America needs an Aryan religion

It exists not any Gothic period of the Holy Empire because the Holy Empire had been made a long time after the Goths.
There is, in art, the Gothic period stands out, and its beginning corresponds to the construction of the Rottre Dame de Paris, the first Gothic temple in France. This was after the plague and this was the beginning of the Inquisition and the Terror. Prior to this, this empire was not called German.

The only exception had perhaps been the Prussians, what I'm not sure about in the moment.
The Prussians created modern Germany at the end of the 19th century. These are the real Germans, they roughly correspond to the Goths, where Prussia was, there were also Gothia and Lithuania. The Lithuanian principality is also their product, perhaps this corresponds to the ancient Russian state. Their native language is Gothic, it is Baltic, it is considered extinct, but written sources remained from it. Goths is one of the names of the Germans in Europe. The Russian word "Nemtsi" and tribe of Nemetes also apparently refers to them, because the Neman flows there.

Perhaps Prussian and Gothic were different, but it's roughly the same region. It was also known as Gutia
In particular, the Goths were the inhabitants of the Wielbar culture between the Vistula and the Neman, this exactly coincides with the settlement of the Prussians
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American women do not differ much in appearance from North Indians, in most cases you cannot even distinguish them without national clothes. And the confusion with the name of America India is not accidental. Apparently that's what it was called at one time.
It was called that because Colombus was a moron and was too stupid to realize it wasn't india.
It recently dawned on me that America is an absolutely Aryan country. American culture, spirit, paraphernalia, absolutely everything reproduces Aryan culture.

Cult of superman and individualism = Indra - Aryan hero

The supreme god of the Aryans, Dyaus Pitar - the heavenly father - is the Aryan Great Bull. This is the Babylonian Bell, to which high towers were dedicated, hence the traditional skyscrapers in America. The word Devil means "lighting bull": these are roots like "div" (hence devine and day) and Bull(Val Vaal).
America is the most patriarchal country, America has the toughest sport, it seems to be the only democracy where there is no gender equality in the constitution, the American system is unique and it most of all resembles knightly free domains without centralization (the king is the first among equals)

Americans are very simple-hearted and straightforward people and they are very freedom-loving.

Absolutely everything in America is Aryan.

It's just fantastic.

You must keep it

The Aryan religion is mainly restored according to the 4 classical Vedas and in the footsteps of the serpent-fighting myth in the mythology of different peoples
That already exists, it's called Hinduism. The Vedic tradition of India was introduced to the subcontinent by Aryans. Indo-Europeans.
That already exists, it's called Hinduism. The Vedic tradition of India was introduced to the subcontinent by Aryans. Indo-Europeans.
Hinduism is not an Aryan religion, Hinduists only revere the Aryan Vedas as sacred texts. And even not all
This mainly concerns the southern part adjacent to the Danube Valley, it is impossible to say for sure.

So so - impossile to say for sure ... and this give you not any idea about that it could be totally wrong what you say?

I do not support imperialism, I have right-wing views.

Sorry: but the asshole is not a wing and also not on the right side. It's a hole in the back.

That is why I want German imperialism to disappear. Germany must free the enslaved peoples.

Good grief. When we tried the last time to free the enslaved people Stalin and the rest of the world had been stronger and we had been totally wrong to try to do so. I guess the best will be we let the Russians be enslaved.
:lol: Super-Mongol with beard and Arabian thoroughbred?
Sissy Bavarian - the beauty of oriental appearance

The ladies of the Bavarian house Wittelsbach had not only be very beautiful - they had been also unbelievable intelligent. One of this ladies for example translated the first time Shakespeare from the English language into the modern Greek language for example.
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There is, in art, the Gothic period stands out,

Middle of the 12th century up to the 15th century. The last king of the East Goths had been in 552 AD. The last king of the West-Goths was from 711-714 AD.

and its beginning corresponds to the construction of the Rottre Dame de Paris, the first Gothic temple in France. This was after the plague and this was the beginning of the Inquisition and the Terror. Prior to this, this empire was not called German.

Question: Did you ever visit any school or did you always in your whole life live in fantasia land?
The Prussians created modern Germany at the end of the 19th century.

The Prussians with the help of other European nations - specially France and England - threw out Austria from Germany, conquered all other German countries and made them to their "colonies".

These are the real Germans,

Prussians had been the most hated German tribe from all other German tribes.

they roughly correspond to the Goths, ...

Goths? ... Now it's really enough, super idiot.

Rodeo started in northern Mexico with gauchos ( you know, the West). How Aryan is that?

Don't get him started on his version of history.

He claims cowboys are descended from Aryan shepherds and were nomads.
He also claimed that the US is over half open plains, like the steppe. The US is actually about a third plains.
Don't get him started on his version of history.

He claims cowboys are descended from Aryan shepherds and were nomads.
He also claimed that the US is over half open plains, like the steppe. The US is actually about a third plains.

And it seems to me he confuses "Aryans" with "Arians". The Goths - and other Germanics - had been Arians and not Catholics. With "race" and "Aryans" has this exactly absolutelly nothing to do.

The Codex Argentus is a duplicate of Wulfila's bible. Bishop Wulfila lived 311-383 AD.
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It recently dawned on me that America is an absolutely Aryan country. American culture, spirit, paraphernalia, absolutely everything reproduces Aryan culture.

Cult of superman and individualism = Indra - Aryan hero

The supreme god of the Aryans, Dyaus Pitar - the heavenly father - is the Aryan Great Bull. This is the Babylonian Bell, to which high towers were dedicated, hence the traditional skyscrapers in America. The word Devil means "lighting bull": these are roots like "div" (hence devine and day) and Bull(Val Vaal).
America is the most patriarchal country, America has the toughest sport, it seems to be the only democracy where there is no gender equality in the constitution, the American system is unique and it most of all resembles knightly free domains without centralization (the king is the first among equals)

Americans are very simple-hearted and straightforward people and they are very freedom-loving.

Absolutely everything in America is Aryan.

It's just fantastic.

You must keep it

The Aryan religion is mainly restored according to the 4 classical Vedas and in the footsteps of the serpent-fighting myth in the mythology of different peoples

Do you want to live in dirt like your 'Aryans' in India?
So so - impossile to say for sure ... and this give you not any idea about that it could be totally wrong what you say?
this gives a general picture, but it is impossible to restore the exact history of all peoples, at least here. It is clear that initially the entire Danube region was in the area of the Celtic La Tene culture, then the Hun peoples settled there after Attila
Good grief. When we tried the last time to free the enslaved people Stalin and the rest of the world had been stronger and we had been totally wrong to try to do so. I guess the best will be we let the Russians be enslaved.
This is a muddy and politicized story. It is clear that the Spring of Nations liberated Europe from german totalitarism, but this freedom was suppressed by Prussian and Serbian imperialism, with the participation of Nicholas 2 as well.

What Hitler wanted is not clear to me. If what he is credited with is true, he wanted to continue the standard pan-Germanism, he said that the Germans should expand to the east, and he wanted the German colonization of the East. This is not much different from the dirty politics of Bolshevism

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