America First crawls back under the rocks! Bwahahaha!

BoSoxGal, what is it about White people that you hate the most?

I'm 100% German on my father's side, 3rd generation American. My great-uncles were good Nazis; my grandfather fought them in WWII.

I'm an English Mayflower descendant on my mother's side; my family helped found this country, my greatx7 grandfather William Bradford was the first governor of the Plymouth Colony and served 30 years. My maternal side is chock full of Revolutionary War heroes, I'm a DAR.

I'm all kinds of Caucasian. But Caucasian is just one variation of the HUMAN RACE and color is a stupid fucking thing to feel superior about. Western culture belongs to all humans, just as all culture does.

Get over yourself, really!
That's your perception of a victory, I suppose. The rest of us see 30,000 bloodthirsty Liberals silencing the speech they don't like.
Nobody was silenced, nobody was hurt. They didn't like the competition for attention so they packed up their racism and fascism and went home.

Free speech doesn't mean you get guaranteed a receptive, quiet audience. Free speech means you can be out-shouted by the free speech of others.

Quit whinging, snowflakes!
To use your own colorful phrase:
"Free speech means you can be out-shouted by the free speech of others". That's quite a model for free speech: Volume wins the day.
Breitbart reporting that 67 America First rallies planned in 36 states for September 9 are cancelled in favor of an online day of ACTion.

Breitbart bullshit

They're citing abundance of caution after recent violence in the US and Europe, but I call bullshit.

It's the 30,000 anti-fascist, anti-racist lovemongers who marched in Boston Saturday and shut the fuckers down - they don't want to suffer more humiliations like that!


Nazi wankers!
So you don't like America first. Which country do you think should be first ahead of us?
President Trump’s ‘America First’ slogan was popularized by Nazi sympathizers


I see... So in your valued opinion all United States veterans who put America First are a bunch of Nazi's.


Do the proclaimed values of "America First!" line up with the proclaimed values of "That shining city on a hill?"

I really want you people to think about this now.

Be very careful.
No apostrophe in Nazis.

American veterans and active duty military who defend the Constitution are to be lauded - because they stand for the conviction that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL.

America First the isolationist fascist movement is not patriotic and does not defend the Constitution's guarantees of equality. family helped found this country...

Neegah please. :p My paternal Grandma said we descended from Alexander Hamilton. The thing is with DNA tests ancestry sometimes does not match up to Grandparents having fun. Your family has nothing to do with founding America you delusional retard. Post a pic. Let's see what we workin' wid. :p
So you don't like America first. Which country do you think should be first ahead of us?
Are you really so fucking clueless about the history of 20th century fascism?

America First is American Nazism. Period.
America First is Patriotism.
No, it's isolationist fascism. See above; read some history.
Nope. America first is pure patriotism. It's what's needed to turn this country into a Nationalist Nation. It's the only way to make America great again and return the country back to the people the founders specifically created it for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, White people of European heritage. We're on our way of achieving that goal with the election of Donald Trump.

The silent White majority has spoken!

You're NOT the majority, idiot! In another 20 years you'll be in the minority - then I bet you'll be very keen on affirmative action and all the other protections for minorities that you've hated all your life.

You weren't even the majority in the 2016 election - you only won because of an antiquated electoral system with its roots in racism and slavery.

Those three Midwest states that helped Trump reach 270? They don't like him very much anymore already.

Face it, you wankers are in the twilight of your political influence. The clock is ticking. Too bad you weren't very fuckable and thus didn't get to breed much.

Sorry, with Trumps immigration policy rounding up illegals in an updated version of President Eisenhower's old government program, Operation Wetback, and including the Wall being built, the browning of America is about to be haulted. Multiculturalism doesn't work, especially with third worlders. The Founders that God blessed this nation with to frame our constitution and principles did not create this country with those type people in mind, especially Muslims. Once again, we're taking this country back. A nationalist nation is the key to greatness. We came together as a Nationalist nation through unbridled patriotism to win WW2. Borders, Language, and Culture must be preserved. How do you do that? Put America First.....Buy American..Hire American..Build American! That will be accomplished through the leadership of Donald Trump, a president that God has blessed this nation with.
BoSoxGal, what is it about White people that you hate the most?

I'm 100% German on my father's side, 3rd generation American. My great-uncles were good Nazis; my grandfather fought them in WWII.

I'm an English Mayflower descendant on my mother's side; my family helped found this country, my greatx7 grandfather William Bradford was the first governor of the Plymouth Colony and served 30 years. My maternal side is chock full of Revolutionary War heroes, I'm a DAR.

I'm all kinds of Caucasian. But Caucasian is just one variation of the HUMAN RACE and color is a stupid fucking thing to feel superior about. Western culture belongs to all humans, just as all culture does.

Get over yourself, really!

Your poor family...I bet they're real proud of your twisted un-American ass. family helped found this country...

Neegah please. :p My paternal Grandma said we descended from Alexander Hamilton. The thing is with DNA tests ancestry sometimes does not match up to Grandparents having fun. Your family has nothing to do with founding America you delusional retard.
I have the verified genealogy to prove it and I'm a legitimate, recognized Bradford descendant. The Mayflower Society doesn't fuck around.
The Mayflower Society - Wikipedia

Also if you understood science and generational reproduction, you'd understand that there are now tens of millions of Mayflower descendants, and thousands descended from William Bradford.
Breitbart reporting that 67 America First rallies planned in 36 states for September 9 are cancelled in favor of an online day of ACTion.

