America is not the greatest country...

My family lives here and it's not easy to get citizenship to other countries, none the less, resorting to personal bullshit is a way to ignore all of the facts.

The fact is that it is fairly easy to gain immigration status and apply for citizenship in foreign countries ... You just have to some fricken skills at doing something worthwhile ... Which is probably your main problem.

If you have nothing of value to contribute apart from continuing personal rhetoric, well, I won't stop you, gives me some satisfaction.
I always hear people praising America for being "the best country in the world" and lots of other bullshit, time to look at some facts:

The United states is, essentially, the only industrialized country without universal healthcare..
The US "spends" about this much on healthcare per citizen, with laughable results (It's approaching 10k now..)

Millions lack insurance, drugs are expensive as hell, people's lives are ruined if they get cancer, and don't have fancy for profit insurance.
The united states lacks in many areas regarding healthcare:


Let's look at life expectancy:
We rank 34: Global Health Observatory Data Repository
(Cuba is above us) yet, we still spend a MASSIVE amount on healthcare per citizen, with laughable results, as said above.

The united states education system is underfunded, teachers are underpaid, and a host of other problems are present... especially when it comes to the rising cost of higher education and the lack of access to cheap, affordable higher education. The united states government needs to directly support higher education like many other countries, not simply hand out loans and grants... Obama's community college idea is a great start.
College tuition in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

We are, by no measure, #1 at education results, but we are #1 in student debt..

If there's one thing the united states is #1 at, it's the military. I fail to see how this an achievement when millions lack healthcare, when the infrastructure is falling apart, when child poverty is on the rise, when veterans are homeless by the thousands, but yeah, let's look at the reality:
This is all that needs to be said.. if a nation wants to focus more on funding new weapon research projects and imperialist ventures then giving healthcare to its own citizens, there is a problem.

Corporate profits:
It's no surprise that corporate profits are at an all time high in the united states, and they are rising, I fail to see how this is a good thing when wages are stagnant, with a shrinking middle class, with millions being thrown into poverty.. Then again, the corporations love the government and the government loves the corporations..
Corporate Profits After Tax without IVA and CCAdj - FRED - St. Louis Fed


Wages in the united states have been stagnant for decades, and compared to the rising cost of living and productivity, are not rising like they should..

Now, we come to a horrifying fact to relate to this.. affording a two bedroom rental unit..


Overworked America 12 Charts That Will Make Your Blood Boil Mother Jones - Must see.

Global Homelessness Statistics - Homeless World Cup
National Coalition for Homeless Veterans

Time to piss some people off:
"Well, there is one more way in which Cuba differs from most other poor countries in the world—the tiny island nation has virtually no homeless people. There are many reasons for that accomplishment. First, although housing is not free in Cuba, the government does take steps to keep the cost of housing low. That leads to a high rate of homeownership—around 85%. By way of comparison, the Census Bureau says the rate of homeownership in the United States was 66.9% in 2010."

Paid vacation:
Surprise! America is one of a few countries that does not guarantee paid vacation to workers...

"Nearly a quarter of the American private-sector workforce, some 26 million workers, doesn’t get paid time off, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics — compared with less than one-fifth in the 1990s.The United States is the only advanced economy that doesn’t guarantee paid vacation and one of only 13 countries in the world not to do so, according to the World Policy Analysis Center at the University of California Los Angeles."
"In this regard, the United States falls in line with India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, and a handful of island nations that don’t require employers to offer workers paid time off. France, on the other hand, mandates 30 paid vacation days a year for all workers; Scandinavian countries offer 25. US citizens in Puerto Rico get three weeks off a year.

Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Greece, and Sweden even require employers to pay vacationing workers extra to help with expenses."

Maternity leave:
Many on the right wing consistently talk about "family values" I'd call letting a mother spend time with her child for long periods of time while not having to worry about not getting her wages a family value, not trying to restrict gay marriage or end abortion...

Prison/income inequality/well being/etc..

I have so much more to add, but I think this is enough.. Time to realize america needs to become more "progressive" :coffee::dance:

Wow these people must be really uninformed!!!

