America & Nazi Germany

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An FDR defender is like a global warmer. You have to have faith in the religion in spite of evidence. Information is available in the greatest Country in the world but sometimes you have to get beyond 8th grade propaganda and look for it.
An FDR defender is like a global warmer. You have to have faith in the religion in spite of evidence. Information is available in the greatest Country in the world but sometimes you have to get beyond 8th grade propaganda and look for it.

Well historians have always rated FDR in the top three greatest American presidents.
Recently 2010 Siena Poll, 238 noted historians and presidential experts voted FDR as the greatest American president, so there's the historical evidence. As for the American- people-evidence, the people voted for FDR four times, so now it seems both voters and historians agree that FDR was great, if not the greatest.
An FDR defender is like a global warmer. You have to have faith in the religion in spite of evidence. Information is available in the greatest Country in the world but sometimes you have to get beyond 8th grade propaganda and look for it.

Well historians have always rated FDR in the top three greatest American presidents.
Recently 2010 Siena Poll, 238 noted historians and presidential experts voted FDR as the greatest American president.....
Yeah....Lolberal historians, who put a very high premium on activist authoritarian central gubmint.

Big fat hairy deal.
There are a hundred legitimate historical accounts of the 30's and the FDR administration. The sad truth is that union educated Americans rely on the fluff they were taught in history 101 in grammar school and later the history course filtered through the liberal lens renamed "social studies". I'm currently reading an account of FDR's Supreme Court appointments. The book is called "Scorpions" (from Felix Frankfurter's clerk Alexander Bickel that the Supreme Court is like nine scorpions in a bottle") 2010 by Noah Feldman. Barnes/Noble had the $30 book on sale for $6
An FDR defender is like a global warmer. You have to have faith in the religion in spite of evidence. Information is available in the greatest Country in the world but sometimes you have to get beyond 8th grade propaganda and look for it.

Well historians have always rated FDR in the top three greatest American presidents. .

Left wing academics? What a surprise... :rolleyes:
There was no "official" term limit for president before FDR. We didn't need it. You could say that FDR seized power to run for his 3rd and 4th terms in a similar way that Hitler initially gained power in Germany, with political intimidation, media talkeover and the threat of violence.

That is nonsense.
As the FAR right decided to ignore Hitler, FDR was initiating Lend Lease, or perhaps you missed that in your "studies".

That is not exactly how it was.

FDR was pretty much the only who stood up to Congress and the prevailing political view among elected politicians in both parties, but especially in the pro-business pro-eugenics types... that Hitler was the man to back in Europe over the British Empire, which at the time was seen as a threat to the US. At the time, Hitler's policies were closer to the US's own views than that of their "enemy" the British Empire... both economically and socially.

Even among FDRs cabinet there was Hitler supporters who were lobbying FDR not to back the UK up.

Now when I say Hitler supporters.. I dont mean raving NAZI's. The motivation to support Hitler over the UK varied from business (Bush's grandfather for example) to the threat of the British Empire on US aspirations world wide. They simply saw Nazi Germany as the best bet in a war in Europe and the enemy of my enemy... the British Empire.

For that I am thankful. Let the Petains, Quislings, and Bund be damned for eternity.

You're really throwing all sorts of different things together here. While I am not a fan of Pétain, Quisling, or the Bund, lumping all three together like they're the same thing is ridiculous and stupid.
An FDR defender is like a global warmer. You have to have faith in the religion in spite of evidence. Information is available in the greatest Country in the world but sometimes you have to get beyond 8th grade propaganda and look for it.

The evidence is clear that the 8th grade propaganda of the far right is ridiculous.
There was no "official" term limit for president before FDR. We didn't need it. You could say that FDR seized power to run for his 3rd and 4th terms in a similar way that Hitler initially gained power in Germany, with political intimidation, media talkeover and the threat of violence.

That is nonsense.

Agreed, it is nonsense to compare FDR's running for a third term with Hitler's seizure of power. It would also be a poor comparison of the USA in 1940 with the crumbling Weimar Republic in the early 1930s.
The framers debated term limits for the executive and decided to not put a limit on the president's terms in office. The limit was a Republican attempt to degrade FDR, but in so doing the Republicans probably gave FDR a lock on the times elected. If Republicans ever elect a president of FDR's caliber they may still regret that amendment.
The terms amendment is a great thing.

Ronnie would have been re-elected and we would have had a president who was dotty.

Clinton would have re-elected and half the Board would not be here because they would all be dead of heart attacks.
Was there ever a time when America did not have world dangers facing it, or the political party out of power warning us of the immenent take-over by the sitting president. Of course all strong presidents seem to want to be king or dictator, Andrew Jackson was our last king, now the presidents want to become dictators. Yet all, the presidents, when not reelected or die seem to have failed in their dictatorship goal and fade into the sunset. Still the dictator bit is almost as good as the communist bit.
As Jefferson said, "No man will ever bring out of the Presidency the reputation which carries him into it."
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