America has fallen! because of abortion, teen pregnancy, gay marriage & divorce


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
feminism and gay rights isnt a struggle for equality but rather an attack on the way things should be.

social programs arent intended to address human needs but rather deliberate efforts to undermine families.

welfare, illegal immigration, outcome based education (which undermines religion), gay marriage, are all directly related to the decline of the family and the decline of America.
we need Trump to read from the Bible in every speech and every day on twitter!
Please tell me this is sarcasm and you really don't believe that bunch of shit. You do realize that women in all walks of life have abortions and many teen pregnancies result in that teen becoming a loving, responsible parent, and gays exist in all walks of life and divorce also exists in all walks of life. None of those are the cause of the countries decline.
Greed, selfishness, lack of sympathy and empathy, and the 1% wanting even more of the wealth until they are the lords and the rest of us are the serfs.....that's what is causing this countries decline. And the piece of excrement sitting in the WH is the shining example of all of those.
Oh, and according to you, he's also helping it by being divorced so many times, or does he get a pass on that?
we need Trump to read from the Bible in every speech and every day on twitter!
Now you really have to be joking. That man has never read the bible, but here's a suggestion. Tell him to turn to a passage in it that will support every speech and every tweet and to do it from his vast knowledge of the bible and see how that goes. Since he's said it's his favorite book, that should be a breeze for him.
His ex wife Ivana said that Hitler's speeches were his favorite reading material and her would memorize them and go around and practice them. That I can believe. He only said that about the bible to appeal to his evangelical base, and it did even though they probably knew he was lying, but just to hear him say it was enough.
Actually may be so to some extent but the fault lies in the inaction or unwillingness of the other side to endure the venomous assaults from the vomit spewers. That is essential to correct the balance of the disseminated narrative and take control of the minds of the masses. Unfortunately it is 10 years too late to wind back and the only solution is one that only the instigators of the destruction want. It is coming though and in a way that will leave no family untouched.
Please tell me this is sarcasm and you really don't believe that bunch of shit. You do realize that women in all walks of life have abortions and many teen pregnancies result in that teen becoming a loving, responsible parent, and gays exist in all walks of life and divorce also exists in all walks of life. None of those are the cause of the countries decline.
Greed, selfishness, lack of sympathy and empathy, and the 1% wanting even more of the wealth until they are the lords and the rest of us are the serfs.....that's what is causing this countries decline. And the piece of excrement sitting in the WH is the shining example of all of those.
Oh, and according to you, he's also helping it by being divorced so many times, or does he get a pass on that?

He's a troll. His only purpose in being here at all is to stir shit, in any direction, because he has no life, no principles and no links.
feminism and gay rights isnt a struggle for equality but rather an attack on the way things should be.

social programs arent intended to address human needs but rather deliberate efforts to undermine families.

welfare, illegal immigration, outcome based education (which undermines religion), gay marriage, are all directly related to the decline of the family and the decline of America.

A lot of merit here. Nature, science and tradition are not in harmony with progressive ideology, so they attempt to disrupt them and modify their descriptions on all fronts.
Please tell me this is sarcasm and you really don't believe that bunch of shit. You do realize that women in all walks of life have abortions and many teen pregnancies result in that teen becoming a loving, responsible parent, and gays exist in all walks of life and divorce also exists in all walks of life. None of those are the cause of the countries decline.
Greed, selfishness, lack of sympathy and empathy, and the 1% wanting even more of the wealth until they are the lords and the rest of us are the serfs.....that's what is causing this countries decline. And the piece of excrement sitting in the WH is the shining example of all of those.
Oh, and according to you, he's also helping it by being divorced so many times, or does he get a pass on that?

He's a troll. His only purpose in being here at all is to stir shit, in any direction, because he has no life, no principles and no links.
i always give a link except when i read something in a book or see something on FOX & MSNBC. the responsability is on you to be more alert instead of being a clueless lightweight, which is what you are. you're the one with no life, by the way. stop harrassing me all the time, alright?
feminism and gay rights isnt a struggle for equality but rather an attack on the way things should be.

social programs arent intended to address human needs but rather deliberate efforts to undermine families.

welfare, illegal immigration, outcome based education (which undermines religion), gay marriage, are all directly related to the decline of the family and the decline of America.

