America continues to lose! Ford to lay off workers because tariffs have cost $1B

Good to know being able to read is not one of your skills.

Better to know 3,000,000+ more folks favored Ms. Clinton than the blob.

Nobody cares what the 4,000,000 California Hillary voters think they are a bunch of freaks. Trump stormed to victory by winning the overall popular vote in the other 49 states by 1,000,000 votes, Trump crushed her like a bug.

Wow...did you know Hillary got 3 Million votes more than your blob?

Consider yourself triggered little boy.

Triggered for what? What did she get for those 3 million voters? She got drunk, that's what she got.

Makes zero sense...but whatever.

Then let me break it down for you: The popular vote means nothing in a presidential election. However if you want to use that as an indication as to who is in the majority in this country, let me remind you that we don't use the electoral college for House votes, Senate votes, or even governorships. Those are all popular vote positions, and we own them all.
Better to know 3,000,000+ more folks favored Ms. Clinton than the blob.

Nobody cares what the 4,000,000 California Hillary voters think they are a bunch of freaks. Trump stormed to victory by winning the overall popular vote in the other 49 states by 1,000,000 votes, Trump crushed her like a bug.

Wow...did you know Hillary got 3 Million votes more than your blob?

Consider yourself triggered little boy.

Triggered for what? What did she get for those 3 million voters? She got drunk, that's what she got.

Makes zero sense...but whatever.

Then let me break it down for you: The popular vote means nothing in a presidential election. However if you want to use that as an indication as to who is in the majority in this country, let me remind you that we don't use the electoral college for House votes, Senate votes, or even governorships. Those are all popular vote positions, and we own them all.

Well the threshold was "nobody likes you". If they like you, chances are that means they will vote for you and if you use the voting as the barometer, people like Hillary more than Trump. Perhaps you can figure out the context in the future?
Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be if you have a basic understanding of economics.

Ford announces plan to lay off workers after tariffs cost them $1B
It's about time we get a president who can get rid of those tariffs, dont you think? Support your president if you really want American companies to no longer get the shaft.

Was your computer made in America? No?'re a globalist.
Why do you accept American products having 25% (or higher) tariffs against them?

Why do you want to put Americans out of work by purchasing foreign made goods then complaining about our trade deficit?
So you agree that Trump should put Tariffs on foreign products. Good.
Nobody cares what the 4,000,000 California Hillary voters think they are a bunch of freaks. Trump stormed to victory by winning the overall popular vote in the other 49 states by 1,000,000 votes, Trump crushed her like a bug.

Wow...did you know Hillary got 3 Million votes more than your blob?

Consider yourself triggered little boy.

Triggered for what? What did she get for those 3 million voters? She got drunk, that's what she got.

Makes zero sense...but whatever.

Then let me break it down for you: The popular vote means nothing in a presidential election. However if you want to use that as an indication as to who is in the majority in this country, let me remind you that we don't use the electoral college for House votes, Senate votes, or even governorships. Those are all popular vote positions, and we own them all.

Well the threshold was "nobody likes you". If they like you, chances are that means they will vote for you and if you use the voting as the barometer, people like Hillary more than Trump. Perhaps you can figure out the context in the future?

No it doesn't work like that.

DumBama won two terms because people liked him on a personal level. They didn't like him on a political level which is why why we voted to stop him by giving the Republicans control of the house and later the Senate.

Trump is disliked on a personal level, but nobody in their right mind can dislike him on a professional level because our economy has never been better. He is the first President in a long time to run the White House on pragmatism; he's running the country like a business.

But as long as you bring that up, many Republican voters stayed home because Trump was our nominee. Many Democrats stayed home on election day because of what they perceived Hillary doing to Sanders.

So the only other way to say YOU are in the majority is to look at everything outside of the presidential election. And again, we have leadership of the House, Senate, and 2/3 of the governorships across the country.
Amazing how shortsighted snowflake morons have no vision and cannot see down the road.

No wonder so many Leftist conclaves are going bankrupt and their citizens becoming homeless hordes.
It was us in the bush years that warned about sending jobs overseas. Trump made this happen republicans did not. And I read somewhere that these tariffs are a huge gift to oil and big pharma and do very little to help workers.

