America makes aircraft carriers. China sells stuff…

So true and they are kicking our ass in just about every economic endeavor. We are watching the USA Empire slowly die before our eyes, thanks to our rapacious oligarchs and the politicians they own. Not necessarily a bad thing. A warlike empire needs termination.

Excellent column by Fred Reed.
A Dolorous Imbalance

Now R supporters commence Xiden comments and D supporters Putin/Trump are lovers comments, just like little naughty second graders.
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high

“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
They also have 3 aircraft carriers under construction and two completed and in service.
Their first aircraft carrier has problems. If you don't at first succeed, try and try, again. A long journey begins with the first step.
The main problem with it is the fact that using the Ski ramp for take off means they can carry no appreciable weapons load and even require a recuded fuel load. As a result, their fighters are almost useless.

It is not their 'fighters' we have to worry is China's massive arsenal of missles....capable of destroying our Aircraft Carriers.

I haven't seen a demonstration that shows that China can knockout our aircraft carriers with missiles. Carrier groups have massive defenses against missile attacks.
I am reminded of General Billy Mitchell a early advocate of air power and when he demonstrated a Airplane could sink a Battleship he became very unpopular with the big boys and eventually he was courtmartialed.

Now today we see something very similar....those who cling to the importance of aircraft carriers even though it is known they are very vulnurable to missle attacks.

The missiles are going hypersonic now. They are faster and faster. You shoot 20 of them and if only 1 gets through that at least slows down or stops the carrier from using their aircraft. In an all out war, they out mass produce us. So we better have a huge technology advantage. Perhaps those UFO's the military has been showing recently are our so called secret projects. Then they will be used to win the day before the war goes nuclear.
There is no way to shoot down a hypersonic sea skimming missile in a surprise attack as the weapons that will do the shooting are not kept loaded and unlocked, which is what they must be to shoot at a missile coming in at 1.7 miles per second
Where is the guarantee anything moving that fast can hit the broad side of a barn? That's the key point where the Chinese and Russian suck!
Since the offensive weapons systems are not loaded and unlocked the USA is defenseless against a surprise attack against a weapon traveling 2.7 miles per second
OMG, STFU! In the age of satellites, there is no such thing as a surprise attack, dumbass!
As a former military man (ret) and coming from a LONG line of military men, I can say to you that you know better than that (or you should).

For every NRO Sat Station In space, both the Russians and the ChiCom have the capability to disable them from the ground - exactly as we can with theirs. It's the 21st century, Admiral.

Never a truer sentiment was expressed that "For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction ".

Take for example our "stealth" fighters. Look at the Chinese opposite. Looks EXACTLY like ours. Helps prevent MADD.....

Disabling our staellites is an act of war, dumbass! I think we would know!
So true and they are kicking our ass in just about every economic endeavor. We are watching the USA Empire slowly die before our eyes, thanks to our rapacious oligarchs and the politicians they own. Not necessarily a bad thing. A warlike empire needs termination.

Excellent column by Fred Reed.
A Dolorous Imbalance

Now R supporters commence Xiden comments and D supporters Putin/Trump are lovers comments, just like little naughty second graders.
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high

“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
They also have 3 aircraft carriers under construction and two completed and in service.
Their first aircraft carrier has problems. If you don't at first succeed, try and try, again. A long journey begins with the first step.
The main problem with it is the fact that using the Ski ramp for take off means they can carry no appreciable weapons load and even require a recuded fuel load. As a result, their fighters are almost useless.

It is not their 'fighters' we have to worry is China's massive arsenal of missles....capable of destroying our Aircraft Carriers.

I haven't seen a demonstration that shows that China can knockout our aircraft carriers with missiles. Carrier groups have massive defenses against missile attacks.
I am reminded of General Billy Mitchell a early advocate of air power and when he demonstrated a Airplane could sink a Battleship he became very unpopular with the big boys and eventually he was courtmartialed.

Now today we see something very similar....those who cling to the importance of aircraft carriers even though it is known they are very vulnurable to missle attacks.

The missiles are going hypersonic now. They are faster and faster. You shoot 20 of them and if only 1 gets through that at least slows down or stops the carrier from using their aircraft. In an all out war, they out mass produce us. So we better have a huge technology advantage. Perhaps those UFO's the military has been showing recently are our so called secret projects. Then they will be used to win the day before the war goes nuclear.
There is no way to shoot down a hypersonic sea skimming missile in a surprise attack as the weapons that will do the shooting are not kept loaded and unlocked, which is what they must be to shoot at a missile coming in at 1.7 miles per second
Where is the guarantee anything moving that fast can hit the broad side of a barn? That's the key point where the Chinese and Russian suck!
Since the offensive weapons systems are not loaded and unlocked the USA is defenseless against a surprise attack against a weapon traveling 2.7 miles per second
OMG, STFU! In the age of satellites, there is no such thing as a surprise attack, dumbass!
As a former military man (ret) and coming from a LONG line of military men, I can say to you that you know better than that (or you should).

For every NRO Sat Station In space, both the Russians and the ChiCom have the capability to disable them from the ground - exactly as we can with theirs. It's the 21st century, Admiral.

Never a truer sentiment was expressed that "For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction ".

Take for example our "stealth" fighters. Look at the Chinese opposite. Looks EXACTLY like ours. Helps prevent MADD.....

Disabling our staellites is an act of war, dumbass! I think we would know!
Genius, just pure genius
So true and they are kicking our ass in just about every economic endeavor. We are watching the USA Empire slowly die before our eyes, thanks to our rapacious oligarchs and the politicians they own. Not necessarily a bad thing. A warlike empire needs termination.

Excellent column by Fred Reed.
A Dolorous Imbalance

Now R supporters commence Xiden comments and D supporters Putin/Trump are lovers comments, just like little naughty second graders.
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high

“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “

50 years from now, in whatever is left of the US, our children will ask their parents "Why did you let this happen?"
People with narrow vision sought empire over innovation and trade
Indeed. Gone are the days when an "Empire" was looked at as GREAT by the Armies that they could amass. Today? an EMPIRE is looked at by the size of their countries stock market portfolio and how they wield their monetary power..