A lot of merit here. Nature, science and tradition are not in harmony with progressive ideology, so they attempt to disrupt them and modify their descriptions on all fronts.

From the same asscrack whose sigline imagines "Progressives" --- who left the scene with World War One before Hollywood was even born ---- "destroyed" it by some kind of warp in the space-time continuum.

Not to mention the absurdity that "Liberalism invented music and comedy".

Please tell me this is sarcasm and you really don't believe that bunch of shit. You do realize that women in all walks of life have abortions and many teen pregnancies result in that teen becoming a loving, responsible parent, and gays exist in all walks of life and divorce also exists in all walks of life. None of those are the cause of the countries decline.
Greed, selfishness, lack of sympathy and empathy, and the 1% wanting even more of the wealth until they are the lords and the rest of us are the serfs.....that's what is causing this countries decline. And the piece of excrement sitting in the WH is the shining example of all of those.
Oh, and according to you, he's also helping it by being divorced so many times, or does he get a pass on that?

He's a troll. His only purpose in being here at all is to stir shit, in any direction, because he has no life, no principles and no links.
i always give a link except when i read something in a book or see something on FOX & MSNBC. the responsability is on you to be more alert instead of being a clueless lightweight, which is what you are. you're the one with no life, by the way. stop harrassing me all the time, alright?

Ummmmm NO Twinkletoes, the onus is on YOUR anus when it's your ass-sertion. Quit shirking your responsibility and go the fuck FIND one. It ain't nobody's job but yours, PERIOD.
Please tell me this is sarcasm and you really don't believe that bunch of shit. You do realize that women in all walks of life have abortions and many teen pregnancies result in that teen becoming a loving, responsible parent, and gays exist in all walks of life and divorce also exists in all walks of life. None of those are the cause of the countries decline.
Greed, selfishness, lack of sympathy and empathy, and the 1% wanting even more of the wealth until they are the lords and the rest of us are the serfs.....that's what is causing this countries decline. And the piece of excrement sitting in the WH is the shining example of all of those.
Oh, and according to you, he's also helping it by being divorced so many times, or does he get a pass on that?

He's a troll. His only purpose in being here at all is to stir shit, in any direction, because he has no life, no principles and no links.
i always give a link except when i read something in a book or see something on FOX & MSNBC. the responsability is on you to be more alert instead of being a clueless lightweight, which is what you are. you're the one with no life, by the way. stop harrassing me all the time, alright?

Ummmmm NO Twinkletoes, the onus is on YOUR anus when it's your ass-sertion. Quit shirking your responsibility and go the fuck FIND one. It ain't nobody's job but yours, PERIOD.
how am i supposed to give link when something is in a book. i demand that you give a link explaining what you're saying!

this is what i'm gonna do from now on, every time you ask for a link, i will ask for a link that proves the opposite from you.

God, you're so annoying.
Please tell me this is sarcasm and you really don't believe that bunch of shit. You do realize that women in all walks of life have abortions and many teen pregnancies result in that teen becoming a loving, responsible parent, and gays exist in all walks of life and divorce also exists in all walks of life. None of those are the cause of the countries decline.
Greed, selfishness, lack of sympathy and empathy, and the 1% wanting even more of the wealth until they are the lords and the rest of us are the serfs.....that's what is causing this countries decline. And the piece of excrement sitting in the WH is the shining example of all of those.
Oh, and according to you, he's also helping it by being divorced so many times, or does he get a pass on that?

He's a troll. His only purpose in being here at all is to stir shit, in any direction, because he has no life, no principles and no links.
i always give a link except when i read something in a book or see something on FOX & MSNBC. the responsability is on you to be more alert instead of being a clueless lightweight, which is what you are. you're the one with no life, by the way. stop harrassing me all the time, alright?

Ummmmm NO Twinkletoes, the onus is on YOUR anus when it's your ass-sertion. Quit shirking your responsibility and go the fuck FIND one. It ain't nobody's job but yours, PERIOD.
how am i supposed to give link when something is in a book. i demand that you give a link explaining what you're saying!

this is what i'm gonna do from now on, every time you ask for a link, i will ask for a link that proves the opposite from you.

