America continues to lose! Ford to lay off workers because tariffs have cost $1B

They gave several reasons for the layoffs; tariffs just one of them and who knows how much impact that had on their decision.
Doesn’t it bother you that before this tariff idea was proposed, just Trump and one retarded advisor were the only people who liked the idea? Actual non-partisan economists overwhelming said how stupid the idea was. If Obama had done this, you people would be whining about it to this day.

Can’t you think for yourself? You even acknowledged the tariffs were part of the reason for Ford doing these layoffs lol

The tariffs impact every auto producer in the USA. Consequently, the effect on Ford's layoff decision is minimal at best. BTW, add me to the list of those who supported these tariffs from the get go.

We are never going to get China to change its ways by just talking to them. We needed a stick, and that is where tariffs come in.

Well China our biggest buyer of American products has a big stick they can shove up a dark spot to.
...Gawd, is this all you do sucking off socialist benefits?...
Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, child.

...Cut and paste from your double wide?...
I've got a little more than a double-wide, junior.

...After WWII we had 50 % of the worlds production, the world caught up...
Yep. That's got nothing to do with our strategic need to reestablish large-scale manufacturing capability on-shore.

...As Goldwater said humans are incredibly selfish...

...Guess where they went to make the most $?...
Japan. Taiwan. Korea. China. India.

Again, irrelevant to our strategic need to reestablish large-scale manufacturing capabilities on-shore.

...It's 70 years on Darlin, get used to it
It's been 70 years too long.

We are in the process of correcting such imbalances as I write this.

...Wages and benefits were the main driver of off shoring.
And now we're forcing the issue through artificial means.

To counteract the artificial means ( sector subsidies and currency manipulation by foreign governments ) we've been up against.
Tariffs are just BS. they do nothing, really.

Jail the bastids who outsource, problem solved.
But, mega Crapitalists, think outsourcing is the solution, not the problem.

Boot them to jail. If you respect America, the American worker, then you don't deserve rights, plain, and simple.

Actually tariffs do a lot. A lot of damage.

But I agree with you. The way to keep jobs in America is to stop American companies from sending our jobs overseas.

Right now our tax code gives companies tax breaks for moving overseas.

It should be the other way around. Companies should pay higher taxes if they send our jobs overseas. They should get a tax benefit for bringing them back here.

Which was tried, it passed the House but the legislation died in the senate.
I'm really worried about our military manufacturing capacity, since we only spend 7 times the next 6 nations combined on military expenses. Also, our worst enemy, the Muslims in the Middle East, might back up a 1996 Nissan pick up truck to the Rio Grand and fire a ground to ground missile at the Alamo.
Right now our tax code gives companies tax breaks for moving overseas.

It should be the other way around. Companies should pay higher taxes if they send our jobs overseas. They should get a tax benefit for bringing them back here.

Which is a lie of course. Companies do not get a tax break for moving overseas. The Federal government allows them to write-off moving expenses whether it be from California to Texas or Minnesota to Indonesia.
We are still waiting. You people bitch and complain about wages, lack of decent paying jobs, the erosion of the middle class. Then you idiots turn right around and allow other countries to steal those jobs. This is why nobody likes you people.

Yet Hillary got 3 million more votes than her opponent.

WTF, do try to stick to the subject.

3 million more votes than the blob means people like us.

Good to know being able to read is not one of your skills.

Better to know 3,000,000+ more folks favored Ms. Clinton than the blob.

Nobody cares what the 4,000,000 California Hillary voters think they are a bunch of freaks. Trump stormed to victory by winning the overall popular vote in the other 49 states by 1,000,000 votes, Trump crushed her like a bug.
Yet Hillary got 3 million more votes than her opponent.

WTF, do try to stick to the subject.

3 million more votes than the blob means people like us.

Good to know being able to read is not one of your skills.

Better to know 3,000,000+ more folks favored Ms. Clinton than the blob.

Nobody cares what the 4,000,000 California Hillary voters think they are a bunch of freaks. Trump stormed to victory by winning the overall popular vote in the other 49 states by 1,000,000 votes, Trump crushed her like a bug.

Wow...did you know Hillary got 3 Million votes more than your blob?

Consider yourself triggered little boy.
WTF, do try to stick to the subject.

3 million more votes than the blob means people like us.

Good to know being able to read is not one of your skills.

Better to know 3,000,000+ more folks favored Ms. Clinton than the blob.

Nobody cares what the 4,000,000 California Hillary voters think they are a bunch of freaks. Trump stormed to victory by winning the overall popular vote in the other 49 states by 1,000,000 votes, Trump crushed her like a bug.

Wow...did you know Hillary got 3 Million votes more than your blob?

Consider yourself triggered little boy.

Triggered for what? What did she get for those 3 million voters? She got drunk, that's what she got.
Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be if you have a basic understanding of economics.

Ford announces plan to lay off workers after tariffs cost them $1B
It's about time we get a president who can get rid of those tariffs, dont you think? Support your president if you really want American companies to no longer get the shaft.

Was your computer made in America? No?'re a globalist.
Why do you accept American products having 25% (or higher) tariffs against them?
...Was your computer made in America? No?'re a globalist.
And that, of course, is the problem that tariffs were created to battle against.

