America Hating Fox News Shamelessly Roots For Trucker Convoy To Sabotage The Biden Economy


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
For the past two years America has been struggling to stay afloat in a turbulent sea roiled be a deadly pandemic. And despite having been dealt a depressed nation (economically and emotionally) by his - sometimes malicious, sometimes incompetent - predecessor, Donald Trump, President Joe Biden's efforts to restore the nation's health and prosperity have been remarkably successful.

The grossly underreported "Biden Boom" is well under way, with the country experiencing the strongest two-year performance on growth, jobs, and income in decades. Former Under Secretary of Commerce, Robert Shapiro, recently summarized the unprecedented gains, including...

  • "Over the first three quarters of this year, real GDP increased at a 7.8 percent annual rate."
  • "From January 20 to December 7, 2021, the S&P 500 Index jumped 21.7 percent."
  • "From January through October, all wage and salary income paid by private businesses increased 2.4 percent after inflation, compared to gains of 0.3 percent for the comparable period in 2019 and 0.7 percent in 2018."
  • "5,675,000 Americans who were unemployed when this year began had found new jobs by November."
  • "The jobless rate fell from 6.3 percent last January to 4.2 percent in November, or by one-third over 11 months."
  • "Oil prices have fallen by more than 20 percent over the past three weeks."
Fox News, however, is outraged by this uplifting economic news. So they have embarked on a crusade to sabotage these achievements, and to undermine the welfare of the nation and its weary but hardy people.

The America-bashing gasbags at Fox News have been observing the allegedly anti-vaccine trucker convoys in Canada with near orgasmic glee. They have noticed that the truckers have blocked highways, disrupted commerce, and interfered with public safety services (police, fire and ambulance). And they have concluded from that that this would be just dandy for the United States.

Why do these people hate America?
For the past two years America has been struggling to stay afloat in a turbulent sea roiled be a deadly pandemic. And despite having been dealt a depressed nation (economically and emotionally) by his - sometimes malicious, sometimes incompetent - predecessor, Donald Trump, President Joe Biden's efforts to restore the nation's health and prosperity have been remarkably successful.

The grossly underreported "Biden Boom" is well under way, with the country experiencing the strongest two-year performance on growth, jobs, and income in decades. Former Under Secretary of Commerce, Robert Shapiro, recently summarized the unprecedented gains, including...

  • "Over the first three quarters of this year, real GDP increased at a 7.8 percent annual rate."
  • "From January 20 to December 7, 2021, the S&P 500 Index jumped 21.7 percent."
  • "From January through October, all wage and salary income paid by private businesses increased 2.4 percent after inflation, compared to gains of 0.3 percent for the comparable period in 2019 and 0.7 percent in 2018."
  • "5,675,000 Americans who were unemployed when this year began had found new jobs by November."
  • "The jobless rate fell from 6.3 percent last January to 4.2 percent in November, or by one-third over 11 months."
  • "Oil prices have fallen by more than 20 percent over the past three weeks."
Fox News, however, is outraged by this uplifting economic news. So they have embarked on a crusade to sabotage these achievements, and to undermine the welfare of the nation and its weary but hardy people.

The America-bashing gasbags at Fox News have been observing the allegedly anti-vaccine trucker convoys in Canada with near orgasmic glee. They have noticed that the truckers have blocked highways, disrupted commerce, and interfered with public safety services (police, fire and ambulance). And they have concluded from that that this would be just dandy for the United States.

Why do these people hate America?

We love America. We hate YOU assholes who are trying to turn us over to china.
For the past two years America has been struggling to stay afloat in a turbulent sea roiled be a deadly pandemic. And despite having been dealt a depressed nation (economically and emotionally) by his - sometimes malicious, sometimes incompetent - predecessor, Donald Trump, President Joe Biden's efforts to restore the nation's health and prosperity have been remarkably successful.

The grossly underreported "Biden Boom" is well under way, with the country experiencing the strongest two-year performance on growth, jobs, and income in decades. Former Under Secretary of Commerce, Robert Shapiro, recently summarized the unprecedented gains, including...

