America needs an Aryan religion

Did you ever notice that the Germans of Switzerland are Helvetii (=Celts)? Did you notice that I said to you Bavarians call themselve "Irish" with a B in front of the "Irish" = Birish? Did you notice that I said to you Germanics had Celtic ancestors and Germans have Germanic, Celtic and Roman ancestors? ... And king Attila lived by the way in Hungaria. And why should a Hun not live in Hun-garia? And believe it or not: Hungarians are not Germans. Reason: They don't speak German in their daily life. Austrians are Germans. Reason: They speak German. The German expression for Germans has nothing to do with nationality.
In this sense, the word "Germans" has no meaning. This is a nation. Perhaps now the majority of Germans are immigrants from Turkey and prostitutes from western Ukraine.
This fantasy picture showed a Arabian horse as far as I am able to interpret this. So this Mongol, Hun or Scythian or whatever else this fantasy could be in the eyes of the painter is about 2½-3 yards tall.
The Huns were big guys, especially the Avars
The Arabs did not have their own horses. it's just a name. The horse is a steppe animal.
We never had anything to do with Arabs.
The original German genetic markers are an offshoot of the proto-Semitic IJ macrogroup. The culture of the matriarchy of old Europe also covered the Near East, so German Christianity, German paganism and Arab Islam have a common mythology.

When Tamerlane advanced on the Horde, the Lithuanian principality rose. When the Khazars were at war with the Arab Caliphate, they were pressed from the north by the Germans-Rus.

When the Ottomans were at war with the Poles, the Swedes advanced on the Poles from the north.

It almost always matches. The steppe has always been in a vice.
To conquer "Lebensraum" (living space) in the East meant to seddle down there. I'm totally perplexed now. You say here the first time something what makes sense. Heinrich Himmler had the plan to create an own country in the East with the members of the SS and their families.
Then what "liberation" are you talking about?
One moment. What do you call me now? Nazi or Bolshevik or both? And when stopped your time to continue?

The difference is small, the Bolsheviks did the same, their system is inherited from Bismarck, and communism is Prussian Junker-capitalism.
So what is it that you think a Bronze Age religion would do for the US?
Revive the real USA and save them from death. Because the territory of the USA covered by the leftist plague does not belong to the people of the USA. Without the people of the USA and its spirit, there is no USA
Everything is dying in the USA: respect for heroes, for men's responsibility, for the great Army, for Freedom, for the national symbolism and anthem. The US is dying, and now is a critical moment, or they will be reborn. either they will be devoured by German-British imperialism. The people of the USA will perish in this case. Europe needs slaves, not free.
The territory will be populated by other peoples.
German imperialism has always needed slaves. When did it bring up freedom? During the censorship and inquisition of the Holy Roman Empire, or under Hitler's tyranny? When?
I repeat once again: the ideal of the Hero-liberator and fighter against evil in the Aryan and American cultures is the same (except for other coincidences)
I repeat once again: the ideal of the Hero-liberator and fighter against evil in the Aryan and American cultures is the same (except for other coincidences)

It epost not enarty7hg whatnypo aer able to cal Aryan "
As long a they are not idiots from your disquality, why not?
By the way, I think that Germany is involved in the mass sale of people in Ukraine, Germany has a lot of weight in the European Union, and the European Union actively promotes the corruption of children in Hungary and Ukraine, they prohibit the protection of children from debauchery in educational institutions.

No one guaranteed the safety of Ukrainian refugees. Why they left no one knows, in the west there was and is no fighting. 4 millions
By the way, I think

You think? Since when?

that Germany is involved in the mass sale of people in Ukraine,

What means "mass-sale of people in Ukraine"?

Germany has a lot of weight in the European Union,


and the European Union actively promotes the corruption of children in Hungary and Ukraine,


they prohibit the protection of children from debauchery in educational institutions.


No one guaranteed the safety of Ukrainian refugees.


Why they left no one knows, in the west there was and is no fighting.


4 millions

It is possible, and very likely, that the Hetmans (the region of the emergence of Banderists, pseudo-Ukrainians) were Germans. the difference between the words "Herman" and "Hetman" is 1 letter. The capture of Kyiv by the Rurikoviches is actually part of the German expansion. The Goths expanded their influence from the Baltic region, and even reached the Crimea - archaeologists know this for sure. The Hetmanate is the Germanate.

Therefore, the Germans and Litvins are the most active in inciting hostility in Ukraine.

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