the sooner we'll be self-sufficient in those areas again, and the sooner the pain stops.

Continuing to be reliant upon adversarial nations for so much of our manufacturing is a deadly trap that we must escape before it's too late.

Short-sighted critters, unable to see the long-term strategic need, may be safely ignored during this painful stretch of time.

You're not going to get manufacturing back--get over it. The reason manufacturing has shipped overseas, is because our Employers are required to pay for social security, medicare, workman's compensation, unemployment insurance, and now medical insurance.

Apple & other corporations have to compete in a Global economy, making certain that those I-phones are also affordable in foreign countries, otherwise they would be have to shut their doors. The benefit to you is--that you're not paying $3000.00 for an I-phone made and manufactured in the United states.

We are also moving into a lot of automation, ATM machines, self checkout's at stores, that are going to be the future. So get a job that cannot be shipped overseas, or done with a machine.

Manufacturing shipped over see because of overregulation in the US, which was one of the first thing TRUMP got rid of after taking office.

Automation is only productive to a certain point. Just look at how many people are employed by Amazon. And all those machines don't build themselves. There will always be a need for a manufacturing workforce to some degree.
And, frankly, I don't care anywhere near as much about the jobs as I do the native manufacturing capability.

Imagine having to go to the Japanese and Germans to manufacture the components for our weapons systems in the 1940s!

That's pretty much what the damned fools are advocating... those who insist that revitalizing American manufacturing is pointless.

It's time we stop listening to them.

Gawd, is this all you do sucking off socialist benefits?
Cut and paste from your double wide?
After WWII we had 50 % of the worlds production, the world caught up.
As Goldwater said humans are incredibly selfish.
Guess where they went to make the most $?
It's 70 years on Darlin, get used to it
Translation...”Trump is fucking with my slave labor portfolio!”

Yeah- Trump & Bannon has fucked you over. Any half brain in this country knows that trade is a bill that is signed into law by congress, and the only way to get rid of it, is to go through congress. Republicans nor Democrats will sign off on an anti trade bill, because they are ALL pro free trade.


Click these links to redirect on this thread for review and explanation-of what trade deficits really are,& why jobs are shipped overseas.
America continues to lose! Ford to lay off workers because tariffs have cost $1B
America continues to lose! Ford to lay off workers because tariffs have cost $1B

Trump has never been a Nationalist candidate. No one could own as many FOREIGN properties as he does, and claim to be a Nationalist. When Steve Bannon jumped into his campaign--Steve Bannon was the director of his campaign rallies, and Trump was simply the actor. Bannon even admitted that in Bob Woodwards new book.
Last edited:
You're not going to get manufacturing back--get over it. The reason manufacturing has shipped overseas, is because our Employers are required to pay for social security, medicare, workman's compensation, unemployment insurance, and now medical insurance.

Apple & other corporations have to compete in a Global economy, making certain that those I-phones are also affordable in foreign countries, otherwise they would be have to shut their doors. The benefit to you is--that you're not paying $3000.00 for an I-phone made and manufactured in the United states.

We are also moving into a lot of automation, ATM machines, self checkout's at stores, that are going to be the future. So get a job that cannot be shipped overseas, or done with a machine.

Manufacturing shipped over see because of overregulation in the US, which was one of the first thing TRUMP got rid of after taking office.

Automation is only productive to a certain point. Just look at how many people are employed by Amazon. And all those machines don't build themselves. There will always be a need for a manufacturing workforce to some degree.
And, frankly, I don't care anywhere near as much about the jobs as I do the native manufacturing capability.

Imagine having to go to the Japanese and Germans to manufacture the components for our weapons systems in the 1940s!

That's pretty much what the damned fools are advocating... those who insist that revitalizing American manufacturing is pointless.

It's time we stop listening to them.

Gawd, is this all you do sucking off socialist benefits?
Cut and paste from your double wide?
After WWII we had 50 % of the worlds production, the world caught up.
As Goldwater said humans are incredibly selfish.
Guess where they went to make the most $?
It's 70 years on Darlin, get used to it
Translation...”Trump is fucking with my slave labor portfolio!”

Yeah- Trump & Bannon has fucked you over. Any half brain in this country knows that trade is a bill that is signed into law by congress, and the only way to get rid of it, is to go through congress. Republicans nor Democrats will sign off on an anti trade bill, because they are ALL pro free trade.


Click these links on this board for a review and explanation-of what trade deficits are,& why jobs are shipped overseas.
America continues to lose! Ford to lay off workers because tariffs have cost $1B
America continues to lose! Ford to lay off workers because tariffs have cost $1B
And everyone knows that not one bought off Republican or Democrat has been ordered to obey Trump.
Tariffs are just BS. they do nothing, really.

Jail the bastids who outsource, problem solved.
But, mega Crapitalists, think outsourcing is the solution, not the problem.

