America needs an Aryan religion

Jeez, you really are delusional. I assure you he is dead. And he was senile before he died.
None of them died. Indra, Jefferson and Reagan look down on us from Heaven, while Democrats and Trumpsters will soon burn in Hell
There was an omen the other day. Severe thunderstorms rolled in. It was Indra who got angry. Were there thunderstorms in the US the other day?
There was an omen the other day. Severe thunderstorms rolled in. It was Indra who got angry. Were there thunderstorms in the US the other day?

Oh, so you believe dead people in heaven cause storms that punish everyone for the sins of a few? Figures.

Indra was born a Warrior. He crawled out of his mother's womb along with the sword. The blacksmith Tavashtar forged for him the Club of Thunder, with which he destroyed Evil on Earth, freed people, cows and rivers, killed the Darkness of the matriarchy and her son the Serpent, establishing Cosmic order Rta. Then he reigned in the 7th heaven in his monastery Svarga.

And he goes again. Do you hear his steps?

Indra was born a Warrior. He crawled out of his mother's womb along with the sword. The blacksmith Tavashtar forged for him the Club of Thunder, with which he destroyed Evil on Earth, freed people, cows and rivers, killed the Darkness of the matriarchy and her son the Serpent, establishing Cosmic order Rta. Then he reigned in the 7th heaven in his monastery Svarga.

And he goes again. Do you hear his steps?

He had a sword in his mother's uterus? Wow, it must have been a very small sword.
This is a muddy and politicized story. It is clear that the Spring of Nations liberated Europe from german totalitarism, but this freedom was suppressed by Prussian and Serbian imperialism, with the participation of Nicholas 2 as well.

What Hitler wanted is not clear to me. If what he is credited with is true, he wanted to continue the standard pan-Germanism, he said that the Germans should expand to the east, and he wanted the German colonization of the East. This is not much different from the dirty politics of Bolshevism
What Hitler wanted? He wanted to prove Evolution to be true.......the superior race would eventually take control of the entire world, socially, politically, governmentally, educationally........yada, yada, yada. He wanted to prove that Germans were a direct descendent of the most advanced, most evolved examples of Darwin's theories. Hitler is quoted, "Thus there results the subjection of people under the will, often only a few persons, the subjection based simply upon the right of the stronger, a right which we see in nature, can be regarded as the sole conceivable right, because it is founded upon reason." -- Adolf Hitler

Its not true in the least that Hitler corrupted the concept of Evolution as professed by all Darwinian Cultists.........he attempted to live it, literally and demonstrate to the world that Darwin was correct, might makes right, the stronger by nature has the right to dominate the weak.

Hitler was famous for his villainy, he tortured and murdered people of all other races and creeds because he assumed he had the natural right to do so in accomplishing his mission statement of proving to the world that the Ayrian Race was the superior race on earth. He is directly responsible for the deaths of over 6 million Jews and some 4 million peoples of other cultures and indirectly 10s of millions of other deaths around the world. He thought of himself as the modern day version of the Roman Army, the Mongol Army, the Ottoman Army, etc., It was his birthright as a self professed Ayrian leader (of course he never found the proof of the propaganda he was the same BS used by all other self professed God/Kings of history.)

He was correct about one thing...........Darwin and his theory of evolution promotes the same propaganda used by Hitler. Might makes right, there are no absolute morals because morality plays not part in nature, its the right of the stronger species to dominate the weaker species. When played out to its conclusion Evolution always ends with people like Hitler.
German women are powerful,

You don't have any idea how totally stupid such forms of sentences sound in my ears. I call such forms not to think at all "abtrahotism". But my mother indeed had been a powerful woman. With 70 she had more temperament than many others not had with 20.

German men are often henpecked and drink a lot.

And a rainbow is blue.

There is no doubt that the Germans are matriarchal.

Did you ever try to ask a German anything about Germans and/or Germany - even when you had a chance to do so?

That is why Europe is dragging its fucking feminism to America

Aha - now I got it what you like to say. You are not a man who likes to respect women - what means on the other side you are no man at all.

You don't have any idea how totally stupid such forms of sentences sound in my ears. I call such forms not to think at all "abtrahotism". But my mother indeed had been a powerful woman. With 70 she had more temperament than many others not had with 20.

And a rainbow is blue.

