America makes aircraft carriers. China sells stuff…

So true and they are kicking our ass in just about every economic endeavor. We are watching the USA Empire slowly die before our eyes, thanks to our rapacious oligarchs and the politicians they own. Not necessarily a bad thing. A warlike empire needs termination.

Excellent column by Fred Reed.
A Dolorous Imbalance

Now R supporters commence Xiden comments and D supporters Putin/Trump are lovers comments, just like little naughty second graders.
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high

“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
I hate to break this to you but China is in the process of building their forth aircraft carrier as we're having this conversation.
View attachment 492096

China is dealing with more folks than us.....with countries like Vietnam or Taiwan ....aircraft carriers might be helpful, or they are also good for showing the flag, or for logistical support and even in limited warfare with us to a certain extent.

However, we should not base our needs or our weapons platforms on the fact that China is building a aircraft carrier.

Our main concern should be what we need to fight a war with China or Russia....China being our number one threat.

Their building of a Aircraft carrier does not concern me as in we could sink it very quickly.

What we should be concerned about is all the money and resources they are pouring into missile production and technology....far more than we are.

What should concern you is that they're on a schedule to build a navy as powerful as ours by 2035. That's in addition to missiles.
So true and they are kicking our ass in just about every economic endeavor. We are watching the USA Empire slowly die before our eyes, thanks to our rapacious oligarchs and the politicians they own. Not necessarily a bad thing. A warlike empire needs termination.

Excellent column by Fred Reed.
A Dolorous Imbalance

Now R supporters commence Xiden comments and D supporters Putin/Trump are lovers comments, just like little naughty second graders.
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high

“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
I hate to break this to you but China is in the process of building their forth aircraft carrier as we're having this conversation.
View attachment 492096

China is dealing with more folks than us.....with countries like Vietnam or Taiwan ....aircraft carriers might be helpful, or they are also good for showing the flag, or for logistical support and even in limited warfare with us to a certain extent.

However, we should not base our needs or our weapons platforms on the fact that China is building a aircraft carrier.

Our main concern should be what we need to fight a war with China or Russia....China being our number one threat.

Their building of a Aircraft carrier does not concern me as in we could sink it very quickly.

What we should be concerned about is all the money and resources they are pouring into missile production and technology....far more than we are.

What should concern you is that they're on a schedule to build a navy as powerful as ours by 2035. That's in addition to missiles.

No their aim is not equality but superiority. Aircraft carriers will not give them or us superiority.

For some reason my links are invisible.

Anyhow.....Aircraft carriers are essentially weapons platforms.....that are now vulnurable.

We need a new weapons platform that is not vulnurable or one that is at least not as vulnurable as aircraft carriers.

More knowledgeble military experts are now advocating for a cruise missle system using advanced missles from bases that can be constructed to withstand counter strikes....built as close as possible to china.

My link on the above is not showing up for some reason.

What the above based article does not mention is land based cruise missile sites and that is what we need....aka unsinkable.

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We should be upgrading our infrastructure merely to make our economy more efficient and convenient for modern times.
Fred’s at it again:
A key excerpt:
Why can the Chinese do all of these things at once? Because they have money and many smart engineers. Why do they have money? Because they make stuff and sell it. America doesn’t have money because it spends it all on aircraft carriers, and doesn’t make stuff because it sent its factories to…China. Why doesn’t America have more and better engineers? Because it has a far smaller base of STEM-capable young and because it is dumbing down its schools and universities for the gratification of unproductive minorities. Whose fault is all of this? Why…China’s. Who could doubt it?
We should be upgrading our infrastructure merely to make our economy more efficient and convenient for modern times.

For example, the fact we saddle products with an additional 30% cost for wasteful health insurance is the main thing that is destroying us.
Public health care would not just cost half as much, but would also greatly boost our economy with more exports.
We spend almost as much as the whole rest of the world on the military, and the military produces nothing.
Defeating Iraq and Afghanistan gained us nothing.
If we defeated Russia and China, that would gain us nothing.
All our military spending does is allow us to destroy, and that gains us nothing.
For example, the fact we saddle products with an additional 30% cost for wasteful health insurance is the main thing that is destroying us.
Public health care would not just cost half as much, but would also greatly boost our economy with more exports.
How does that solve for the rest of infractructure? Upgrading infrastructure with public transit systems would help increase market based participation for more persons.
For example, the fact we saddle products with an additional 30% cost for wasteful health insurance is the main thing that is destroying us.
Public health care would not just cost half as much, but would also greatly boost our economy with more exports.
Exactly right but many think public HC is COMMUNISM. OH NO!!!!!!!