Breitbart bullshit

They're citing abundance of caution after recent violence in the US and Europe, but I call bullshit.

It's the 30,000 anti-fascist, anti-racist lovemongers who marched in Boston Saturday and shut the fuckers down - they don't want to suffer more humiliations like that!


Nazi wankers!

The antifa are just as sick and abhorrent as neo nazi and the anti racist nihilists.
No apostrophe in Nazis.

American veterans and active duty military who defend the Constitution are to be lauded - because they stand for the conviction that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL.

America First the isolationist fascist movement is not patriotic and does not defend the Constitution's guarantees of equality.


There's nothing isolationist about securing the borders and ensuring the safety of the citizens I swore to protect.

If someone wants to come here to live the United States has the most liberal immigration quotas of any country.


BoSoxGal, what is it about White people that you hate the most?

I'm 100% German on my father's side, 3rd generation American. My great-uncles were good Nazis; my grandfather fought them in WWII.

I'm an English Mayflower descendant on my mother's side; my family helped found this country, my greatx7 grandfather William Bradford was the first governor of the Plymouth Colony and served 30 years. My maternal side is chock full of Revolutionary War heroes, I'm a DAR.

I'm all kinds of Caucasian. But Caucasian is just one variation of the HUMAN RACE and color is a stupid fucking thing to feel superior about. Western culture belongs to all humans, just as all culture does.

Get over yourself, really!

Nope, you would have been whooping it up with the british in the pubs.
I have the verified genealogy to prove it and I'm a legitimate...

WTF is "verified genealogy?" Post your Ancestry dot com DNA results punk!

Also if you understood science and generational reproduction, you'd understand that there are now tens of millions of Mayflower descendants, and thousands descended from William Bradford.

Wowsa, what high school did you graduate from if any? :p No offense you are crazy. Not that it is a bad thing, if you have a good body.
BoSoxGal, what is it about White people that you hate the most?

I'm 100% German on my father's side, 3rd generation American. My great-uncles were good Nazis; my grandfather fought them in WWII.

I'm an English Mayflower descendant on my mother's side; my family helped found this country, my greatx7 grandfather William Bradford was the first governor of the Plymouth Colony and served 30 years. My maternal side is chock full of Revolutionary War heroes, I'm a DAR.

I'm all kinds of Caucasian. But Caucasian is just one variation of the HUMAN RACE and color is a stupid fucking thing to feel superior about. Western culture belongs to all humans, just as all culture does.

Get over yourself, really!

Your poor family...I bet they're real proud of your twisted un-American ass.
My family were all immigrants who wouldn't have survived without the help of folks already living here.

There is nothing more un-American than white supremacy, racism and religious intolerance.
I have the verified genealogy to prove it and I'm a legitimate...

WTF is "verified genealogy?" Post your Ancestry dot com DNA results punk!

Also if you understood science and generational reproduction, you'd understand that there are now tens of millions of Mayflower descendants, and thousands descended from William Bradford.

Wowsa, what high school did you graduate from if any? :p
Are you seriously that stupid? There are in fact 35 million Mayflower descendants, asshole. It's been FOUR HUNDRED fucking years, do you know how many generations that is?!

What a tool; no wonder you voted for a brainless reality TV personality.

eta: I was in error in that I said only thousands of Bradford descendants, when it is actually many, MANY thousands.
I have the verified genealogy to prove it and I'm a legitimate...

WTF is "verified genealogy?" Post your Ancestry dot com DNA results punk!

Also if you understood science and generational reproduction, you'd understand that there are now tens of millions of Mayflower descendants, and thousands descended from William Bradford.

Wowsa, what high school did you graduate from if any? :p No offense you are crazy. Not that it is a bad thing, if you have a good body.
I graduated Georgetown University Law Center, actually. Only 8% of the population has as much education as I do.

eta: Strike that; I just checked the stats. It's less than 4% of the population. I'm a lot smarter than the average bear.
There is nothing more un-American than ... religious intolerance.

Please read some history books on early America. They were pretty much religiously intolerant. :p I am not making a judgement call since they were variations of Christianity which did range from total insanity to somewhat benign community type thing. The most benign of the 3 satanic middle east cults to emerge from the middle east and adopted by Western man unfortunately.
There is nothing more un-American than ... religious intolerance.

Please read some history books on early America. They were pretty much religiously intolerant. :p
I've read them and I know exactly to what you refer, but nevertheless this country was founded on religious freedom and freedom FROM religion, and it isn't 1620 anymore.
I have the verified genealogy to prove it and I'm a legitimate...

WTF is "verified genealogy?" Post your Ancestry dot com DNA results punk!

Also if you understood science and generational reproduction, you'd understand that there are now tens of millions of Mayflower descendants, and thousands descended from William Bradford.

Wowsa, what high school did you graduate from if any? :p No offense you are crazy. Not that it is a bad thing, if you have a good body.
I graduated Georgetown University Law Center, actually. Only 8% of the population has as much education as I do.

eta: Strike that; I just checked the stats. It's less than 4% of the population. I'm a lot smarter than the average bear.
Before I get slammed for this, I was only responding to your crack about whether I'd graduated high school - by the way I didn't, I dropped out - and wasn't boasting to be a wanker.

I like average bears quite a lot and was raised up among many of them and still count many of them as my dearest friends.

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