While the United States "used" to have the worlds most deadly military, that is (regrettably) no longer the case. While we have spent hundreds of trillions of dollars paying every other country in the world for "allegiance" - that are not, China has built their military to be leaner, sharper and more deadly than most other military in the world.

Sure, we can kill from 50,000 feet or 100 miles away....but MANPOWER, the people that actually do the fighting and dying is sadly lacking. Anyone who has served in the military from say 1973 until today will tell you the same. Todays military concentrates on "political correctness" and "all Inclusive" - to their detriment.

We will pay dearly one day. And that day is not long off.....
Sorry, turd, but the Chinese military is nowhere near as strong as ours. How many ICBMs do they have? SLBMs? Stealth bombers? Stealth fighters?
So true and they are kicking our ass in just about every economic endeavor. We are watching the USA Empire slowly die before our eyes, thanks to our rapacious oligarchs and the politicians they own. Not necessarily a bad thing. A warlike empire needs termination.

Excellent column by Fred Reed.
A Dolorous Imbalance

Now R supporters commence Xiden comments and D supporters Putin/Trump are lovers comments, just like little naughty second graders.
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high

“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
They also have 3 aircraft carriers under construction and two completed and in service.
Their first aircraft carrier has problems. If you don't at first succeed, try and try, again. A long journey begins with the first step.
The main problem with it is the fact that using the Ski ramp for take off means they can carry no appreciable weapons load and even require a recuded fuel load. As a result, their fighters are almost useless.

It is not their 'fighters' we have to worry is China's massive arsenal of missles....capable of destroying our Aircraft Carriers.

I haven't seen a demonstration that shows that China can knockout our aircraft carriers with missiles. Carrier groups have massive defenses against missile attacks.
No carrier last 1 day in an all out war, which is why the USA uses them to attack camels
China can now hold the U.S. Navy’s surface fleet at risk at significant ranges from the mainland. This threat to the U.S. surface fleet continues to grow. China’s anti-surface capability is founded on four developments: (1) the establishment of an increasingly capable long-range maritime surveillance capability designed to detect and track surface ships, (2) the deployment of sophisticated anti-ship cruise missiles and the world’s first anti-ship ballistic missile, (3) the acquisition of strike aircraft with greater range and power, and (4) the deployment of new classes of larger and quieter submarines armed with cruise missiles and torpedoes
There is a good reason that Russia does not have an active carrier, which is that they are useless in an all out conflict
No, they got rid of their carriers because they suck at building and maintaining them.
Russia dumped a useless weapons system, but then Russia does not launch air attacks on camels like the USA does.

So are you going to pretend that you are an admiral forever, or do you have plans to grow up one day
It's useless to Russia because it isn't tasked with maintaining freedom of the seas.

You're an idiot who has no understanding of military strategy.
OK genius, how would a carrier get close enough to Russia or China to launch an attack and have the jets land back on the carrier? So again carriers are great for attacking camels. The poor strategist is you who merely believes that the USA is invulnerable and that no American ship can be sunk. Wake up

Why would we use a carrier to attack Russia? However, carriers will be quite useful if China tries to attack any of its neighbors in the South China sea. You have to be terminally stupid not to see that.

In certain minor situations and at a limited level when the adversary does not have the missles that can sink carriers they can be useful....but not worth the huge costs of carriers.

Not even to mention anti-ship aka anti-aircraft technology continues to develop....we are misleading ourselves to believe China cannot sink our carriers.

The best replacement for our AirCraft -Carriers in any military engagement with China would be to develop attack resistant cruise missile bases ....aka deep underground as close to china as possible ......loaded with stealth missiles...with a huge payload....backed up by nuclear tipped missiles if needed---we cannot fight China with the methods of WWII....our military leaders seem to always want to fight a current war using tactics and methods from previous wars....our current situation with China and how we respond militarily needs to be thoroughly reviewed by those with good analytical powers and lots of knowledge regarding modern technology in regards to which China is leaving us behind....our situation is dire and we are in for a tremendous shock within the next couple of years....if China decides to go on the offensive....unless we quickly revamp our military force potential in the South China Sea.
Spare me. You've already demonstrated that you know nothing about the military.
LOL so if ufos are looping around American fighter jets as if the fighter was a turtle walking, are they scared of carriers?
What the fuck are you talking about?
So true and they are kicking our ass in just about every economic endeavor. We are watching the USA Empire slowly die before our eyes, thanks to our rapacious oligarchs and the politicians they own. Not necessarily a bad thing. A warlike empire needs termination.

Excellent column by Fred Reed.
A Dolorous Imbalance

Now R supporters commence Xiden comments and D supporters Putin/Trump are lovers comments, just like little naughty second graders.
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high

“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
They also have 3 aircraft carriers under construction and two completed and in service.
Their first aircraft carrier has problems. If you don't at first succeed, try and try, again. A long journey begins with the first step.
The main problem with it is the fact that using the Ski ramp for take off means they can carry no appreciable weapons load and even require a recuded fuel load. As a result, their fighters are almost useless.

It is not their 'fighters' we have to worry is China's massive arsenal of missles....capable of destroying our Aircraft Carriers.

I haven't seen a demonstration that shows that China can knockout our aircraft carriers with missiles. Carrier groups have massive defenses against missile attacks.
I am reminded of General Billy Mitchell a early advocate of air power and when he demonstrated a Airplane could sink a Battleship he became very unpopular with the big boys and eventually he was courtmartialed.

Now today we see something very similar....those who cling to the importance of aircraft carriers even though it is known they are very vulnurable to missle attacks.

The missiles are going hypersonic now. They are faster and faster. You shoot 20 of them and if only 1 gets through that at least slows down or stops the carrier from using their aircraft. In an all out war, they out mass produce us. So we better have a huge technology advantage. Perhaps those UFO's the military has been showing recently are our so called secret projects. Then they will be used to win the day before the war goes nuclear.
There is no way to shoot down a hypersonic sea skimming missile in a surprise attack as the weapons that will do the shooting are not kept loaded and unlocked, which is what they must be to shoot at a missile coming in at 1.7 miles per second
Where is the guarantee anything moving that fast can hit the broad side of a barn? That's the key point where the Chinese and Russian suck!
Since the offensive weapons systems are not loaded and unlocked the USA is defenseless against a surprise attack against a weapon traveling 2.7 miles per second
OMG, STFU! In the age of satellites, there is no such thing as a surprise attack, dumbass!
As a former military man (ret) and coming from a LONG line of military men, I can say to you that you know better than that (or you should).

