America Hating Berkeley Hails Wikileaks Traitor


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
BERKELEY, Calif. — The Berkeley City Council will consider a resolution that would declare the Army private suspected of leaking classified information to WikiLeaks a hero and call for his release.

The council plans a vote Tuesday on the resolution in support of Pfc. Bradley Manning, who is being held in a military brig in Virginia. A city commission already has approved it.

Bob Meola, who authored the resolution, tells the San Francisco Chronicle that Manning is a patriot who deserves a medal.

Berkeley may honor Army private accused of leaks | National news | - Houston Chronicle

Left wing = ?
BERKELEY, Calif. — The Berkeley City Council will consider a resolution that would declare the Army private suspected of leaking classified information to WikiLeaks a hero and call for his release.

The council plans a vote Tuesday on the resolution in support of Pfc. Bradley Manning, who is being held in a military brig in Virginia. A city commission already has approved it.

Bob Meola, who authored the resolution, tells the San Francisco Chronicle that Manning is a patriot who deserves a medal.

Berkeley may honor Army private accused of leaks | National news | - Houston Chronicle

Left wing = ?
I would like to say that I am not surprised, but I am. Just a bit, though.
" Traitor" Anyone who tells the truth about murka.
As defined by the lying Nazi empire and it's brainwashed flag worshipers.

The last batch of brainwashed assholes worshiped a swastika.


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traitor [ˈtreɪtə] n
a person who is guilty of treason or treachery, in betraying friends, country, a cause or trust, etc.

I'm wondering if there were riots or a natural disaster in Berkeley whether they'd even call in the National Guard. It might take them a long time to react. A really, really long time... :eusa_whistle:
traitor [ˈtreɪtə] n
a person who is guilty of treason or treachery, in betraying friends, country, a cause or trust, etc.

I'm wondering if there were riots or a natural disaster in Berkeley whether they'd even call in the National Guard. It might take them a long time to react. A really, really long time... :eusa_whistle:

Fortunately, for Berkeley, the National Guard would respond with professionalism, as always.
This is the same City that declared the Gold Rush of 1849 racist and hostile to the environment. Expect the unexpected from Berkeley.
BERKELEY, Calif. — The Berkeley City Council will consider a resolution that would declare the Army private suspected of leaking classified information to WikiLeaks a hero and call for his release.

The council plans a vote Tuesday on the resolution in support of Pfc. Bradley Manning, who is being held in a military brig in Virginia. A city commission already has approved it.

Bob Meola, who authored the resolution, tells the San Francisco Chronicle that Manning is a patriot who deserves a medal.

Berkeley may honor Army private accused of leaks | National news | - Houston Chronicle

Left wing = ?

This give you an insite into the thought pattern of the left.

I've known since clinton that they hate the military and care nothing for Veterans.

Now you all know that.

they want to hail a traitor that could have gotten other Vets and thier muslim supporters killed, as a hero and give him a medal.

There is no pit deep enough to describe how low liberals will go. There is no distance concevable to refer to, that can give you an idea of how far they want to go.

The normal human mind can't comprehend wanting to not just support, but celebrate a traitor that will be lucky to just get the death penalty.

The right wing went apeshit over traitors Oliver North, G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt Jr.
BERKELEY, Calif. — The Berkeley City Council will consider a resolution that would declare the Army private suspected of leaking classified information to WikiLeaks a hero and call for his release.

The council plans a vote Tuesday on the resolution in support of Pfc. Bradley Manning, who is being held in a military brig in Virginia. A city commission already has approved it.

Bob Meola, who authored the resolution, tells the San Francisco Chronicle that Manning is a patriot who deserves a medal.

Berkeley may honor Army private accused of leaks | National news | - Houston Chronicle

Left wing = ?

No surprises here.

The right wing went apeshit over traitors Oliver North, G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt Jr.

Whatever happend to North?

And who the hell is Howard Hunt?

North has or had a radio show.

Howard Hunt Jr. was part of the "plumbers" unit that broke into democratic offices. They did other things..including spirit journalists away to Mexico for special treatments (LSD)..

Hunt is dead now.

The right wing went apeshit over traitors Oliver North, G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt Jr.

Whatever happend to North?

And who the hell is Howard Hunt?

North has or had a radio show.

Howard Hunt Jr. was part of the "plumbers" unit that broke into democratic offices. They did other things..including spirit journalists away to Mexico for special treatments (LSD)..

Hunt is dead now.

nowadays, they just drag non-goodthinking journalists across the pavement on their faces, and arrest them


The right wing went apeshit over traitors Oliver North, G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt Jr.

Whatever happend to North?

And who the hell is Howard Hunt?

North has or had a radio show.

Howard Hunt Jr. was part of the "plumbers" unit that broke into democratic offices. They did other things..including spirit journalists away to Mexico for special treatments (LSD)..

Hunt is dead now.

Didn't North do time? My memories are fuzzy, but I'd swear he did time.

Ok, that guy. Someone should have noticed Nixons paranoia, and advised him along smarter lines. Like bribing someone to spy, nothings more politically honest like a good bribe. :lol:
BERKELEY, Calif. — The Berkeley City Council will consider a resolution that would declare the Army private suspected of leaking classified information to WikiLeaks a hero and call for his release.

The council plans a vote Tuesday on the resolution in support of Pfc. Bradley Manning, who is being held in a military brig in Virginia. A city commission already has approved it.

Bob Meola, who authored the resolution, tells the San Francisco Chronicle that Manning is a patriot who deserves a medal.
Berkeley may honor Army private accused of leaks | National news | - Houston Chronicle

Left wing = ?
I assume you condemn everyone who's ever quoted the Pentagon Papers?
Nothing the idiots in California does surprises me anymore. I think the whole state is full of dumb asses.
I still want to know how a PFC was able to gain access to all this info.. nah, no f'n way.

Now, is he a hero? Only to a wingnut. He's a treasonous douche who should be shot.
I still want to know how a PFC was able to gain access to all this info.. nah, no f'n way.

Yep..a red stater from Oklahoma. In any points out that protocol needs to change in the way documents get classified. It's incredibly hard to many "secret" documents if you need access to them on a regular basis.

Now, is he a hero? Only to a wingnut. He's a treasonous douche who should be shot.

And your feeling on Oliver North and G. Gordon Liddy..are?

Shoot them too?
I still want to know how a PFC was able to gain access to all this info.. nah, no f'n way.

Yep..a red stater from Oklahoma. In any points out that protocol needs to change in the way documents get classified. It's incredibly hard to many "secret" documents if you need access to them on a regular basis.

Now, is he a hero? Only to a wingnut. He's a treasonous douche who should be shot.

And your feeling on Oliver North and G. Gordon Liddy..are?

Shoot them too?

It's incredibly easy for low ranking personell to get access, it's b/c they need access.

Here's an ex from my time on subs.

We went to the N. Atlantic, and that's all most of the crew knew. Exactly where was Top Secret.

Here's the list of people that knew or could find out anytime;
The Duty officer. When the rest of the officers were off duty, they didn't get to know wehre we were, except for the Nav.
Chief Quarter Master
Lead QM
Me and my relief, both Nav ET2's
and QMSA < that kid had been on board about 1 month and was 1.5 months from getting out of QM school.

He could have easily written down where we were and sent it to anyone.

And besides; Do you really think officers to the boring day to day stuff?

Whoever investigated this kid, needs WAY more training, b/c he dropped the ball and this nut got through, and approved for a high security clearance.

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