Gallup released some new data this week on migration, for which they asked people from 154 countries if they would like to migrate, and if so where to. The United States was by far the most popular destination; Gallup estimates that 138 million people would like to relocate there. The United Kingdom was the second-most popular, with 42 million potential migrants, followed by Canada, France and Saudi Arabia.
A revealing map of who wants to move to the U.S. - The Washington Post
View attachment 43253
Alot of people are unaware and fed the "american utopia" line. If immigrants want to come here, fine, but facts are facts.
You know nothing about my life or where I live, keep resorting to personal attacks.

Sock puppets are alive?
I've noticed most rwers on this site can't adequately address facts and immediately resort to personal attacks.[/QUOTEThe entire premise of your thread is a personal attack on a country that we love.
We won't apologize for being defensive of her
Err, the thread title may be a personal attack of sorts, the rest is just facts. Also, how is saying something is not the greatest an attack?

WOW !!!
that's amazing ! it sure did not look like that when my youngest son was born there...., in 1967AD
Although thing's may be changing, America is still the most free & prosperous nation on earth. It's still the greatest nation on earth. You really did hit the lottery being born here. Most countries wanna be America.

And btw, America has the best healthcare in the world. If you get sick, you should thank God you got sick here. You'll be treated quickly and by the greatest Doctors on earth. But hey, if you are miserable here, you can always leave and give it a go somewhere else. No one is forced to live in America. People can renounce their Citizenship. If you can find a better place, go for it. Good luck.
So we're not the greatest country because we don't have single-payer government-run health care.

Because we don't tax the rich at European rates. Yet, most European economies are doing considerably worse than we are, including France, England, Spain, Italy, and Greece. And if you're gonna cite Germany, then how about supporting German monetary policies, German labor polices, German budget policies, etc., etc.? No, because liberals dislike those policies, yet those policies are the main reasons that Germany is doing well.

Because we don't spend enough on education. That's a flawed argument. Most private schools spend about half what public schools spend per student, yet they do a much better job of educating kids. There are Third World countries where kids are getting better math and science scores than our kids, even though those countries spend a fraction of what we do per student. So money is not really the issue.
America used to be the greatest country.

But Hussein Obama the Communist in Chief, took care that it is not anymore.
You're obviously trolling, since we can track the rapid downfall of many things since the 70's, "communist in chief" jesus, you're an idiot.

you say Jesus a lot when you swear!

I thought that you were a socialist.... do you believe in Jesus? or are you an atheist?

or just a clown :laugh:
I do believe Jesus existed as a middle eastern jew who went around spreading a message of love, peace, and helping the poor, and he wasn't particularly a fan of the rich ;)

You shouldn't swear like that....all that profanity! invoking Jesus name in vain!

potty mouth!
When 47% of Americans can't pay an unexpected $400 bill either with money they have in savings or with a credit card we are not the greatest country in the world.
America IS the greatest country on earth, the rest of the planet is lucky we don't choose to stomp the shit out of them and take over their country. Canada would take about 2 days, maybe a week bombing Mexico.
I agree with the OP but allowing baby murder is NOT a family value. I agree with the OP and I think under President Trump a lot of this will be fixed.
I agree with the OP but allowing baby murder is NOT a family value. I agree with the OP and I think under President Trump a lot of this will be fixed.
So we go back to 5k women a year dying in botched illegal abortions? I'll go with the SC on that one. Just a GOP emotional wedge issue...
I agree with the OP but allowing baby murder is NOT a family value. I agree with the OP and I think under President Trump a lot of this will be fixed.
So we go back to 5k women a year dying in botched illegal abortions? I'll go with the SC on that one. Just a GOP emotional wedge issue...
Be responsible. If you don't WANT a child then take precautions against it. If you get pregnant on accident then A. Take responsibility for YOUR actions B. Give baby up for adoption or C. STOP HAVING SEX WHEN YOU DON'T WANT A KID!
I agree with the OP but allowing baby murder is NOT a family value. I agree with the OP and I think under President Trump a lot of this will be fixed.
So we go back to 5k women a year dying in botched illegal abortions? I'll go with the SC on that one. Just a GOP emotional wedge issue...
Be responsible. If you don't WANT a child then take precautions against it. If you get pregnant on accident then A. Take responsibility for YOUR actions B. Give baby up for adoption or C. STOP HAVING SEX WHEN YOU DON'T WANT A KID!
That''ll work. Many are married. 99% occur when the SC says it's not human. Emotional wedgie dupe.
I always hear people praising America for being "the best country in the world" and lots of other bullshit, time to look at some facts:

The United states is, essentially, the only industrialized country without universal healthcare..
The US "spends" about this much on healthcare per citizen, with laughable results (It's approaching 10k now..)