For every NRO Sat Station In space, both the Russians and the ChiCom have the capability to disable them from the ground - exactly as we can with theirs. It's the 21st century, Admiral.

Never a truer sentiment was expressed that "For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction ".

Take for example our "stealth" fighters. Look at the Chinese opposite. Looks EXACTLY like ours. Helps prevent MADD.....

Disabling our staellites is an act of war, dumbass! I think we would know!
NONO. They didn't report it on Faux. You can't possibly know.
I think your jingles on your shirt are a bit tarnished
So true and they are kicking our ass in just about every economic endeavor. We are watching the USA Empire slowly die before our eyes, thanks to our rapacious oligarchs and the politicians they own. Not necessarily a bad thing. A warlike empire needs termination.

Excellent column by Fred Reed.
A Dolorous Imbalance

Now R supporters commence Xiden comments and D supporters Putin/Trump are lovers comments, just like little naughty second graders.
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high

“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
They also have 3 aircraft carriers under construction and two completed and in service.
Their first aircraft carrier has problems. If you don't at first succeed, try and try, again. A long journey begins with the first step.
The main problem with it is the fact that using the Ski ramp for take off means they can carry no appreciable weapons load and even require a recuded fuel load. As a result, their fighters are almost useless.

It is not their 'fighters' we have to worry is China's massive arsenal of missles....capable of destroying our Aircraft Carriers.

I haven't seen a demonstration that shows that China can knockout our aircraft carriers with missiles. Carrier groups have massive defenses against missile attacks.
No carrier last 1 day in an all out war, which is why the USA uses them to attack camels
China can now hold the U.S. Navy’s surface fleet at risk at significant ranges from the mainland. This threat to the U.S. surface fleet continues to grow. China’s anti-surface capability is founded on four developments: (1) the establishment of an increasingly capable long-range maritime surveillance capability designed to detect and track surface ships, (2) the deployment of sophisticated anti-ship cruise missiles and the world’s first anti-ship ballistic missile, (3) the acquisition of strike aircraft with greater range and power, and (4) the deployment of new classes of larger and quieter submarines armed with cruise missiles and torpedoes
There is a good reason that Russia does not have an active carrier, which is that they are useless in an all out conflict
No, they got rid of their carriers because they suck at building and maintaining them.
Russia dumped a useless weapons system, but then Russia does not launch air attacks on camels like the USA does.

So are you going to pretend that you are an admiral forever, or do you have plans to grow up one day
It's useless to Russia because it isn't tasked with maintaining freedom of the seas.

You're an idiot who has no understanding of military strategy.
OK genius, how would a carrier get close enough to Russia or China to launch an attack and have the jets land back on the carrier? So again carriers are great for attacking camels. The poor strategist is you who merely believes that the USA is invulnerable and that no American ship can be sunk. Wake up

Why would we use a carrier to attack Russia? However, carriers will be quite useful if China tries to attack any of its neighbors in the South China sea. You have to be terminally stupid not to see that.

In certain minor situations and at a limited level when the adversary does not have the missles that can sink carriers they can be useful....but not worth the huge costs of carriers.

Not even to mention anti-ship aka anti-aircraft technology continues to develop....we are misleading ourselves to believe China cannot sink our carriers.

The best replacement for our AirCraft -Carriers in any military engagement with China would be to develop attack resistant cruise missile bases ....aka deep underground as close to china as possible ......loaded with stealth missiles...with a huge payload....backed up by nuclear tipped missiles if needed---we cannot fight China with the methods of WWII....our military leaders seem to always want to fight a current war using tactics and methods from previous wars....our current situation with China and how we respond militarily needs to be thoroughly reviewed by those with good analytical powers and lots of knowledge regarding modern technology in regards to which China is leaving us behind....our situation is dire and we are in for a tremendous shock within the next couple of years....if China decides to go on the offensive....unless we quickly revamp our military force potential in the South China Sea.
Spare me. You've already demonstrated that you know nothing about the military.
LOL so if ufos are looping around American fighter jets as if the fighter was a turtle walking, are they scared of carriers?
What the fuck are you talking about?
LOL the really amazing thing is how you gleefully advertise and brag about how ignorant that you are.

So true and they are kicking our ass in just about every economic endeavor. We are watching the USA Empire slowly die before our eyes, thanks to our rapacious oligarchs and the politicians they own. Not necessarily a bad thing. A warlike empire needs termination.

Excellent column by Fred Reed.
A Dolorous Imbalance

Now R supporters commence Xiden comments and D supporters Putin/Trump are lovers comments, just like little naughty second graders.
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high

“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
They also have 3 aircraft carriers under construction and two completed and in service.
Their first aircraft carrier has problems. If you don't at first succeed, try and try, again. A long journey begins with the first step.
The main problem with it is the fact that using the Ski ramp for take off means they can carry no appreciable weapons load and even require a recuded fuel load. As a result, their fighters are almost useless.

It is not their 'fighters' we have to worry is China's massive arsenal of missles....capable of destroying our Aircraft Carriers.

I haven't seen a demonstration that shows that China can knockout our aircraft carriers with missiles. Carrier groups have massive defenses against missile attacks.
No carrier last 1 day in an all out war, which is why the USA uses them to attack camels
China can now hold the U.S. Navy’s surface fleet at risk at significant ranges from the mainland. This threat to the U.S. surface fleet continues to grow. China’s anti-surface capability is founded on four developments: (1) the establishment of an increasingly capable long-range maritime surveillance capability designed to detect and track surface ships, (2) the deployment of sophisticated anti-ship cruise missiles and the world’s first anti-ship ballistic missile, (3) the acquisition of strike aircraft with greater range and power, and (4) the deployment of new classes of larger and quieter submarines armed with cruise missiles and torpedoes
There is a good reason that Russia does not have an active carrier, which is that they are useless in an all out conflict
No, they got rid of their carriers because they suck at building and maintaining them.
Russia dumped a useless weapons system, but then Russia does not launch air attacks on camels like the USA does.