I’ll wait and see. The American people elected trump so we’re going to do it his way and a small part of me likes some of what he’s doing.
Wow...did you know Hillary got 3 Million votes more than your blob?

Consider yourself triggered little boy.

Triggered for what? What did she get for those 3 million voters? She got drunk, that's what she got.

Makes zero sense...but whatever.

Then let me break it down for you: The popular vote means nothing in a presidential election. However if you want to use that as an indication as to who is in the majority in this country, let me remind you that we don't use the electoral college for House votes, Senate votes, or even governorships. Those are all popular vote positions, and we own them all.

Well the threshold was "nobody likes you". If they like you, chances are that means they will vote for you and if you use the voting as the barometer, people like Hillary more than Trump. Perhaps you can figure out the context in the future?

No it doesn't work like that.

DumBama won two terms because people liked him on a personal level. They didn't like him on a political level which is why why we voted to stop him by giving the Republicans control of the house and later the Senate.

Trump is disliked on a personal level, but nobody in their right mind can dislike him on a professional level because our economy has never been better. He is the first President in a long time to run the White House on pragmatism; he's running the country like a business.

But as long as you bring that up, many Republican voters stayed home because Trump was our nominee. Many Democrats stayed home on election day because of what they perceived Hillary doing to Sanders.

So the only other way to say YOU are in the majority is to look at everything outside of the presidential election. And again, we have leadership of the House, Senate, and 2/3 of the governorships across the country.
We liked obama keeping Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell in check.
Triggered for what? What did she get for those 3 million voters? She got drunk, that's what she got.

Makes zero sense...but whatever.

Then let me break it down for you: The popular vote means nothing in a presidential election. However if you want to use that as an indication as to who is in the majority in this country, let me remind you that we don't use the electoral college for House votes, Senate votes, or even governorships. Those are all popular vote positions, and we own them all.

Well the threshold was "nobody likes you". If they like you, chances are that means they will vote for you and if you use the voting as the barometer, people like Hillary more than Trump. Perhaps you can figure out the context in the future?

No it doesn't work like that.

DumBama won two terms because people liked him on a personal level. They didn't like him on a political level which is why why we voted to stop him by giving the Republicans control of the house and later the Senate.

Trump is disliked on a personal level, but nobody in their right mind can dislike him on a professional level because our economy has never been better. He is the first President in a long time to run the White House on pragmatism; he's running the country like a business.

But as long as you bring that up, many Republican voters stayed home because Trump was our nominee. Many Democrats stayed home on election day because of what they perceived Hillary doing to Sanders.

So the only other way to say YOU are in the majority is to look at everything outside of the presidential election. And again, we have leadership of the House, Senate, and 2/3 of the governorships across the country.
We liked obama keeping Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell in check.

For most of DumBama's two terms, neither were a threat to him.
Wow...did you know Hillary got 3 Million votes more than your blob?

Consider yourself triggered little boy.

Triggered for what? What did she get for those 3 million voters? She got drunk, that's what she got.

Makes zero sense...but whatever.

Then let me break it down for you: The popular vote means nothing in a presidential election. However if you want to use that as an indication as to who is in the majority in this country, let me remind you that we don't use the electoral college for House votes, Senate votes, or even governorships. Those are all popular vote positions, and we own them all.

Well the threshold was "nobody likes you". If they like you, chances are that means they will vote for you and if you use the voting as the barometer, people like Hillary more than Trump. Perhaps you can figure out the context in the future?

No it doesn't work like that.

DumBama won two terms because people liked him on a personal level. They didn't like him on a political level which is why why we voted to stop him by giving the Republicans control of the house and later the Senate.

Trump is disliked on a personal level, but nobody in their right mind can dislike him on a professional level because our economy has never been better. He is the first President in a long time to run the White House on pragmatism; he's running the country like a business.

But as long as you bring that up, many Republican voters stayed home because Trump was our nominee. Many Democrats stayed home on election day because of what they perceived Hillary doing to Sanders.

