America needs an Aryan religion

I agree that the Ashkenazi did not differ from the Germans in anything other than religion, but they just always deny this.

"They" are the people who you don't know, I guess.

Here the question arises, who then marked them,

The Nazis did do so, idiot!

if they are Germans and there was racism, and not just religious enmity?

Religion? What have the Nazis to do with religion? Nothing or nothing?
The Nazis did do so, idiot!
But didn't the Nazis speak on behalf of the Germans? If the Ashkenazim are Germans, then why did they oppress them?

By the way, the word Ashkenazi in Hebrew just translates as Germans.
Nietzsche despised German collectivism and praised the Jews for having the will to survive. It is also very strange that he was "married" to the ideologists of fascism.

The Nietzschean "Superman" also does not correspond to the Aryan and American Superhero. This is the Predator, and those Anti-predators, the killers of villains.

Nietzsche's hero is a villain, and his whole philosophy will be reduced to the justification of the villain.
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no. Part of the Russians in the Don region could come from the Polish tribes of the Vyatichi and Radimichi, but not vice versa. Historical Russians are mostly Balts, they did not speak Slavic languages before the Avars and Bulgars came there.
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Obra is a river. Could be in the source a German name in sense of "Oberer" (Upper).
There we are talking about the Obry tribe, who are identified with the Avars. This may be related to the Germanic "Oberer" precisely in the sense of superiority.
But didn't the Nazis speak on behalf of the Germans?


If the Ashkenazim are Germans, then why did they oppress them?

Who opressed Jews? What for heavens sake do you speak about super-idiot? The Nazis "argued" the international Jews are not able to be national. Jews were for them like the Capitalists from the East-Coast of the USA and they were for them like the Russian Bolsheviks - or with other woord: the reason why Germany lost world war 1. World War 1 and World War 2 are the same war. In combination with weird ideas about biology the Nazis developed racism via a constant stream of brain washing political propaganda which ended with an industrial form of mass-murdrer: the Holocaust.

By the way, the word Ashkenazi in Hebrew just translates as Germans.

I know. Many of my ancestors are also Ashkenasim.
There we are talking about the Obry tribe, who are identified with the Avars. This may be related to the Germanic "Oberer" precisely in the sense of superiority.

No. Up is not down and left is not right - that's all what somone needs for orientation. An "Oberst" for example is a Colonel and an "Ober" is a waiter or stewart. And you are anything else than a trustworthy source in everything what you say about history. Obry could also have to do something with the French word "Aubry". In English this woulf be ~"elf" or "Alf".

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Agni Vaishvanara, Ox strong in truth, may he burn those
Who wants to harm us,
And also those who want to deprive us!
Who, boastfully calling to each other,
Hunt on the night of the new moon
Meat eaters who want to hurt others
I overpower them all.
I master the power of pishachas,
I take their wealth for myself
I kill everyone who wants to harm
May my intention come true!
I can't put up with pishachas,
Not with thieves, not with savages.
Which ever village I enter
Pishachi disappear from there.
Which village does not enter
This terrible power is mine,
Pishachi disappear from there
And they don't plan evil anymore...
(from Atharvaveda)

This, among other things, reveals the forgery of Nietzsche. In the preface to his "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" he claimed that Zarathustra was the first to separate Good from Evil. From this and many other hymns it clearly follows that the Aryans, already at the beginning of iron, clearly separated Good from Evil and had a clear idea of villainy.
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No. Up is not down and left is not right - that's all what somone needs for orientation. An "Oberst" for example is a Colonel and an "Ober" is a waiter or stewart. And you are anything else than a trustworthy source in everything what you say about history. Obry could also have to do something with the French word "Aubry".
It has the semantics of superiority. Obry(Avars) was called great. There is a connection
And I don’t recall that Nietzsche praised precisely the individual superman. He spoke of a population of superhumans, whom he apparently identified with Jews or some kind of "blonde beasts". It's not the same as Indra and Superman with their individual heroism.

Although he also did not like the collectivism of the Germans.
Nietzsche's "superman" is the one who offends, deceives or kills someone who is weaker than him, in a crowd or alone or as part of a gang, it does not matter here. He praised entire nations who were engaged in robbery and murder, obviously Superman has nothing to do with it.

It was with this that his concept of the "will to live" was connected. From his point of view, those who want to survive have special privileges.

In general, Nietzsche, of course, was a fucking nonentity, a man of the level of a miserable worm under a feet.
World War 1 and World War 2 are the same war.
I do not know the essence of the question why there was a 2nd war, but the 1st war was between the Spring of Nations on the one hand, and pan-Germanism on the other. It boiled down to returning to the old German elites the lost power over Europe. This is the same process with the expansion of the Prussians, counter-reforms in Russia and Serbian nationalism. All these things were a united front against the gains of Freedom in Europe. Main target was Austro-Hungaria with its reforms of further liberation and Unated States of great Austria project
Agni Vaishvanara, Ox strong in truth, may he burn those
Who wants to harm us,
And also those who want to deprive us!
Who, boastfully calling to each other,
Hunt on the night of the new moon
Meat eaters who want to hurt others
I overpower them all.
I master the power of pishachas,
I take their wealth for myself
I kill everyone who wants to harm
May my intention come true!
I can't put up with pishachas,
Not with thieves, not with savages.
Which ever village I enter
Pishachi disappear from there.
Which village does not enter
This terrible power is mine,
Pishachi disappear from there
And they don't plan evil anymore...
(from Atharvaveda)

This, among other things, reveals the forgery of Nietzsche. In the preface to his "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" he claimed that Zarathustra was the first to separate Good from Evil. From this and many other hymns it clearly follows that the Aryans, already at the beginning of iron, clearly separated Good from Evil and had a clear idea of villainy.
This is your answer to the statement "no comment"?

No comment
It has the semantics of superiority. Obry(Avars) was called great. There is a connection

No one knows any word of the language of the Avars - so how do you know suddenly that 'Obry' is a word of the language of the Avars?
Nietzsche's "superman" is the one who offends, deceives or kills someone who is weaker than him, in a crowd or alone or as part of a gang, it does not matter here. He praised entire nations who were engaged in robbery and murder, obviously Superman has nothing to do with it.

It was with this that his concept of the "will to live" was connected. From his point of view, those who want to survive have special privileges.

In general, Nietzsche, of course, was a fucking nonentity,

What do you see when you take a look into a mirror, Dracula?

a man of the level of a miserable worm under a feet.

You two are perfect for each other.

Are you tired? What he says means Putin likes to conquer all countries of the former Soviet empire by "reasoning" in all of this countries lived Slaws. And he says in the history book of this future Russian world in Europe Germans - and I guess also many others - will not exist any longer.
Are you tired? What he says means Putin likes to conquer all countries of the former Soviet empire by "reasoning" in all of this countries lived Slaws. And he says in the history book of this future Russian world in Europe Germans - and I guess also many others - will not exist any longer.
This is just the tactics of the Pan-Germanists, during the capture of Austro-Hungary
Are you tired? What he says means Putin likes to conquer all countries of the former Soviet empire by "reasoning" in all of this countries lived Slaws. And he says in the history book of this future Russian world in Europe Germans - and I guess also many others - will not exist any longer.
99.9% of all species are now extinct. No one gets out of here alive.

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