So are you going to pretend that you are an admiral forever, or do you have plans to grow up one day
It's useless to Russia because it isn't tasked with maintaining freedom of the seas.

You're an idiot who has no understanding of military strategy.
OK genius, how would a carrier get close enough to Russia or China to launch an attack and have the jets land back on the carrier? So again carriers are great for attacking camels. The poor strategist is you who merely believes that the USA is invulnerable and that no American ship can be sunk. Wake up

Why would we use a carrier to attack Russia? However, carriers will be quite useful if China tries to attack any of its neighbors in the South China sea. You have to be terminally stupid not to see that.

In certain minor situations and at a limited level when the adversary does not have the missles that can sink carriers they can be useful....but not worth the huge costs of carriers.

Not even to mention anti-ship aka anti-aircraft technology continues to develop....we are misleading ourselves to believe China cannot sink our carriers.

The best replacement for our AirCraft -Carriers in any military engagement with China would be to develop attack resistant cruise missile bases ....aka deep underground as close to china as possible ......loaded with stealth missiles...with a huge payload....backed up by nuclear tipped missiles if needed---we cannot fight China with the methods of WWII....our military leaders seem to always want to fight a current war using tactics and methods from previous wars....our current situation with China and how we respond militarily needs to be thoroughly reviewed by those with good analytical powers and lots of knowledge regarding modern technology in regards to which China is leaving us behind....our situation is dire and we are in for a tremendous shock within the next couple of years....if China decides to go on the offensive....unless we quickly revamp our military force potential in the South China Sea.
Spare me. You've already demonstrated that you know nothing about the military.
LOL so if ufos are looping around American fighter jets as if the fighter was a turtle walking, are they scared of carriers?
What the fuck are you talking about?
LOL the really amazing thing is how you gleefully advertise and brag about how ignorant that you are.

I'm advertising that you're a babbling fool who can't speak coherent English.
So true and they are kicking our ass in just about every economic endeavor. We are watching the USA Empire slowly die before our eyes, thanks to our rapacious oligarchs and the politicians they own. Not necessarily a bad thing. A warlike empire needs termination.

Excellent column by Fred Reed.
A Dolorous Imbalance

Now R supporters commence Xiden comments and D supporters Putin/Trump are lovers comments, just like little naughty second graders.
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high

“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
They also have 3 aircraft carriers under construction and two completed and in service.
Their first aircraft carrier has problems. If you don't at first succeed, try and try, again. A long journey begins with the first step.
The main problem with it is the fact that using the Ski ramp for take off means they can carry no appreciable weapons load and even require a recuded fuel load. As a result, their fighters are almost useless.

It is not their 'fighters' we have to worry is China's massive arsenal of missles....capable of destroying our Aircraft Carriers.

I haven't seen a demonstration that shows that China can knockout our aircraft carriers with missiles. Carrier groups have massive defenses against missile attacks.
No carrier last 1 day in an all out war, which is why the USA uses them to attack camels
China can now hold the U.S. Navy’s surface fleet at risk at significant ranges from the mainland. This threat to the U.S. surface fleet continues to grow. China’s anti-surface capability is founded on four developments: (1) the establishment of an increasingly capable long-range maritime surveillance capability designed to detect and track surface ships, (2) the deployment of sophisticated anti-ship cruise missiles and the world’s first anti-ship ballistic missile, (3) the acquisition of strike aircraft with greater range and power, and (4) the deployment of new classes of larger and quieter submarines armed with cruise missiles and torpedoes
There is a good reason that Russia does not have an active carrier, which is that they are useless in an all out conflict
No, they got rid of their carriers because they suck at building and maintaining them.
Russia dumped a useless weapons system, but then Russia does not launch air attacks on camels like the USA does.

So are you going to pretend that you are an admiral forever, or do you have plans to grow up one day
It's useless to Russia because it isn't tasked with maintaining freedom of the seas.

You're an idiot who has no understanding of military strategy.
OK genius, how would a carrier get close enough to Russia or China to launch an attack and have the jets land back on the carrier? So again carriers are great for attacking camels. The poor strategist is you who merely believes that the USA is invulnerable and that no American ship can be sunk. Wake up

Why would we use a carrier to attack Russia? However, carriers will be quite useful if China tries to attack any of its neighbors in the South China sea. You have to be terminally stupid not to see that.

In certain minor situations and at a limited level when the adversary does not have the missles that can sink carriers they can be useful....but not worth the huge costs of carriers.

Not even to mention anti-ship aka anti-aircraft technology continues to develop....we are misleading ourselves to believe China cannot sink our carriers.

The best replacement for our AirCraft -Carriers in any military engagement with China would be to develop attack resistant cruise missile bases ....aka deep underground as close to china as possible ......loaded with stealth missiles...with a huge payload....backed up by nuclear tipped missiles if needed---we cannot fight China with the methods of WWII....our military leaders seem to always want to fight a current war using tactics and methods from previous wars....our current situation with China and how we respond militarily needs to be thoroughly reviewed by those with good analytical powers and lots of knowledge regarding modern technology in regards to which China is leaving us behind....our situation is dire and we are in for a tremendous shock within the next couple of years....if China decides to go on the offensive....unless we quickly revamp our military force potential in the South China Sea.
Spare me. You've already demonstrated that you know nothing about the military.
LOL so if ufos are looping around American fighter jets as if the fighter was a turtle walking, are they scared of carriers?
What the fuck are you talking about?
LOL the really amazing thing is how you gleefully advertise and brag about how ignorant that you are.

I'm advertising that you're a babbling fool who can't speak coherent English.

Really, are you hearing voices again?
So true and they are kicking our ass in just about every economic endeavor. We are watching the USA Empire slowly die before our eyes, thanks to our rapacious oligarchs and the politicians they own. Not necessarily a bad thing. A warlike empire needs termination.

