America is gone

Yes, no one in the USA was never interested in increasing profit before 1980.


When its become all about profit over the good of America, than profit has become a dirty word. When the baby boomers parents ruled our businesses and government they did so with a much more balanced approach, with more equitable shares of the AMERICAN pie. The Greatest Generation spoiled their baby boom children, and when their offspring replaced them atop of Corporate AMERICA and Government, those spoiled baby boomers took everything for themselves, and left little for the masses. One day, the spoiled baby boomers will be old and hopefully the next generation(s) will bring America back to a time when all shared in its great wealth, not just the top !% wealthiest :eusa_pray:

Yes, yes....I've heard this clap-trap-OWS-whiney-Bullshit before: It was EASIER, Now It's Harder, and we need to be spoonfed.

Problem is, there's no evidence that there was ever a time when "America Shared its Great Wealth," whatever the fuck that means.

Are you dense? It is common knowlage that inequality is growing at alarming rates in this country.

Nothing will ever get accomplished so long as people like you keep saying there is no blue sky.
When its become all about profit over the good of America, than profit has become a dirty word. When the baby boomers parents ruled our businesses and government they did so with a much more balanced approach, with more equitable shares of the AMERICAN pie. The Greatest Generation spoiled their baby boom children, and when their offspring replaced them atop of Corporate AMERICA and Government, those spoiled baby boomers took everything for themselves, and left little for the masses. One day, the spoiled baby boomers will be old and hopefully the next generation(s) will bring America back to a time when all shared in its great wealth, not just the top !% wealthiest :eusa_pray:

Yes, yes....I've heard this clap-trap-OWS-whiney-Bullshit before: It was EASIER, Now It's Harder, and we need to be spoonfed.

Problem is, there's no evidence that there was ever a time when "America Shared its Great Wealth," whatever the fuck that means.

Are you dense? It is common knowlage that inequality is growing at alarming rates in this country.

Nothing will ever get accomplished so long as people like you keep saying there is no blue sky.

I thought it was common knowledge that 20 million Mexicans illegally immigrated to the USA.

How does that support your absurd notion that "inequity is growing at alarming rates?"
There have always been 'The Rich' ... From the Carnegies to the Rockefellers ... They, like today's Gates started wonderful programs, but make no mistake, they were just as interested in profit. Is there a company more 'cold blooded' to it's compitition then Microsoft?

The rich have always been around. It's always been the American dream to become one yourself. It's happening in this generation as in years past (anyone hear of a company called Google?)

The difference is that many of these babyboomers children are so used to mommy and daddy giving them everything that they don't understand that mommy and daddy worked for those things. The basement that they stay in was paid for by a working mommy and daddy. Tough love is what those in my generation called ... They need to be kicked out from under mommys apron and out into the 'mean cruel world' and make something of themselves

Each generation eventually grows up and learns to be adults (yes, even the hippy children) ... What the OWS people are doing has been done before. When they get to work and create a life for themselves, they will learn that the world that they want is theirs for the building .. They just need the will to work for it

While I am not disputing your opinion here I must point out that this is not the America our parents had. Life is harder.

So, much like everything else, the responsability is ours. However that responsability is limited to the potential that a society offers.

Considering the trends of the USA on global scales, on inequality, on infastructure, on education, on upward mobility, I would say that society bears some blame aswell.
I'd break up the country. The time for compromise and be united is long past. Recognize that and restore the nation to what it was, a loose confedration of independent states with a weak federal government limited to specific enumerated powers.

And what is the role of the ‘weak Federal government’? Will there still be a Bill of Rights? A 14th Amendment? A Supreme Court? Should one of these ‘independent states’ violate the rights of its citizens, to whom may the injured party appeal for relief?

Or are you advocating ending the Republic and rule of law?

The role of the federal government has been to provide a defense for the nation, and to protect the liberties of the people within the nation.

While times have changed in the last hundred years, and for certian things there is a clear role for the federal government in other issues, for the most part the federal government doesnt have and business doing what its been doing.

If states need to work together then they can do so of there own accord, with agreements between them. Not with a mandate from a federal government, and with a 'tax the people dole back out to the states' strangulation of state rights.
America is gone, or pretty much gone, or almost gone. It will go on as a geographical expression. A land mass. The people will still breathe, eat, shit (as we see in New York), but what made it a great nation is gone. It's traditions and values are gone. It's history is being rewritten as fast as history books can be churned out. It is shrugging off morality and stepping into degeneracy. It is rejecting the truly American concept of self-reliance in favor of collective care. It's not the same country now. America has as much in common with Ameicans of 50 years ago as today's Egyptians have with the Pharoahs.

Progressives have won all the battles and not given up any ground in their 100 year Jihad on the USA.

They won, America's finished

Politics, race, ethnicity, culture, and faith are too divisively dominant for Americans, anymore, to have a commonality to hold a nation together.
You're right.
Progressives have won.
Good luck with their social utopia.....:lol:.
Exactly wrong.

The Boomers have been pressing for tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts even as the entitlement system is strained. Our generation can bear working harder, but we won't bear having to pay off YOUR generation's debts, not while YOUR generation can pay its due but refuses to do so.

Debt is Debt ... Do you think it should be paid or not?

Do you agree that one generation should be eating there children because they were and still are unable to live within there means?

Cause thats what it is, its eating the young. Its devouring the future of youth and those not born yet so you and your generation can live a life without consequences, so you can spend yourself silly to appease your instant gratification, and leave the children holding the bag.
Exactly wrong.

