America must stop selling weapons to Israel

It is evident. Israel is killing innocent civilians on purpose. How are they any different than Hamas?

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I agreeā€¦ for them to violate the law those actions would need to be shown as intentional, reckless and unnecessary.

The fact the US is now calling for a pause is an indicator that there may be intel showing that Israel is going too far
You scenario is making the assumption that Iā€™m not supporting the attack and elimination of Hamas. I absolutely think they should be completely wiped out of power. But Iā€™m drawing lines at dropping bombs on innocent people. If women and children are known to be present then you donā€™t drop the bomb. Simple. You continue to track the targets and take them out another way. You target their money and their weapons and their communications.

People in this thread are trying to say that Israel has a free pass to kill everybody included women and children whom are hostages. That is murder and it is morally wrong no matter how you cut it
Nope. Even putting aside your own preference, my ā€œscenarioā€ is basically mathematical.

I deny your claim of morality.

If your notion of morality insists that one may not kill a murderous scumbag terrorist when it will cause the death of one hostage, then the terrorist gets to live and probably escape. Then, he is plenty likely to kill many other innocents.

So, your notion of morality leads to the slaughter of more innocents. Itā€™s not more ā€œmoralā€ to do nothing under those circumstances. Itā€™s less.
Because there aren't any, mother-fucker!
You sure as fuck donā€™t know, you ignorant rancid twat.

And to the extent that the scumbags did behead any Israeli children, the fact that you are denied the opportunity to see the photographic proof doesnā€™t mean it didnā€™t happen. Youā€™re a lowlife retard jerkoff.
You sure as fuck donā€™t know, you ignorant rancid twat.

And to the extent that the scumbags did behead any Israeli children, the fact that you are denied the opportunity to see the photographic proof doesnā€™t mean it didnā€™t happen. Youā€™re a lowlife retard jerkoff.
No, I want independent verification. Not some Israeli named "Beer". You fuckers are known liars!
Itā€™s plausible but when youā€™re dropping bombs on schools and hospitals and refuge camps you bettter have some pretty damn good intel and some pretty high value targets. If not, if they are carelessly taking out women and children in this process then they are just as bad as Hamas. Like I said at the very beginning, there is a line

Now we see the US calling for a pause in aggression for humanitarian efforts. Thatā€™s coming from intel and a place of concern.

Youā€™re not worried about any of that? Blind trust that Israel is doing everything by the book and no innocent lives are being recklessly taken?
First of all, Israel does not drop bombs, it uses precision munitions so that it won't hit anything but its target, and it is not targeting any schools or hospitals. Biden is not calling for a "pause" for humanitarian purposes but because Muslims in the US, a key demographic for his reelection, are organizing and threatening not to vote for him in 2024, which might mean he will lose Michigan and possibly Minnesota.
Nope. Even putting aside your own preference, my ā€œscenarioā€ is basically mathematical.

I deny your claim of morality.

If your notion of morality insists that one may not kill a murderous scumbag terrorist when it will cause the death of one hostage, then the terrorist gets to live and probably escape. Then, he is plenty likely to kill many other innocents.

So, your notion of morality leads to the slaughter of more innocents. Itā€™s not more ā€œmoralā€ to do nothing under those circumstances. Itā€™s less.
My notion of morality has to do with judgement. If somebody kills a terrorist knowing that action will kill innocent people in the process then there should be an imminent threat and no other alternative ways to capture or kill him without the collateral damage.

In every instance where innocent lives are taken this judgement should be scrutinized and should it be found that the proper care and considerations was not taken to avoid the loss of innocent life, then the action could and should be found reckless and illegal.

I understand that Hamas is hiding in schools and hospitals and refuge camps. This makes the fight difficult but it also does not give a free pass to bomb everything and sacrifice innocent lives.

Any loss if innocent life should be scrutinized like it was a member of your own family. Many in this thread have expressed zero concern for these innocent lives and made comments in support of unregulated massacres. Itā€™s sick
My notion of morality has to do with judgement. If somebody kills a terrorist knowing that action will kill innocent people in the process then there should be an imminent threat and no other alternative ways to capture or kill him without the collateral damage.

In every instance where innocent lives are taken this judgement should be scrutinized and should it be found that the proper care and considerations was not taken to avoid the loss of innocent life, then the action could and should be found reckless and illegal.

I understand that Hamas is hiding in schools and hospitals and refuge camps. This makes the fight difficult but it also does not give a free pass to bomb everything and sacrifice innocent lives.

Any loss if innocent life should be scrutinized like it was a member of your own family. Many in this thread have expressed zero concern for these innocent lives and made comments in support of unregulated massacres. Itā€™s sick
Your rhetoric fails to hide the consequences of your alleged morality.

When you make decisions based on your notion of morality which lead to a greater number of deaths from a terrorist, then your ā€œmoralityā€ sucks ass.
Your rhetoric fails to hide the consequences of your alleged morality.

When you make decisions based on your notion of morality which lead to a greater number of deaths from a terrorist, then your ā€œmoralityā€ sucks ass.
You donā€™t sacrifice your morality for unknowns and what ifs. You do everything you can within a moral framework to fight for whatā€™s right. But as soon as you compromise yourself then you are no better than the evil youā€™re fighting against
You donā€™t sacrifice your morality for unknowns and what ifs. You do everything you can within a moral framework to fight for whatā€™s right. But as soon as you compromise yourself then you are no better than the evil youā€™re fighting against
Unlike you, I donā€™t sacrifice morality at all.
First of all, Israel does not drop bombs, it uses precision munitions so that it won't hit anything but its target, and it is not targeting any schools or hospitals. Biden is not calling for a "pause" for humanitarian purposes but because Muslims in the US, a key demographic for his reelection, are organizing and threatening not to vote for him in 2024, which might mean he will lose Michigan and possibly Minnesota.
Donā€™t pretend to know Bidens intel and reasoning for the pause. Thatā€™s nothing but assumptive conjecture on your part.

Since every strike from Israel is precision according to you would you agree that every strike that results in civilian death be scrutinized, and explained but Israel. Who was taken out and why the threat justifies the civilian casualties and what was done to determine there was no alternative means to capture or kill the target without the casualties
My notion of morality has to do with judgement. If somebody kills a terrorist knowing that action will kill innocent people in the process then there should be an imminent threat and no other alternative ways to capture or kill him without the collateral damage.

In every instance where innocent lives are taken this judgement should be scrutinized and should it be found that the proper care and considerations was not taken to avoid the loss of innocent life, then the action could and should be found reckless and illegal.

I understand that Hamas is hiding in schools and hospitals and refuge camps. This makes the fight difficult but it also does not give a free pass to bomb everything and sacrifice innocent lives.

Any loss if innocent life should be scrutinized like it was a member of your own family. Many in this thread have expressed zero concern for these innocent lives and made comments in support of unregulated massacres. Itā€™s sick
The moral framework within which this war is being pursued is International Humanitarian Law, which Israel is carefully following, so they moral questions have all been answered. Whatever it is you are feeling clearly has nothing to do with morality.

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