Excellent column by Fred Reed.
A Dolorous Imbalance

Now R supporters commence Xiden comments and D supporters Putin/Trump are lovers comments, just like little naughty second graders.
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high

“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
They also have 3 aircraft carriers under construction and two completed and in service.
Their first aircraft carrier has problems. If you don't at first succeed, try and try, again. A long journey begins with the first step.
The main problem with it is the fact that using the Ski ramp for take off means they can carry no appreciable weapons load and even require a recuded fuel load. As a result, their fighters are almost useless.

It is not their 'fighters' we have to worry is China's massive arsenal of missles....capable of destroying our Aircraft Carriers.

I haven't seen a demonstration that shows that China can knockout our aircraft carriers with missiles. Carrier groups have massive defenses against missile attacks.
No carrier last 1 day in an all out war, which is why the USA uses them to attack camels
China can now hold the U.S. Navy’s surface fleet at risk at significant ranges from the mainland. This threat to the U.S. surface fleet continues to grow. China’s anti-surface capability is founded on four developments: (1) the establishment of an increasingly capable long-range maritime surveillance capability designed to detect and track surface ships, (2) the deployment of sophisticated anti-ship cruise missiles and the world’s first anti-ship ballistic missile, (3) the acquisition of strike aircraft with greater range and power, and (4) the deployment of new classes of larger and quieter submarines armed with cruise missiles and torpedoes
There is a good reason that Russia does not have an active carrier, which is that they are useless in an all out conflict
No, they got rid of their carriers because they suck at building and maintaining them.
Russia dumped a useless weapons system, but then Russia does not launch air attacks on camels like the USA does.

So are you going to pretend that you are an admiral forever, or do you have plans to grow up one day
Fuck you and the camel you rode in on. You need to STFU and stick to topics you ight know something about. I was a Navy O-4 before Clinton destroyed the military with his "peace dividend". I deployed 4 times to the Med and Middle East. I also served on one of those useless carriers that attacked your fucking camel! I also was a role player training special operations troops for 11 years. Now, I work as an Army contractor. What are your qualifications to pontificate? None or you watch a lot of TV?

The lost lesson of Millennium Challenge 2002, the Pentagon’s embarrassing post-9/11 war game​

Called Millennium Challenge 2002, the idea was simple: to develop and implement training and doctrine that could be changed quickly to utilize developing technology and adapt to varying enemy tactics. The Cold War tactics the U.S. military trained on for decades were out the window and a new war was on the horizon.

So true and they are kicking our ass in just about every economic endeavor. We are watching the USA Empire slowly die before our eyes, thanks to our rapacious oligarchs and the politicians they own. Not necessarily a bad thing. A warlike empire needs termination.

Excellent column by Fred Reed.
A Dolorous Imbalance

Now R supporters commence Xiden comments and D supporters Putin/Trump are lovers comments, just like little naughty second graders.
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high

“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
They also have 3 aircraft carriers under construction and two completed and in service.
Their first aircraft carrier has problems. If you don't at first succeed, try and try, again. A long journey begins with the first step.
The main problem with it is the fact that using the Ski ramp for take off means they can carry no appreciable weapons load and even require a recuded fuel load. As a result, their fighters are almost useless.

It is not their 'fighters' we have to worry is China's massive arsenal of missles....capable of destroying our Aircraft Carriers.

I haven't seen a demonstration that shows that China can knockout our aircraft carriers with missiles. Carrier groups have massive defenses against missile attacks.
I am reminded of General Billy Mitchell a early advocate of air power and when he demonstrated a Airplane could sink a Battleship he became very unpopular with the big boys and eventually he was courtmartialed.

Now today we see something very similar....those who cling to the importance of aircraft carriers even though it is known they are very vulnurable to missle attacks.

The missiles are going hypersonic now. They are faster and faster. You shoot 20 of them and if only 1 gets through that at least slows down or stops the carrier from using their aircraft. In an all out war, they out mass produce us. So we better have a huge technology advantage. Perhaps those UFO's the military has been showing recently are our so called secret projects. Then they will be used to win the day before the war goes nuclear.
There is no way to shoot down a hypersonic sea skimming missile in a surprise attack as the weapons that will do the shooting are not kept loaded and unlocked, which is what they must be to shoot at a missile coming in at 1.7 miles per second
Where is the guarantee anything moving that fast can hit the broad side of a barn? That's the key point where the Chinese and Russian suck!
Since the offensive weapons systems are not loaded and unlocked the USA is defenseless against a surprise attack against a weapon traveling 2.7 miles per second
OMG, STFU! In the age of satellites, there is no such thing as a surprise attack, dumbass!
As a former military man (ret) and coming from a LONG line of military men, I can say to you that you know better than that (or you should).

For every NRO Sat Station In space, both the Russians and the ChiCom have the capability to disable them from the ground - exactly as we can with theirs. It's the 21st century, Admiral.

Never a truer sentiment was expressed that "For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction ".

Take for example our "stealth" fighters. Look at the Chinese opposite. Looks EXACTLY like ours. Helps prevent MADD.....

Disabling our satellites is an act of war, dumbass! I think we would know!
Point of the article seems to be that China does business, the US does empire and the empire is fading fast.
Reed has done a number of articles regarding Chinese advances.
The job of the US Navy is to keep the sea lanes open and not build an Empire.
The job of the U.S. Navy SHOULD HAVE BEEN to keep sea lanes open, but HAS BEEN to build an empire.
This is why I hate libtards! What fucking empire, you ignorant piece of shit?
So true and they are kicking our ass in just about every economic endeavor. We are watching the USA Empire slowly die before our eyes, thanks to our rapacious oligarchs and the politicians they own. Not necessarily a bad thing. A warlike empire needs termination.

Excellent column by Fred Reed.
A Dolorous Imbalance

Now R supporters commence Xiden comments and D supporters Putin/Trump are lovers comments, just like little naughty second graders.
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high

“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
They also have 3 aircraft carriers under construction and two completed and in service.
Their first aircraft carrier has problems. If you don't at first succeed, try and try, again. A long journey begins with the first step.
The main problem with it is the fact that using the Ski ramp for take off means they can carry no appreciable weapons load and even require a recuded fuel load. As a result, their fighters are almost useless.

