America makes aircraft carriers. China sells stuff…

For example, the fact we saddle products with an additional 30% cost for wasteful health insurance is the main thing that is destroying us.
Public health care would not just cost half as much, but would also greatly boost our economy with more exports.

Or we could just put large tariffs on chinese goods.
Congress should excise taxes for the federal minimum wage from any Firms leaving the US for cheaper labor in foreign countries. That should only be a Capitalist problem not a Labor problem.
So true and they are kicking our ass in just about every economic endeavor. We are watching the USA Empire slowly die before our eyes, thanks to our rapacious oligarchs and the politicians they own. Not necessarily a bad thing. A warlike empire needs termination.

Excellent column by Fred Reed.
A Dolorous Imbalance

Now R supporters commence Xiden comments and D supporters Putin/Trump are lovers comments, just like little naughty second graders.
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high

“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
China is a dictatorship that crushes individuals

But dont believe the hype surrounding their mega projects

The reality is that average chinese citizens are suffering under a failed communist economic plan
China is a dictatorship that crushes individuals

But dont believe the hype surrounding their mega projects

The reality is that average chinese citizens are suffering under a failed communist economic plan
I don’t believe any of that, but it is typical thinking of many Americans.

Yet somehow these same Americans don’t know their own government is crushing THEM, constantly lying to THEM, pushing dangerous drugs for the benefit of big corporations on THEM, refusing to upgrade our failing infrastructure while giving billions to a corrupt Nazi infested nation for the benefit of a few big war profiteer corporations.
Thats a good correlation. Speaking of the british empire, we were quick to cut our colonies out of that tree but our early 20th century idiots in charge and on just couldnt resist getting us back to that tree
They make lots of miss steps along the way, they hold on to old authoritarian habits, but their focus on technology and trade is allowing them to dwarf the US and the might is right attitude of the west.
Those aircraft carriers sure are big and impressive, though. So big, in fact, that it would be hard to miss them.
meh my ass. Crappy as it is, they are the only country manufacturing anything. Thank you so much NAFTA...
I don’t believe any of that, but it is typical thinking of many Americans.

Yet somehow these same Americans don’t know their own government is crushing THEM, constantly lying to THEM, pushing dangerous drugs for the benefit of big corporations on THEM, refusing to upgrade our failing infrastructure while giving billions to a corrupt Nazi infested nation for the benefit of a few big war profiteer corporations.
I suppose you refer to ukraine

We are not supporting them for their benefit but rather for ours.

Russian aggression is a danger to everyone
I suppose you refer to ukraine

We are not supporting them for their benefit but rather for ours.

Russian aggression is a danger to everyone
We’re pushing war with a nuclear power over a nation no American has an interest in, because it benefits us.


We’re pushing war with a nuclear power over a nation no American has an interest in, because it benefits us.


Thats your opinion

Mine is that russia is invading a sovereign nation and that is not acceptable
This has only been happening for three plus decades now. Again, if you can convince the American worker to labor for slave wages with no benefits, if you can convince cities and towns to give corporations free land and no taxes (beyond the sweetheart deals they have now), and if you can import the raw materials in bulk and at cost, you might, I mean you might be able to manufacture goods in bulk that could compete price wise with the likes of China. As for the infrastructure issues, well, not much can be said there. Both parties consider it an issue to varying degrees. Democrats want grandiose plans which Republicans reject, and Republicans won't spend enough money to even make a dent in repairing what we have, which Democrats reject. Ergo, nothing gets done.

EDIT -IMHO the United States will never be a manufacturing powerhouse again and it's silly to try and pursue it. We have evolved into a service economy. Our time and resources would be better spent on education, getting kids..and adults up to speed and trained in STEM and other useful disciplines

You act as if once we change we can never go back. Well if we changed once obviously it can be done again.

And we can go back, the problem is people like you say "well things are different so we shouldn't even try to go back". We made things be different in the first place so it stands to reason we can make them different again.

The problem is going back will take time and effort but people are like you, they don't want to do that. They want the faster and easier way out.

When the previous president was in power we were on our way to building back because he punished companies leaving America and rewarded ones that stayed or expanded. He also (and this is the most important part) tried to encourage pride in America and American workers.

There are 2 ways to cause change. Make change happen with time and effort, or do absolutely nothing and things will change by devolving. One is good, the other is more often than not good.
We’re pushing war with a nuclear power over a nation no American has an interest in, because it benefits us.



Well, it benefits the trough feeders in washington. They can't stand for their golden egg to be destroyed and they'll stop at nothing to keep the gravy train flowing even if it means russia sends a few nukes our way.
So true and they are kicking our ass in just about every economic endeavor. We are watching the USA Empire slowly die before our eyes, thanks to our rapacious oligarchs and the politicians they own. Not necessarily a bad thing. A warlike empire needs termination.

Excellent column by Fred Reed.
A Dolorous Imbalance

Now R supporters commence Xiden comments and D supporters Putin/Trump are lovers comments, just like little naughty second graders.
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high

“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “

Well, people who have the vote, and then complain it's all the politicians' fault.

Why don't you stand up, research politics, find out why the US is failing and then try and do something about it?
Well, people who have the vote, and then complain it's all the politicians' fault.

Why don't you stand up, research politics, find out why the US is failing and then try and do something about it?
You think voting will change things? LMFAO. Are 12 years old?

That’s terribly naive of you.
Thats your opinion

Mine is that russia is invading a sovereign nation and that is not acceptable
Do you know why they invaded?

Were you upset when the US invaded numerous sovereign nations, or are you unaware of this too?
Do you know why they invaded?

Were you upset when the US invaded numerous sovereign nations, or are you unaware of this too?
I dont care whet excuse putin used

Its not acceptable

As for US history which examples are you complaining about?

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