So the only other way to say YOU are in the majority is to look at everything outside of the presidential election. And again, we have leadership of the House, Senate, and 2/3 of the governorships across the country.

And our yearly debt has never been higher. You used to hate deficit spending. Oh well....

As for Clinton, seldom do you vote for someone you don't like. This is why nearly 5 in 10 stay home during general elections total ambivalence toward the candidates.
More people liked her.
...You've made an uncontrollable carom into the truth. Until then...if someone is purchasing stuff made in China, they should stop bitching about our trade deficit with China. Start with Trump clothing for example. Triggered you boys yet again, didn't I?
Is not the Democratic Party the Party of the Working Man?

Is not the Democratic Party the Party of Organized Labor?

Is not the Democratic Party the Party of Protecting American Jobs?

Drumpf is merely engaging in Protectionism along the lines of what your Party has historically advocated for years.

Well, "for years", until the last couple of decades, anyway, as you've slowly lost your way, and become the Party of Coastal Intellectual Elitists.

My, my, my... how the tables have flipped... no wonder you lost Middle America in the November 8, 2016 general election !!!


As to whether or not tariffs will play a substantive role in the initiative to return a strategic manufacturing base to American soil...

This (present-day efforts along those lines) will determine that... you can speculate all day, but the jury is still out, and will be, for a while yet...

My money is on Americans learning to 'make' for themselves again, in all the areas we consider important to long-term national self-reliance...

Globalism is such a new phenomenon in world affairs... it has not occurred to you that it will probably rise and fall in waves as time passes...

Getting "tweaked" along the way, by individual nations, to yield outcomes more favorable to them...

The Chinese - and the Euros for that matter - have been intervening in global trade on the governmental level for decades...

Subsidizing of key industries... currency manipulation... tariffs... all without an effective response from our side...

Well... it's our turn now... long-overdue, and damned-near too late to treat the malady, but still in a "curable" state...

The medicine is going to trigger some pain here-and-there along the way, as it takes its course, but, ultimately, it will yield a cure...

Nobody likes to see a sucker wise-up... which is why the Chinese and the Euros are all going bat$hit-angry over our new tariffs.

Poor babies.


As the old maxim goes... "To make omelettes, ya gotta break a few eggs."

Last edited:
Triggered for what? What did she get for those 3 million voters? She got drunk, that's what she got.

Makes zero sense...but whatever.

Then let me break it down for you: The popular vote means nothing in a presidential election. However if you want to use that as an indication as to who is in the majority in this country, let me remind you that we don't use the electoral college for House votes, Senate votes, or even governorships. Those are all popular vote positions, and we own them all.

Well the threshold was "nobody likes you". If they like you, chances are that means they will vote for you and if you use the voting as the barometer, people like Hillary more than Trump. Perhaps you can figure out the context in the future?

No it doesn't work like that.

DumBama won two terms because people liked him on a personal level. They didn't like him on a political level which is why why we voted to stop him by giving the Republicans control of the house and later the Senate.

Trump is disliked on a personal level, but nobody in their right mind can dislike him on a professional level because our economy has never been better. He is the first President in a long time to run the White House on pragmatism; he's running the country like a business.

But as long as you bring that up, many Republican voters stayed home because Trump was our nominee. Many Democrats stayed home on election day because of what they perceived Hillary doing to Sanders.

So the only other way to say YOU are in the majority is to look at everything outside of the presidential election. And again, we have leadership of the House, Senate, and 2/3 of the governorships across the country.

And our yearly debt has never been higher. You used to hate deficit spending. Oh well....

As for Clinton, seldom do you vote for someone you don't like. This is why nearly 5 in 10 stay home during general elections total ambivalence toward the candidates.
More people liked her.

I do hate deficit spending. However if it’s going to happen anyway, it might as well be for things that benefit the country like a strong military. And let me remind you the minority can still shut down the government if we don’t spend on their stuff as well as ours. So it’s not entirely the Republicans fault.

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Makes zero sense...but whatever.

