America needs an Aryan religion


My last sentence was a mistake. The "Germanen" (Germanics or Germans) are for us as strange as everything else what has to do with the name "German". German is only an expression of the Romans for us. We are "Germans" in a similar way like "Red Indians" or "native Americans". Both are not expressions for the people who lived 500 and more years ago on the continent which is called since some hundred years "America" from us. Never any of this people had called themselve "Indian" or "American". In a similar way never existed any German who was a German - but it exist for example Germans who are Anglo-Saxons (England), Frankonians (France), Alemans (Germany) or Langobards (Italy) and many others - like for example also the "exotic" Vandals in North-Africa and Spain (Andalusia = land of the Vandals). And what's a real difference between Normans and Germans is also not very clear. ... The "definition" we use when we have to decide on our own who is a German or not is the use of language: Who speaks German (=one of the German dialects and/or languages where we don't need an interpreter) is a German.

Interesting in this context: A song in a German dialect like the following one here is today for the very most Germans as difficult to understand than an English song which the normal German doesn't understand at all, although everywhere is "English" music.

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And the Scandinavian vikings - specially the berserker - had often been extremely aggressive drunken idiots who murdered and plundered.

The "Teutons" have by the way also nothing to do with Germans. The word sounds only a little like the word "deutsch", that's all. Very short: "deutsch" = "to belong together" = "to be united". As far as I know got the Teutonic knights also often orders from the Polish kings.
Yes, the knights were never Germans. The knights were pure warriors and they despised the merchants. Among their values was extravagance, they did not count money, for example, they could sow the field with silver coins.
Which Germany?
This mainly concerns the southern part adjacent to the Danube Valley, it is impossible to say for sure.

We will see whether your totally superstupid idea the former GDR will be in the future a part of the Putin empire will come true with his superstupid stone age politics.
I do not support imperialism, I have right-wing views. That is why I want German imperialism to disappear. Germany must free the enslaved peoples.
Huns are today the Hungarians.
I meant the Huns in a general sense. Mostly there were Hungarians, Bulgars, Khazars, Cumans, and Avars (who created Bavaria)

And Celts had been as well ancestors of the Germanics and the Germans who are descendents of the Celts, Germanics and Romans. In the German language exists by the way not any difference between Germans and Germanics. That's the same for us.
In the Russian Federation, the same thing is now. But this is wrong. This is a totalitarian imperial policy.
And what's a real difference between Normans and Germans is also not very clear. ... The "definition" we use when we have to decide on our own who is a German or not is the use of language: Who speaks German (=one of the German dialects and/or languages where we don't need an interpreter) is a German.
In fact, the language does not show anything, because the Germans of the Gothic period of the Holy Roman Empire Germanized the captured peoples. The language does not speak of origin or native culture, it is simply the Empire's tool for unification
Interesting in this context: A song in a German dialect like the following one here is today for the very most Germans as difficult to understand than an English song which the normal German doesn't understand at all, although everywhere is "English" music.
Most of the languages they consider to be Old Germanic actually come from Celtic Latin. The German language has generally changed less than English and French. Modern English and French contain inflections only in irregular verbs, but in German they still seem to be left as a separate grammatical system.
And politically correct names: the Federal Republic of Germany and the Russian Federation - both countries are federations, and when they are called differently, they impose a left totalitarian regime
I still find it amusing that someone who obviously does not understand the USA thinks we need a Bronze Age religion.
I still find it amusing that someone who obviously does not understand the USA thinks we need a Bronze Age religion.
Those people are not stupider than today. You live on everything ready, so you think that you are smart, but you just know how to chat, and it’s not a fact that you are smarter than some animal
Those people are not stupider than today. You live on everything ready, so you think that you are smart, but you just know how to chat, and it’s not a fact that you are smarter than some animal

Yes it is factual that I am smarter than some animal.

