America must stop selling weapons to Israel

Not murdering innocent people is a basic human tenant. It’s in our laws for rules of engagement in this country.

If a cop blew away everybody in a hostage situation to get at the hostage taker that cop would be charged with murder. Yet here you are excusing that same kind of action for Israel. That’s sick and wrong

Rules of engagement means raping mom while throwing her baby in an oven and forcing her to watch her baby bake?

Oh do tell us more!
You people are the biggest idiots on the planet, ya can't kill hamas when they are hiding behind civilians according to you hamas counts on you to spew anti semetic rants while they do and also while they plan their next attack congrats on being pawns for hamas
Here is a justification for mass murder.

Damn you dumb.
Rotten to the core to you and other Hamas supporters means doing whatever it takes to protect my family from you deviants.

I’m good with that.
Im sure you think your reasons are justified just like Hamas thinks their reasons are justified… but you are both rotten and cut from the same cloth. Disgusting
That is the biggest waste of typing I have seen yet, the two are not comaprable. Once again If Hamas hides behind civilians, and we refuse to go after them, they win, because while they hide they plan and kill more Israelis. The Israelis have grown tired of the nonsense and are exterminating the problem!
I’m not say to refuse to go after them. I’m saying go after them. Just wait until you have a clean target and aren’t murdering women and children
Im sure you think your reasons are justified just like Hamas thinks their reasons are justified… but you are both rotten and cut from the same cloth. Disgusting
Projecting as usual is see.

So have your Hamas buddies talked you into buying a franchise yet in their new venture? They think “Kentucky Fried Babies” is going to be huge in Democrat controlled College Cities.

I’ll bet you’re all in you deviant
You’re really good at calling me a liar. Piss poor at proving it… can’t show one thing to back up your BS. You’re nothing more than the peanut gallery

It's been proven many times over. And you then deny, and flee.

Go play your childish games elsewhere.

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