Then let me break it down for you: The popular vote means nothing in a presidential election. However if you want to use that as an indication as to who is in the majority in this country, let me remind you that we don't use the electoral college for House votes, Senate votes, or even governorships. Those are all popular vote positions, and we own them all.

Well the threshold was "nobody likes you". If they like you, chances are that means they will vote for you and if you use the voting as the barometer, people like Hillary more than Trump. Perhaps you can figure out the context in the future?

No it doesn't work like that.

DumBama won two terms because people liked him on a personal level. They didn't like him on a political level which is why why we voted to stop him by giving the Republicans control of the house and later the Senate.

Trump is disliked on a personal level, but nobody in their right mind can dislike him on a professional level because our economy has never been better. He is the first President in a long time to run the White House on pragmatism; he's running the country like a business.

But as long as you bring that up, many Republican voters stayed home because Trump was our nominee. Many Democrats stayed home on election day because of what they perceived Hillary doing to Sanders.

So the only other way to say YOU are in the majority is to look at everything outside of the presidential election. And again, we have leadership of the House, Senate, and 2/3 of the governorships across the country.

And our yearly debt has never been higher. You used to hate deficit spending. Oh well....

As for Clinton, seldom do you vote for someone you don't like. This is why nearly 5 in 10 stay home during general elections total ambivalence toward the candidates.
More people liked her.

I do hate deficit spending. However if it’s going to happen anyway, it might as well be for things that benefit the country like a strong military. And let me remind you the minority can still shut down the government if we don’t spend on their stuff as well as ours. So it’s not entirely the Republicans fault.

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I don't like military spending. What a waste. Infrastructure would be my pick.
Makes zero sense...but whatever.

Then let me break it down for you: The popular vote means nothing in a presidential election. However if you want to use that as an indication as to who is in the majority in this country, let me remind you that we don't use the electoral college for House votes, Senate votes, or even governorships. Those are all popular vote positions, and we own them all.

Well the threshold was "nobody likes you". If they like you, chances are that means they will vote for you and if you use the voting as the barometer, people like Hillary more than Trump. Perhaps you can figure out the context in the future?

No it doesn't work like that.

DumBama won two terms because people liked him on a personal level. They didn't like him on a political level which is why why we voted to stop him by giving the Republicans control of the house and later the Senate.

Trump is disliked on a personal level, but nobody in their right mind can dislike him on a professional level because our economy has never been better. He is the first President in a long time to run the White House on pragmatism; he's running the country like a business.

But as long as you bring that up, many Republican voters stayed home because Trump was our nominee. Many Democrats stayed home on election day because of what they perceived Hillary doing to Sanders.

So the only other way to say YOU are in the majority is to look at everything outside of the presidential election. And again, we have leadership of the House, Senate, and 2/3 of the governorships across the country.

And our yearly debt has never been higher. You used to hate deficit spending. Oh well....

As for Clinton, seldom do you vote for someone you don't like. This is why nearly 5 in 10 stay home during general elections total ambivalence toward the candidates.
More people liked her.

I do hate deficit spending. However if it’s going to happen anyway, it might as well be for things that benefit the country like a strong military. And let me remind you the minority can still shut down the government if we don’t spend on their stuff as well as ours. So it’s not entirely the Republicans fault.

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You seem to love deficit spending.

We've spent $500B+ every year over the last 10 years at least when you add in the wartime contingencies. What is that, 5 Trillion plus dollars in ten years? What possible benefit do you think you're getting if we spent $400B vs $500B? Does that extra $100B make you feel safer?
Wow...did you know Hillary got 3 Million votes more than your blob?

Consider yourself triggered little boy.

Triggered for what? What did she get for those 3 million voters? She got drunk, that's what she got.

Makes zero sense...but whatever.

Then let me break it down for you: The popular vote means nothing in a presidential election. However if you want to use that as an indication as to who is in the majority in this country, let me remind you that we don't use the electoral college for House votes, Senate votes, or even governorships. Those are all popular vote positions, and we own them all.

Well the threshold was "nobody likes you". If they like you, chances are that means they will vote for you and if you use the voting as the barometer, people like Hillary more than Trump. Perhaps you can figure out the context in the future?

