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America - Nation of Immigrants


Identity politics, Diversity, Affirmative Action especially Disparate Impact Theory, Multiculturalism are all designed to divide us and set us against each other.......

You are mistaking the lefty agenda for reality. They are not the same, and you are just playing the sucker.

Approximately half of people believe that Treyvon Martin was shot and killed for walking while black.

Approximately half of people believe that he was shot in self defense by the man he was beating.

THose two world views cannot live in peace.

In effect one sees that the other feels it has a right to kill them for being black or brown.

The other sees that they are expected to just accept their beating without the right to self defense.

This is the reality that the leftist agenda has created.

And that is ONE minor aspect of these conflicting world views.

I could go on with other examples on other issues that are designed to tear America apart.

Would you like additional examples?
We are, have always been, and will always be a nation of immigrants. It is one of the defining characteristics of the greatest nation the world has ever known.

The Contributions of Immigrants to American Culture

"The standard account of American immigration focuses on the acculturation and assimilation of immigrants and their children to American society. This analysis typically ignores the significant contributions of immigrants to the creation of American culture through the performing arts, sciences, and other cultural pursuits. Immigrants and their children are not born with more creative talents than native-born citizens, but their selectivity and marginality may have pushed and pulled those with ability into high-risk career paths that reward creative work. The presence of large numbers of talented immigrants in Hollywood, academia, and the high-tech industries has pushed American institutions to be more meritocratic and open to innovation than they would be otherwise.
The lives of most immigrants are a dialectic between the memories of the world left behind and the day-to-day struggles of learning the ropes of a new society. Mastering a new language, living and working among strangers, and coping with the unfamiliar are only some of the challenges faced by immigrants. It is no wonder that nostalgia has a strong grip on the cultural pursuits of immigrants. Immigrant communities generally find comfort in familiar religious traditions and rituals, seek out newspapers and literature from the homeland, and celebrate holidays and special occasions with traditional music, dance, cuisine, and leisure-time pursuits."

You and I both are children of immigrants. Why do I feel this is just you covering up for illegal aliens? Sure, they are "immigrants", too. In the loosest sense of the word. You are such a stickler for correctness, grammar, spelling or facts. To bad you are so lax applying those same high standards to illegal aliens. I genuinely believe you are trying to end racism. But THIS? Tilting at windmills, don Quixote.
travel historically has been very limited.......

Migration has always been part of, and in fact played a role in, human evolution and all the history that has followed. Human beings have always and everywhere 'mixed' whenever the opportunity arose. Take a look at those Neanderthal genes you have (you want to talk about real "race mixing," there it is). Science and History prove my point.
travel historically has been very limited.......

Migration has always been part of, and in fact played a role in, human evolution and all the history that has followed. Human beings have always and everywhere 'mixed' whenever the opportunity arose. Take a look at those Neanderthal genes you have (you want to talk about real "race mixing," there it is). Science and History prove my point.

Part of your premise is correct; we are a nation of immigrants. However, the part you are leaving out, or I didn't see in this thread, is the fact that immigration should be controlled in order to prevent chaos, disease, disruption to an economy, among other things. If a nation is to survive it must be able to manage, and KNOW who is in the country. This is not being done, and our "admininstration", which I mostly regard with contempt, is blind to the dangers such unbridled influx of people into the US brings.

Thus, as a citizen of the US, born and bred (my ancestors were here BEFORE we became a Nation), I resent both the influx of ILLEGALS (and that is what they are no matter what the bleeding (and bleating) hearts say, and those who would HARM us by allowing it. Before the same bleeding hearts start screaming "racism", "hate", and "bigotry", I will say my objections to people flooding our borders is NOT based on "race", OK? I don't CARE if you are a little, green man from Mars, just now parking your saucer, if you are have permission to be here, I say, "Welcome. Have a nice, life, or stay, etc." If you SNEAKED across our border(s) without such permission, visa, work permit, green card, YOU ARE A CRIMINAL BY VIRTUE OF HAVING STEPPED FOOT IN HERE. I don't WANT you here! I don't want your "anchor" babies staying here, either. (We'll address that, perhaps, in another post) I want you rounded UP and sent back wherever it is you came from. I do NOT respect those who slip in here to take advantage of the system, milk the welfare system, or take jobs from teenagers at Micky D's who ought to be taught a WORK ethic anyway. I have already been victimized, both BY their illegal actions, AND directly by being STRUCK in traffic (rear-ended) by a carload of so-called "immigrants" (they are NOT "immigrants"--they are CRIMINALS). They attempted to RUN, but a Honda Civic couldn't outrun a good old American V8 Chevy, and I got their tag #. Did ME no good, tho---no license, no insurance! :( Again, these people are not "undocumented 'immigrants'" like the drippy, hippy liberals say, eager to BUY their votes with lush, flowing welfare benefits: THESE PEOPLE ARE *CRIMINALS*!!! :(

