America needs an Aryan religion

What he says means Putin likes to conquer all countries of the former Soviet empire by "reasoning"
Putin never had this pan-German or pan-Slavic rhetoric, don't lie. He does not justify this by "Slavs"

By the way, I am against the restoration of the Soviet Union in the form in which it was. I am a supporter of Yeltsin
I do not know the essence of the question why there was a 2nd war,

It started because Hitler and Stalin agreed in the secret part of the Ribbentrop-Molotow pact to wipe out Poland again.

but the 1st war was between the Spring of Nations on the one hand, and pan-Germanism on the other.

The expression pan-Germanism make not any sense.

It boiled down to returning to the old German elites the lost power over Europe.


This is the same process with the expansion of the Prussians, counter-reforms in Russia and Serbian nationalism.


All these things were a united front against the gains of Freedom in Europe.


Main target was Austro-Hungaria with its reforms of further liberation and Unated States of great Austria project

World war 1 was the fight of Russia and her allied colonial empires (France, England+USA and others) against Germany and her allied multi-national empires (Austria-Hungaria, the Osman empire and others). Nationalism wan.
The word "union" comes from the Huns. The Huns were also called the Uns, and the union of the Huns was called the union.

But a union is a voluntary association and not an empire. An alliance between the peoples and lands of the former German Empire is possible, but the annexation of the GDR must be abolished and the lands of the former Germany must gain freedom and independence.
Putin never had this pan-German or pan-Slavic rhetoric, don't lie. He does not justify this by "Slavs"

By the way, I am against the restoration of the Soviet Union in the form in which it was. I am a supporter of Yeltsin

What you call "history" tells a totally other story. Germans in the East are Slaws. Germans in the South are Slaws. Austrians are Slaws. In the Balkan are only Slaws. Scandinavia are Slaws. Hungarians and Slaws seem to be the same for you. Did I forget any Slavs?`The Canadian Slaws? The Italian, French, Spanish and English Slaws? The Slaws of the USA? And Russians, Slaws and slaves seems to be the same word for you.
World war 1 was the fight of Russia and her allied colonial empires
No. First, the impostor Nicholas2 came to Russia and carried out counter-reforms, and secondly, it all started with a Serbian terrorist who killed Franz Ferdinand, who wanted to free the peoples. Serbian terrorists, like the Prussians, sought the expansion and restoration of German power in free lands.
What you call "history" tells a totally other story. Germans in the East are Slavs. Germans in the South are Slavs. Austrians are Slavs. In the Balkan are inly Slavs. Scandinavia are Slavs. Hungarians and Slavs are the same. Did I forget any Slavs?`The Canadian Slaws? The Italian, French and Spanish Slaws? The Slavs of the USA?
I didn't say they were Slavs. The Slavs are a linguistic community, nerd. There are Huns, Balts and Balkans, these are peoples of different origin. Now it also includes the Ural peoples and Saams
The word "union" comes from the Huns.

"Union" comes from "unio" what's a word from the Latin of the Holy Church. "Unio" (genetivus: Unionis) means association, federation, unity. Root of this word is "unus" = one, single, unique. Creation of this word is the 1st halfth of the 16th century.

The Huns were also called the Uns,


and the union of the Huns was called the union.


But a union is a voluntary association and not an empire. An alliance between the peoples and lands of the former German Empire is possible, but the annexation of the GDR must be abolished and the lands of the former Germany must gain freedom and independence.

Hang Putin. That's the best what you are able to do for Russia. Either you will die or he will die - both is not bad for your country. And do me the favor that we have not to kill too many Russians. I hate death, I love life. And anyway you are not many people.


The German ideologists have perverted everything. The horned god Saman is a good Celtic god, the enemy of the German matrons in the form of the old woman Kaileh, the god of witches, who were exterminated by the Inquisition of the Gothic period.

The Germans worshiped the god Odin, this name means one. It is the same as Allah and Eloh in meaning
In fact, there was not even subordination on the rights of force. These were vile political intrigues and the attack of packs of slaves on one, just as wolves and dogs attack the victim. This is where their "cohesion and discipline" comes from. Therefore, even if there is some kind of "Darwinism" it is not in favor of the Nazi kennel, everything is the other way around. It is the leftists who are pulling out the weak at the expense of the strong when they preach socialism. They do not give way to those who are capable of something more then average.
Adolf Hitler never corrupted Darwin.......he embraced the theory of evolution. Hitler, just like the Catholic Church corrupted Christianity, he claimed to be a Christian yet practiced evolution and naturalism. The RCC had its non scriptural crusades and inquisitions (a doctrine never endorsed in the actual content of the Holy Scriptures or by Jesus Christ, the RCC used the church for power and wealth directed back to the Vatican).......Hilter had his Aryian ideology based strictly upon the theory of evolution that resulted in at least 6 million dead Jews, and another 4 million peoples of other cultures plus the indirect deaths of countless other millions.

