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America - Nation of Immigrants

What I know is, in the days of Ellis Island, immigrants poured in, learning English as they could. Since English has became the prominent language in the US, as well as in the conduct of business worldwide, it is a necessity. However I also see government AND business cow-towing to the Hispanics, whereas that was not the case 50 or 100 years ago. A relatively new twist, I find myself having to turn jars, cans, and other products over and over, trying to find the English instructions while Spanish seems to be everywhere. Why? Why WOULD business, if they are, indeed, the prime culprit, backpeddle English and promote Spanish? It makes ME, born here of several generations, feel estranged in my OWN native land. Previously, I never had to "Press" anything for English, and there was certainly no special emphasis given to anyone, no matter their language. It was assumed immigrants would assimilate into AMERICAN culture, not the other way around! Indeed, to even bring the subject up is "politically incorrect"--another leftist term that has always irked me. Just WHO the H*** do you think *you* ARE, trying to tell ME what is politically "correct" ? :(

Most Americans would agree that our immigration system needs to be fixed, but not in the way the pony-tailed pseudo-intellectual leftists would have it! In fact, IF we would ENFORCE our existing laws, not much else is needed. I have always felt that there is a fairly easy way to accomplish this without a mass expulsion of illegals; they would "deport" themselves! And that way is to simply go after the companies who HIRE them, clamp down on counterfeit identification, drivers' licenses, et al. Then make those illegals who commit commit crimes subject to automatic deportation. Use E-Verify, one proven way of finding out if an immigrant is legal. Giving naturalized and native-born citizens first dibs on employment is one step. And, deprived of jobs that RIGHTFULLY belong to US, you'd see a "reverse migration back to where they came from.

People say that 1) Americans don't want the jobs the Hispanic illegals will do, 2) that to force immigrants to prove their status would let such jobs go begging. There's a solution for that, too. We have almost half, according to reports, of our citizens on some sort of "welfare", sitting on their a**es collecting money, doffing off brats to collect even more. Make those welfare recipients DO those jobs to collect their money! There's little chance of THAT happening, and I'm being partially facetious, but its an idea..........................

And that's the trouble that continues to exist! NOBODY is coming up with ANY ideas how to deal with this flood of unauthorized migrants coming from South America.

It is ultimately dangerous, subversive and completely unfair to the natives, and especially the NATURALIZED citizens of America! For it is THIS group that struggled, jumped thru all kinds of hoops to "EARN" their place in the United States and Freedom. These, I KNOW will likely "support and defend" the Constitution of the United States, contribute to its welfare,and become true American citizens. I do NOT support those who SNEAK into the country, expect others to feed and clothe them, and MOOCH off ME and my countrymen. To them I say, I was BORN here. My forefathers were born here. And before THAT...and before THAT....and before THAT. Before there WAS a "United States"! What's YOUR excuse, bub?:(
America - Nation of Immigrants
True but until recently all the immigrants strive to assimilate into the American Culture. The learned to speak English, they celebrated our holidays, They honored our Constitution. America was a melting pot. That is no longer the case, ....

It IS still the case.

Immigrants today understand very well the necessity of mastering English to succeed in this country. School aged kids study English hard because they know they must, and their parents consistently cite it as the most crucial subject - and make sure their children study accordingly. By the third generation, most immigrant families - yes Latino families too - speaking English mostly or only at home. It is common to see a family shopping with Grandma who can't speak English at all asking her daughter to interpret or explain something. Her daughter tries in somewhat broken English to communicate successfully, and usually can. Sometimes the mother will turn to her own young daughter who rolls her eyes in exasperation and fluently completes whatever communicative task needs doing. This scene has played out at every stage of American history and will continue to do so.

Most holidays are fun and non-threatening. Unless some religious prescription dictates otherwise, new immigrants joyfully participate to one degree or another. I can't tell you how many Chinese students have told me humorous stories of their moms trying to cook a whole turkey for the first time. I went to a great 4th of July cookout last year where my son and I were the only people born in this country. It was fun and delicious like any other 4th of July get-together.