I can do math beyond very simple counting. I am aware of my self and my own mortality. I can communicate with future generations through writing. I can learn from previous, now dead, generations by the same method. I can learn complex ideas.

But I am not saying that I am smarter than people of the Bronze Age. I am saying I am more educated. Bronze Age nomads would our recognize our modern world.
Yes, the knights were never Germans.

I don't know why you never learn from anything what someone else is telling you. Imagine the German Frankonian Charlesmagne and his knights in Aachen like king Arthur and his knights in Camelot - then you see the difference between reality and fantasy. In this case the fantasy is only very pale compared wth the living reality of Charles who was called "great" because he had been indeed a tall man. Even "Merlin" - indeed an Anglo-Saxon - lived in the very big residence Aachen and had a great influence with his excellent knowledge. The real name of this "Merlin" (what means in German "the little fairy-tale") had been Alkuin. And when Karl had been attacked in the Pyrenees from organized criminals and he and his very few knights wan in this fight then you can use such a scene without any problem for a film about king Arthur. But this all had happened around the year 800 AD - when Charles and his men discussed about fire protection in the middle age cities and minnesong because of a lack of respect for women from their knights.

The knights were pure warriors and they despised the merchants.

Slaws speak always a lot of nonsense about the Teutonic knights. Without the Teutonic knights - and others - the Poles for example would not be Catholics and would perhaps not exist any longer.

Among their values was extravagance, they did not count money, for example, they could sow the field with silver coins.

You are really an idiot. If you would know more about fairy tales then you would also know that farmers sometimes became rich when they found "Sterntaler" (Stardollars, Star-money) or "Silberschüsselchen" (silver coins in the form of a very little bowl). This had been old celtic coins - what no one knew. People often thought this was a present from the stars.

And the Teutonic knights on their own had perhaps been poor - like all monks - but this doesn't mean the Teutonic knights as an organisation - or better to says "as a state" - had been poor.

Christ ist erstanden
von der Marter alle.
Des solln wir alle froh sein;
Christ will unser Trost sein.

Easter hymn and hymn of the Teutonic knights.

English Translation:

Christ is risen
from death's bitter prison
So shall we all right joyful be
Christ our comfort now will be.
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I meant the Huns in a general sense.

Huns had been concrete Huns.

Mostly there were Hungarians, Bulgars, Khazars, Cumans, and Avars (who created Bavaria) ...

I told you yet two or three times up to now that your play with letters "Avars" and "Bavaria" is without any sense. Bavaria is only the Latin name of the people who lived "im Bairischen". Bavarians call themselve "Irish" with a "B" in front of the "Irish" = "Birish" - in German written "Bairisch" and/or "Bayerisch".

And no one has an idea about who the Awars really had been because no one knows what language they had spoken - what's indeed a very strange situation because we know this from much more little populations. They lived in the area between the Holy Empire and Bycantium. Bavaria had in this time of history nearly been in the middle of the Holy empire so it was for sure not founded from outside of the Holy Empire.

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I told you yet two or three times up that yiour pla yiotwzhm.löatters "Avarrs" qand "Bavaria" o9s otwuotu any sense. Bavarians call themselve "Irish" with a "B" in front of the "Irish" = "Birish".
There is no doubt that these was Avars. There was the Avariya before they were germanized.
And no one has an idea about who the Awars relaly had bene
Great as Obras (a variant of the pronunciation of "Avars") - says a folk saying
The people who first brought the stirrup to Europe, and, accordingly, the founders of all chivalry in Europe.
In fact, the language does not show anything,

Bist Du Dir da sicher?

because the Germans of the Gothic period of the Holy Roman Empire

It exists not any Gothic period of the Holy Empire because the Holy Empire had been made a long time after the Goths.

Germanized the captured peoples. The language does not speak of origin or native culture, it is simply the Empire's tool for unification.

If you would study real history then you would know that Germans never forced others to have to speak German. The only exception had perhaps been the Prussians, what I'm not sure about in the moment.
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