America must stop selling weapons to Israel

Face it, you’d run and hide behind a woman. 🤦‍♂️
Oh, we haven’t seen anyone from hamas killed hiding behind a baby! We saw women and children murdered while asleep! Mere unarmed civilians killed by a terrorist government!

The question u should ask urself here! Why the Israeli security cowards escaped like rats instead of fighting back and defending Israelis at the concert lol?? Weren’t the people at the concert, BRAVE, WELL-TRAINED SOLDIERS? How tf they shat their pants and we’all saw them running like babies???
Sure, Lead by example and talk to you Rabbis and all the jews against zionism who’re standing with Palestinians, condemning Israeli murderes and chanting “NOT IN OUR NAME”

and explain to everyone why Israeli police are brutally attacking rabbis who’re condemning their atrocities lol
I think I can see your confusion, here, little brainwashed one

I do not have any Rabbis as I am not Jewish. I am merely knowledgeable on the subject and am impervious to the propaganda created by Islamist terrorists.
What idea, what in the world are you talking about my friend. It seems like you’re attempting to invent my views.

What I am saying, is as pro American and pro Christian as it gets. We are the strongest country in the world, and we have the ability to affect change for the better.

I’m criticizing Israel’s policy which is my God-given right. I have a right as an American to say we should not be sending our tax dollars to Israel. And masses of Americans and in the western world agree with me.
No, you are actually wrong. The overwhelming masses support Israel and for the U.S. to support Israel with money and weapons. You are a liberal socialist anti-Semite. The woman was causing terror activities in Jerusalem. The children were detained with their parents. What’s wrong with you?
I feel bad for the 10 year old girl but it’s her parents and grandparents that have allowed Hamas to gain power over them.
Palestinians do not exist as an ethnic group they are arabs
Another totally dumb and incorrect statement - you obviously don't even understand the term and meaning of ethnicity.

Ethnicity: belonging to a population group or subgroup made up of people who share a common cultural background or descent:
Original Palestinians and Lebanese are NOT Arabs but are an own ethnicity intermixed with Arabs, Europeans and others. Due to the Palestinians finding 75 years of refuge in Arab countries e.g. Jordan or Syria - they are now heavily intermixed with Arabs.
And Palestine isn't even an Arab term.

Americans - e.g. initially from Ireland (Irish ethnicity) then intermixed with diverse other ethnicity e.g. German, Scottish, English, a half Arab from Sicily (Corleone Family) a Jew from Spain, a Cherokee squaw and a runaway Negro slave - finally becoming YOU

Since an ethnicity such as YOU doesn't exist (according to you) - YOU also don't exist - only your stupidity.
Wrong again you Nazi fuck.
I don't support ethnic cleansing - but a Nazi and a Zionist-Nazi like YOU does

You still keep evading a statement - you chicken Nazi

I have yet to see a post from YOU – were you condemn Israel’s actions that result in the killings of thousands of women and children in Gaza.

Until you don’t, YOU are just another Zionist-Nazi.
If I’m hiding behind my wife holding her in front of me do you have the right to knock her out to get to me?
Actual MEN stand in front of their wife to protect them.

It does not surprise me one bit that you would use yours as a shield. You have always struck me as that kind of guy.
I think I can see your confusion, here, little brainwashed one

I do not have any Rabbis as I am not Jewish. I am merely knowledgeable on the subject and am impervious to the propaganda created by Islamist terrorists.
Lol that what you think you are!
No, you are actually wrong. The overwhelming masses support Israel and for the U.S. to support Israel with money and weapons. You are a liberal socialist anti-Semite. The woman was causing terror activities in Jerusalem. The children were detained with their parents. What’s wrong with you?
I feel bad for the 10 year old girl but it’s her parents and grandparents that have allowed Hamas to gain power over them.
I seem to remember you liking many of my posts and I would like many of yours. It’s OK to have a disagreement still respect each other

The lady in the video in the original post, simply raised up a Palestinian flag, and she was harassed by Israel authorities for that.

