America must stop selling weapons to Israel

For the dense, or intentionally obtuse (for underhanded reasons) people here, it would have been better to say: "If Joe Schmoe was hiding behind his wife holding her in front of him, do you have the right to knock her out to get to him?

And, once again, if it is the only way to stop you from assaulting my wife. YOU SURE AS SHIT SHOULD EXPECT IT. And if you advise her to stand her ground? THATS ON YOU
NO - robbing Palestinian land and NOT allowing the Palestinians to have an own country started these killings - you moron

I have yet to see a post from YOU – were you condemn Israel’s actions that result in the killings of thousands of women and children in Gaza.

Until you don’t, YOU are just another Zionist-Nazi.
They never had a country. It’s a made up group and a fantasy.
For the dense, or intentionally obtuse (for underhanded reasons) people here, it would have been better to say: "If Joe Schmoe was hiding behind his wife holding her in front of him, do you have the right to knock her out to get to him?"
No, the correct thing is “if Joe Schmoe murdered your baby by sticking her in the oven and your toddler by burning him alive, and he said he was going to come back and torture your teenagers and parents to death, is it right to shoot him to prevent that, even though he’s hiding behind his wife and there’s a chance the bullet might hit her too?”
And that line was crossed, and continues to be crossed by Hamas. Choices have consequences
Correct that line was crossed by Hamas and they should pay. Does not give Israel the right to cross it though. They are still accountable for their own actions.

Simple question, do you think Israel has the right to go door to door and rape women?
It’s going to be a tough lesson for her but she chose you. Maybe her next husband won’t be a **** like you.
So your answer is yes, you think you would have the right to knock her out to get to me. Ok.

How about if I was holding an infant in front of me as a shield. Do you have a right to knock out the infant or child to get to me?

I’m just trying to gauge where your boundary lines are
Correct that line was crossed by Hamas and they should pay. Does not give Israel the right to cross it though. They are still accountable for their own actions.

Simple question, do you think Israel has the right to go door to door and rape women?
Israelis won’t. They’re better than Muslim monsters. They also won’t be putting babies in the oven and cutting off the heads of toddlers.
Bingo! She chose a man who is using her to save himself, even though she is at risk.
Haha, Bingo?! So since she chose to be with the man then she is fair game to be targeted and knocked out for the actions of that man? Wow, you have a fucked up moral code. How about that man’s child. If he was holding his child up as a shield do you think it fair game to knock that child out to get to the man?
Some people ask well what occurred before October 7 in the Holy land …take a look at this video…. For years bad people from Israel have been making the lives of Palestinian women and children a living hell. None of us in America would live like that we would stand up for ourselves …. We are a strong country. The strong in America stand up for those like women and children.

Imagine for a moment if we Americans had to live like Palestinians do. And so for that reason, we must stop selling weapons to Israel. We have got to stop giving billions of dollars to Israel. It is anti-American to do so.

May Jesus protect this Palestinian child. Jesus loves her. And may he protect her and all of the children of Gaza

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May the angel Michael protect the Palestinian women and children from the beasts that are bombing them every day.

You are right. We shouldn’t be selling the weapons to Israel. We should be giving them the weapons with our blessings.
For the dense, or intentionally obtuse (for underhanded reasons) people here, it would have been better to say: "If Joe Schmoe was hiding behind his wife holding her in front of him, do you have the right to knock her out to get to him?"
Depends. How many bombs, or missiles is he using to kill the people you protect? How many would he have to kill to justify taking out his wife, or innocent civilians out with him?
Israelis won’t. They’re better than Muslim monsters. They also won’t be putting babies in the oven and cutting off the heads of toddlers.
I’m not asking what they will or won’t do. I’m asking if you think they have a right to do that?
No, the correct thing is “if Joe Schmoe murdered your baby by sticking her in the oven and your toddler by burning him alive, and he said he was going to come back and torture your teenagers and parents to death, is it right to shoot him to prevent that, even though he’s hiding behind his wife and there’s a chance the bullet might hit her too?”
No that’s not even close to correct. Per your example, the question would be if Joe killed your family and posed a threat to other members of your family. Do you have the right to kill his children and wife to get to him. An example would be to burn his house down with the kids and wife in it knowing that they will also die. Do you think that is fair game or that only Joe should face recourse for his actions?
Haha, Bingo?! So since she chose to be with the man then she is fair game to be targeted and knocked out for the actions of that man? Wow, you have a fucked up moral code. How about that man’s child. If he was holding his child up as a shield do you think it fair game to knock that child out to get to the man?
You’re only thinking of that side - ignoring that the man hiding behind his wife just tortured to death the baby and toddler of the other man - and he threatened to come back and torture more of the other man‘s family.

Get off your moral high horse.

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