God, you're so annoying.

STILL won't work since you're making the original ass-sertion, shit-fer-brains.

If documenting your quotes is "annoying" --- then you can't handle it and should just fuck the fuck off instead of sitting on this board all day going "ME ME ME AND DID I MENTION ME".
Please tell me this is sarcasm and you really don't believe that bunch of shit. You do realize that women in all walks of life have abortions and many teen pregnancies result in that teen becoming a loving, responsible parent, and gays exist in all walks of life and divorce also exists in all walks of life. None of those are the cause of the countries decline.
Greed, selfishness, lack of sympathy and empathy, and the 1% wanting even more of the wealth until they are the lords and the rest of us are the serfs.....that's what is causing this countries decline. And the piece of excrement sitting in the WH is the shining example of all of those.
Oh, and according to you, he's also helping it by being divorced so many times, or does he get a pass on that?

He's a troll. His only purpose in being here at all is to stir shit, in any direction, because he has no life, no principles and no links.
i always give a link except when i read something in a book or see something on FOX & MSNBC. the responsability is on you to be more alert instead of being a clueless lightweight, which is what you are. you're the one with no life, by the way. stop harrassing me all the time, alright?

Ummmmm NO Twinkletoes, the onus is on YOUR anus when it's your ass-sertion. Quit shirking your responsibility and go the fuck FIND one. It ain't nobody's job but yours, PERIOD.
how am i supposed to give link when something is in a book. i demand that you give a link explaining what you're saying!

this is what i'm gonna do from now on, every time you ask for a link, i will ask for a link that proves the opposite from you.

God, you're so annoying.

STILL won't work since you're making the original ass-sertion, shit-fer-brains.
Pogo would have been the next James Bond, if his mom had let him


go ahead, ask for a link.

you pathetic weirdo
Putting it another way...

The law of unintended consequences defines essentially ALL of the Progressive initiatives of the past 100 years. More specifically, Progressives implement policies (or promote technology) that is intended to "help" people and "make their lives better." There is no question about this...they are always trying to help.

But GOVERNMENT cannot make lives better; it can only get out of the way so that people can make their own lives better.

Some examples:

The legalization of abortion (along with the Pill and other ubiquitous contraceptive strategies) was SUPPOSED to relieve women of the very rare burden of being unintentionally pregnant, and to remove the likelihood of women being reproductively destroyed or killed in crude attempts at "back-alley" abortions.

And yet, it became an alternative means of BIRTH CONTROL, killing hundreds of thousands of Americans every year. More insidiously, it became an EXCUSE for every swinging dick in the country to impregnate his paramour and TAKE OFF, totally rejecting the obligation to raise a child that they have fathered. (Men are, in this instance, PIGS).

The unionization of Teachers (largely a Progressive innovation) was SUPPOSED to end the phenomenon of teachers working for peon's wages, sacrificing their entire working lives only to retire in poverty. What it actually did, however, was to introduce a destructive labor-union antagonism into Academe, protecting incompetent and lazy teachers, taking away management's ability to reward success and sanction failure. The results in quantitative terms, have been a disaster for public education in the United States.

The "War on Poverty" was SUPPOSED to eliminate extreme poverty and give the poorest of the poor a path to the middle class. What it really did, however, was to INCENTIVIZE bastardy by providing money, food, housing, medical care, and other subsidies to anyone with the minimal native intelligence to exploit the system.

As a result, more than 70% of "Black" Americans are born to single mothers (40% of white children as well); a single parent is the most prominent factor in cases of crime, addiction, incarceration, unemployment, educational failure, etc.

In ALL of these cases, Progressive initiatives intended to help people have BACKFIRED, harming the society immeasurably more than the original planned benefits would have helped.

