America needs an Aryan religion

You think? Since when?
Since the beginning of the operation. This departation was known even before the start of the military operation. I put the facts together and realized that it could not be anything other than the sale of Ukrainian people to Western Europe, including 2 million children.

I know perfectly well that the Bandera people are playing the show. Their main target was the West, not the East. It was there that they staged mass genocides - in Volhynia and Galicia.
For example, this is possible in the form of the Aryan-American system of ideas: the defense of freedom, the severe punishment of criminals, the protection of children from the pernicious influence of Eurocentrism, the cult of individualism, the patriarchal tradition and the volunteer army.

The anti-European system of ideas laid down by the Great Jefferson and continued by the Great Reagan. Indra-Jefferson-Reagan. Trinity in one Aryan Holy Spirit, and the stars illuminate the path of Great America on the way to Freedom.
For example, this is possible in the form of the Aryan-American system of ideas: the defense of freedom, the severe punishment of criminals, the protection of children from the pernicious influence of Eurocentrism, the cult of individualism, the patriarchal tradition and the volunteer army.

The anti-European system of ideas laid down by the Great Jefferson and continued by the Great Reagan. Indra-Jefferson-Reagan. Trinity in one Aryan Holy Spirit, and the stars illuminate the path of Great America on the way to Freedom.

And you think the American people would embrace this ancient religion? That they would throw off their current religions of Christianity and Judaism for it?
In religion, the main thing is the system of ideas. They match.
The original German genetic markers


are an offshoot of the proto-Semitic IJ macrogroup.


The culture of the matriarchy of old Europe

Which matriarchy? ... Only in the near of Paris existed Celtic Queens as far as I know.

also covered the Near East, so German Christianity, German paganism and Arab Islam have a common mythology.

Eh? Jews, Christians and Muslims are monotheists and as well pagan Celts and pagan Germanics not had been monotheists. And the very most important traditional European cultures are still the ancient Greeks and Romans.

When Tamerlane advanced on the Horde, the Lithuanian principality rose.


When the Khazars were at war with the Arab Caliphate,

Arabs near the Black Sea? "Black" is nearly in Africa, isn't it?

they were pressed from the north by the Germans-Rus.


When the Ottomans were at war with the Poles,

... after they had conquered Vienna?

the Swedes advanced on the Poles from the north.

And what about the South Pole?

It almost always matches.

With what? Corona history?

The steppe has always been in a vice.

In a what?


And you think the American people would embrace this ancient religion? That they would throw off their current religions of Christianity and Judaism for it?
Yes, right-minded people will accept this in one form or another, many leftists will abandon leftist delusions. It will be close to the peoples of Great Plains and Mexican lands.

This system of ideas already exists de facto in American Nation.
Eh? Jews, Christians and Muslims are monotheists and as well pagan Celts and pagan Germanics not had been monotheists. And the very most important traditional European cultures are still the ancient Greeks and Romans.
The Celts were not paganists. Their horned god Saman is the American-Asian Shaman. This is the god of witches, an analogue of Indra and Yupiter, a thunderer. This has nothing to do with the German Odin who sacrificed himself on a tree like Christ.
Yes, right-minded people will accept this in one form or another, many leftists will abandon leftist delusions. It will be close to the peoples of Great Plains and Mexican lands.

This system of ideas already exists de facto in American Nation.

And you think Americans would embrace a primitive religion, despite the changes it would bring to our society?

What would change about women's lives? Or gays & lesbians?
Nobody knows what nomads are. Horse breeders used to grow grain for livestock, but they tended herds in different fields, so they moved.
In short, it was no different from cowboys and cossacks

Sure they know. Nomads had symbiotic relationships with settled people. ..often extended families.
Which matriarchy? ... Only in the near of Paris existed Celtic Queens as far as I know.
The proto-Germans of old Europe and the Semites had matriarchy in antiquity. Its remnants have been preserved to this day. The Germans obeyed women, there was a clan of great mothers. Throughout Europe, queens sat on thrones. The Jews also have this left, there is still matrilineality. The swastika signs are just the signs worn by the ancient German women, this is a variant of the Black Sun, they are found in the Germanic-Baltic cultures.

You can read more about this from the archaeologist Marija Gimbutas.
The Celts were not paganists.

Not to be a Paganini is no reason not to make music.

Their horned god Saman is the American-Asian Shaman.

And what about the European Sämann?

This is the god of witches, an analogue of Indra and Yupiter, a thunderer.

like my good old friend Trottel ... ah sorry: Thor? He always made a lot of noise with his hammer.

This has nothing to do with the German Odin who sacrificed himself on a tree like Christ.

Jesus sacrificed himselve on a tree of the German Odin like he had done on his own? And I thought Jesus had been crucified from the Romans. Tststststststs.
And you think Americans would embrace a primitive religion, despite the changes it would bring to our society?

What would change about women's lives? Or gays & lesbians?
This is the highest religion, there was no obscurantism and slavery, the gods there are ideal entities, the forces of nature as in physics. That is why the Aryans were the best engineers and researchers. They built observatories already in the Andronov period.

Gays and lesbians will disappear
This is the highest religion, there was no obscurantism and slavery, the gods there are ideal entities, the forces of nature as in physics. That is why the Aryans were the best engineers and researchers. They built observatories already in the Andronov period.

Gays and lesbians will disappear

Disappear? How? They will not willingly go into hiding again. And even in hiding they will still exist.

And what of the women that are CEOs, doctors, and other successful professionals?

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