Did you ever try to ask a German anything about Germans and/or Germany - even when you had a chance to do so?

Aha - now I got it what you like to say. You are not a man who likes to respect women - what means on the other side you are no man at all.

Your last line nailed it.
In a patriarchy, no one would allow a woman to power.

Really? I remember Lady Gyburc and her tolerance speech as a member and in front of the the highest authorities of the Holy Empire. The story was written from Wolfram von Eschenbach (1160/80 - 1220 AD). For no one was this absurde. In the crusades our knights had sometimes been criticised that we gave our women much too much freedom. And no one will see not a strong patriarchal society here in this time of history. Indeed free men need free women - and not slaves!
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What Hitler wanted? He wanted to prove Evolution to be true.......the superior race would eventually take control of the entire world, socially, politically, governmentally, educationally........yada, yada, yada ...

Or with other words: Boris Johnson said some days ago something like that he is proud on the Darwinian British society. Donald Trump also uses Darwinian cliches. Many do so. But what has this to do with evolution in sense of natural science? Nothing or nothing? Social darwinistic ideas (~"racisms") are wide spread - but is a social Darwinist proud that he and every worm have a common ancestor? Did such an idiot win in the game evolution - or did the worm win? And is it not our duty to save all animals - evolutionary they are somehow also our sisters and brothers - like Noah did do with the help of god? Is such a thought not much more near to the real scientific theory of evolution?
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You don't have any idea how totally stupid such forms of sentences sound in my ears. I call such forms not to think at all "abtrahotism". But my mother indeed had been a powerful woman. With 70 she had more temperament than many others not had with 20.

temperament has nothing to do with it
Really? I remember Lady Gyburc and her tolerance speech as a member and in front of the the highest authorities of the Holy Empire. The story was written from Wolfram von Eschenbach (1160/80 - 1220 AD). For no one was this absurde. In the crusades our knights had sometimes been criticised that we gave our women much too much freedom. And no one will see not a strong patriarchal society here in this time of history. Indeed free men need free women - and not slaves!
Real Germans have never been knights. The knights despised merchants.
Or with other words: Boris Johnson said some days ago something like that he is proud on the Darwinian British society. Donald Trump also uses Darwinian cliches. Many do so. But what has this to do with evolution in sense of natural science? Nothing or nothing? Social darwinistic ideas (~"racisms") are wide spread - but is a social Darwinist proud that he and every worm have a common ancestor? Did such an idiot win in the game evolution - or did the worm win? And is it not our duty to save all animals - evolutionary they are somehow also our sisters and brothers - like Noah did do with the help of god? Is such a thought not much more near to the real scientific theory of evolution?
Yes, trump looks like a sugary German, this is Merkel and Elizabeth's bedding. They came up with an Aryan past that they never had. In the same way, now the hetmans of Bandera have appropriated the culture and language of Lesser Poland, and the Lesser Poles themselves are being exterminated.
Forget the word "German knight". Before the arrival of the Huns, there were no cavalry in Europe. All knights are descendants of the Huns.
This has nothing to do with the "white" rhetoric of the Prussians, they had nothing to do with the Aryans at all. "White" has nothing to do with it. North Indians and Americans are not "white" in their sense.
True. Actually ,the Germanic Tribes such as the Goths ,Vandals , Franks , Bulgars ,and Lombards had the ARIAN faith. A branch of Christianity. The Nazis transposed that into "Aryan".
"Thus there results the subjection of people under the will, often only a few persons, the subjection based simply upon the right of the stronger, a right which we see in nature, can be regarded as the sole conceivable right, because it is founded upon reason." -- Adolf Hitler
In fact, there was not even subordination on the rights of force. These were vile political intrigues and the attack of packs of slaves on one, just as wolves and dogs attack the victim. This is where their "cohesion and discipline" comes from. Therefore, even if there is some kind of "Darwinism" it is not in favor of the Nazi kennel, everything is the other way around. It is the leftists who are pulling out the weak at the expense of the strong when they preach socialism. They do not give way to those who are capable of something more then average.
True. Actually ,the Germanic Tribes such as the Goths ,Vandals , Franks , Bulgars ,and Lombards had the ARIAN faith. A branch of Christianity. The Nazis transposed that into "Aryan".
Not Goths and Franks. It was they who were the Jewish Christians who replaced the Arians in Europe.

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