America must stop selling weapons to Israel

I bet you don’t know Israel purposely bombed a refugee camp. I’m not surprised. You’re a dumb warmongering MFer.

Why are supporting Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden?

Next time try making your point in English.
No, you are actually wrong. The overwhelming masses support Israel and for the U.S. to support Israel with money and weapons. You are a liberal socialist anti-Semite. The woman was causing terror activities in Jerusalem. The children were detained with their parents. What’s wrong with you?
I feel bad for the 10 year old girl but it’s her parents and grandparents that have allowed Hamas to gain power over them.

Are all Israelis guilty because of Bibi Netanyahu and the Likud?
Guilty of defending themselves against an adversary that rapes mothers while forcing them to watch their baby burned to death in an oven?

Answer dipshit.
Thanks for putting words in my mouth, however you’re dead wrong about my logic.

While you seem to think it ok to just kill civilians when enemies are hiding amougst then I’d say to wait till they come out of hiding and take the shots when they are clear shots.
I never said not to fight back.
You’re an idiot.

And ironically, you’re the one putting words in my mouth.

If you can’t follow along, that’s all on you.

You’re dismissed.
Guilty of defending themselves against an adversary that rapes mothers while forcing them to watch their baby burned to death in an oven?

Answer dipshit.
Do you have any idea what Israel has done to the people of Gaza? Do you hate so much you want all of them murdered?
No, but obviously beings like YOU are, because scumbags like you don't oppose nor condemn Israels war-crimes conducted presently via around 350,000 IDF personal, but can only point out the crimes of some 1000 Hamas terrorist that infiltrated into Israel. - idiot

So how come Hamas doesn't have 350,000 members? according to beings like you - all the Palestinians are in support of Hamas. According to the Gaza population demographics - they could easily recruit 350,000 members in the age-group 18-45. - idiot

Fact is however that Hamas has less then 30,000 militia members (after 17 years!!) of which around 25,000 are just street hoodlums terrorizing and extorting 2.2 million Palestinians - idiot.
Their hardcore fanatics (those that committed the attack onto Israel) are less then 5000 of which less then 3000 can be considered to be on par with the IDF or at least proficiently trained. - idiot

So the IDF needs 350,000 IDF members and needs to indiscriminately bomb the shit out of Gaza (according to the IDF more then 12000 !!! targets have been attacked since October 8th. - to eliminate 3000-5000 Hamas radicals? - idiot

According to the IDF "we only attack Hamas" - so what did those present 12000 targets behold? 2 Hamas members each? - then why is Israel still bombing them? they ALL (25,000) MUST be all dead already and the ground offensive hasn't even penetrated significantly into Gaza yet - idiot.

According to the IDF: "Hamas is a relatively primitive force" - you idiot
That militias/terrorist groups seek cover amongst civilians and civilian infrastructure is known to everyone - idiot

That the indiscriminate killing of Palestinian civilians will only enhance future recruitment's by Hamas&Co is also known - idiot

Israel is clearly conducting a war against the entire Gaza population - idiot
And they don't give a shit about how many Palestinian civilians die (Nazi mentality - just like Hamas) - idiot.

So far around 8000 Palestinians have been killed - 4800 of them women and children - idiot
Israel and the IDF have no proof whatsoever - that the remaining 3200 are Hamas members - idiot

But there is ample proof that documents the utter, systematic and reckless devastation of Gaza - idiot.

And Israel has no excuse via stating - we warned them and who doesn't flee will die" - idiot

According to your idiotic mindset - Hitler should have just warned the civilians of those countries he attacked - anyone killed would be the fault of the Polish, French, Belgium, Dutch etc. etc etc. etc. etc. government and it's respective population - idiot

France had surrendered officially - therefore rendering half it's territory and population under German law and jurisdiction. And yet these french Partisan animals dared to kill innocent Wehrmacht occupation personal, incl. women, French Police and French civilians incl. children and women. Bastards right? despite the German occupation administration have informed by writing and hangouts that Partisans and those supporting them will be severely punished. - they had been clearly warned!!

Upon French partisan animals having killed and butchered innocent SS troops (merely defending their country - incl. France against Anglo-American aggression, not fighting against the French population!!!) The SS punished those French partisan animals (rightfully according to Nazis like you) and those that helped and aided them - resulting into e.g. Oradour-sur-Glance with around 650 civilians murdered.

Due to a lack of missiles/bombs/artillery and aircraft, the SS couldn't wipe out those Partisans hiding in the village amongst civilians with "indirect" strikes thus causing unwanted "collateral damage" - but had to do it "directly".

Germany aka Nazi-Germany was rightfully punished for this due to it having been declared as a WAR-CRIME - idiot
Israel is doing the exact same thing, so far "indirectly" - and you are defending and applauding these actions - idiot and Nazi.

And ALL those supporting and applauding IDF's actions in Gaza. are idiots, and human scumbags beholding a NAZI philosophy
Do you have any idea what Israel has done to the people of Gaza? Do you hate so much you want all of them murdered?

Hey, you hang with a crowd of rapists and baby bakers, you should expect things to come back on you.

Life’s tough when you make it so.

You want a side salad with that roasted baby?
Hamas bombed a Gaza hospital murdering 500 innocent civilians.
Shame no Jew haters are unhappy about this.
Actually, that too is a lie. Why not catch up with the real news?

A Hamas rocket misfired landing in the PARKING LOT of a hospital. The ordinance did not explode but the fuel on board caused a huge fireball. Very few casualties. Hamas reported that the hospital was targeted by Israel, hit the hospital and killed 500. Did not happen.
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Has nothing to do with me. You making it about me is your dance. You avoiding a direct answer to this question is a dance….

If I were holding a child in front of me is it fair game or wrong for you to knock out that child in order to get to me?
False equivalence.
Yes I’d be the piece of shit in this scenario but the point here is that the person I use as a shield is not expendable and it is not ok to take them out to get to me. Basic morality, y’all seem to be missing here
Basic morality? A lecture on such a topic from a jerkoff like you? Please. Take a huge gulp from a mug of scalding STFU.

Let’s enhance your hypothetical just a tiny bit (consistent with the reality of Hamas on the ground). You are the stand-in now for Hamas.

Hamas repeatedly engages in depraved and cowardly acts of terrorism. It targets and kills lots of perfectly innocent civilians.

Now is a chance for the victim of Hamas to finally eradicate the scumbag. Now, sure, in an ideal scenario, it wouldn’t come at the risk or the cost of hurting or killing your human shield. But …

If, because of that, your constant victim fails to take advantage of the chance to eliminate you, then many other of your victims will die.

I realize you won’t grasp this. You may not even admit it. But the decision to refrain from taking you out will cost many more lives. You imagine that’s the “moral” choice.

Many thinking and fully moral people recognize that it’s not the moral choice.

You remain a pathetic scumbag.

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