Finally, I do NOT want to "Press 1 for English" in my OWN native land where English is the predominant language.
WHAT is that all about anyway?:9: When Italians, YIddish, French, Germans, came, we didn't have to "Press 1". So why can't the "Hispanics" Press 1 instead?

If you are a legal immigrant, a naturalized citizen, have permission to be here, I welcome you so long as you obey and respect our laws. Remember: As a visa holder, green card worker, you are a GUEST here, and if you are out there "demonstrating", putting a foreign flag OVER ours, putting the US flag upside down (a false distress signal), I want you KICKED OUT, NEVER allowed to return. That does NOT make me want to welcome you; it makes me MAD!!!!
If pressing 1 is traumatic, take it up with the private companies who set up their phones to serve their customers.
Green card holders are not "guests," they are permanent residents.
Preventing illegal immigration is the government's responsibility, and they fail to fulfill it. We need to control (not close) our borders.
America - Nation of Immigrants
True but until recently all the immigrants strive to assimilate into the American Culture. The learned to speak English, they celebrated our holidays, They honored our Constitution. America was a melting pot. That is no longer the case, immigrants no longer want to assimilate, they want to change out holidays and replace them with their own. They have no respect for our constitution. They want to change America not assimilate to it. These are the immigrants we don't need. Immigration without Assimilation is an invasion.
America - Nation of Immigrants
True but until recently all the immigrants strive to assimilate into the American Culture. The learned to speak English, they celebrated our holidays, They honored our Constitution. America was a melting pot. That is no longer the case, ....

It IS still the case.
... Take Latinos for instance. They now have their own TV/radio,newspapers,community centers......

At the turn of the last century there were many newspapers in German, Swedish, and other languages serving different immigrant communities. Cowards like you turned weak in the knees, while the new immigrants turned into Americans.


The Sedition Acts of last century are the reason many of those languages are not spoken or written in this country today. The peoples representing those languages were forced into assimilate. Especially the German-American's who composed over half the population of this country at that time and still constitute the majority, well over 40%, today.

If you want PC then give them restitution for taking away their languages and in many cases the culture that went with it.


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travel historically has been very limited.......

Migration has always been part of, and in fact played a role in, human evolution and all the history that has followed. Human beings have always and everywhere 'mixed' whenever the opportunity arose. Take a look at those Neanderthal genes you have (you want to talk about real "race mixing," there it is). Science and History prove my point.

The existence of whole races of defined by recessive traits prove my point.

THose migrations were the exceptions, not the rules.
travel historically has been very limited.......

Migration has always been part of, and in fact played a role in, human evolution and all the history that has followed. Human beings have always and everywhere 'mixed' whenever the opportunity arose. Take a look at those Neanderthal genes you have (you want to talk about real "race mixing," there it is). Science and History prove my point.

The existence of whole races of defined by recessive traits prove my point.

THose migrations were the exceptions, not the rules.

Wrong. You are confused by your very limited understanding of history.
Restless Genes - Pictures, More From National Geographic Magazine

"“No other mammal moves around like we do,” says Svante Pääbo, a director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, where he uses genetics to study human origins. “We jump borders. We push into new territory even when we have resources where we are. Other animals don’t do this. Other humans either. Neanderthals were around hundreds of thousands of years, but they never spread around the world. In just 50,000 years we covered everything. There’s a kind of madness to it. Sailing out into the ocean, you have no idea what’s on the other side. And now we go to Mars. We never stop. "

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