I guess in their minds all of the developed world and much of the undeveloped are COMMUNISTS.
How does that solve for the rest of infractructure? Upgrading infrastructure with public transit systems would help increase market based participation for more persons.
Isn’t it self explanatory?
IMHO the United States will never be a manufacturing powerhouse again and it's silly to try and pursue it. We have evolved into a service economy.
Just as Lee Iacocca predicted decades ago

Loosely quoted he said:

“We dont build things in America anymore. If the trend continues someday we will be setting here selling insurance to each other”

Unfortunately he was proven to be right

globalism was a scourge even in his time and just getting worse

The biggest excuse globalists have for accepting chinese mercantilism is that if we made stuff it would cost more

But more Americans would have higher paying jobs and money to buy what we produce
So true and they are kicking our ass in just about every economic endeavor. We are watching the USA Empire slowly die before our eyes, thanks to our rapacious oligarchs and the politicians they own. Not necessarily a bad thing. A warlike empire needs termination.

Excellent column by Fred Reed.
A Dolorous Imbalance

Now R supporters commence Xiden comments and D supporters Putin/Trump are lovers comments, just like little naughty second graders.
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high

“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “

'America makes aircraft carriers. China sells stuff…'​

Yeah, the CCP makes 'stuff' like extremely critical 'stuff' like Touch Screens for some of our very technical weapons and are the only source for those parts. We can not build those A/C Carriers without some of that 'stuff' the CCP builds.

During the beginning of the Pandemic some Americans called for sanctions / punishment of the CCP for unleashing it on the world - the CCP responded by declaring they would WITHHOLD CRITICAL, LIFE-SUSTAINING DRUGS AMERICANS DEPEND ON THE CCP FOR BECAUSE THE CCP IS THE SOLE SOURCE OF THOSE DRUGS.
-- You would have thought that would have been a WAKE-UP CALL for US Politicians, making it clear / obvious that the United States needs to end that dependency on our enemy and start getting the drugs somewhere else or start making them here in the US...but, no - they have done nothing to change it.
Ok. How would you accomplish it?
My point and I believe Rigby’s point is if American business is not saddled with providing it’s workers HC, it can focus on accomplishing other things like rebuilding infrastructure. The answer is universal HC.

'America makes aircraft carriers. China sells stuff…'​

Yeah, the CCP makes 'stuff' like extremely critical 'stuff' like Touch Screens for some of our very technical weapons and are the only source for those parts. We can not build those A/C Carriers without some of that 'stuff' the CCP builds.

During the beginning of the Pandemic some Americans called for sanctions / punishment of the CCP for unleashing it on the world - the CCP responded by declaring they would WITHHOLD CRITICAL, LIFE-SUSTAINING DRUGS AMERICANS DEPEND ON THE CCP FOR BECAUSE THE CCP IS THE SOLE SOURCE OF THOSE DRUGS.
-- You would have thought that would have been a WAKE-UP CALL for US Politicians, making it clear / obvious that the United States needs to end that dependency on our enemy and start getting the drugs somewhere else or start making them here in the US...but, no - they have done nothing to change it.
There is no need to make China an enemy. I know you’re stuck on the communist thing, but that’s so 80s. We better learn to get along with China because they soon will surpass us in every way.
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There is no need to make China an enemy. I know your stuck on the communist thing, but that’s so 80s. We better learn to get along with China because they soon will surpass us in every way.
The folks that are creating the one world globalist state, are in charge of all the main information sources, just like they were before WWII.

. . . and, they are the folks that are also the ones that control the fates of nations.

They started building China up when Nixon went to China in the first place. . . and it continued. If they can't build their one world order peacefully, they will have their war. Folks like easyt65, due to the media they consume, don't have a choice but to think of China as the enemy, anymore than the average Chinese national has the choice to look at the average American as their enemy. . . it is the way the Hegelian dialectic plays out.

. . . and then, tens of millions, hundreds of millions, hell, maybe even a billion folks will die.

WWIII will be as different from WWII, as WWII was different from WWI, as WWI was as different from any other war. It will shock the hell out of all humanity. But that is what the international globalists are counting on, just as they were counting on it before WWI, and WWII.

And what happened after both WWI and WWII? We got more and more integrated politically as a planet, and the oligarchs got more and more control, and the little folks lost more and more of their freedom.

Did any of the oligarchs die? Well, other than the Romanov family, Mussolini, and Hitler and a few of his buddies? I am not really sure they did. Most of the folks that financed the fascists, their banks and their corporations, and the Deep State in Germany, was exported to both the US and the USSR.

. . . so yeah, the belief that China is the enemy? When it is the leaders of both nations. . . and the folks pulling the strings world wide, for the final agenda. . . .

It is after the war, and no matter who "wins?" The real losers will be liberty and freedom.
My point and I believe Rigby’s point is if American business is not saddled with providing it’s workers HC, it can focus on accomplishing other things like rebuilding infrastructure. The answer is universal HC.
I agree with you to the extent (access to) healthcare should be a right not a "for-profit" privilege under our form of Capitalism where unequal protection of the laws for unemployment compensation limits access.
There is no need to make China an enemy. I know you’re stuck on the communist thing, but that’s so 80s. We better learn to get along with China because they soon will surpass us in every way.
We aren't making them an enemy. They are threatening us.

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