Boot them to jail. If you respect America, the American worker, then you don't deserve rights, plain, and simple.

Got to love you big government statist that want the government to control where companies conduct their business and make their products.

The difference between control and establishing a business friendly economy is pretty broad.

They gave several reasons for the layoffs; tariffs just one of them and who knows how much impact that had on their decision.
Doesn’t it bother you that before this tariff idea was proposed, just Trump and one retarded advisor were the only people who liked the idea? Actual non-partisan economists overwhelming said how stupid the idea was. If Obama had done this, you people would be whining about it to this day.

Can’t you think for yourself? You even acknowledged the tariffs were part of the reason for Ford doing these layoffs lol

The tariffs impact every auto producer in the USA. Consequently, the effect on Ford's layoff decision is minimal at best. BTW, add me to the list of those who supported these tariffs from the get go.

We are never going to get China to change its ways by just talking to them. We needed a stick, and that is where tariffs come in.
There is no winners when you start a trade war. Everyone loses. The only thing they're good for is skyrocking prices back to the consumer. Consumers cut back on their purchases, and the job lay-offs begin in every sector of the economy.

We've been there done that before.
The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’


Congress has to approve changes to any existing trade agreements. Trump can't do it himself. As Bob Woodward's book describes most of Trump's tariff rhetoric is nothing more than crazy ivan hyperbole to throw a bone to his ignorant Nationalist base to keep them intact.

Both Republicans and Democrats are historically free trade, so he's not going anywhere with his threats. It's just his political strategy. And unfortunately there's way too many STUPID people in this country that are easily manipulated by someone like Trump who VOTE.


Weird how tariffs and forms of tariffs have been working for China, Europe, Canada and well just about every other country except the US for the last 30 years.

Trade wars never work for anyone. The price of Ford vehicles go up to cover the cost of tariff's and American run over and buy foreign cars, at sometimes a cheaper price. Ford workers get laid off from their jobs. It's a no win situation.

Everytime Trump threatens with tariffs, they threaten right back. We are in a global economy--& it's here to stay.

A trade deficit is nothing more than a paper deficit. We can't expect smaller populated countries like Canada & Mexico to buy 2 washers & dryers, and 5 American cars per family. Therefore, every sale of an American product overseas, is a trade surplus. The only country we should have a trade surplus with is China, as they have a bigger population. But they manipulate their currency where we show a trade deficit.

Again Trump is throwing a bone to his Nationalist base with these threats. Any existing trade deals are written law, that would have to be approved by congress and signed into law, like any other bill. So it's just a lot of hot air. Republican nor Democrats would not agree to do that.


Trump is continually threatening our # 1, 2, & 3 largest buyers of American products. China, Canada & Mexico. Now imagine what would happen to our economy if they just told Trump to FUCK off--they'll be buying elsewhere.

Bringing strategic manufacturing capabilities back on-shore is going to hurt.

Well... the sooner we 'take the pain' and get started, the sooner we'll be self-sufficient in those areas again, and the sooner the pain stops.

Continuing to be reliant upon adversarial nations for so much of our manufacturing is a deadly trap that we must escape before it's too late.

Short-sighted critters, unable to see the long-term strategic need, may be safely ignored during this painful stretch of time.

You're not going to get manufacturing back--get over it. The reason manufacturing has shipped overseas, is because our Employers are required to pay for social security, medicare, workman's compensation, unemployment insurance, and now medical insurance.

Apple & other corporations have to compete in a Global economy, making certain that those I-phones are also affordable in foreign countries, otherwise they would be have to shut their doors. The benefit to you is--that you're not paying $3000.00 for an I-phone made and manufactured in the United states.

We are also moving into a lot of automation, ATM machines, self checkout's at stores, that are going to be the future. So get a job that cannot be shipped overseas, or done with a machine.

Manufacturing shipped over see because of overregulation in the US, which was one of the first thing TRUMP got rid of after taking office.

Automation is only productive to a certain point. Just look at how many people are employed by Amazon. And all those machines don't build themselves. There will always be a need for a manufacturing workforce to some degree.

Wages and benefits were the main driver of off shoring.
The US has, by far, the highest top to bottom standard of living in the history of the planet. If other nations were doing what you were stating; it would not be the case.

Where trade infractions are present, there are bodies in place to address them. The WTO, for example.

We are still waiting. You people bitch and complain about wages, lack of decent paying jobs, the erosion of the middle class. Then you idiots turn right around and allow other countries to steal those jobs. This is why nobody likes you people.

Yet Hillary got 3 million more votes than her opponent.

WTF, do try to stick to the subject.

3 million more votes than the blob means people like us.

Good to know being able to read is not one of your skills.

Better to know 3,000,000+ more folks favored Ms. Clinton than the blob.

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