This Israel Palestine thing has divided Americans that would usually support each other. It’s brought out the worst in people. Tho It has actually brought together Trump and Biden supporters who otherwise are adamantly against each other.

There are Trump supporters who support Palestine. There are Biden supporters that support Israel …isn’t that interesting

I’m getting some criticism from both sides because I’m simply saying that there’s good people in Israel and good people in Palestine and bad people on both sides it’s completely undeniable. Anybody can see it the evidence backs it up it’s common sense.

I keep saying I’m going to take a break from this topic, but the US government and media is putting this topic on us. But they need to back out of Israel and Palestine…. No more money to Israel or Palestine or Ukraine. We have massive problems here in America.

We need to help homeless Americans, 100,000 Americans die each year from drugs brought over the border.

im a traditional Democrat and there’s no need for you to invent my views or tell me what I am. I know what I am. I’m a proud Christian. I support the Democrats like John F Kennedy and FDR of course. I’m not a socialist. I am liberal minded, but perhaps more so libertarian.
Actual MEN stand in front of their wife to protect them.

It does not surprise me one bit that you would use yours as a shield. You have always struck me as that kind of guy.
Agreed a man should stand in front of his wife. We were speaking hypothetically to explore moral boundaries . Did you really not understand the discussion?!
Israeli settlers can’t be equaled to Palestinians!

You can’t call someone who agreed to kick someone out of their house and you to take over his property and call’em good people! Israeli settlers are random jews from different countries except Palestine! The Israeli promise is “ come to Israel we promise u a house and a job and we’ll hand you a GUN to kill whoever u want!”

No they’re not equal!
I totally agree that many Israeli settlers are criminals. These are bigoted Jews some of them have killed innocent Palestinians in the settler territories….their the same as Hamas members who have killed unarmed women and children.

. And I would hope that some of my fellow Trump supporters can simply see this many of them have, but some don’t for whatever reason. The propaganda from Israel blinds them.

As for Israel, like Tel Aviv, there’s plenty of good people in Tel Aviv who are Jewish some of them are young people who were simply born there in the 1990s or something like that. A lot of them wants a solution to this issue that works out for everybody and there’s many people in Palestine that have the same views.
I seem to remember you liking many of my posts and I would like many of yours. It’s OK to have a disagreement still respect each other

The lady in the video in the original post, simply raised up a Palestinian flag, and she was harassed by Israel authorities for that.

This Israel Palestine thing has divided Americans that would usually support each other. It’s brought out the worst in people. Tho It has actually brought together Trump and Biden supporters who otherwise are adamantly against each other.

There are Trump supporters who support Palestine. There are Biden supporters that support Israel …isn’t that interesting

I’m getting some criticism from both sides because I’m simply saying that there’s good people in Israel and good people in Palestine and bad people on both sides it’s completely undeniable. Anybody can see it the evidence backs it up it’s common sense.

I keep saying I’m going to take a break from this topic, but the US government and media is putting this topic on us. But they need to back out of Israel and Palestine…. No more money to Israel or Palestine or Ukraine. We have massive problems here in America.

We need to help homeless Americans, 100,000 Americans die each year from drugs brought over the border.