I have plenty of students who know more about our Constitution than 90% of the posters here.

America is still the great melting pot is has always been.

...... Why? Why WOULD business, if they are, indeed, the prime culprit, backpeddle [sic] English and promote Spanish? It makes ME, born here of several generations, feel estranged in my OWN native land. Previously, I never had to "Press" anything for English.....

Another tender little lamb who is traumatized by pressing a number or seeing some scary words on a label that he doesn't understand. Oh, the humanity!

Trying to reach the widest range of customers is most certainly not "back peddling," and if you don't understand why a business would want to reach the most customers possible then you are hopelessly ignorant of business and common sense.
What I know is, in the days of Ellis Island, immigrants poured in, learning English as they could. .... It was assumed immigrants would assimilate into AMERICAN culture...

Just as they are today.
..... stop this immigration policy of mixing up the races. There needs to be a moratorium on putting an end to this multicultural race mixing for at least a decade or so.....

Not going to happen, Chicken Little. Your only options are to finally grow up or live in constant, abject fear and frustration.

It better happen or whitey will be history in a couple of decades.....

:lol: No, Chicken Little, it won't. Stop crying. There will be plenty of white people long after anyone who could possibly remember who you are is long dead. We ain't gonna run out of white folks any time soon, so you can relax.
What I know is, in the days of Ellis Island, immigrants poured in, learning English as they could. Since English has became the prominent language in the US, as well as in the conduct of business worldwide, it is a necessity. However I also see government AND business cow-towing to the Hispanics, whereas that was not the case 50 or 100 years ago. A relatively new twist, I find myself having to turn jars, cans, and other products over and over, trying to find the English instructions while Spanish seems to be everywhere. Why? Why WOULD business, if they are, indeed, the prime culprit, backpeddle English and promote Spanish? It makes ME, born here of several generations, feel estranged in my OWN native land. Previously, I never had to "Press" anything for English, and there was certainly no special emphasis given to anyone, no matter their language. It was assumed immigrants would assimilate into AMERICAN culture, not the other way around! Indeed, to even bring the subject up is "politically incorrect"--another leftist term that has always irked me. Just WHO the H*** do you think *you* ARE, trying to tell ME what is politically "correct" ? :(

Most Americans would agree that our immigration system needs to be fixed, but not in the way the pony-tailed pseudo-intellectual leftists would have it! In fact, IF we would ENFORCE our existing laws, not much else is needed. I have always felt that there is a fairly easy way to accomplish this without a mass expulsion of illegals; they would "deport" themselves! And that way is to simply go after the companies who HIRE them, clamp down on counterfeit identification, drivers' licenses, et al. Then make those illegals who commit commit crimes subject to automatic deportation. Use E-Verify, one proven way of finding out if an immigrant is legal. Giving naturalized and native-born citizens first dibs on employment is one step. And, deprived of jobs that RIGHTFULLY belong to US, you'd see a "reverse migration back to where they came from.

People say that 1) Americans don't want the jobs the Hispanic illegals will do, 2) that to force immigrants to prove their status would let such jobs go begging. There's a solution for that, too. We have almost half, according to reports, of our citizens on some sort of "welfare", sitting on their a**es collecting money, doffing off brats to collect even more. Make those welfare recipients DO those jobs to collect their money! There's little chance of THAT happening, and I'm being partially facetious, but its an idea..........................

And that's the trouble that continues to exist! NOBODY is coming up with ANY ideas how to deal with this flood of unauthorized migrants coming from South America.

