America dumbs down

I hope you are in a good mood today because I don't want you to fuss at me. I'll make it short. Here is a link to support my theory that music selection is indeed a sign of intelligence.
SAT scores overlapping with classical music probably has a lot more to do with education level and cultural exposure than raw IQ, and either way it hardly proves an individual poster who likes classical music is more intelligent, anymore than it proves someone who listens to rap is stupid.

To be honest it sounds like a bunch of people trying to prop up their own self-esteem by claiming their music preferences indicate superiority in other natural attributes.

So you loathe classical music? :eusa_boohoo:

Say it isn't so!
I hope you are in a good mood today because I don't want you to fuss at me. I'll make it short. Here is a link to support my theory that music selection is indeed a sign of intelligence.
SAT scores overlapping with classical music probably has a lot more to do with education level and cultural exposure than raw IQ, and either way it hardly proves an individual poster who likes classical music is more intelligent, anymore than it proves someone who listens to rap is stupid.

To be honest it sounds like a bunch of people trying to prop up their own self-esteem by claiming their music preferences indicate superiority in other natural attributes.

If an affinity for classical music is a sign of intelligence, dogs and cats are the most intelligent species.

That would make those who like rap and hip hop - what?
Society has dumbed down. ... local school system has gotten rid of cursive, only gives spelling tests up to 5th grade and allows calculators in class instead of making the child learn how to do the math.

Your general point has merit, but...

Cursive is useless other than as a practice of art, and technological change is a fact of life. Might as well complain that we don't teach kids to ride a horse and buggy at school. I'd rather students spend time analyzing great literature and learning more advanced mathematics than making their name look pretty or using an abacus.
What's really ironic about the OP...America has dumbed down since the progressives removed God from the schools and decided to stop teaching subjects and start teaching feelings and depravity movements instead.
America is being overrun with anti intellecutuals and those who are anti science. There is no way to explain the cult of global warming otherwise. There is certainly a connection between the rise and spread of diseases we thought eradicated and the anti science left.
There is a dumbing down of America. It's called Common Core.

Yes. Common Core is the death knell to the education system in America. They know this. That is why they are implementing it. I'm told that Bill and Melinda Gates are driving Main Core. What do you believe their motive is? Any idea?
You are quoting the author of Guno's OP. Not me. I didn't say that.
That you quoted and supported.

So you loathe classical music? :eusa_boohoo:Say it isn't so!
I never said that (you really need to work on your reading comprehension skills they must be lacking) but you provide a perfect example of what I pointed out. A person of average to below average intelligence trying to leverage a musical preference to appear smart, while at the same time attempting to denigrate others because of musical preferences.

Can you be any more transparently shallow? I think not.
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Jonathon Gatehouse, MacLeans, May 15, 2014—"The digital revolution, which has brought boundless access to information and entertainment choices, has somehow only enhanced the lowest common denominators—LOL cat videos and the Kardashians. Instead of educating themselves via the Internet, most people simply use it to validate what they already suspect, wish or believe to be true. It creates an online environment where Jenny McCarthy, a former Playboy model with a high school education, can become a worldwide leader of the anti-vaccination movement, naysaying the advice of medical professionals."

^ Best, most telling quote from the article, that. ^

It is possible for athiests and people of faith to find common ground:

All we need to do is say the word Kardashians.
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What's really ironic about the OP...America has dumbed down since the progressives removed God from the schools and decided to stop teaching subjects and start teaching feelings and depravity movements instead.

I agree that the progressives are behind the attack on God in America. They don't want the ten commandments in the courtroom, yet they take the oath to tell the truth by swearing on a bible. They don't want God mentioned in the classroom but Mao, Saul Alinsky and Aleister Crowley are welcome anytime. Harvard had a black mass scheduled for satanists recently and only after much pressure did they move it off campus.

Imagine it. There was a time when every university had a chapel on its grounds. Including Harvard. Long ago there was a visitor from another nation who had been given a tour of one of our universities. He noticed the Chapel on campus. What is that for? he asked.

The tour guide replied, That is where the wise men go.
"The U.S. is being overrun by a wave of anti-science, anti-intellectual thinking. Has the most powerful nation on Earth lost its mind?"

America dumbs down: a rising tide of anti-intellectual thinking

that's what happens, historically, every time theocrats start making a huge amount of noise.

Yes. It's a shame public Ed has been taken over by the Secular Church of Big Government.

Jillian has a point, actually. Organized religion restrains people's critical thinking abilities. It closes their minds to asking questions and exploring explanations outside what they're told to believe.
Long ago there was a visitor from another nation who had been given a tour of one of our universities. He noticed the Chapel on campus. What is that for? he asked.

The tour guide replied, That is where the wise men go.