The Boomers have been pressing for tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts even as the entitlement system is strained. Our generation can bear working harder, but we won't bear having to pay off YOUR generation's debts, not while YOUR generation can pay its due but refuses to do so.

Debt is Debt ... Do you think it should be paid or not?

Do you agree that one generation should be eating there children because they were and still are unable to live within there means?

Cause thats what it is, its eating the young. Its devouring the future of youth and those not born yet so you and your generation can live a life without consequences, so you can spend yourself silly to appease your instant gratification, and leave the children holding the bag.

We were programmed that way.
What about a consumer-oriented society do you not understand?
We were told to consume is to be a good citizen. Not until we have begun to be consumed, do we begin to realize what a consumer-oriented society really is.
Yes, yes....I've heard this clap-trap-OWS-whiney-Bullshit before: It was EASIER, Now It's Harder, and we need to be spoonfed.

Problem is, there's no evidence that there was ever a time when "America Shared its Great Wealth," whatever the fuck that means.

Are you dense? It is common knowlage that inequality is growing at alarming rates in this country.

Nothing will ever get accomplished so long as people like you keep saying there is no blue sky.

I thought it was common knowledge that 20 million Mexicans illegally immigrated to the USA.

How does that support your absurd notion that "inequity is growing at alarming rates?"

Look dipshit, im not going to run around and draw you pretty pictures of the reality that you live in. Its your responsability to stay informed and pay attention to the world around you. You can simply type into google 'inequality in the united states' and pages and pages of charts graphs and details by people smarter then me and you spelling it out. If reading and looking at graphs is to difficult for your dino-sized brain then you can click the google video link and find more documentary's on the subject then there are on proper ways to fuck your wife.

Either way, just cause your to fucking stupid to understand common knowlage doesnt mean its my responsability to hold your hand.
Are you dense? It is common knowlage that inequality is growing at alarming rates in this country.

Nothing will ever get accomplished so long as people like you keep saying there is no blue sky.

I thought it was common knowledge that 20 million Mexicans illegally immigrated to the USA.

How does that support your absurd notion that "inequity is growing at alarming rates?"

Look dipshit, im not going to run around and draw you pretty pictures of the reality that you live in. Its your responsability to stay informed and pay attention to the world around you. You can simply type into google 'inequality in the united states' and pages and pages of charts graphs and details by people smarter then me and you spelling it out. If reading and looking at graphs is to difficult for your dino-sized brain then you can click the google video link and find more documentary's on the subject then there are on proper ways to fuck your wife.

Either way, just cause your to fucking stupid to understand common knowlage doesnt mean its my responsability to hold your hand.

Yep, I guess I don't understand common "knowlage".....:lol:
I thought it was common knowledge that 20 million Mexicans illegally immigrated to the USA.

How does that support your absurd notion that "inequity is growing at alarming rates?"

Look dipshit, im not going to run around and draw you pretty pictures of the reality that you live in. Its your responsability to stay informed and pay attention to the world around you. You can simply type into google 'inequality in the united states' and pages and pages of charts graphs and details by people smarter then me and you spelling it out. If reading and looking at graphs is to difficult for your dino-sized brain then you can click the google video link and find more documentary's on the subject then there are on proper ways to fuck your wife.

Either way, just cause your to fucking stupid to understand common knowlage doesnt mean its my responsability to hold your hand.

Yep, I guess I don't understand common "knowlage".....:lol:
That critter is obviously a victim of Gubmint schrools! :lol:
America is gone, or pretty much gone, or almost gone. It will go on as a geographical expression. A land mass. The people will still breathe, eat, shit (as we see in New York), but what made it a great nation is gone. It's traditions and values are gone. It's history is being rewritten as fast as history books can be churned out. It is shrugging off morality and stepping into degeneracy. It is rejecting the truly American concept of self-reliance in favor of collective care. It's not the same country now. America has as much in common with Ameicans of 50 years ago as today's Egyptians have with the Pharoahs.

Progressives have won all the battles and not given up any ground in their 100 year Jihad on the USA.

They won, America's finished

Politics, race, ethnicity, culture, and faith are too divisively dominant for Americans, anymore, to have a commonality to hold a nation together.
You're right.
Progressives have won.
Good luck with their social utopia.....:lol:.
While the rest of us whom haven't lost our sanity bow out.
OK do not get excited this is not a thread where the answer is going to be a right or wrong answer. I hope an open discussion is all. OK America is gone, how would you start over?

I guess that would depend on how things ended. This is very open-ended.
OK do not get excited this is not a thread where the answer is going to be a right or wrong answer. I hope an open discussion is all. OK America is gone, how would you start over?

I guess that would depend on how things ended. This is very open-ended.

no it isn't, your answer for the purpose of this thread is not a right or wrong answer. Stop sitting on the fence your country needs your direction how would you start over?
OK do not get excited this is not a thread where the answer is going to be a right or wrong answer. I hope an open discussion is all. OK America is gone, how would you start over?

I guess that would depend on how things ended. This is very open-ended.

no it isn't, your answer for the purpose of this thread is not a right or wrong answer. Stop sitting on the fence your country needs your direction how would you start over?

Well, ideally, I'd carve about 6 countries out of the mainland, and form each into a parliamentary republic. If America collapses, it will likely be from unsuccessfully trying to govern too many people under one system.
Since we are not going back to 1791, who wants to offer something for today?

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