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America - Nation of Immigrants

There is legal immigration and illegal immigration, I support legal but in no way support the latter

And assimilation. What caused past immigration to the U.S. to be successful is that immigrants adopted American values and culture, and learned English. We didn't have schools teach in Gaelic or Italian...nor were ballots in anything other than English.

There is no such thing as a Hyphenated American.
There is legal immigration and illegal immigration, I support legal but in no way support the latter

And assimilation. What caused past immigration to the U.S. to be successful is that immigrants adopted American values and culture, and learned English. We didn't have schools teach in Gaelic or Italian...nor were ballots in anything other than English.

There is no such thing as a Hyphenated American.

One of our twins wants a shirt with this on it..she'll get it.

"In southern Colorado, for example, a group of Hispanics trace their ancestry to Spanish settlers from the 1500s, before Jamestown. ''Their oral history says they didn't mix with the native Americans,'' says University of Michigan researcher Andrew Merriwether, who studied this group. But genetics tells a different tale: about 85 per cent of them carry mitochondrial DNA of Native American origin. Other genetic markers show a strong European heritage, which indicates ''directional mating,'' says Merri- wether. As in South Africa, European men were sleeping with Amerindian women, but Amerindian men were rarely sleeping with European women. Partly this is because few Spanish women traveled with the conquistadores, but it's also due to sexual politics, and they are inscribed on DNA.

So are ancient human migrations. Thor Heyerdahl believed that Polynesians crossed the Pacific and helped populate the New World. By sailing his boat, the Kon Tiki, he proved such a voyage was possible—but DNA demonstrates that it didn't happen. Polynesians bear a distinctive motif on their mitochondrial DNA that is not present among any native American peoples, either those who are living now or mummies. So did the first Americans come from Siberia? Surprisingly, no. Mitochondrial DNA indicates that native Americans descend from Mongolians."

"Racial hierarchies are cultural, not scientific. While every group has genetic characteristics—and sometimes flaws—that are more common than in other groups, not everyone in the group will share them."

Over time, ''genetics will help beat down racist arguments,'' says Eric Lander, a world-renowned geneticist at M.I.T.

RaceSci: History of Race in Science: In Media: What DNA Says About Human Ancestry - and Bigotry
America - Nation of Immigrants
True but until recently all the immigrants strive to assimilate into the American Culture. The learned to speak English, they celebrated our holidays, They honored our Constitution. America was a melting pot. That is no longer the case, ....

It IS still the case.

Immigrants today understand very well the necessity of mastering English to succeed in this country. School aged kids study English hard because they know they must, and their parents consistently cite it as the most crucial subject - and make sure their children study accordingly. By the third generation, most immigrant families - yes Latino families too - speaking English mostly or only at home. It is common to see a family shopping with Grandma who can't speak English at all asking her daughter to interpret or explain something. Her daughter tries in somewhat broken English to communicate successfully, and usually can. Sometimes the mother will turn to her own young daughter who rolls her eyes in exasperation and fluently completes whatever communicative task needs doing. This scene has played out at every stage of American history and will continue to do so.

Most holidays are fun and non-threatening. Unless some religious prescription dictates otherwise, new immigrants joyfully participate to one degree or another. I can't tell you how many Chinese students have told me humorous stories of their moms trying to cook a whole turkey for the first time. I went to a great 4th of July cookout last year where my son and I were the only people born in this country. It was fun and delicious like any other 4th of July get-together.

I have plenty of students who know more about our Constitution than 90% of the posters here.

America is still the great melting pot is has always been.

The Sedition Acts of last century are the reason many of those languages are not spoken or written in this country today. ....


What the hell are you talking about?


If you don't know then you haven't studied US history very well. The World Wars of last century caused the United States to enact Sedition Acts with those who spoke German in this country as their primary targets. In many cases it was illegal to teach German to the young in the US prior to going to college even though over half of the United States population at that time was of German descent.


jethro tull cheap day return - YouTube


The Sedition Acts of last century are the reason many of those languages are not spoken or written in this country today. ....


What the hell are you talking about?

View attachment 74936

If you don't know then you haven't studied US history very well. The World Wars of last century caused the United States to enact Sedition Acts with those who spoke German in this country as their primary targets. In many cases it was illegal to teach German to the young in the US prior to going to college even though over half of the United States population at that time was of German descent.


jethro tull cheap day return - YouTube


You have no idea what you're talking about.

The Sedition Acts of last century are the reason many of those languages are not spoken or written in this country today. ....


What the hell are you talking about?

View attachment 74936

If you don't know then you haven't studied US history very well. The World Wars of last century caused the United States to enact Sedition Acts with those who spoke German in this country as their primary targets. In many cases it was illegal to teach German to the young in the US prior to going to college even though over half of the United States population at that time was of German descent.


jethro tull cheap day return - YouTube


You have no idea what you're talking about.


I find it more likely that you need to do some research as to why those various languages (German, Swede, etc...) were dropped by many families across the United States almost all within the same decade.

Sedition Act of 1918 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

...It forbade the use of "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language" about the United States government, its flag, or its armed forces or that caused others to view the American government or its institutions with contempt...

How far do you suppose a state or local government would carry the use of "disloyal, profane, scurrilous and/or abusive language" if they don't understand what the other side is saying and all they know it's the language of the people they were fighting in the war?

