America needs an Aryan religion

So if they start to worship an Aryan god, they will suddenly stop being gay?

Yes. They will be imbued with high ideas and refuse baseness. Sex will no longer be a drug for them.

Instead of licentiousness, romance will reign in the minds

And they will reject dog worship.
But those who seduced children and raped people will not be forgiven. Indra is not Christ, he does not forgive.

The proto-Germans

The what?

of old Europe and the Semites had matriarchy in antiquity.

Nice absurde idea.

Its remnants have been preserved to this day. The Germans obeyed women,

This has nothing to do with matriarchry. We hate tears. So we obey our women. And who not hate tears should not marry.

there was a clan of great mothers.

I know. In every kindergarten exists a clan of great mothers.

Throughout Europe, queens sat on thrones.

Like Queen Victoria, Czaress Catherine and Empress Theresia in the good old times of matriarchy where in all households women decided what has to be done for example?

The Jews also have this left, there is still matrilineality.

The child of a Jewish mother is always a Jew - perhaps ¿because a Jew has to learn a lot and whoelse should teach them if not their mothers?

The swastika signs are just the signs worn by the ancient German women,

The Swastika has nothing to do with any concrete German tradition. It was only an indifferent symbol for friendhip before the Nazis came.

this is a variant of the Black Sun,

¿Wewelsburg? The Nazis never called this symbol "Black Sun" as far as I heard.

they are found in the Germanic-Baltic cultures.

Evidence by speaking nonsense?

You can read more about this from the archaeologist Marija Gimbutas.

I fear lady Marija Gimbutas is wrong with her romantic ideas. We are now the first time on the concrete way to her "Old Europe" for women. Perhaps she wrote a strange kind of self-fulfilling prophecy
And criminals will no longer be able to blame their crimes on society, because:

Yes. They will be imbued with high ideas and refuse baseness. Sex will no longer be a drug for them.

Instead of licentiousness, romance will reign in the minds

And they will reject dog worship.

LMAO!! Being gay or lesbian is not just about sex. It is about who you love on an emotional level.

And having dogs as pets would disappear as well?
I fear lady Marija Gimbutas is wrong with her romantic ideas.
This is essentially not her idea, it was all known already in the 19th century. She is simply trying to present it in a positive way, ignoring the facts of Cybella's bloody orgies, drunkenness and chaos of those times.

Never in patriarchal cultures has a woman not only been a queen, but generally had at least some kind of power, even in the family.
I am a German. Any reason why I should use the English Wikipedia?
The main thing is that you do not use Ukrainian children. This will be checked and each case will be considered. Stay away from Ukrainian children.
This is essentially not her idea, it was all known already in the 19th century.

Like "the lady of Shalott"?

She is simply trying to present it in a positive way, ignoring the facts of Cybella's bloody orgies, drunkenness and chaos of those times.

Never in patriarchal cultures has a woman not only been a queen, but generally had at least some kind of power, even in the family.

You flee always in abstract ideas. I gave you 3 concrete names: Queen Victoria in England, Czaress Cathrine II in Russia, Empress Theresia in Austria-Hungaria. Did in their empires women dominate men or men dominate women?

So all are gays

If someone feels that way about someone of the same gender, yes.

The idea that a religion that devalues women, wants all gays and lesbians gone, and would demand that people give up their beloved pet dogs would be successful in America is ridiculously laughable.

Here women are free to be who they want to be, and make their own choices.
Here gays and lesbians are able to be open about who they are and to love other consenting adults of the same gender.
And people who love their pets would go to war against a religion that forbid having dogs as pets.

So unless the gov't forced the religion on the population, your Bronze Age religion would be an utter failure here. Doomed to be relegated to a handful of "churches", probably in abandoned strip malls, and followed only by the craziest people or by men who cannot succeed on their own merits.

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