It is ultimately dangerous, subversive and completely unfair to the natives, and especially the NATURALIZED citizens of America! For it is THIS group that struggled, jumped thru all kinds of hoops to "EARN" their place in the United States and Freedom. These, I KNOW will likely "support and defend" the Constitution of the United States, contribute to its welfare,and become true American citizens. I do NOT support those who SNEAK into the country, expect others to feed and clothe them, and MOOCH off ME and my countrymen. To them I say, I was BORN here. My forefathers were born here. And before THAT...and before THAT....and before THAT. Before there WAS a "United States"! What's YOUR excuse, bub?:(

(X)Massive third world immigration and the promotion of multiculturalism(white genocide)is the reason why this is all happening. When North America allowed the majority of it's new immigrants to come from Britain and Europe we did not have to put up with this crap of having to look for English on any products. Those people learned English and assimilated. Now the majority of new immigrants come from just about everywhere but Britain or Europe. Now there is three languages on most items now, English, french and Spanish. What language will be next? This is what happens when a people will not fight and stand up for their race,culture,language,religion,traditions and heritage. Citizen's in America and Canada are not proud people anymore and of who they are. You can thank the controlled corporate media and traitorious politicians who are responsible for this mess. Everyone has a right to be stupid. Politicians just abuse it. :ahole-1:S.
America - Nation of Immigrants
True but until recently all the immigrants strive to assimilate into the American Culture. The learned to speak English, they celebrated our holidays, They honored our Constitution. America was a melting pot. That is no longer the case, ....

It IS still the case.

Immigrants today understand very well the necessity of mastering English to succeed in this country. School aged kids study English hard because they know they must, and their parents consistently cite it as the most crucial subject - and make sure their children study accordingly. By the third generation, most immigrant families - yes Latino families too - speaking English mostly or only at home. It is common to see a family shopping with Grandma who can't speak English at all asking her daughter to interpret or explain something. Her daughter tries in somewhat broken English to communicate successfully, and usually can. Sometimes the mother will turn to her own young daughter who rolls her eyes in exasperation and fluently completes whatever communicative task needs doing. This scene has played out at every stage of American history and will continue to do so.

Most holidays are fun and non-threatening. Unless some religious prescription dictates otherwise, new immigrants joyfully participate to one degree or another. I can't tell you how many Chinese students have told me humorous stories of their moms trying to cook a whole turkey for the first time. I went to a great 4th of July cookout last year where my son and I were the only people born in this country. It was fun and delicious like any other 4th of July get-together.

I have plenty of students who know more about our Constitution than 90% of the posters here.

America is still the great melting pot is has always been.


(X)Bull chit. Spanish will become an official language in the not to distant future for America. That is not a people assimilating as they now have their own TV,radio, newspapers,community centers, served in Spanish by the gouverments and separatist groups. The Latinos are taking over the American South, and the American white folk are sitting around and are watching it happen. In Canada bilingualism has cost the English billions to keep the french happy, and the same will be true for the Latinos who will have to be pleased in order to keep them from rebelling. It's only just a matter of time, fool.
.... Citizen's in America and Canada are not proud people anymore and of who they are. .....

Speak for yourself. Real Americans are still proud of America. If you aren't, feel free to get the fuck out of my country.
.... Now there is [sic] three languages on most items now [sic], English, french [sic] and Spanish. ....

Do you think you'll ever learn even one of them?

(X)Yes, I have. And English will be the main one for me, and is the only language all North America needs to know and learn. All others being promoted is just a waste of billions of taxpayer's tax dollars. But what do you care, uhmm? Who cares what it costs, just do it. You sure lack comprehension and fiscal responsibility alright. Nothing new here.
.... they now have their own TV,radio, newspapers,community centers, ......

Portuguese-American Club

"The Portugese-American Club was founded in 1930 as the Holy Ghost Association."

Immigrants in American History

"The Swedish-language press flourished in the US in the late 19th century as Swedes moved in, and a new project to archive and digitize the wealth of historical material is set to go live in 2015.

Some 1.3 million Swedes left Europe for the promise of North America and many of them settled in the mid-west. The immigrants established communities, churches and societies and more than 600 Swedish-language newspapers were published in the United States in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

"These newspapers were extremely important to the Swedish-American community," Bruce Karstadt, president and CEO of the American Swedish Institute, told The Local."

In 1900, there were over 600 German newspapers published in the US. There were also radio stations that broadcast in German, Swiss German, Dutch, Swedish and many other languages. And there were Chicken Littles like you pissing themselves then as there are now. Immigrants eventually assimilated then as they are now.

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