  • "Over the first three quarters of this year, real GDP increased at a 7.8 percent annual rate."
  • "From January 20 to December 7, 2021, the S&P 500 Index jumped 21.7 percent."
  • "From January through October, all wage and salary income paid by private businesses increased 2.4 percent after inflation, compared to gains of 0.3 percent for the comparable period in 2019 and 0.7 percent in 2018."
  • "5,675,000 Americans who were unemployed when this year began had found new jobs by November."
  • "The jobless rate fell from 6.3 percent last January to 4.2 percent in November, or by one-third over 11 months."
  • "Oil prices have fallen by more than 20 percent over the past three weeks."
Fox News, however, is outraged by this uplifting economic news. So they have embarked on a crusade to sabotage these achievements, and to undermine the welfare of the nation and its weary but hardy people.

The America-bashing gasbags at Fox News have been observing the allegedly anti-vaccine trucker convoys in Canada with near orgasmic glee. They have noticed that the truckers have blocked highways, disrupted commerce, and interfered with public safety services (police, fire and ambulance). And they have concluded from that that this would be just dandy for the United States.

Why do these people hate America?

Bookmark every fucking Progressive "Biden Boom" when this all goes tits up later
For the past two years America has been struggling to stay afloat in a turbulent sea roiled be a deadly pandemic. And despite having been dealt a depressed nation (economically and emotionally) by his - sometimes malicious, sometimes incompetent - predecessor, Donald Trump, President Joe Biden's efforts to restore the nation's health and prosperity have been remarkably successful.

The grossly underreported "Biden Boom" is well under way, with the country experiencing the strongest two-year performance on growth, jobs, and income in decades. Former Under Secretary of Commerce, Robert Shapiro, recently summarized the unprecedented gains, including...

  • "Over the first three quarters of this year, real GDP increased at a 7.8 percent annual rate."
  • "From January 20 to December 7, 2021, the S&P 500 Index jumped 21.7 percent."
  • "From January through October, all wage and salary income paid by private businesses increased 2.4 percent after inflation, compared to gains of 0.3 percent for the comparable period in 2019 and 0.7 percent in 2018."
  • "5,675,000 Americans who were unemployed when this year began had found new jobs by November."
  • "The jobless rate fell from 6.3 percent last January to 4.2 percent in November, or by one-third over 11 months."
  • "Oil prices have fallen by more than 20 percent over the past three weeks."
Fox News, however, is outraged by this uplifting economic news. So they have embarked on a crusade to sabotage these achievements, and to undermine the welfare of the nation and its weary but hardy people.

The America-bashing gasbags at Fox News have been observing the allegedly anti-vaccine trucker convoys in Canada with near orgasmic glee. They have noticed that the truckers have blocked highways, disrupted commerce, and interfered with public safety services (police, fire and ambulance). And they have concluded from that that this would be just dandy for the United States.

Why do these people hate America?
No, we just hate you Commies.

All you have to do is drop all Vax mandates...permanently.
For the past two years America has been struggling to stay afloat in a turbulent sea roiled be a deadly pandemic. And despite having been dealt a depressed nation (economically and emotionally) by his - sometimes malicious, sometimes incompetent - predecessor, Donald Trump, President Joe Biden's efforts to restore the nation's health and prosperity have been remarkably successful.

The grossly underreported "Biden Boom" is well under way, with the country experiencing the strongest two-year performance on growth, jobs, and income in decades. Former Under Secretary of Commerce, Robert Shapiro, recently summarized the unprecedented gains, including...

  • "Over the first three quarters of this year, real GDP increased at a 7.8 percent annual rate."
  • "From January 20 to December 7, 2021, the S&P 500 Index jumped 21.7 percent."
  • "From January through October, all wage and salary income paid by private businesses increased 2.4 percent after inflation, compared to gains of 0.3 percent for the comparable period in 2019 and 0.7 percent in 2018."
  • "5,675,000 Americans who were unemployed when this year began had found new jobs by November."
  • "The jobless rate fell from 6.3 percent last January to 4.2 percent in November, or by one-third over 11 months."
  • "Oil prices have fallen by more than 20 percent over the past three weeks."
Fox News, however, is outraged by this uplifting economic news. So they have embarked on a crusade to sabotage these achievements, and to undermine the welfare of the nation and its weary but hardy people.

The America-bashing gasbags at Fox News have been observing the allegedly anti-vaccine trucker convoys in Canada with near orgasmic glee. They have noticed that the truckers have blocked highways, disrupted commerce, and interfered with public safety services (police, fire and ambulance). And they have concluded from that that this would be just dandy for the United States.