No it doesn't work like that.

DumBama won two terms because people liked him on a personal level. They didn't like him on a political level which is why why we voted to stop him by giving the Republicans control of the house and later the Senate.

Trump is disliked on a personal level, but nobody in their right mind can dislike him on a professional level because our economy has never been better. He is the first President in a long time to run the White House on pragmatism; he's running the country like a business.

But as long as you bring that up, many Republican voters stayed home because Trump was our nominee. Many Democrats stayed home on election day because of what they perceived Hillary doing to Sanders.

So the only other way to say YOU are in the majority is to look at everything outside of the presidential election. And again, we have leadership of the House, Senate, and 2/3 of the governorships across the country.
Economy better than ever? Inflation is at 6 year high, wiping out any wage gains. Tariffs are already killing more jobs than saving them. Thankfully Trump cant dictate to the fed about interest rates.

Run government like a business? This is just an enduring myth. Trump is not a business man; he's a mob boss. Its all fraud.
Then let me break it down for you: The popular vote means nothing in a presidential election. However if you want to use that as an indication as to who is in the majority in this country, let me remind you that we don't use the electoral college for House votes, Senate votes, or even governorships. Those are all popular vote positions, and we own them all.

Well the threshold was "nobody likes you". If they like you, chances are that means they will vote for you and if you use the voting as the barometer, people like Hillary more than Trump. Perhaps you can figure out the context in the future?

No it doesn't work like that.

DumBama won two terms because people liked him on a personal level. They didn't like him on a political level which is why why we voted to stop him by giving the Republicans control of the house and later the Senate.

Trump is disliked on a personal level, but nobody in their right mind can dislike him on a professional level because our economy has never been better. He is the first President in a long time to run the White House on pragmatism; he's running the country like a business.

But as long as you bring that up, many Republican voters stayed home because Trump was our nominee. Many Democrats stayed home on election day because of what they perceived Hillary doing to Sanders.

So the only other way to say YOU are in the majority is to look at everything outside of the presidential election. And again, we have leadership of the House, Senate, and 2/3 of the governorships across the country.

And our yearly debt has never been higher. You used to hate deficit spending. Oh well....

As for Clinton, seldom do you vote for someone you don't like. This is why nearly 5 in 10 stay home during general elections total ambivalence toward the candidates.
More people liked her.

I do hate deficit spending. However if it’s going to happen anyway, it might as well be for things that benefit the country like a strong military. And let me remind you the minority can still shut down the government if we don’t spend on their stuff as well as ours. So it’s not entirely the Republicans fault.

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I don't like military spending. What a waste. Infrastructure would be my pick.
Military leads to bleeding edge technology.
Well the threshold was "nobody likes you". If they like you, chances are that means they will vote for you and if you use the voting as the barometer, people like Hillary more than Trump. Perhaps you can figure out the context in the future?

No it doesn't work like that.

DumBama won two terms because people liked him on a personal level. They didn't like him on a political level which is why why we voted to stop him by giving the Republicans control of the house and later the Senate.

Trump is disliked on a personal level, but nobody in their right mind can dislike him on a professional level because our economy has never been better. He is the first President in a long time to run the White House on pragmatism; he's running the country like a business.

But as long as you bring that up, many Republican voters stayed home because Trump was our nominee. Many Democrats stayed home on election day because of what they perceived Hillary doing to Sanders.

So the only other way to say YOU are in the majority is to look at everything outside of the presidential election. And again, we have leadership of the House, Senate, and 2/3 of the governorships across the country.

And our yearly debt has never been higher. You used to hate deficit spending. Oh well....

As for Clinton, seldom do you vote for someone you don't like. This is why nearly 5 in 10 stay home during general elections total ambivalence toward the candidates.
More people liked her.

I do hate deficit spending. However if it’s going to happen anyway, it might as well be for things that benefit the country like a strong military. And let me remind you the minority can still shut down the government if we don’t spend on their stuff as well as ours. So it’s not entirely the Republicans fault.

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I don't like military spending. What a waste. Infrastructure would be my pick.
Military leads to bleeding edge technology.