We need to get to the point where computers (and their components) are made here, not there.

To do that is going to require that we subsidize American manufacturers for a while until the momentum has shifted in our favor.
...Was your computer made in America? No?'re a globalist.
And that, of course, is the problem that tariffs were created to battle against.

We need to get to the point where computers (and their components) are made here, not there.

To do that is going to require that we subsidize American manufacturers for a while until the momentum has shifted in our favor.

The problem of course is that will never happen. The American consumer is obsessed with cheap products. Whoever has the cheapest product at the time of purchase is the winner and always will be unless we change our priorities.
WTF, do try to stick to the subject.

3 million more votes than the blob means people like us.

Good to know being able to read is not one of your skills.

Better to know 3,000,000+ more folks favored Ms. Clinton than the blob.

Nobody cares what the 4,000,000 California Hillary voters think they are a bunch of freaks. Trump stormed to victory by winning the overall popular vote in the other 49 states by 1,000,000 votes, Trump crushed her like a bug.

Wow...did you know Hillary got 3 Million votes more than your blob?

Consider yourself triggered little boy.

4 million of them were in California, the rest of the country went Trump by 1 million. This is where I laugh :auiqs.jpg: and you :aargh:
3 million more votes than the blob means people like us.

Good to know being able to read is not one of your skills.

Better to know 3,000,000+ more folks favored Ms. Clinton than the blob.

Nobody cares what the 4,000,000 California Hillary voters think they are a bunch of freaks. Trump stormed to victory by winning the overall popular vote in the other 49 states by 1,000,000 votes, Trump crushed her like a bug.

Wow...did you know Hillary got 3 Million votes more than your blob?

Consider yourself triggered little boy.

Triggered for what? What did she get for those 3 million voters? She got drunk, that's what she got.

Makes zero sense...but whatever.
3 million more votes than the blob means people like us.

Good to know being able to read is not one of your skills.

Better to know 3,000,000+ more folks favored Ms. Clinton than the blob.

Nobody cares what the 4,000,000 California Hillary voters think they are a bunch of freaks. Trump stormed to victory by winning the overall popular vote in the other 49 states by 1,000,000 votes, Trump crushed her like a bug.

Wow...did you know Hillary got 3 Million votes more than your blob?

Consider yourself triggered little boy.

4 million of them were in California, the rest of the country went Trump by 1 million. This is where I laugh :auiqs.jpg: and you :aargh:

4 million is more than 1 million.

Hence her popular vote victory by 3 million.
as I said little boy, consider yourself triggered
Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be if you have a basic understanding of economics.

Ford announces plan to lay off workers after tariffs cost them $1B
It's about time we get a president who can get rid of those tariffs, dont you think? Support your president if you really want American companies to no longer get the shaft.

Was your computer made in America? No?'re a globalist.
Why do you accept American products having 25% (or higher) tariffs against them?

Why do you want to put Americans out of work by purchasing foreign made goods then complaining about our trade deficit?
...Was your computer made in America? No?'re a globalist.
And that, of course, is the problem that tariffs were created to battle against.

We need to get to the point where computers (and their components) are made here, not there.

To do that is going to require that we subsidize American manufacturers for a while until the momentum has shifted in our favor.

The problem of course is that will never happen. The American consumer is obsessed with cheap products. Whoever has the cheapest product at the time of purchase is the winner and always will be unless we change our priorities.

You've made an uncontrollable carom into the truth. Until then...if someone is purchasing stuff made in China, they should stop bitching about our trade deficit with China. Start with Trump clothing for example.

Triggered you boys yet again, didn't I?
...Was your computer made in America? No?'re a globalist.
And that, of course, is the problem that tariffs were created to battle against.

We need to get to the point where computers (and their components) are made here, not there.

To do that is going to require that we subsidize American manufacturers for a while until the momentum has shifted in our favor.

The problem of course is that will never happen. The American consumer is obsessed with cheap products. Whoever has the cheapest product at the time of purchase is the winner and always will be unless we change our priorities.

You've made an uncontrollable carom into the truth. Until then...if someone is purchasing stuff made in China, they should stop bitching about our trade deficit with China. Start with Trump clothing for example.

Triggered you boys yet again, didn't I?

You are slightly on to something. Yes, Americans complain that jobs don't pay enough, then run to Walmart or wherever and load their carts with foreign made merchandise.

Trump addressed where he had his stuff made at. Unless he did what every other vendor did which was have stuff made elsewhere, he could not be competitive and would have to close his clothing line. He admitted this.

And this is the problem with most manufacturing these days. If you don't outsource, you will eventually lose all your customers to companies that did, and end up closing down your shop. Trust me, I'm a truck driver, and I have seen this dozens of times.

While a tariff is a tax, it also increases prices on foreign made products thus making American made products more competitive. Mind you, I don't care for the idea of tariffs, but let's try it out for a while and see what the results are. I'm not going to cut it down unless I see what the final results are. It may be a flop, and it may be the best thing that ever happened for our industry. Some will suffer, but most will benefit in the best case scenario.

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