Why do these people hate America?

Strongest growth on income? You mean the 5% increase in wages that is more than offset by the 7.5% increase in inflation? Nobody gives a shit about jobs and income if all that shit is wiped away when you go to buy a gallon of gas and have to spend 4 dollars, when under Trump it was under 2.

I can promise if their would be so much as a Biden "poof" you'd hear about it on PMSDNC and CNN. The fact that even THESE channels are against Biden is quite telling.
For the past two years America has been lied to and made fools of by a hyped up pandemic. We have been forced to endure an utter lack of leadership by a senile old man that shits his pants and brags to reporters that his ass has been cleaned. This is the wriggling creature that invented a new title of office, Fuck Joe Biden. On this eve, we sit, as a nation, with a DESTROYED WOKE military waiting for Vladimir Putin to spank American ass and teach us a lesson about electing communist democrats. And, boy do we deserve it.

The complaint that these fucked up, brainless, tapioca heads come up with is the Canadian truckers are fighting to end senseless mandates. The effect is only to let tyrants preen about their level of control. I sincerely hope that Canadians pick up whatever they can, crow bars, machetes, chainsaws, sharpened butter knives if that is all they have and fight for their freedom. If they don't do it now, they may never get another chance.
For the past two years America has been struggling to stay afloat in a turbulent sea roiled be a deadly pandemic. And despite having been dealt a depressed nation (economically and emotionally) by his - sometimes malicious, sometimes incompetent - predecessor, Donald Trump, President Joe Biden's efforts to restore the nation's health and prosperity have been remarkably successful.

The grossly underreported "Biden Boom" is well under way, with the country experiencing the strongest two-year performance on growth, jobs, and income in decades. Former Under Secretary of Commerce, Robert Shapiro, recently summarized the unprecedented gains, including...

  • "Over the first three quarters of this year, real GDP increased at a 7.8 percent annual rate."
  • "From January 20 to December 7, 2021, the S&P 500 Index jumped 21.7 percent."
  • "From January through October, all wage and salary income paid by private businesses increased 2.4 percent after inflation, compared to gains of 0.3 percent for the comparable period in 2019 and 0.7 percent in 2018."
  • "5,675,000 Americans who were unemployed when this year began had found new jobs by November."
  • "The jobless rate fell from 6.3 percent last January to 4.2 percent in November, or by one-third over 11 months."
  • "Oil prices have fallen by more than 20 percent over the past three weeks."
Fox News, however, is outraged by this uplifting economic news. So they have embarked on a crusade to sabotage these achievements, and to undermine the welfare of the nation and its weary but hardy people.

The America-bashing gasbags at Fox News have been observing the allegedly anti-vaccine trucker convoys in Canada with near orgasmic glee. They have noticed that the truckers have blocked highways, disrupted commerce, and interfered with public safety services (police, fire and ambulance). And they have concluded from that that this would be just dandy for the United States.

Why do these people hate America?
I find it hilariously funny that you keep on using the Kos and then attack Trump for what China caused…

In the mad World of Skew he would believe Trump caused the crashing of the economy and Covid!

The economy crashed because China, Texas and California went offline because of China failure or truthfully unwillingness to contain the virus that originated in their own country, so let remember that!
I find it hilariously funny that you keep on using the Kos and then attack Trump for what China caused…

In the mad World of Skew he would believe Trump caused the crashing of the economy and Covid!

The economy crashed because China, Texas and California went offline because of China failure or truthfully unwillingness to contain the virus that originated in their own country, so let remember that!
No one would ever take Kos seriously.
So we'll chalk this insufferable drivel up to The.Forum.Fuckboy making a couple bucks posting Kos fake shit.

$2 is $2.... it's not nothing, right?
For the past two years America has been struggling to stay afloat in a turbulent sea roiled be a deadly pandemic. And despite having been dealt a depressed nation (economically and emotionally) by his - sometimes malicious, sometimes incompetent - predecessor, Donald Trump, President Joe Biden's efforts to restore the nation's health and prosperity have been remarkably successful.

The grossly underreported "Biden Boom" is well under way, with the country experiencing the strongest two-year performance on growth, jobs, and income in decades. Former Under Secretary of Commerce, Robert Shapiro, recently summarized the unprecedented gains, including...

