America Don't Let Kobani Fall to ISIL!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The American people watch with heartbreak and extreme embarrassment as brave Kurdish fighters defending the town of Kobani are overrun by ISIL fighters and the American government acts powerless to change the almost certain outcome of this town falling to ISIL and these ISIL forces killing all the Kurdish fighters and the five hundred old and disabled Kurds in this town. This writer is no military expert but questions why isn't the common sense course taken by the American government America has Kurdish fighters in northeastern Syria and eastern Turkey willing to rescue Kobani if they can only get there why doesn't the American military use its Osprey fleets the vehicles that land like helicopters but fly like planes to pick these Kurdish rescue units and fly them to Kobani and land outside the town at a distance out of the firing range of ISIL forces. Moreover, the U.S. air force could resupply all the Kurdish fighters in Kobani by air drops for heaven sakes the U.S. air force supplied the city of Berlin through air drops for months if not years at the end of World War II. This wouldn't violate the White House's ban of no combat troops on the ground in Iraq and Syria it would essentially be no different than the American military's recent use of Cobra helicopters to defend the Baghdad airport. The loss of Kobani to ISIL is a big deal America and its coalition needs good fighters on the ground if it is to defeat and eventually wipe-out this apocalyptic group and people and groups that could answer this call will probably hesitate after the Kobani loss considering that America will hold back in helping them if the fight gets real challenging!
A man that doeth violence to the blood of any person shall flee to the pit, let no man stay him.
Air strikes are helping, right now a group of Arabs and the US allies are meeting to see what can be done.But with Turkey being a wrench in the cog, it is not going a smoothly as it could...
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There's nothing so iconic of the American left than cowardice and irresponsibilty when dealing with human rights obligations beyond our own 57 states.
This is not a problem that American military investment can fix. Do you not know this by now?
This is not a problem that American military investment can fix. Do you not know this by now?

Really? Pray tell, how did that same military crush a 400,000 man Iraqi army in two weeks back during the First Gulf War? Maybe because we had a leader with guts, a combat veteran himself. What do we have now?
Right. Did that "fix the problem?" No--it actually created a bigger one. That's what I'm referring to.
obola has already promised Kobani to Isis.

turkey knows that the kurds want a homeland and if we arm or aid them, turkey fears they will obama made a deal not to aid them against his muslim brothers in ISIS.
I think America will need boots on the ground at some point.

Nothing personal, but I'm sick of that phrase "boots on the ground" was trendy and cute for a while but it diminishes our soldiers to being just a pair of "boots"...The word they are avoiding using is "invade".
Letting Kobani fall is a huge failure and a major victory for ISIS.
When did Kobani fall to ISIS?
not up on current events, I see.
Go read about what is going on.Get up to speed..try to avoid CNN huffpo MSNBC etc... if you can.

....or keep posting trite evasions and dodges. whichever is easiest for you...
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US airstrikes slow ISIS advance on Kobani as momentum shifts to Kurds Fox News

Wall Street Journal?
Letting Kobani fall is a huge failure and a major victory for ISIS.
When did Kobani fall to ISIS?
not up on current events, I see.
Go read about what is going on.Get up to speed..try to avoid CNN huffpo MSNBC etc... if you can.

....or keep posting trite evasions and dodges. whichever is easiest for you...
Does Fox News work for you?

US airstrikes slow ISIS advance on Kobani as momentum shifts to Kurds Fox News

The air strikes have slowed down ISIS yes but how long will that last? the Syrian Kurds are fighting ISIS with old Soviet era AK's and Hunting rifles, unless we really arm them with heavy weapons and gear ISIS will not stop until they take Kobani.
Letting Kobani fall is a huge failure and a major victory for ISIS.
When did Kobani fall to ISIS?
not up on current events, I see.
Go read about what is going on.Get up to speed..try to avoid CNN huffpo MSNBC etc... if you can.

....or keep posting trite evasions and dodges. whichever is easiest for you...
Does Fox News work for you?

US airstrikes slow ISIS advance on Kobani as momentum shifts to Kurds Fox News

The air strikes have slowed down ISIS yes but how long will that last? the Syrian Kurds are fighting ISIS with old Soviet era AK's and Hunting rifles, unless we really arm them with heavy weapons and gear ISIS will not stop until they take Kobani.
..and don't forget all the great american weapons and ordnance they took from our firm and brave allies in iraq when they threw them down and ran away.
ISIS is well armed with some fine modern american weapons..

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