America must stop selling weapons to Israel

Don’t pretend to know Bidens intel and reasoning for the pause. That’s nothing but assumptive conjecture on your part.

Since every strike from Israel is precision according to you would you agree that every strike that results in civilian death be scrutinized, and explained but Israel. Who was taken out and why the threat justifies the civilian casualties and what was done to determine there was no alternative means to capture or kill the target without the casualties
There is no assumption on my part. Muslim American leaders have been all over the news threatening to abandon Biden if he doesn't demand a ceasefire, and right up to this threat Biden was firmly opposed to any ceasefire, and now wants a pause, which is no different from a ceasefire. There simply is no other explanation for this sudden, unexplained shift in Biden's position.

Israel does explain every action that causes civilian casualties, and to date, they all fall within International Humanitarian Law.
The moral framework within which this war is being pursued is International Humanitarian Law, which Israel is carefully following, so they moral questions have all been answered. Whatever it is you are feeling clearly has nothing to do with morality.
You obviously didn’t read my post that started this discussion where I asked what moral lines should be drawn when innocent people are killed in war. Then the response from mostly the MAGA crowd which had a tone that Israel had the right to wipe out whomever they wanted as along as it was at war with Hamas.

Morality has to do with the judgement and execution around the attacks. If every measure isnt taken to avoid killing innocent civilians then morality is broken
There simply is no other explanation for this sudden, unexplained shift in Biden's position.
There is an easy explanation which is involved in the destruction and loss of life of innocent people. How do you not see that?!
Israel does explain every action that causes civilian casualties, and to date, they all fall within International Humanitarian Law.
Have you scrutinized any of their explanations? Do you think them worthy of scrutiny?
Caught in the crossfire and having bombs dropped on top of them are two different things. There are lines between right and wrong here. Don’t pretend like there isn’t.
True, and hiding behind civilians obliterates that line.

Now quit pestering the adults.
Have you scrutinized any of their explanations? Do you think them worthy of scrutiny?
As I said, Israel is explaining all the actions that caused civilian casualties and so far, all of these actions fall within the rules of Internationa Humanitarian Law. The whole world, except for you, apparently, is scrutinizing these actions, and so far there have been no violations of Internation Humanitarian Law.
You obviously didn’t read my post that started this discussion where I asked what moral lines should be drawn when innocent people are killed in war. Then the response from mostly the MAGA crowd which had a tone that Israel had the right to wipe out whomever they wanted as along as it was at war with Hamas.

Morality has to do with the judgement and execution around the attacks. If every measure isnt taken to avoid killing innocent civilians then morality is broken
I read your post and all the issues you raise have been answered by International Humanitarian Law which Israel has been following.
It sure sounds like you do. You don’t seem to concerned about innocent people being killed in this war.
Zzz. You’re more concerned with the “morality” of one innocent being killed than dozens or hundreds of them getting killed.

Your “morality” is utterly lacking.
Stop already. Hamas and the Palestinians brought this on themselves. Everytime Israel is attached and retaliates you idiots make false claims that Israel is to blame. Gfy.
No need for that language

“Hamas” is a cop out.. Israeli gov propagandists don’t tell us Americans how to think, we’re not there slaves

We should be neutral in this thing. The whole pro Israel propaganda is completely and utterly insane. Every people, including Palestinians have a right and to resist oppression . Sure they have some bad people in Hamas same for the IDF

Netanyahu has been on Camera saying he is taking advantage of America.

Anybody who admired the American revolutionaries against the British should understand the plight of the common in Palestinian man fighting for his home. Every second amendment Christian American should support Palestinians.
I usually just laugh it off if it is typo and easily understood. If it appears to be lack of education, I call people on it in the hopes they will learn.
When you point a finger at people, there are 3 of your own fingers pointing back at you. Best to just understand that it could be bad spelling or a typo and answer the debater. I actually replaced you "C" with the "S." So, you were too uneducated to look back at your own original post to see that :) So, let's just debate and not be so picky. :popcorn:
My notion of morality has to do with judgement. If somebody kills a terrorist knowing that action will kill innocent people in the process then there should be an imminent threat and no other alternative ways to capture or kill him without the collateral damage.

In every instance where innocent lives are taken this judgement should be scrutinized and should it be found that the proper care and considerations was not taken to avoid the loss of innocent life, then the action could and should be found reckless and illegal.

I understand that Hamas is hiding in schools and hospitals and refuge camps. This makes the fight difficult but it also does not give a free pass to bomb everything and sacrifice innocent lives.

Any loss if innocent life should be scrutinized like it was a member of your own family. Many in this thread have expressed zero concern for these innocent lives and made comments in support of unregulated massacres. It’s sick
But this is also part of the Israeli propaganda machine, my friend. There have been Israeli Jews who have butchered innocent Palestinians face-to-face in the settlement areas. Has nothing to do with precision bombing.

The American revolutionaries did not have precision bombing against the British. Many in Palestine have been fighting for freedom for decades just like the American revolutionaries did against the British.
Oh, ok, well , what's acceptable?
Loss of innocent life is only acceptable if the threat level is high enough and there are no other alternatives
As I said, Israel is explaining all the actions that caused civilian casualties and so far, all of these actions fall within the rules of Internationa Humanitarian Law. The whole world, except for you, apparently, is scrutinizing these actions, and so far there have been no violations of Internation Humanitarian Law.
You didn’t answer either of my questions
Zzz. You’re more concerned with the “morality” of one innocent being killed than dozens or hundreds of them getting killed.

Your “morality” is utterly lacking.
You don’t know a thing about my concerns. I certainly don’t value one life over dozens or hundreds. You shouldn’t need to lie to hang in a discussion with me
Loss of innocent life is only acceptable if the threat level is high enough and there are no other alternatives
You didn’t answer either of my questions
All of you questions are answered by International Humanitarian Law, and everyone honestly interested in whether Israel has violated IHL has all the facts needed. Why don't you try learning the facts instead of making veiled accusations against Israel disguise as claims of moral concern.
You don’t know a thing about my concerns. I certainly don’t value one life over dozens or hundreds. You shouldn’t need to lie to hang in a discussion with me
You’re retarded. I have been making use of your purported “morality” and whatever passes for the ”logic” behind it to expose your massive deficiencies in both morality and logic.

Stop crying. It’s ok. It’s clear that you’re barely intelligent enough to breathe. Thank God for the autonomous nervous system. 👍
No need for that language

“Hamas” is a cop out.. Israeli gov propagandists don’t tell us Americans how to think, we’re not there slaves

We should be neutral in this thing. The whole pro Israel propaganda is completely and utterly insane. Every people, including Palestinians have a right and to resist oppression . Sure they have some bad people in Hamas same for the IDF

Netanyahu has been on Camera saying he is taking advantage of America.

Anybody who admired the American revolutionaries against the British should understand the plight of the common in Palestinian man fighting for his home. Every second amendment Christian American should support Palestinians.
Jews are God's people and Israel is their God given land, period. Palestinians have no historical rights to it contrary to the lies put out by the lying left.
When you point a finger at people, there are 3 of your own fingers pointing back at you. Best to just understand that it could be bad spelling or a typo and answer the debater. I actually replaced you "C" with the "S." So, you were too uneducated to look back at your own original post to see that :) So, let's just debate and not be so picky. :popcorn:
You first!

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