Far enough to ban that language from being spoken in public and taught to the children perhaps... at lower levels of government?


Last edited:

The Sedition Acts of last century are the reason many of those languages are not spoken or written in this country today. ....


What the hell are you talking about?

View attachment 74936

If you don't know then you haven't studied US history very well. The World Wars of last century caused the United States to enact Sedition Acts with those who spoke German in this country as their primary targets. In many cases it was illegal to teach German to the young in the US prior to going to college even though over half of the United States population at that time was of German descent.


jethro tull cheap day return - YouTube


You have no idea what you're talking about.


I find it more likely that you need to do some research as to why those various languages (German, Swede, etc...) were dropped by many families across the United States almost all within the same decade.

Sedition Act of 1918 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

...It forbade the use of "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language" about the United States government, its flag, or its armed forces or that caused others to view the American government or its institutions with contempt...

How far do you suppose a state or local government would carry the use of "disloyal, profane, scurrilous and/or abusive language" if they don't understand what the other side is saying and all they know it's the language of the people they were fighting in the war?

Far enough to ban that language from being spoken in public and taught to the children perhaps... at lower levels of government?


"Do you suppose...?"

I knew you were just pulling shit out your ass. Next time you want to make shit up, give it more thought first.

The Sedition Acts of last century are the reason many of those languages are not spoken or written in this country today. ....


What the hell are you talking about?

View attachment 74936

If you don't know then you haven't studied US history very well. The World Wars of last century caused the United States to enact Sedition Acts with those who spoke German in this country as their primary targets. In many cases it was illegal to teach German to the young in the US prior to going to college even though over half of the United States population at that time was of German descent.


jethro tull cheap day return - YouTube


You have no idea what you're talking about.


I find it more likely that you need to do some research as to why those various languages (German, Swede, etc...) were dropped by many families across the United States almost all within the same decade.

Sedition Act of 1918 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

...It forbade the use of "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language" about the United States government, its flag, or its armed forces or that caused others to view the American government or its institutions with contempt...

How far do you suppose a state or local government would carry the use of "disloyal, profane, scurrilous and/or abusive language" if they don't understand what the other side is saying and all they know it's the language of the people they were fighting in the war?

Far enough to ban that language from being spoken in public and taught to the children perhaps... at lower levels of government?


"Do you suppose...?"

I knew you were just pulling shit out your ass. Next time you want to make shit up, give it more thought first.


Tell that to my father and grandfathers who lived through those years... Oh wait! You can't because those generations are dead and can tell no tales except through writings they've left.

However there still exist local and state laws that indicate the truth of my statements about how un-PC it was to speak a language not approved by those state and local governments along with the ones that were removed from the books if you know where to look.

I don't have to pull crap out of my butt about it. However it's apparent that your generation is very good at looking for information that only suits your agenda while ignoring the little things that show your supposed facts and theories about assimilation are not all they would seem.



I don't have to pull crap out of my butt about it. ...

Then why is that all you've done? The only 'evidence' you've provided to support your claim (wiki? really?) only shows how full of shit you are. Your completely futile and failed attempts at spin now reinforces the fact that you're full of shit.

However there still exist local and state laws that indicate the truth of my statements about how un-PC it was to speak a language not approved by those state and local governments....

What happened to "ban" and "illegal"? Now it's "un-PC"? Dance, dance, dance...
..... stop this immigration policy of mixing up the races. There needs to be a moratorium on putting an end to this multicultural race mixing for at least a decade or so.....

Not going to happen, Chicken Little. Your only options are to finally grow up or live in constant, abject fear and frustration.

(X)It better happen or whitey will be history in a couple of decades. Whitey will have to face the non-white majority races one day, and they will no doubt will treat like third world citizens and will be looking for revenge. I have grown up, and I have to still deal with a child like you. :badgrin:
We are, have always been, and will always be a nation of immigrants. It is one of the defining characteristics of the greatest nation the world has ever known.

The Contributions of Immigrants to American Culture

"The standard account of American immigration focuses on the acculturation and assimilation of immigrants and their children to American society. This analysis typically ignores the significant contributions of immigrants to the creation of American culture through the performing arts, sciences, and other cultural pursuits. Immigrants and their children are not born with more creative talents than native-born citizens, but their selectivity and marginality may have pushed and pulled those with ability into high-risk career paths that reward creative work. The presence of large numbers of talented immigrants in Hollywood, academia, and the high-tech industries has pushed American institutions to be more meritocratic and open to innovation than they would be otherwise.

The lives of most immigrants are a dialectic between the memories of the world left behind and the day-to-day struggles of learning the ropes of a new society. Mastering a new language, living and working among strangers, and coping with the unfamiliar are only some of the challenges faced by immigrants. It is no wonder that nostalgia has a strong grip on the cultural pursuits of immigrants. Immigrant communities generally find comfort in familiar religious traditions and rituals, seek out newspapers and literature from the homeland, and celebrate holidays and special occasions with traditional music, dance, cuisine, and leisure-time pursuits."
When there were no immigration laws, illegal immigration did not exist but when immigration laws were created illegal immigration become a crime with a punishment of deportation. We are no longer into nation building but nation survival. Lady Liberty has served her purpose. Immigrants of old contributed to this country to make it great. They did not ask for low income housing, free medical or WIC, food stamps, tax breaks and free school lunched, and other social services that illegal aliens are given.

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