America must stop selling weapons to Israel

Which is allowed under International Humanitarian Law. Hamas must be destroyed and because Hamas uses civilians as human shields, civilians will continue to be caught in the crossfire.
Caught in the crossfire and having bombs dropped on top of them are two different things. There are lines between right and wrong here. Don’t pretend like there isn’t.
You’re still wrong.
You think so? I don’t. I value human life and don’t think it should be carelessly destroyed. If there is an imminent threat and it can not be helped that is one thing. But if either side in a war carelessly kills women and children and civilian non combatants then they are morally and ethically wrong
Caught in the crossfire and having bombs dropped on top of them are two different things. There are lines between right and wrong here. Don’t pretend like there isn’t.
There is a difference between right and wrong, but you don't make the rules to define that difference, the Law of Armed conflict does, and Israel has been meticulous in following them.
There is a difference between right and wrong, but you don't make the rules to define that difference, the Law of Armed conflict does, and Israel has been meticulous in following them.
I sure hope so. There sure are many on this thread that have zero concern about making sure they follow the law and seem to think they can do and kill whoever they want
There is a difference between right and wrong, but you don't make the rules to define that difference, the Law of Armed conflict does, and Israel has been meticulous in following them.
Are you sure they are being meticulous? Do reports like this give you any concern?

Are you sure they are being meticulous? Do reports like this give you any concern?

No, Hamas has already been caught trying to use ambulances to smuggle Hamas fighters and aid trucks to smuggle in military supplies, so Israel's explanation is plausible.

Hamas tried to send fighters to Egypt in ambulances for wounded Gazans — US official​

A blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while. Of course, you wouldn't know that as you have never been right on this topic!
So now you’re a liberal Democrat Biden supporter. Okay whatever.

Have you changed genders too?
I am looking at Hamas and have said plenty about how they should be wiped out and held accountable. As bad as Hamas is, their monstrous acts do not give Israel the right to murder innocent people. That’s not how it works.
Well, then tell us how you would wipe Hamas out, with zero civilian causalities? Oh, and remember that Hamas purposely hides among the civilian population to use them as pawns of propaganda to tug at the heart of people like you...They count on it...
No, Hamas has already been caught trying to use ambulances to smuggle Hamas fighters and aid trucks to smuggle in military supplies, so Israel's explanation is plausible.

Hamas tried to send fighters to Egypt in ambulances for wounded Gazans — US official​

It’s plausible but when you’re dropping bombs on schools and hospitals and refuge camps you bettter have some pretty damn good intel and some pretty high value targets. If not, if they are carelessly taking out women and children in this process then they are just as bad as Hamas. Like I said at the very beginning, there is a line

Now we see the US calling for a pause in aggression for humanitarian efforts. That’s coming from intel and a place of concern.

You’re not worried about any of that? Blind trust that Israel is doing everything by the book and no innocent lives are being recklessly taken?
Well, then tell us how you would wipe Hamas out, with zero civilian causalities? Oh, and remember that Hamas purposely hides among the civilian population to use them as pawns of propaganda to tug at the heart of people like you...They count on it...
I didn’t say zero casualties. It’s war there will be casualties. You need to pay better attention
It’s plausible but when you’re dropping bombs on schools and hospitals and refuge camps you bettter have some pretty damn good intel and some pretty high value targets. If not, if they are carelessly taking out women and children in this process then they are just as bad as Hamas. Like I said at the very beginning, there is a line

Now we see the US calling for a pause in aggression for humanitarian efforts. That’s coming from intel and a place of concern.

You’re not worried about any of that? Blind trust that Israel is doing everything by the book and no innocent lives are being recklessly taken?
It is evident. Israel is killing innocent civilians on purpose. How are they any different than Hamas?


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