im a traditional Democrat and there’s no need for you to invent my views or tell me what I am. I know what I am. I’m a proud Christian. I support the Democrats like John F Kennedy and FDR of course. I’m not a socialist. I am liberal minded, but perhaps more so libertarian.
I most always take exception to the idea that there are good and bad on both sides. As if the numbers or percentages were equal. That’s just not the case. If Hamas would stop firing rockets at Israel, Israel would never fire a single rocket at Gaza. Ever since Israel let Palestinians have Gaza the “good people” elected overwhelmingly the PLO and Hamas as their leaders.
The woman raised a Palestinian flag in Israel? I wish our police would do the same when Mexicans raise the Mexican Flag in the US. And definitely the Palestinian flag. She went to jail and so did others who have children. What should the Israeli police done with the children? Let them roam the streets alone with their parents locked up?
Who did you vote for? Biden? Ukraine is your war. Trump had Putin frightened to start anything after killing Russians in Syria.
I most always take exception to the idea that there are good and bad on both sides. As if the numbers or percentages were equal. That’s just not the case. If Hamas would stop firing rockets at Israel, Israel would never fire a single rocket at Gaza. Ever since Israel let Palestinians have Gaza the “good people” elected overwhelmingly the PLO and Hamas as their leaders.
The woman raised a Palestinian flag in Israel? I wish our police would do the same when Mexicans raise the Mexican Flag in the US. And definitely the Palestinian flag. She went to jail and so did others who have children. What should the Israeli police done with the children? Let them roam the streets alone with their parents locked up?
Who did you vote for? Biden? Ukraine is your war. Trump had Putin frightened to start anything after killing Russians in Syria.
There is not much comparable about Israel to America. And in the United States the Native Americans who also fought with each other before Europe came in , have equal rights as we do. We don’t have a situation where there are rockets being fired from Florida into Alabama or something like that …we don’t have non-native Americans walking around with machine guns patrolling the tribal areas like they do in the west bank or the settlement areas in Israel, where Jewish soldiers walk around with machine guns and tell the Palestinians what to do.

Israel is a Theocracy comparable to some of the Muslim countries. Yes, they have some liberal tendencies in Israel, but they have a lot of very strict religious laws that many Jews disagree with.

The Israel, Palestine thing goes back to 1948 an even before then. So Palestinians have a justification for simply wanting to raise a flag in Jerusalem. It’s not some kind of an evil act like killing somebody which both sides has committed.

Palestinians have been in the holy land for thousands of years. Palestine was a Roman province. It was literally the name Palestine.

I voted for Clinton in 2016, but the Democratic Party went to far to the left…. in 2020 I voted for Mr. Trump. Now in 2024 it’s a tossup between RFK Junior and Mr. Trump. We will see how things go. I certainly will not be voting for Biden. I’ve said all of this many times on this board.
Agreed a man should stand in front of his wife. We were speaking hypothetically to explore moral boundaries . Did you really not understand the discussion?!

For the dense, or intentionally obtuse (for underhanded reasons) people here, it would have been better to say: "If Joe Schmoe was hiding behind his wife holding her in front of him, do you have the right to knock her out to get to him?"
There is not much comparable about Israel to America. And in the United States the Native Americans who also fought with each other before Europe came in , have equal rights as we do. We don’t have a situation where there are rockets being fired from Florida into Alabama or something like that …we don’t have non-native Americans walking around with machine guns patrolling the tribal areas like they do in the west bank or the settlement areas in Israel, where Jewish soldiers walk around with machine guns and tell the Palestinians what to do.

Israel is a Theocracy comparable to some of the Muslim countries. Yes, they have some liberal tendencies in Israel, but they have a lot of very strict religious laws that many Jews disagree with.

The Israel, Palestine thing goes back to 1948 an even before then. So Palestinians have a justification for simply wanting to raise a flag in Jerusalem. It’s not some kind of an evil act like killing somebody which both sides has committed.

Palestinians have been in the holy land for thousands of years. Palestine was a Roman province. It was literally the name Palestine.

I voted for Clinton in 2016, but the Democratic Party went to far to the left…. in 2020 I voted for Mr. Trump. Now in 2024 it’s a tossup between RFK Junior and Mr. Trump. We will see how things go. I certainly will not be voting for Biden. I’ve said all of this many times on this board.
And Joshua led Israel into the land of Israel way before the Romans. Abraham was there as well. Israel is a sovereign nation with one flag. The woman raised it to cause contention calling Israel an occupying force. Nations have laws. She broke the law.
Israel is a democracy. They have Muslims in the government. And, what happened October 7th is why the military is at the boarder. We need the military at the US-Mexico boarder too. Most countries have military at the boarder and will be very strict about how people behave at boarders. When is the last time you heard the leaders of Israel call for the death of all Muslims? Never.

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