To be fair, he was told the same thing when he asked about the faculty toilet.
I cannot agree with you on that one, Unkie. Guno has exquisite taste in Classical music. He's hardly average.

The racist, hateful, block-headed little punk is well below average as a human being regardless of what kind of music he likes. Doesn't take a genius to listen to music, champ.

Unk, you simply have to stop holding back. Tell us how you REALLY feel!
Organized religion restrains people's critical thinking abilities. It closes their minds to asking questions and exploring explanations outside what they're told to believe.

No it doesn't. At least not as such a broad generalization.
I hope you are in a good mood today because I don't want you to fuss at me. I'll make it short. Here is a link to support my theory that music selection is indeed a sign of intelligence.
SAT scores overlapping with classical music probably has a lot more to do with education level and cultural exposure than raw IQ, and either way it hardly proves an individual poster who likes classical music is more intelligent, anymore than it proves someone who listens to rap is stupid.

To be honest it sounds like a bunch of people trying to prop up their own self-esteem by claiming their music preferences indicate superiority in other natural attributes.

If an affinity for classical music is a sign of intelligence, dogs and cats are the most intelligent species.

That would make those who like rap and hip hop - what?

I believe someone's taste in music is a good indicator of intelligence.
I'm not surprised to learn you disagree. :eusa_angel:
"The U.S. is being overrun by a wave of anti-science, anti-intellectual thinking. Has the most powerful nation on Earth lost its mind?"

America dumbs down: a rising tide of anti-intellectual thinking

Here's a clip from your link..

The trends are not encouraging. In 1978, 42 per cent of Americans reported that they had read 11 or more books in the past year. In 2014, just 28 per cent can say the same, while 23 per cent proudly admit to not having read even one, up from eight per cent in 1978. Newspaper and magazine circulation continues to decline sharply, as does viewership for cable news. The three big network supper-hour shows drew a combined average audience of 22.6 million in 2013, down from 52 million in 1980. While 82 per cent of Americans now say they seek out news digitally, the quality of the information they’re getting is suspect. Among current affairs websites, Buzzfeed logs almost as many monthly hits as the Washington Post.


This is only one subject among quite a few the author addresses. Our reading literature speaks volumes about us as a society. What is America reading? 50 shades of grey. I hear the author was not an exceptional writer in any way yet the books flew off the shelves? How is that? I have a friend who is a 93 yr old published author. His writing is superb and yet his books didn't become a best seller. Why? His writing is so eloquent and detailed it requires the reader to "think". People have become mentally lazy. They do not want to think. Hand them a People magazine and they consider themselves informed. It's pathetic.

This is a serious matter because some of the problems facing America are very complicated and require our attention and yes, ... reading! Our enemies are counting on our laziness to continue. We have to shake off this complacent attitude towards our future as a nation and turn things around while we still can.

The other day I posted a video by a man I know is an atheist. He is an intellectual. No question about it. Someone was shocked and said, you cannot quote him! He is an atheist! If I cannot quote an intellectual because he is an atheist - I am shooting myself in the foot. We need intellectuals because they see the world through a different lense and there is wisdom in many counselors. I have recently learned that there is quite a vitriolic attitude towards intellectuals... it as if they are expected to apologise for being intelligent! Why should they have to lower their standards to accomodate the mentally lazy? Is that fair?


On the author's mention of Genesis:

On the matter of Genesis and creation. Between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 there are likely billions of years in between. They get 6000 years from the Torah scripture A day is like a thousand years to the LORD. The problem is - we are not addressing the 6 days but what happened prior to dividing the darkness and the light ( night and day ) ... that is where the answer lies. imo.

Jer, you often surprise me. I could not agree more on this. My Significant Other is smart, but has not read a book in decades. My daughter is well educated, but again, has not read a book in decades. They both understand electronic gadgets, texting, I.M's, E-mails, smart phones, etc. But if you were to ask either of them to explain Constitutional checks and balances, they would just give you a blank stare. I think that if my SO were to miss Wheel of Fortune, she would go into withdrawal.
that's what happens, historically, every time theocrats start making a huge amount of noise.

Yes. It's a shame public Ed has been taken over by the Secular Church of Big Government.

Jillian has a point, actually. Organized religion restrains people's critical thinking abilities. It closes their minds to asking questions and exploring explanations outside what they're told to believe.

Gosh that explains why our kids are so much better educated now....and why none of the top schools of the world are sponsored by the church...and why none of the great thinkers of the world were religious....

I cannot agree with you on that one, Unkie. Guno has exquisite taste in Classical music. He's hardly average.

The racist, hateful, block-headed little punk is well below average as a human being regardless of what kind of music he likes. Doesn't take a genius to listen to music, champ.

Still such bitter anger. You have to let the FDR thing go, it's eating you alive :eusa_whistle:
People who haven't read a book in decades are neither smart, nor well educated.


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