  • "Over the first three quarters of this year, real GDP increased at a 7.8 percent annual rate."
  • "From January 20 to December 7, 2021, the S&P 500 Index jumped 21.7 percent."
  • "From January through October, all wage and salary income paid by private businesses increased 2.4 percent after inflation, compared to gains of 0.3 percent for the comparable period in 2019 and 0.7 percent in 2018."
  • "5,675,000 Americans who were unemployed when this year began had found new jobs by November."
  • "The jobless rate fell from 6.3 percent last January to 4.2 percent in November, or by one-third over 11 months."
  • "Oil prices have fallen by more than 20 percent over the past three weeks."
Fox News, however, is outraged by this uplifting economic news. So they have embarked on a crusade to sabotage these achievements, and to undermine the welfare of the nation and its weary but hardy people.

The America-bashing gasbags at Fox News have been observing the allegedly anti-vaccine trucker convoys in Canada with near orgasmic glee. They have noticed that the truckers have blocked highways, disrupted commerce, and interfered with public safety services (police, fire and ambulance). And they have concluded from that that this would be just dandy for the United States.

Why do these people hate America?
We don’t hate America but we do dislike Joe Biden. We don’t consider him to be a success no matter how hard the liberal media tries to convince us.

As Trump points out Joe can’t go to a stadium in the United States as he would be shown just how people feel about him.

We love America. We hate YOU assholes who are trying to turn us over to china.

Sorry asshat. Ronny Reagan already did that in the 1980's, and asshats like you cheered him on, and have happily been sucking Walmarts dick for the last 40 years.
For the past two years America has been struggling to stay afloat in a turbulent sea roiled be a deadly pandemic. And despite having been dealt a depressed nation (economically and emotionally) by his - sometimes malicious, sometimes incompetent - predecessor, Donald Trump, President Joe Biden's efforts to restore the nation's health and prosperity have been remarkably successful.

The grossly underreported "Biden Boom" is well under way, with the country experiencing the strongest two-year performance on growth, jobs, and income in decades. Former Under Secretary of Commerce, Robert Shapiro, recently summarized the unprecedented gains, including...

  • "Over the first three quarters of this year, real GDP increased at a 7.8 percent annual rate."
  • "From January 20 to December 7, 2021, the S&P 500 Index jumped 21.7 percent."
  • "From January through October, all wage and salary income paid by private businesses increased 2.4 percent after inflation, compared to gains of 0.3 percent for the comparable period in 2019 and 0.7 percent in 2018."
  • "5,675,000 Americans who were unemployed when this year began had found new jobs by November."
  • "The jobless rate fell from 6.3 percent last January to 4.2 percent in November, or by one-third over 11 months."
  • "Oil prices have fallen by more than 20 percent over the past three weeks."
Fox News, however, is outraged by this uplifting economic news. So they have embarked on a crusade to sabotage these achievements, and to undermine the welfare of the nation and its weary but hardy people.

The America-bashing gasbags at Fox News have been observing the allegedly anti-vaccine trucker convoys in Canada with near orgasmic glee. They have noticed that the truckers have blocked highways, disrupted commerce, and interfered with public safety services (police, fire and ambulance). And they have concluded from that that this would be just dandy for the United States.

Why do these people hate America?

Of course American hating CNN and other Leftest news organization were in solidarity with the goddamn Negroes that spent six months burning, looting, murdering and other wise destroying Trump's economy.
Sorry asshat. Ronny Reagan already did that in the 1980's, and asshats like you cheered him on, and have happily been sucking Walmarts dick for the last 40 years.

I don't buy from wallyworld. I support my local businesses.

Silly boy.
For the past two years America has been struggling to stay afloat in a turbulent sea roiled be a deadly pandemic. And despite having been dealt a depressed nation (economically and emotionally) by his - sometimes malicious, sometimes incompetent - predecessor, Donald Trump, President Joe Biden's efforts to restore the nation's health and prosperity have been remarkably successful.

The grossly underreported "Biden Boom" is well under way, with the country experiencing the strongest two-year performance on growth, jobs, and income in decades. Former Under Secretary of Commerce, Robert Shapiro, recently summarized the unprecedented gains, including...

