America needs an Aryan religion


Aryan martial ideals are diametrically opposed to German cohesion. The Aryans valued individual heroism. There is no doubt that all Aryan mythology in the world has the main myth of the Hero's victory over the Serpent. This is precisely the American ideal of Superman, and not the German ideal of the mass soldier.
This picture is very far from my mother.
I meant that this is not a matter of emotions, but a matter of character.

Don't know your mom. Sisi Bavarian also does not look like Catherine 2, but she is not German, that's the trick.
Do you think that a woman who submits to a man is devoid of emotions? Practice shows that this is not so.

Yes, trump looks like a sugary German, this is Merkel and Elizabeth's bedding. They came up with an Aryan past that they never had. In the same way, now the hetmans of Bandera have appropriated the culture and language of Lesser Poland, and the Lesser Poles themselves are being exterminated.

And the emotions of Catherine 2 and Cleopatra were mainly reduced to intense friction in the groin area.
True. Actually ,the Germanic Tribes such as the Goths ,Vandals , Franks , Bulgars ,

What for heavens sake have Bulgars in your perverted idiotic view into your own fantasy history to do with Germans?

and Lombards


had the ARIAN faith. A branch of Christianity. The Nazis transposed that into "Aryan".

Absolutelly not. This mistake is only able to happen in the Germanic dialect English as fas as I know: "Aryans" vs "Arians". In German the words are "Arier" vs "Arianer" - this are two very different words which also sound totally different. The Nazis used the the expressison Aryan in a totally wrong and perverted way and with "Arians" had anyway nothing to do what they said.

the concept of "Knight's orders" comes from the eastern word "horde". It meant organization.

The Germans, according to many sources, in addition to trade and piracy, were engaged in the abduction and sale of people, in particular, they carried slaves to Byzantium on the way "from the Varangians to the Greeks." They used axes, before the Bulgaryans came to the Danube around the 7th century, they still had stone axes.
And I read somewhere that the Germans drowned many knights in swamps.

This story is just very reminiscent of something in this spirit.
A lot of mythology says that evil women lived in the forests. From here comes the Celtic old woman Kailech, a symbol of winter, and the Slavic woman yaga, who is trying to eat the hero.

There is also information about cannibalism, in particular, the Androfag people literally meant "cannibals". Archaeologists have found tooth impressions on human bones in an area of European marshy forests.

The Nazis claimed that the ancient Germans were ruled by a kind of "mothers", whom God bequeathed to be the ruling elites.
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Aryan martial ideals are diametrically opposed to German cohesion. The Aryans valued individual heroism.

Again: If Aryans existed at all then they aer ancestors of the Iranians - but it is also possile that Aryans never existed and had been only a myth. For the Nazis "Aryan" meant "German blooded" in a Darwinian racist and materialistic way. In the "Ariernachweis" which everyone needed who liked to make careeer under the Nazis meant "Aryan" to be an European. Practically only "real" Asians like the people in China, Korea, Japan for example, Red Indians and Africans not had been Aryans. Slaws had been alos been "Aryans". On the other side typical Germans - like all Jews for example - got a racist marker to show with it that they are not "Aryans".

There is no doubt that all Aryan mythology in the world has the main myth of the Hero's victory over the Serpent.

I never heard any Aryan myth - except the "myths" = lies of the Nazis.

This is precisely the American ideal of Superman, and not the German ideal of the mass soldier.

"Superman" was a creation of two Jewish teens with German roots who perhaps did as children not understood what their parents discussed about when they spoke about Nietzsche and his "Übermensch", about the Nazis and the Holocaust, about good and evil, about rockets, crimes, wars and and fictions for the future.

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And the Huns apparently were really very big and strong. These costumes were reconstructed according to the archaeological finds of Saka armor, and the artists who wear them are over 2 meters tall and very wide.


The Avars could be called Great precisely because of their height. In addition, the Sarmatians were called ispolins(giants), which meant both "from the field" and "large" probably these were the ancestors of the Poles.
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I never heard any Aryan myth
Scholars are aware of the concept of a common Indo-European main myth. This myth is repeated in different versions wherever the aryans left their mark. The plot revolves around defeating the serpent and saving someone from the serpent as a result of this feat. The ancient version of this myth is found in the Vedas, this is the myth of Indra's victory over the serpent and his mother, the ruler of chaos. Most of the hymns of the Rig Veda are devoted to this.
But typical Germans - like all Jews for example - got a racist marker to show that they are not Aryans.
I agree that the Ashkenazi did not differ from the Germans in anything other than religion, but they just always deny this.

Here the question arises, who then marked them, if they are Germans and there was racism, and not just religious enmity?
And the Huns

The Hun nonsense about Germans is nonsense from the Brits. Again: "Huns" are today the Hungarians.

apparently were really very big and strong. These costumes were reconstructed according to the archaeological finds of Saka armor, and the artists who wear them are over 2 meters tall and very wide.

View attachment 669236

The Avars

No one knows who the Avars really had been because no one knows what language they spoke!!!

could be called Great precisely because of their height. In addition, the Sarmatians

Who? ... 1947 discovered from a Russian historian ... Stalin nonsense I guess. Truth about history and Soviet empire is not compatible

were called ispolins(giants), which meant both "from the field" and "large" probably these were the ancestors of the Poles.

The Russians are the ancestors of the Poles. All Slaws come from a Russian root.
"Superman" was a creation of two Jewish teens with German roots who perhaps did as children not understood what their parents discussed about when they spoke about Nietzsche and his "Übermensch", about the Nazis and the Holocaust, about good and evil, about rockets and fictions for the future.
Nietzsche despised German collectivism and praised the Jews for having the will to survive. It is also very strange that he was "married" to the ideologists of fascism.

The Nietzschean "Superman" also does not correspond to the Aryan and American Superhero. This is the Predator, and those Anti-predators, the killers of villains.

Nietzsche's hero is a villain, and his whole philosophy will be reduced to the justification of the villain.
Who? ... og goid. OIidtosn fro a arazsian incstsci9st of teh yearv 1947. Stalin nonsense I guess.
In chronicles around the 10th century there is an expression "great as Obras". Obras are usually considered Avars.
The Russians are the ancestors of the Poles. All Slaws come from a Russian root
no. Part of the Russians in the Don region could come from the Polish tribes of the Vyatichi and Radimichi, but not vice versa. Historical Russians are mostly Balts, they did not speak Slavic languages before the Avars and Bulgars came there.

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