America dumbs down

...Which reminds me that I had set a goal to finish reading "Capone, The Man and the Era", by Lawrence Bergreen, today, so good day. to all......
If the faculty were so wise, Unk, where are the students to prove it? We are falling further and further behind. Universities are 90% liberal faculty according to David Horowitz so how do we explain the trouble with our education system?

All that time in the faculty toilet, they gave it their all, and this is what they produce?

First of all, that was kinda sorta supposed to be a joke, ya know?

Secondly, our universities, despite the systematic crushing of any expression of a political position anywhere to the right of Karl himself, are still by far the best in the world. The left is doing its damnedest to undermine it, but the foundation is still strong.

Your wit is as sharp as a razor, Ukotare. As to the Universities I don't think David Horowitz would agree about the foundation. The cracks are showing. With main core in the education system now we're on the fast track to losing our edge in an ever competitive world. It does appear we're headed in the wrong direction.
Jillian has a point, actually. Organized religion restrains people's critical thinking abilities. It closes their minds to asking questions and exploring explanations outside what they're told to believe.

Gosh that explains why our kids are so much better educated now....and why none of the top schools of the world are sponsored by the church...and why none of the great thinkers of the world were religious....


Where is your evidence that a lack of religion influence in the public school system is directly responsible for the degradation of education quality in the class room?

You're helping prove my point, by the way.

As you spent time in a university, Taz, you would be a product of what is called Modernism. That is why you do not understand what KG is speaking of.

For your viewing whenever you have the time. See this video on the true history of education in America. From the very beginning. This man is a brilliant historian, an intellectual and an excellent speaker. Enjoy.

[ame=]David Barton - Liberty University Convocation - YouTube[/ame]
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The world's best and brightest still flock to our shores for education (even before the university level), so I reckon there is still time to right the ship.
"The U.S. is being overrun by a wave of anti-science, anti-intellectual thinking. Has the most powerful nation on Earth lost its mind?"

America dumbs down: a rising tide of anti-intellectual thinking
Yep. America is flunking in the OECD, no thanks to the christian fundies that teach science and objective thought is evil.
In the United States, the average performance in reading of 15-year-olds is 498 points, compared to an average of 496 points in OECD countries. Girls perform better than boys with a statistically significant difference of 31 points (OECD average: 38 points higher for girls).
On average, 15-year-olds score 481 points in mathematics, the main topic of PISA 2012, compared to an average of 494 points in OECD countries. Boys perform better than girls with a non statistically significant difference of 5 points (OECD average: 11 points higher for boys).
In science literacy, 15-year-olds in the United States score 497 points compared to an average of 501 points in OECD countries. Girls perform better than boys with a non statistically significant difference of 2 points (OECD average: only 1 point higher for boys).
Country profiles - Education GPS - OECD
The world's best and brightest still flock to our shores for education (even before the university level), so I reckon there is still time to right the ship.
True that there are a lot of high fliers (in elite schools), however too many Americans are coming out of school below the OECD average of performance.
The world's best and brightest still flock to our shores for education (even before the university level), so I reckon there is still time to right the ship.
True that there are a lot of high fliers (in elite schools), however too many Americans are coming out of school below the OECD average of performance.

When you have mandatory public education that is bound to happen.
The world's best and brightest still flock to our shores for education (even before the university level), so I reckon there is still time to right the ship.
True that there are a lot of high fliers (in elite schools), however too many Americans are coming out of school below the OECD average of performance.

When you have mandatory public education that is bound to happen.

Funny, it doesn't happen in other countries with public education--Japan, Finland.

I think when greedy corps lobby to have the tax code changed so they pay little or no taxes, our public education system goes into the crapper.
Yes, it's amazing how the people who are the evidence of the dumbing down of America think that they are equipped to understand what causes it, lol.
"The U.S. is being overrun by a wave of anti-science, anti-intellectual thinking. Has the most powerful nation on Earth lost its mind?"

America dumbs down: a rising tide of anti-intellectual thinking

Here's a clip from your link..