  • "Over the first three quarters of this year, real GDP increased at a 7.8 percent annual rate."
  • "From January 20 to December 7, 2021, the S&P 500 Index jumped 21.7 percent."
  • "From January through October, all wage and salary income paid by private businesses increased 2.4 percent after inflation, compared to gains of 0.3 percent for the comparable period in 2019 and 0.7 percent in 2018."
  • "5,675,000 Americans who were unemployed when this year began had found new jobs by November."
  • "The jobless rate fell from 6.3 percent last January to 4.2 percent in November, or by one-third over 11 months."
  • "Oil prices have fallen by more than 20 percent over the past three weeks."
Fox News, however, is outraged by this uplifting economic news. So they have embarked on a crusade to sabotage these achievements, and to undermine the welfare of the nation and its weary but hardy people.

The America-bashing gasbags at Fox News have been observing the allegedly anti-vaccine trucker convoys in Canada with near orgasmic glee. They have noticed that the truckers have blocked highways, disrupted commerce, and interfered with public safety services (police, fire and ambulance). And they have concluded from that that this would be just dandy for the United States.

Why do these people hate America?
How’s that Biden boom going?
Oh yeah. Worst Quarter in the stock market since China launched its Bio WMD attack two years ago.
For the past two years America has been struggling to stay afloat in a turbulent sea roiled be a deadly pandemic. And despite having been dealt a depressed nation (economically and emotionally) by his - sometimes malicious, sometimes incompetent - predecessor, Donald Trump, President Joe Biden's efforts to restore the nation's health and prosperity have been remarkably successful.

The grossly underreported "Biden Boom" is well under way, with the country experiencing the strongest two-year performance on growth, jobs, and income in decades. Former Under Secretary of Commerce, Robert Shapiro, recently summarized the unprecedented gains, including...

  • "Over the first three quarters of this year, real GDP increased at a 7.8 percent annual rate."
  • "From January 20 to December 7, 2021, the S&P 500 Index jumped 21.7 percent."
  • "From January through October, all wage and salary income paid by private businesses increased 2.4 percent after inflation, compared to gains of 0.3 percent for the comparable period in 2019 and 0.7 percent in 2018."
  • "5,675,000 Americans who were unemployed when this year began had found new jobs by November."
  • "The jobless rate fell from 6.3 percent last January to 4.2 percent in November, or by one-third over 11 months."
  • "Oil prices have fallen by more than 20 percent over the past three weeks."
Fox News, however, is outraged by this uplifting economic news. So they have embarked on a crusade to sabotage these achievements, and to undermine the welfare of the nation and its weary but hardy people.

The America-bashing gasbags at Fox News have been observing the allegedly anti-vaccine trucker convoys in Canada with near orgasmic glee. They have noticed that the truckers have blocked highways, disrupted commerce, and interfered with public safety services (police, fire and ambulance). And they have concluded from that that this would be just dandy for the United States.

Why do these people hate America?

Rupert Murdoch hates Democracy. In every country where Murdoch has any control over a large media enterprise, anti-democratic sentiment and dissatisfaction with governmental policies is very high. Murdoch has been most successful in the USA, by using "freedom of speech" laws to lie to the American people with impunity. The result has been a complete destabilization of American democracy.

In Great Britain, the nation pulled out of the EU, and the predictable initial Conservative denial of covid by Boris Johnson has given the British one of the worst covid outcomes in Europe. Political stability in Great Britain and Australia is at 71%, but these countries have stricter libel laws, and strong control over spreading of false information and propaganda and hate speech, none of which is a factor in the USA.

Compare the political stability of Canada, or New Zealand - two countries with no Murdoch owned media. Canada's stability rate is 90% and 97% in New Zealand. Again, both countries have laws to prevent hate speech, and slander. Something the USA doesn't have.

The right wing media has taken the First Amendment as the "right to lie with impunity". They have no agenda outside of a right wing white nationalist agenda, and the Republican Party has slowly but surely turned the USA into South Africa for the 21st Century. Now they're seeking to strip the vote away from poor people completely. That's what the cancellation of mail in voting is designed to do.

If you're too old or too disabled to get to the polls, no votes for you. If we close all of the polling stations in your low income neighbourhood and move the last one outside the city limits with no access to public transit, no votes for you.