I certainly hope the future of humanity doesn't have to rely on the military industrial complex to keep the economy going. My hope one day is that there is no war and we manufacture some things and Europe manufactures some things and some things come from Africa and some things (cocaine) come from South America and we all trade with each other and there is no more debt.

In other words I hope one day we can figure out a better way. Capitalism is the worst except for every other ISM. It has booms but it also has busts. And it seems to rely on having lots of poor people to exploit.

Capitalists have also taken over our government. I know cons think that's a good thing but it's not.
No it doesn't work like that.

DumBama won two terms because people liked him on a personal level. They didn't like him on a political level which is why why we voted to stop him by giving the Republicans control of the house and later the Senate.

Trump is disliked on a personal level, but nobody in their right mind can dislike him on a professional level because our economy has never been better. He is the first President in a long time to run the White House on pragmatism; he's running the country like a business.

But as long as you bring that up, many Republican voters stayed home because Trump was our nominee. Many Democrats stayed home on election day because of what they perceived Hillary doing to Sanders.

So the only other way to say YOU are in the majority is to look at everything outside of the presidential election. And again, we have leadership of the House, Senate, and 2/3 of the governorships across the country.

And our yearly debt has never been higher. You used to hate deficit spending. Oh well....

As for Clinton, seldom do you vote for someone you don't like. This is why nearly 5 in 10 stay home during general elections total ambivalence toward the candidates.
More people liked her.

I do hate deficit spending. However if it’s going to happen anyway, it might as well be for things that benefit the country like a strong military. And let me remind you the minority can still shut down the government if we don’t spend on their stuff as well as ours. So it’s not entirely the Republicans fault.

Sent from my iPad using
I don't like military spending. What a waste. Infrastructure would be my pick.
Military leads to bleeding edge technology.

I certainly hope the future of humanity doesn't have to rely on the military industrial complex to keep the economy going. My hope one day is that there is no war and we manufacture some things and Europe manufactures some things and some things come from Africa and some things (cocaine) come from South America and we all trade with each other and there is no more debt.

In other words I hope one day we can figure out a better way. Capitalism is the worst except for every other ISM. It has booms but it also has busts. And it seems to rely on having lots of poor people to exploit.

Capitalists have also taken over our government. I know cons think that's a good thing but it's not.
Mankind alone will never attain universal peace until we achieve genetic engineering.
But then we destroy the beauty of individualism.
We lost when we gave US monetary control to the Fed. We compounded that by approving the graduated income tax.
I agree with you on the Feds but what are you talking about with the graduated income tax? Who lost when that happened and why? I'm not arguing I just don't understand. The rich are doing just fine. Dandy in fact.

I think a progressive tax is fair. A poor person should only pay 1% of their paycheck in taxes and a wealthy person should pay more than 1%. Don't you agree? If a flat tax worked we'd have tried it by now.

What I don't like is that the rich took over our government and now Warren Buffett pays a lower tax rate than his secretary. That's what's wrong with our tax system. Stop worrying that poor people aren't paying enough. It's rich people who aren't paying enough and the middle class that pays too much. The rich got you worrying about the poor but it's them that are fucking us.

Clinton: Buffett said he pays lower tax rate than secretary
We lost when we gave US monetary control to the Fed. We compounded that by approving the graduated income tax.
I agree with you on the Feds but what are you talking about with the graduated income tax? Who lost when that happened and why? I'm not arguing I just don't understand. The rich are doing just fine. Dandy in fact.

I think a progressive tax is fair. A poor person should only pay 1% of their paycheck in taxes and a wealthy person should pay more than 1%. Don't you agree? If a flat tax worked we'd have tried it by now.

What I don't like is that the rich took over our government and now Warren Buffett pays a lower tax rate than his secretary. That's what's wrong with our tax system. Stop worrying that poor people aren't paying enough. It's rich people who aren't paying enough and the middle class that pays too much. The rich got you worrying about the poor but it's them that are fucking us.

Clinton: Buffett said he pays lower tax rate than secretary

The rich people pay almost all of the income taxes collected. How much more can they pay ?

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