It is not their 'fighters' we have to worry is China's massive arsenal of missles....capable of destroying our Aircraft Carriers.

I haven't seen a demonstration that shows that China can knockout our aircraft carriers with missiles. Carrier groups have massive defenses against missile attacks.
I am reminded of General Billy Mitchell a early advocate of air power and when he demonstrated a Airplane could sink a Battleship he became very unpopular with the big boys and eventually he was courtmartialed.

Now today we see something very similar....those who cling to the importance of aircraft carriers even though it is known they are very vulnurable to missle attacks.

The missiles are going hypersonic now. They are faster and faster. You shoot 20 of them and if only 1 gets through that at least slows down or stops the carrier from using their aircraft. In an all out war, they out mass produce us. So we better have a huge technology advantage. Perhaps those UFO's the military has been showing recently are our so called secret projects. Then they will be used to win the day before the war goes nuclear.
There is no way to shoot down a hypersonic sea skimming missile in a surprise attack as the weapons that will do the shooting are not kept loaded and unlocked, which is what they must be to shoot at a missile coming in at 1.7 miles per second
Where is the guarantee anything moving that fast can hit the broad side of a barn? That's the key point where the Chinese and Russian suck!
Since the offensive weapons systems are not loaded and unlocked the USA is defenseless against a surprise attack against a weapon traveling 2.7 miles per second
OMG, STFU! In the age of satellites, there is no such thing as a surprise attack, dumbass!
As a former military man (ret) and coming from a LONG line of military men, I can say to you that you know better than that (or you should).

For every NRO Sat Station In space, both the Russians and the ChiCom have the capability to disable them from the ground - exactly as we can with theirs. It's the 21st century, Admiral.

Never a truer sentiment was expressed that "For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction ".

Take for example our "stealth" fighters. Look at the Chinese opposite. Looks EXACTLY like ours. Helps prevent MADD.....

Disabling our satellites is an act of war, dumbass! I think we would know!
LOL, it is possible to know when it's already too late to do anything
So true and they are kicking our ass in just about every economic endeavor. We are watching the USA Empire slowly die before our eyes, thanks to our rapacious oligarchs and the politicians they own. Not necessarily a bad thing. A warlike empire needs termination.

Excellent column by Fred Reed.
A Dolorous Imbalance

Now R supporters commence Xiden comments and D supporters Putin/Trump are lovers comments, just like little naughty second graders.
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high

“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
They also have 3 aircraft carriers under construction and two completed and in service.
Their first aircraft carrier has problems. If you don't at first succeed, try and try, again. A long journey begins with the first step.
The main problem with it is the fact that using the Ski ramp for take off means they can carry no appreciable weapons load and even require a recuded fuel load. As a result, their fighters are almost useless.

It is not their 'fighters' we have to worry is China's massive arsenal of missles....capable of destroying our Aircraft Carriers.

I haven't seen a demonstration that shows that China can knockout our aircraft carriers with missiles. Carrier groups have massive defenses against missile attacks.
I am reminded of General Billy Mitchell a early advocate of air power and when he demonstrated a Airplane could sink a Battleship he became very unpopular with the big boys and eventually he was courtmartialed.

Now today we see something very similar....those who cling to the importance of aircraft carriers even though it is known they are very vulnurable to missle attacks.

The missiles are going hypersonic now. They are faster and faster. You shoot 20 of them and if only 1 gets through that at least slows down or stops the carrier from using their aircraft. In an all out war, they out mass produce us. So we better have a huge technology advantage. Perhaps those UFO's the military has been showing recently are our so called secret projects. Then they will be used to win the day before the war goes nuclear.
There is no way to shoot down a hypersonic sea skimming missile in a surprise attack as the weapons that will do the shooting are not kept loaded and unlocked, which is what they must be to shoot at a missile coming in at 1.7 miles per second
Where is the guarantee anything moving that fast can hit the broad side of a barn? That's the key point where the Chinese and Russian suck!
Since the offensive weapons systems are not loaded and unlocked the USA is defenseless against a surprise attack against a weapon traveling 2.7 miles per second
OMG, STFU! In the age of satellites, there is no such thing as a surprise attack, dumbass!
As a former military man (ret) and coming from a LONG line of military men, I can say to you that you know better than that (or you should).

For every NRO Sat Station In space, both the Russians and the ChiCom have the capability to disable them from the ground - exactly as we can with theirs. It's the 21st century, Admiral.

Never a truer sentiment was expressed that "For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction ".

Take for example our "stealth" fighters. Look at the Chinese opposite. Looks EXACTLY like ours. Helps prevent MADD.....

Disabling our satellites is an act of war, dumbass! I think we would know!
LOL, it is possible to know when it's already too late to do anything
Guess he doesn't understand that the second they disable OUR sats, we disable theirs. Really not that hard to figure out. it's tit for tat.
So true and they are kicking our ass in just about every economic endeavor. We are watching the USA Empire slowly die before our eyes, thanks to our rapacious oligarchs and the politicians they own. Not necessarily a bad thing. A warlike empire needs termination.

Excellent column by Fred Reed.
A Dolorous Imbalance

Now R supporters commence Xiden comments and D supporters Putin/Trump are lovers comments, just like little naughty second graders.
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high

“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “

50 years from now, in whatever is left of the US, our children will ask their parents "Why did you let this happen?"
People with narrow vision sought empire over innovation and trade
Indeed. Gone are the days when an "Empire" was looked at as GREAT by the Armies that they could amass. Today? an EMPIRE is looked at by the size of their countries stock market portfolio and how they wield their monetary power..

While the United States "used" to have the worlds most deadly military, that is (regrettably) no longer the case. While we have spent hundreds of trillions of dollars paying every other country in the world for "allegiance" - that are not, China has built their military to be leaner, sharper and more deadly than most other military in the world.

Sure, we can kill from 50,000 feet or 100 miles away....but MANPOWER, the people that actually do the fighting and dying is sadly lacking. Anyone who has served in the military from say 1973 until today will tell you the same. Todays military concentrates on "political correctness" and "all Inclusive" - to their detriment.