If your "urban" neighbourhood votes so overwhelmingly for Democrats that it skews the election results for the Democrats, well then the State legislature will declare the votes "suspicious" and toss them out, and no votes for you.
Rupert Murdoch hates Democracy. In every country where Murdoch has any control over a large media enterprise, anti-democratic sentiment and dissatisfaction with governmental policies is very high. Murdoch has been most successful in the USA, by using "freedom of speech" laws to lie to the American people with impunity. The result has been a complete destabilization of American democracy.

In Great Britain, the nation pulled out of the EU, and the predictable initial Conservative denial of covid by Boris Johnson has given the British one of the worst covid outcomes in Europe. Political stability in Great Britain and Australia is at 71%, but these countries have stricter libel laws, and strong control over spreading of false information and propaganda and hate speech, none of which is a factor in the USA.

Compare the political stability of Canada, or New Zealand - two countries with no Murdoch owned media. Canada's stability rate is 90% and 97% in New Zealand. Again, both countries have laws to prevent hate speech, and slander. Something the USA doesn't have.

The right wing media has taken the First Amendment as the "right to lie with impunity". They have no agenda outside of a right wing white nationalist agenda, and the Republican Party has slowly but surely turned the USA into South Africa for the 21st Century. Now they're seeking to strip the vote away from poor people completely. That's what the cancellation of mail in voting is designed to do.

If you're too old or too disabled to get to the polls, no votes for you. If we close all of the polling stations in your low income neighbourhood and move the last one outside the city limits with no access to public transit, no votes for you.

If your "urban" neighbourhood votes so overwhelmingly for Democrats that it skews the election results for the Democrats, well then the State legislature will declare the votes "suspicious" and toss them out, and no votes for you.

You are fucking insane. Your dear leader castreau, went full fascist. The whole world watched it happen.
Rupert Murdoch hates Democracy. In every country where Murdoch has any control over a large media enterprise, anti-democratic sentiment and dissatisfaction with governmental policies is very high. Murdoch has been most successful in the USA, by using "freedom of speech" laws to lie to the American people with impunity. The result has been a complete destabilization of American democracy.

In Great Britain, the nation pulled out of the EU, and the predictable initial Conservative denial of covid by Boris Johnson has given the British one of the worst covid outcomes in Europe. Political stability in Great Britain and Australia is at 71%, but these countries have stricter libel laws, and strong control over spreading of false information and propaganda and hate speech, none of which is a factor in the USA.

Compare the political stability of Canada, or New Zealand - two countries with no Murdoch owned media. Canada's stability rate is 90% and 97% in New Zealand. Again, both countries have laws to prevent hate speech, and slander. Something the USA doesn't have.

The right wing media has taken the First Amendment as the "right to lie with impunity". They have no agenda outside of a right wing white nationalist agenda, and the Republican Party has slowly but surely turned the USA into South Africa for the 21st Century. Now they're seeking to strip the vote away from poor people completely. That's what the cancellation of mail in voting is designed to do.

If you're too old or too disabled to get to the polls, no votes for you. If we close all of the polling stations in your low income neighbourhood and move the last one outside the city limits with no access to public transit, no votes for you.

If your "urban" neighbourhood votes so overwhelmingly for Democrats that it skews the election results for the Democrats, well then the State legislature will declare the votes "suspicious" and toss them out, and no votes for you.
"Now they're seeking to strip the vote away from poor people completely. That's what the cancellation of mail in voting is designed to do."
Gee, how did poor people ever manage to vote before 1995?
And despite having been dealt a depressed nation (economically and emotionally)
What are these truckers going to do to ruin this fucked up economy? Are they going to miraculously reverse the supply chain shortages that Biden produced? Are they going to reduce the price of gas by half? Maybe reduce inflation by 30%. Are they going to secure the borders? You have your head in your ass and there wasn't one factual point that you made in your post. Moron.
The America-bashing gasbags at Fox News have been observing the allegedly anti-vaccine trucker convoys in Canada with near orgasmic glee.
So being anti biden is anti American?

only in lib la la land

but i do support the canadian truckers in their battle against baby hitler Trudeaux and the canadian Deep State
Last edited:
So being anti biden is anti American?

only in lib la la land

but i do support the canadian truckers in their battle against baby hitler Trudeaux and the canadian Deep State

It sure seems like the Canadian deep state is linked to ours, doesn't it.

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