The trends are not encouraging. In 1978, 42 per cent of Americans reported that they had read 11 or more books in the past year. In 2014, just 28 per cent can say the same, while 23 per cent proudly admit to not having read even one, up from eight per cent in 1978. Newspaper and magazine circulation continues to decline sharply, as does viewership for cable news. The three big network supper-hour shows drew a combined average audience of 22.6 million in 2013, down from 52 million in 1980. While 82 per cent of Americans now say they seek out news digitally, the quality of the information they’re getting is suspect. Among current affairs websites, Buzzfeed logs almost as many monthly hits as the Washington Post.


This is only one subject among quite a few the author addresses. Our reading literature speaks volumes about us as a society. What is America reading? 50 shades of grey. I hear the author was not an exceptional writer in any way yet the books flew off the shelves? How is that? I have a friend who is a 93 yr old published author. His writing is superb and yet his books didn't become a best seller. Why? His writing is so eloquent and detailed it requires the reader to "think". People have become mentally lazy. They do not want to think. Hand them a People magazine and they consider themselves informed. It's pathetic.

This is a serious matter because some of the problems facing America are very complicated and require our attention and yes, ... reading! Our enemies are counting on our laziness to continue. We have to shake off this complacent attitude towards our future as a nation and turn things around while we still can.

The other day I posted a video by a man I know is an atheist. He is an intellectual. No question about it. Someone was shocked and said, you cannot quote him! He is an atheist! If I cannot quote an intellectual because he is an atheist - I am shooting myself in the foot. We need intellectuals because they see the world through a different lense and there is wisdom in many counselors. I have recently learned that there is quite a vitriolic attitude towards intellectuals... it as if they are expected to apologise for being intelligent! Why should they have to lower their standards to accomodate the mentally lazy? Is that fair?


On the author's mention of Genesis:

On the matter of Genesis and creation. Between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 there are likely billions of years in between. They get 6000 years from the Torah scripture A day is like a thousand years to the LORD. The problem is - we are not addressing the 6 days but what happened prior to dividing the darkness and the light ( night and day ) ... that is where the answer lies. imo.

Jer, you often surprise me. I could not agree more on this. My Significant Other is smart, but has not read a book in decades. My daughter is well educated, but again, has not read a book in decades. They both understand electronic gadgets, texting, I.M's, E-mails, smart phones, etc. But if you were to ask either of them to explain Constitutional checks and balances, they would just give you a blank stare. I think that if my SO were to miss Wheel of Fortune, she would go into withdrawal.

I did not get the formal education most of you have, Vandal. I had to go to work at the age of ten years old and I was washing dishes at an Italian Restaurant while most kids my age were fast asleep. Then I had to get up in the morning and go to school and walk home 3 miles every day. If I had band practice I had to carry my bass clarinet. Life was tough but I loved to read more than anything else in the world. So school didn't work out but reading did. I admit I don't know alot of big words but I know how to use a dictionary. I'm a self starter. :eusa_angel:

- Jeri

p.s. I had some wonderful mentors too later on in life. They helped alot!
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"The U.S. is being overrun by a wave of anti-science, anti-intellectual thinking. Has the most powerful nation on Earth lost its mind?"

America dumbs down: a rising tide of anti-intellectual thinking

Disputing the facially invalid "science" of AGW or AGW "Climate Change" is not being anti science.

Being opposed to colleges and universities becoming dogmatic liberal propaganda mills is not being anti-education or anti-intellectual. Quite the opposite, in fact.

But if you want evidence that America may be dumb-ing down, then merely plot the rise of the acceptance of modern American "liberalism."
People who haven't read a book in decades are neither smart, nor well educated.


I can't remember the last time I actually sat down and read a book.

I have an Associate's Degree, a Bachelor's Degree, and an MBA. I also have a successful career with a Fortune 100 company and live in one of the more upscale neighborhoods in the Las Vegas Metropolitan area.

Do you still think I'm neither intelligent nor well educated? My employer and friends would disagree.

Do you like classical music? :eusa_angel:

I love the classics


I think most folks in our generation were self starters. I started working every day after school in the 9th grade, and never stopped. My parents never gave me a dime after that, not even for clothes or lunch money. Frankly. a clarinet would have been so far out of my reach that it never would have even occurred to me. The first time I ever wore clothes that were not handed down from my older brother was when I was 17 years old. Yet, LBJ and Nixon gave me a serious incentive to work my way through college. They offered me a job in Vietnam, if I preferred it.
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