America Loves Mandated Contraception!


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
Amazing numbers in support of Obamacare's contraception coverage. Thanks, Obamacare!


From the Journal of the American Medical Association:

Overall, 69% of respondents supported mandated coverage of birth control medications in health plans, with significantly higher odds of support among women, black, and Hispanic respondents. Support for mandated coverage of birth control medication was lower than for other benefits, including services that have prompted public debate (eg, vaccination and mental health services). The small group who supported coverage for services except birth control medication included a higher proportion of persons unlikely to use such coverage.
Does it cover dildos and other sex toys and paraphernalia? If so then I'm all for it. :thup:

Dildos are a woman's rights issue! This is like the civil rights movement all over again!
And I'm sure if you asked if it should include a spa and gym membership they would agree also. Or if they could stay on mommy and daddies plan forever, now that would be a big one. Of course this should be done with no increase in premiums. No one wants to pay what all these new mandates really cost.
Amazing numbers in support of Obamacare's contraception coverage. Thanks, Obamacare!


From the Journal of the American Medical Association:

Overall, 69% of respondents supported mandated coverage of birth control medications in health plans, with significantly higher odds of support among women, black, and Hispanic respondents. Support for mandated coverage of birth control medication was lower than for other benefits, including services that have prompted public debate (eg, vaccination and mental health services). The small group who supported coverage for services except birth control medication included a higher proportion of persons unlikely to use such coverage.

Did you know that your link actually disproves the claim you just made? Of course you don't, that would require you to actually read.

Most respondents (69%; 95% CI, 67%-72%) supported a policy of mandated coverage of birth control medication in health plans. This proportion was significantly lower than the proportion that supported other benefits (Table 1). In multivariable regression analysis, support for mandated coverage of birth control medication was significantly higher among women, non-Hispanic blacks, Hispanics, parents with children younger than 18 years living in the home, and adults with private or public insurance vs comparison groups (Table 2), but was not associated with education or income.
In other words, even among a self selecting group highly in favor of expanded benefits the support for mandatory birth conrtol is lower than other benefits that are equally stupid.
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