It is almost as though Progressives have embarked on a decades-long campaign to destroy American society. If they had actually done so, they could not have done a better job.
Please tell me this is sarcasm and you really don't believe that bunch of shit. You do realize that women in all walks of life have abortions and many teen pregnancies result in that teen becoming a loving, responsible parent, and gays exist in all walks of life and divorce also exists in all walks of life. None of those are the cause of the countries decline.
Greed, selfishness, lack of sympathy and empathy, and the 1% wanting even more of the wealth until they are the lords and the rest of us are the serfs.....that's what is causing this countries decline. And the piece of excrement sitting in the WH is the shining example of all of those.
Oh, and according to you, he's also helping it by being divorced so many times, or does he get a pass on that?
You've been here long enough to know this dude is schizophrenic so you're either as stupid as he is or a progressive
feminism and gay rights isnt a struggle for equality but rather an attack on the way things should be.

social programs arent intended to address human needs but rather deliberate efforts to undermine families.

welfare, illegal immigration, outcome based education (which undermines religion), gay marriage, are all directly related to the decline of the family and the decline of America.
Republicans split up families.
Obama's opponent when ran for State Senator, Allen Keyes, disowned and tossed out his gay daughter in the name of family values.
The truth is, Republicans are the ones destroying this country.
And finally, we are fighting back.
These people are evil. They must be defeated.
Please tell me this is sarcasm and you really don't believe that bunch of shit. You do realize that women in all walks of life have abortions and many teen pregnancies result in that teen becoming a loving, responsible parent, and gays exist in all walks of life and divorce also exists in all walks of life. None of those are the cause of the countries decline.
Greed, selfishness, lack of sympathy and empathy, and the 1% wanting even more of the wealth until they are the lords and the rest of us are the serfs.....that's what is causing this countries decline. And the piece of excrement sitting in the WH is the shining example of all of those.
Oh, and according to you, he's also helping it by being divorced so many times, or does he get a pass on that?

He's a troll. His only purpose in being here at all is to stir shit, in any direction, because he has no life, no principles and no links.
Nice to see someone else notices that also.
Sites biggest division pimp.
Please tell me this is sarcasm and you really don't believe that bunch of shit. You do realize that women in all walks of life have abortions and many teen pregnancies result in that teen becoming a loving, responsible parent, and gays exist in all walks of life and divorce also exists in all walks of life. None of those are the cause of the countries decline.
Greed, selfishness, lack of sympathy and empathy, and the 1% wanting even more of the wealth until they are the lords and the rest of us are the serfs.....that's what is causing this countries decline. And the piece of excrement sitting in the WH is the shining example of all of those.
Oh, and according to you, he's also helping it by being divorced so many times, or does he get a pass on that?
He's not serious, he just throws shit out there to get folks riled up.
Please tell me this is sarcasm and you really don't believe that bunch of shit. You do realize that women in all walks of life have abortions and many teen pregnancies result in that teen becoming a loving, responsible parent, and gays exist in all walks of life and divorce also exists in all walks of life. None of those are the cause of the countries decline.
Greed, selfishness, lack of sympathy and empathy, and the 1% wanting even more of the wealth until they are the lords and the rest of us are the serfs.....that's what is causing this countries decline. And the piece of excrement sitting in the WH is the shining example of all of those.
Oh, and according to you, he's also helping it by being divorced so many times, or does he get a pass on that?
You've been here long enough to know this dude is schizophrenic so you're either as stupid as he is or a progressive
Sorry, but I really don't follow the members and only post here between things I have to do during the day. But thanks for the heads up as I will make a mental note about him.
Please tell me this is sarcasm and you really don't believe that bunch of shit. You do realize that women in all walks of life have abortions and many teen pregnancies result in that teen becoming a loving, responsible parent, and gays exist in all walks of life and divorce also exists in all walks of life. None of those are the cause of the countries decline.
Greed, selfishness, lack of sympathy and empathy, and the 1% wanting even more of the wealth until they are the lords and the rest of us are the serfs.....that's what is causing this countries decline. And the piece of excrement sitting in the WH is the shining example of all of those.
Oh, and according to you, he's also helping it by being divorced so many times, or does he get a pass on that?
He's not serious, he just throws shit out there to get folks riled up.
Yeah I was just told that by someone else who also insulted me. Why can't the people on this board have a decent conversation without insulting and attacking other members? I realize that many are just trolls who are only here to stir up crap, but some of us might like to have a decent conversation without all of the rest of the shit.

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