America must stop selling weapons to Israel

Basic morality? A lecture on such a topic from a jerkoff like you? Please. Take a huge gulp from a mug of scalding STFU.
Yes when people are excusing and supporting the murder of innocent people then I absolutely have the moral high ground
Yes when people are excusing and supporting the murder of innocent people then I absolutely have the moral high ground
No. You just refuse to admit that allowing a murderer to get away — which will result in even more deaths — is a mathematical component of the “morality” you falsely lay claim to.
Basic morality? A lecture on such a topic from a jerkoff like you? Please. Take a huge gulp from a mug of scalding STFU.

Let’s enhance your hypothetical just a tiny bit (consistent with the reality of Hamas on the ground). You are the stand-in now for Hamas.

Hamas repeatedly engages in depraved and cowardly acts of terrorism. It targets and kills lots of perfectly innocent civilians.

Now is a chance for the victim of Hamas to finally eradicate the scumbag. Now, sure, in an ideal scenario, it wouldn’t come at the risk or the cost of hurting or killing your human shield. But …

If, because of that, your constant victim fails to take advantage of the chance to eliminate you, then many other of your victims will die.

I realize you won’t grasp this. You may not even admit it. But the decision to refrain from taking you out will cost many more lives. You imagine that’s the “moral” choice.

Many thinking and fully moral people recognize that it’s not the moral choice.

You remain a pathetic scumbag.
You scenario is making the assumption that I’m not supporting the attack and elimination of Hamas. I absolutely think they should be completely wiped out of power. But I’m drawing lines at dropping bombs on innocent people. If women and children are known to be present then you don’t drop the bomb. Simple. You continue to track the targets and take them out another way. You target their money and their weapons and their communications.

People in this thread are trying to say that Israel has a free pass to kill everybody included women and children whom are hostages. That is murder and it is morally wrong no matter how you cut it
No it’s not. Same moral decision.
No it isn’t. You and I are not at war. The rules for war are very clear. And it’s the Palestinians that are in violation of the Geneva Convention
No it isn’t. You and I are not at war. The rules for war are very clear. And it’s the Palestinians that are in violation of the Geneva Convention
The Palestinians???
The Palestinians have done absolutely NOTHING that would violate the Geneva Convention.
Hamas has - you idiot, and so is the IDF presently - dumb-ass.
The Palestinians???
The Palestinians have done absolutely NOTHING that would violate the Geneva Convention.
Hamas has - you idiot, and so is the IDF presently - dumb-ass.
I didn’t mean all Palestinians. Just the ones at war with Israel
No it isn’t. You and I are not at war. The rules for war are very clear. And it’s the Palestinians that are in violation of the Geneva Convention
It’s Hamas that’s in violation. Political leaders and military soldiers. I’m talking about women and children and innocent people. Nobody has the right to murder them, not even if it is to get at the bad guys
It’s Hamas that’s in violation. Political leaders and military soldiers. I’m talking about women and children and innocent people. Nobody has the right to murder them, not even if it is to get at the bad guys
The onus is not on the Israeli government to protect innocent Palestinian life. Although they have taken measures to do so. Hamas is the governing body of Gaza. They are the ones responsible for their people, and frankly they’re the ones putting their people in harms way. So I don’t know what you want Israel to do.
The onus is not on the Israeli government to protect innocent Palestinian life. Although they have taken measures to do so. Hamas is the governing body of Gaza. They are the ones responsible for their people, and frankly they’re the ones putting their people in harms way. So I don’t know what you want Israel to do.
That is why it's called INTERNATIONAL law - to which the State of Israel is bound to.
There is no Palestinian State - therefore the observation of international law does not apply towards Palestinians.
Hamas has been declared as a terrorist organization - therefore who ever captures a Hamas member is free to prosecute him according to the respective State laws
The UN international court is presently collecting evidence to build a case in order to prosecute the Hamas leadership and also the Israeli government - in regards to possible charges related to war crimes.
No one disputes that Hamas has committed war-crimes even atrocious ones.

Israel aka the IDF bombing and destroying 14 hospitals - thus civilians having been killed (not incl. the disputed hospital) constitutes a war-crime
Israel aka the IDF bombing a refugee camp - even under UN protection - constitutes a war-crime
Israel cutting of water, food and medicinal supplies to Gaza - constitutes a war-crime

One one hand you rightfully condemn Hamas to be a terrorist organization - that committed atrocities, and on the other hand you state that Hamas is responsible for their people???? now you expect a responsible behavior from a terrorist organization that murders civilians in Israel and elsewhere ??

The Palestinians in Gaza are not the people of Hamas - the last election was in 2006.
And if e.g. US Blackwater members kills innocent civilians - you will condemn the US government and all US citizens???
The onus is not on the Israeli government to protect innocent Palestinian life. Although they have taken measures to do so. Hamas is the governing body of Gaza. They are the ones responsible for their people, and frankly they’re the ones putting their people in harms way. So I don’t know what you want Israel to do.
I didn’t say Israel needs to protect the Palestinian people. But it is on them to not murder innocent people. You ask what I want them to do. Not pull the trigger on an assault if they see innocent people in the crosshairs. It’s not that complicated
I didn’t say Israel needs to protect the Palestinian people. But it is on them to not murder innocent people. You ask what I want them to do. Not pull the trigger on an assault if they see innocent people in the crosshairs. It’s not that complicated
So you want to make changes to the Geneva Conventions?
I have nothing in common with Hillary except in this case, she is correct.

You should have listened to the commentary on that report.

You need to seek professional help. Your brain is rotting.
Hey Dummy, you and Hill are one in supporting Gazan genocide. You’re also aligned with dumb Joe Biden and the neocons in his administration. You’re likely too stupid to know it.

Did you switch to the D Party?

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