We will pay dearly one day. And that day is not long off.....
Sorry, turd, but the Chinese military is nowhere near as strong as ours. How many ICBMs do they have? SLBMs? Stealth bombers? Stealth fighters?
Yes - yes and yes. And I'll promise you, they are as strong, if not stronger, than ours.
So true and they are kicking our ass in just about every economic endeavor. We are watching the USA Empire slowly die before our eyes, thanks to our rapacious oligarchs and the politicians they own. Not necessarily a bad thing. A warlike empire needs termination.

Excellent column by Fred Reed.
A Dolorous Imbalance

Now R supporters commence Xiden comments and D supporters Putin/Trump are lovers comments, just like little naughty second graders.
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high

“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
They also have 3 aircraft carriers under construction and two completed and in service.
Their first aircraft carrier has problems. If you don't at first succeed, try and try, again. A long journey begins with the first step.
The main problem with it is the fact that using the Ski ramp for take off means they can carry no appreciable weapons load and even require a recuded fuel load. As a result, their fighters are almost useless.

It is not their 'fighters' we have to worry is China's massive arsenal of missles....capable of destroying our Aircraft Carriers.

I haven't seen a demonstration that shows that China can knockout our aircraft carriers with missiles. Carrier groups have massive defenses against missile attacks.
I am reminded of General Billy Mitchell a early advocate of air power and when he demonstrated a Airplane could sink a Battleship he became very unpopular with the big boys and eventually he was courtmartialed.

Now today we see something very similar....those who cling to the importance of aircraft carriers even though it is known they are very vulnurable to missle attacks.

The missiles are going hypersonic now. They are faster and faster. You shoot 20 of them and if only 1 gets through that at least slows down or stops the carrier from using their aircraft. In an all out war, they out mass produce us. So we better have a huge technology advantage. Perhaps those UFO's the military has been showing recently are our so called secret projects. Then they will be used to win the day before the war goes nuclear.
There is no way to shoot down a hypersonic sea skimming missile in a surprise attack as the weapons that will do the shooting are not kept loaded and unlocked, which is what they must be to shoot at a missile coming in at 1.7 miles per second
Where is the guarantee anything moving that fast can hit the broad side of a barn? That's the key point where the Chinese and Russian suck!
Since the offensive weapons systems are not loaded and unlocked the USA is defenseless against a surprise attack against a weapon traveling 2.7 miles per second
OMG, STFU! In the age of satellites, there is no such thing as a surprise attack, dumbass!
As a former military man (ret) and coming from a LONG line of military men, I can say to you that you know better than that (or you should).

For every NRO Sat Station In space, both the Russians and the ChiCom have the capability to disable them from the ground - exactly as we can with theirs. It's the 21st century, Admiral.

Never a truer sentiment was expressed that "For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction ".

Take for example our "stealth" fighters. Look at the Chinese opposite. Looks EXACTLY like ours. Helps prevent MADD.....

Disabling our satellites is an act of war, dumbass! I think we would know!
LOL, it is possible to know when it's already too late to do anything
Guess he doesn't understand that the second they disable OUR sats, we disable theirs. Really not that hard to figure out. it's tit for tat.
With hypersonic missiles the satellites have no meaning
So true and they are kicking our ass in just about every economic endeavor. We are watching the USA Empire slowly die before our eyes, thanks to our rapacious oligarchs and the politicians they own. Not necessarily a bad thing. A warlike empire needs termination.

Excellent column by Fred Reed.
A Dolorous Imbalance

Now R supporters commence Xiden comments and D supporters Putin/Trump are lovers comments, just like little naughty second graders.
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high

“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
They also have 3 aircraft carriers under construction and two completed and in service.
Their first aircraft carrier has problems. If you don't at first succeed, try and try, again. A long journey begins with the first step.
The main problem with it is the fact that using the Ski ramp for take off means they can carry no appreciable weapons load and even require a recuded fuel load. As a result, their fighters are almost useless.

It is not their 'fighters' we have to worry is China's massive arsenal of missles....capable of destroying our Aircraft Carriers.

I haven't seen a demonstration that shows that China can knockout our aircraft carriers with missiles. Carrier groups have massive defenses against missile attacks.
I am reminded of General Billy Mitchell a early advocate of air power and when he demonstrated a Airplane could sink a Battleship he became very unpopular with the big boys and eventually he was courtmartialed.

Now today we see something very similar....those who cling to the importance of aircraft carriers even though it is known they are very vulnurable to missle attacks.

The missiles are going hypersonic now. They are faster and faster. You shoot 20 of them and if only 1 gets through that at least slows down or stops the carrier from using their aircraft. In an all out war, they out mass produce us. So we better have a huge technology advantage. Perhaps those UFO's the military has been showing recently are our so called secret projects. Then they will be used to win the day before the war goes nuclear.
There is no way to shoot down a hypersonic sea skimming missile in a surprise attack as the weapons that will do the shooting are not kept loaded and unlocked, which is what they must be to shoot at a missile coming in at 1.7 miles per second
Where is the guarantee anything moving that fast can hit the broad side of a barn? That's the key point where the Chinese and Russian suck!
Since the offensive weapons systems are not loaded and unlocked the USA is defenseless against a surprise attack against a weapon traveling 2.7 miles per second
OMG, STFU! In the age of satellites, there is no such thing as a surprise attack, dumbass!
As a former military man (ret) and coming from a LONG line of military men, I can say to you that you know better than that (or you should).

For every NRO Sat Station In space, both the Russians and the ChiCom have the capability to disable them from the ground - exactly as we can with theirs. It's the 21st century, Admiral.

Never a truer sentiment was expressed that "For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction ".

Take for example our "stealth" fighters. Look at the Chinese opposite. Looks EXACTLY like ours. Helps prevent MADD.....

Disabling our satellites is an act of war, dumbass! I think we would know!
LOL, it is possible to know when it's already too late to do anything
Guess he doesn't understand that the second they disable OUR sats, we disable theirs. Really not that hard to figure out. it's tit for tat.
With hypersonic missiles the satellites have no meaning

So true and they are kicking our ass in just about every economic endeavor. We are watching the USA Empire slowly die before our eyes, thanks to our rapacious oligarchs and the politicians they own. Not necessarily a bad thing. A warlike empire needs termination.