Millions lack insurance, drugs are expensive as hell, people's lives are ruined if they get cancer, and don't have fancy for profit insurance.
The united states lacks in many areas regarding healthcare:


Let's look at life expectancy:
We rank 34: Global Health Observatory Data Repository
(Cuba is above us) yet, we still spend a MASSIVE amount on healthcare per citizen, with laughable results, as said above.

The united states education system is underfunded, teachers are underpaid, and a host of other problems are present... especially when it comes to the rising cost of higher education and the lack of access to cheap, affordable higher education. The united states government needs to directly support higher education like many other countries, not simply hand out loans and grants... Obama's community college idea is a great start.
College tuition in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

We are, by no measure, #1 at education results, but we are #1 in student debt..

If there's one thing the united states is #1 at, it's the military. I fail to see how this an achievement when millions lack healthcare, when the infrastructure is falling apart, when child poverty is on the rise, when veterans are homeless by the thousands, but yeah, let's look at the reality:
This is all that needs to be said.. if a nation wants to focus more on funding new weapon research projects and imperialist ventures then giving healthcare to its own citizens, there is a problem.

Corporate profits:
It's no surprise that corporate profits are at an all time high in the united states, and they are rising, I fail to see how this is a good thing when wages are stagnant, with a shrinking middle class, with millions being thrown into poverty.. Then again, the corporations love the government and the government loves the corporations..
Corporate Profits After Tax without IVA and CCAdj - FRED - St. Louis Fed


Wages in the united states have been stagnant for decades, and compared to the rising cost of living and productivity, are not rising like they should..

Now, we come to a horrifying fact to relate to this.. affording a two bedroom rental unit..


Overworked America 12 Charts That Will Make Your Blood Boil Mother Jones - Must see.

Global Homelessness Statistics - Homeless World Cup
National Coalition for Homeless Veterans

Time to piss some people off:
"Well, there is one more way in which Cuba differs from most other poor countries in the world—the tiny island nation has virtually no homeless people. There are many reasons for that accomplishment. First, although housing is not free in Cuba, the government does take steps to keep the cost of housing low. That leads to a high rate of homeownership—around 85%. By way of comparison, the Census Bureau says the rate of homeownership in the United States was 66.9% in 2010."

Paid vacation:
Surprise! America is one of a few countries that does not guarantee paid vacation to workers...

"Nearly a quarter of the American private-sector workforce, some 26 million workers, doesn’t get paid time off, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics — compared with less than one-fifth in the 1990s.The United States is the only advanced economy that doesn’t guarantee paid vacation and one of only 13 countries in the world not to do so, according to the World Policy Analysis Center at the University of California Los Angeles."
"In this regard, the United States falls in line with India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, and a handful of island nations that don’t require employers to offer workers paid time off. France, on the other hand, mandates 30 paid vacation days a year for all workers; Scandinavian countries offer 25. US citizens in Puerto Rico get three weeks off a year.

Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Greece, and Sweden even require employers to pay vacationing workers extra to help with expenses."

Maternity leave:
Many on the right wing consistently talk about "family values" I'd call letting a mother spend time with her child for long periods of time while not having to worry about not getting her wages a family value, not trying to restrict gay marriage or end abortion...

Prison/income inequality/well being/etc..

I have so much more to add, but I think this is enough.. Time to realize america needs to become more "progressive" :coffee::dance:

Why in the hell are millions of people coming here instead of those progressive countries? Obama praised Cuba but those people there risk drowning to get the hell out.
I agree with the OP but allowing baby murder is NOT a family value. I agree with the OP and I think under President Trump a lot of this will be fixed.
So we go back to 5k women a year dying in botched illegal abortions? I'll go with the SC on that one. Just a GOP emotional wedge issue...
Be responsible. If you don't WANT a child then take precautions against it. If you get pregnant on accident then A. Take responsibility for YOUR actions B. Give baby up for adoption or C. STOP HAVING SEX WHEN YOU DON'T WANT A KID!
That''ll work. Many are married. 99% occur when the SC says it's not human. Emotional wedgie dupe.
Because SC justices are scientists eh. If you are married then either get sterilized or snip it! uncle did it after they had 3 kids,my own father did it as well. I never will.

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