America must stop selling weapons to Israel

You’re only thinking of that side - ignoring that the man hiding behind his wife just tortured to death the baby and toddler of the other man - and he threatened to come back and torture more of the other man‘s family.

Get off your moral high horse.
I’m not ignoring that at all. That man deserves to be jailed or put to death for what he did. And that should be pursued. But not by killing his family in the process. What kind of world do you think we are living and where is your sense of morality?! Unbelievable
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I am old enough to remember a time before they were invented as a propaganda tool.
Wow - so you are more then a 100 years old - according to Jewish propaganda

It was only after the creation of British Mandate for Palestine that the world referred to Palestinian Jews, Palestinian Bedouin and Palestinian Arabs.
According to non-Jewish propaganda:
the name “Palestine” is derived from the name of the people—the Philistines—who occupied part of the region(Gaza) in the 12th century B.C.
Wow - that makes you 3200 years old - congrats you even beat Noah's age.

According to the fake Jewish Bible that interchanged historic occurrences within a 500 year period the inhabitants of today's Israel - Lebanon - Southern Syria and Jordan were called Chaldean's - clearly the forefathers of today's Palestinians and Lebanese

That would make you 2700 years old.

And the Romans did not refer to the people living in Arabia as Arabs but Nabataean
Wow - so you are more then a 100 years old - according to Jewish propaganda

It was only after the creation of British Mandate for Palestine that the world referred to Palestinian Jews, Palestinian Bedouin and Palestinian Arabs.
According to non-Jewish propaganda:
the name “Palestine” is derived from the name of the people—the Philistines—who occupied part of the region(Gaza) in the 12th century B.C.
Wow - that makes you 3200 years old - congrats you even beat Noah's age.

According to the fake Jewish Bible that interchanged historic occurrences within a 500 year period the inhabitants of today's Israel - Lebanon - Southern Syria and Jordan were called Chaldean's - clearly the forefathers of today's Palestinians and Lebanese

That would make you 2700 years old.

And the Romans did not refer to the people living in Arabia as Arabs but Nabataean

Never has there been a Palestinian

You assfcks can scream all day but facts are facts
Get ur zionists squatters out of it, go to UK or the US let them give u a land and do whatever u want there.. but they won’t u know why! Coz they know u r untrustworthy greedy barbaric and control freaks..

Ok dipwad. Defend your “men” who rape and burn children to death all you want. Shows how low progressives have gotten.
Hiding behind the innocent, but that’s not unlike a coward to do.
Oh in my hypothetical. Yes that would be my choice and yes it would be cowardly. But it in no way gives you the right to attack the innocent to get to me. If you did that then you would be just as bad as I
Wow - so you are more then a 100 years old - according to Jewish propaganda

It was only after the creation of British Mandate for Palestine that the world referred to Palestinian Jews, Palestinian Bedouin and Palestinian Arabs.
According to non-Jewish propaganda:
the name “Palestine” is derived from the name of the people—the Philistines—who occupied part of the region(Gaza) in the 12th century B.C.
Wow - that makes you 3200 years old - congrats you even beat Noah's age.

According to the fake Jewish Bible that interchanged historic occurrences within a 500 year period the inhabitants of today's Israel - Lebanon - Southern Syria and Jordan were called Chaldean's - clearly the forefathers of today's Palestinians and Lebanese

That would make you 2700 years old.

And the Romans did not refer to the people living in Arabia as Arabs but Nabataean
Those who wrongly call themselves Palestinians claim there was a Palestinian nation that existed prior to the Israel of today. Without a nation of Palestine, there can be no merit to Jewish invaders and European colonizers. A nation that does not exist cannot be invaded by anyone, nor can anything be colonized.

Historical nations leave some remnant of themselves behind as proof they existed. Maps that showed borders as they were, currency unique to those nations, to name just two of many types of remnants from what was.

Nothing of a Palestinian nation that used to exist has ever been discovered.
How about the US stop selling weapons to anybody in the Middle East?

General Dynamics Corp (GD.N) makes the Abrams tank, Boeing (BA.N) makes the F-15 jet and Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N) makes the ships.
Never has there been a Palestinian

You assfcks can scream all day but facts are facts
You are even to stupid to read the article that I posted and YOU re-posted

It was only after the creation of British Mandate for Palestine, that the world referred to Palestinian Jews, Palestinian Bedouin and Palestinian Arabs. Which was in 1919 you moron.

So even according to Jewish propaganda, Palestinians existed before the State of Israel came into existence in 1948 - and even the Jews were termed PALESTINIANS and not Israeli's.

And keep your sexual practices and longings to yourself - I am not interested
So your answer is yes, you think you would have the right to knock her out to get to me. Ok.

How about if I was holding an infant in front of me as a shield. Do you have a right to knock out the infant or child to get to me?

I’m just trying to gauge where your boundary lines are
I can see why you’re a hamas fan. You’re just like them.
You are even to stupid to read the article that I posted and YOU re-posted

It was only after the creation of British Mandate for Palestine, that the world referred to Palestinian Jews, Palestinian Bedouin and Palestinian Arabs. Which was in 1919 you moron.

So even according to Jewish propaganda, Palestinians existed before the State of Israel came into existence in 1948 - and even the Jews were termed PALESTINIANS and not Israeli's.

And keep your sexual practices and longings to yourself - I am not interested

I don't have to read it. I'm properly educated and know a country named Palestine has never existed.

Ok dipwad. Defend your “men” who rape and burn children to death all you want. Shows how low progressives have gotten.
I have yet to see a post from YOU – were you condemn Israel’s actions that result in the killings of thousands of women and children in Gaza.

Until you don’t, YOU are just another Zionist-Nazi.

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