Excellent column by Fred Reed.
A Dolorous Imbalance

Now R supporters commence Xiden comments and D supporters Putin/Trump are lovers comments, just like little naughty second graders.
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high

“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
They also have 3 aircraft carriers under construction and two completed and in service.
Their first aircraft carrier has problems. If you don't at first succeed, try and try, again. A long journey begins with the first step.
The main problem with it is the fact that using the Ski ramp for take off means they can carry no appreciable weapons load and even require a recuded fuel load. As a result, their fighters are almost useless.

It is not their 'fighters' we have to worry is China's massive arsenal of missles....capable of destroying our Aircraft Carriers.

I haven't seen a demonstration that shows that China can knockout our aircraft carriers with missiles. Carrier groups have massive defenses against missile attacks.
I am reminded of General Billy Mitchell a early advocate of air power and when he demonstrated a Airplane could sink a Battleship he became very unpopular with the big boys and eventually he was courtmartialed.

Now today we see something very similar....those who cling to the importance of aircraft carriers even though it is known they are very vulnurable to missle attacks.

The missiles are going hypersonic now. They are faster and faster. You shoot 20 of them and if only 1 gets through that at least slows down or stops the carrier from using their aircraft. In an all out war, they out mass produce us. So we better have a huge technology advantage. Perhaps those UFO's the military has been showing recently are our so called secret projects. Then they will be used to win the day before the war goes nuclear.
There is no way to shoot down a hypersonic sea skimming missile in a surprise attack as the weapons that will do the shooting are not kept loaded and unlocked, which is what they must be to shoot at a missile coming in at 1.7 miles per second
Where is the guarantee anything moving that fast can hit the broad side of a barn? That's the key point where the Chinese and Russian suck!
Since the offensive weapons systems are not loaded and unlocked the USA is defenseless against a surprise attack against a weapon traveling 2.7 miles per second
OMG, STFU! In the age of satellites, there is no such thing as a surprise attack, dumbass!
As a former military man (ret) and coming from a LONG line of military men, I can say to you that you know better than that (or you should).

For every NRO Sat Station In space, both the Russians and the ChiCom have the capability to disable them from the ground - exactly as we can with theirs. It's the 21st century, Admiral.

Never a truer sentiment was expressed that "For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction ".

Take for example our "stealth" fighters. Look at the Chinese opposite. Looks EXACTLY like ours. Helps prevent MADD.....

Disabling our satellites is an act of war, dumbass! I think we would know!
LOL, it is possible to know when it's already too late to do anything
Guess he doesn't understand that the second they disable OUR sats, we disable theirs. Really not that hard to figure out. it's tit for tat.
With hypersonic missiles the satellites have no meaning

Depending upon the adversary, the carrier was actually obsolete decades ago
So true and they are kicking our ass in just about every economic endeavor. We are watching the USA Empire slowly die before our eyes, thanks to our rapacious oligarchs and the politicians they own. Not necessarily a bad thing. A warlike empire needs termination.

Excellent column by Fred Reed.
A Dolorous Imbalance

Now R supporters commence Xiden comments and D supporters Putin/Trump are lovers comments, just like little naughty second graders.
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Prototype of China’s 385 mph maglev train
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high
Pingtang Bridge, recently opened. Well over a thousand feet high

“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
“An almost entirely automated port in China, during unload of a container ship. “
They also have 3 aircraft carriers under construction and two completed and in service.
Their first aircraft carrier has problems. If you don't at first succeed, try and try, again. A long journey begins with the first step.
The main problem with it is the fact that using the Ski ramp for take off means they can carry no appreciable weapons load and even require a recuded fuel load. As a result, their fighters are almost useless.

It is not their 'fighters' we have to worry is China's massive arsenal of missles....capable of destroying our Aircraft Carriers.

I haven't seen a demonstration that shows that China can knockout our aircraft carriers with missiles. Carrier groups have massive defenses against missile attacks.
I am reminded of General Billy Mitchell a early advocate of air power and when he demonstrated a Airplane could sink a Battleship he became very unpopular with the big boys and eventually he was courtmartialed.

Now today we see something very similar....those who cling to the importance of aircraft carriers even though it is known they are very vulnurable to missle attacks.

The missiles are going hypersonic now. They are faster and faster. You shoot 20 of them and if only 1 gets through that at least slows down or stops the carrier from using their aircraft. In an all out war, they out mass produce us. So we better have a huge technology advantage. Perhaps those UFO's the military has been showing recently are our so called secret projects. Then they will be used to win the day before the war goes nuclear.
There is no way to shoot down a hypersonic sea skimming missile in a surprise attack as the weapons that will do the shooting are not kept loaded and unlocked, which is what they must be to shoot at a missile coming in at 1.7 miles per second
Where is the guarantee anything moving that fast can hit the broad side of a barn? That's the key point where the Chinese and Russian suck!
Since the offensive weapons systems are not loaded and unlocked the USA is defenseless against a surprise attack against a weapon traveling 2.7 miles per second
OMG, STFU! In the age of satellites, there is no such thing as a surprise attack, dumbass!
As a former military man (ret) and coming from a LONG line of military men, I can say to you that you know better than that (or you should).

For every NRO Sat Station In space, both the Russians and the ChiCom have the capability to disable them from the ground - exactly as we can with theirs. It's the 21st century, Admiral.

Never a truer sentiment was expressed that "For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction ".

Take for example our "stealth" fighters. Look at the Chinese opposite. Looks EXACTLY like ours. Helps prevent MADD.....

Disabling our satellites is an act of war, dumbass! I think we would know!
LOL, it is possible to know when it's already too late to do anything
Guess he doesn't understand that the second they disable OUR sats, we disable theirs. Really not that hard to figure out. it's tit for tat.
With hypersonic missiles the satellites have no meaning

Depending upon the adversary, the carrier was actually obsolete decades ago
Then why are India and China trying so hard to build them?
Meh, China's products are crap quality. Second if we cut off their energy supply and they will fold like a cheap lawn chair.
China currently builds / manufactures many critical pieces of military technology / hardware we use....with no other vou try doing so. How stupid is making yourself dependent on your enemy gor your military readiness?

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