Hitler believed the Aryan Race was superior to all other races. He believed his superior Aryan Race had the right to exterminate, all inferior races, since according to Darwin, .......the natural order of things is for the strong to survive, his (Darwin's exact words), "the perservation of FAVORED RACES IN THE STRUGGLE FOR LIFE."

Hitler did not pervert or even alter Darwin's theory of Evolution to use it to meet his objectives. He simply followed it to its logical conclusion. According to evolution nature has no concsience that distinguishes between right and wrong. Where would nature get such moral awareness? Morality certainly could not have evolved from dead matter, or a single celled amoeba could never evolve into a human (naturally) in possession of a moral compass if nature has no conscience. For law to exist there must be a law giver. There is no morality in nature, there are hunters and the hunted. The best that nature could provide is "MIGHT MAKES RIGHT". Clearly the idea of morality is transcendent to mankind.
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Adolf Hitler never corrupted Darwin.......he embraced
I don't care what Hitler said. Real Germans were never Aryans.
The Proto-Germans were part of a chthonic culture, their ancestors worshiped reptiles. It was the opposite religion. For the Aryans, the Serpent is the personification of Evil.
The main difference between the Aryan and Jewish-Christian ethics in terms of compassion is that Christians cultivated tolerance for villains, while Aryans cultivated hatred for villains. Therefore, instead of passive compassion and actual indulgence of Evil, the Aryans simply destroyed the villains and freed the peoples from Evil.

The main difference between the Aryan and Jewish-Christian ethics in terms of compassion is that Christians cultivated tolerance for villains, while Aryans cultivated hatred for villains. Therefore, instead of passive compassion and actual indulgence of Evil, the Aryans simply destroyed the villains and freed the peoples from Evil.

Great. So all someone had to do was convince people that other people were villains and they would go and kill them.

I prefer a religion with compassion and being less bloodthirsty.
Great. So all someone had to do was convince people that other people were villains and they would go and kill them.

I prefer a religion with compassion and being less bloodthirsty.
Christian compassion plays into the hands of villains.

The Aryans did not confuse anything in matters of evil. They killed thieves, rapists and enslavers

Agni Vaishvanara, Ox strong in truth, may he burn those
Who wants to harm us,
And also those who want to deprive us!
Who, boastfully calling to each other,
Hunt on the night of the new moon
Meat eaters who want to hurt others
I overpower them all.
I master the power of pishachas,
I take their wealth for myself
I kill everyone who wants to harm
May my intention come true!
I can't put up with pishachas,
Not with thieves, not with savages.
Which ever village I enter
Pishachi disappear from there.
Which village does not enter
This terrible power is mine,
Pishachi disappear from there
And they don't plan evil anymore...
(from Atharvaveda)

American law is also Aryan in this respect. America has the death penalty and greater rights to self-defense.
It was the elites of the non-Aryan peoples who were bloodthirsty. These are meat-eaters, they killed people, cows and horses to saturate their wombs with the blood of innocent victims. And their rituals were bloody, including the orgies of Cybella and Dionysius. Christianity has inherited this semantics of bloodshed in the Eucharist.

Shedding the blood of villains is not a sin, but a virtue.
Christian compassion plays into the hands of villains.

The Aryans did not confuse anything in matters of evil. They killed thieves, rapists and enslavers

Agni Vaishvanara, Ox strong in truth, may he burn those
Who wants to harm us,
And also those who want to deprive us!
Who, boastfully calling to each other,
Hunt on the night of the new moon
Meat eaters who want to hurt others
I overpower them all.
I master the power of pishachas,
I take their wealth for myself
I kill everyone who wants to harm
May my intention come true!
I can't put up with pishachas,
Not with thieves, not with savages.
Which ever village I enter
Pishachi disappear from there.
Which village does not enter
This terrible power is mine,
Pishachi disappear from there
And they don't plan evil anymore...
(from Atharvaveda)

American law is also Aryan in this respect. America has the death penalty and greater rights to self-defense.

Yes, we have the death penalty if you murder someone. That death penalty does not hinge of whether they are a villain or not.

The problem with your bloodthirsty religion is that is labels (or you do) plenty of things as villains. To you leftists, dogs, homosexuals and more are villains. Does this mean they should all be killed?

And no, American law is not Aryan in this respect. First of all, everyone is innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. Second of all, the concept of mercy is inherent in our justice system.
Yes, we have the death penalty if you murder someone. That death penalty does not hinge of whether they are a villain or not.

The problem with your bloodthirsty religion is that is labels (or you do) plenty of things as villains. To you leftists, dogs, homosexuals and more are villains. Does this mean they should all be killed?

And no, American law is not Aryan in this respect. First of all, everyone is innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. Second of all, the concept of mercy is inherent in our justice system.
The concept of true mercy is a purely Aryan idea. Compassion for the victim of the Villain inspires Arya to a feat.

European "mercy" is a perversion, it provides for the mercy to the villain. It is alleged that supposedly human life has an absolute value (that is, humanism-fascism). It's like saying that a German has special rights only by the fact of being born a German

The influence of humanism in America is the work of the European villain, the communist agents, and not the basis.

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