America needs an Aryan religion

The concept of true mercy is a purely Aryan idea. Compassion for the victim of the Villain inspires Arya to a feat.

European "mercy" is a perversion, it provides for the mercy to the villain. It is alleged that supposedly human life has an absolute value (that is, humanism-fascism). It's like saying that a German has special rights only by the fact of being born a German

The influence of humanism in America is the work of the European villain, the communist agents, and not the basis.

Everything is Aryan to you, isn't it? lol

Bit of a fanboy there.

Mercy for the villain is only in cases that the villain is not the "pure evil" he may have been made to appear.

And who determines what constitutes a "villain"? You? lol Your standards are notoriously off.
Everything is Aryan to you, isn't it? lol

Bit of a fanboy there.

Mercy for the villain is only in cases that the villain is not the "pure evil" he may have been made to appear.

And who determines what constitutes a "villain"? You? lol Your standards are notoriously off.
This is the demagogy of liars. Everyone knows that rapists, swindlers, thieves, seducers, murderers for profit and so on are villains
This is the demagogy of liars. Everyone knows that rapists, swindlers, thieves, seducers, murderers for profit and so on are villains

Rapists and murderers for profit certainly are. And our laws deal with them.

Thieves may or may not be villains, depending on the circumstances. A father who steals food to feed his starving family is not a villain.

Swindlers depend on greed to get people to fall for their scams. While they are criminals, I don't see them as real villains.

And seducers? Really? Not rapists, but seducers. No, they are just those who appeal to someone's sexual nature.
because they are not idiots
Your logic is circular. Besides we already know there are plenty of idiots running around. So that's not the answer. Would you like to try again? Why is it that rapists, swindlers, thieves, seducers, murderers for profit and so on aren't celebrated as heroes? Why is it that they are labeled as villains?
Your logic is circular. Besides we already know there are plenty of idiots running around. So that's not the answer. Would you like to try again? Why is it that rapists, swindlers, thieves, seducers, murderers for profit and so on aren't celebrated as heroes? Why is it that they are labeled as villains?
You are right, it is impossible to logically substantiate, this property of the heavenly foundation and the righteous path. Therefore, it makes no sense to think about how shameful wolf is to blame for the fact that it is a shameful wolf, this is how the underground king created him and this is the enemy. Otherwise, you can justify any villain. It doesn't work like that. It just needs to be destroyed.

Suppose someone shits on your face, should you take the shit out of your face? If you talk about "relativity" you will not be able to remove it. It's not shit's fault that it's on your face.
Your logic is circular. Besides we already know there are plenty of idiots running around. So that's not the answer. Would you like to try again? Why is it that rapists, swindlers, thieves, seducers, murderers for profit and so on aren't celebrated as heroes? Why is it that they are labeled as villains?
Although there may be some basis. Nature created man free and alive. The enslaver and predator goes against nature.
You are right, it is impossible to logically substantiate, this property of the heavenly foundation and the righteous path. Therefore, it makes no sense to think about how shameful wolf is to blame for the fact that it is a shameful wolf, this is how the underground king created him and this is the enemy. Otherwise, you can justify any villain. It doesn't work like that. It just needs to be destroyed.

Suppose someone shits on your face, should you take the shit out of your face? If you talk about "relativity" you will not be able to remove it. It's not shit's fault that it's on your face.
I'm not speaking of relativity. I am asking you why no one celebrates rapists, swindlers, thieves, seducers, murderers for profit and so on aren't celebrated as heroes. Why?
I'm not speaking of relativity. I am asking you why no one celebrates rapists, swindlers, thieves, seducers, murderers for profit and so on aren't celebrated as heroes. Why?
Due to the fact that we have a heavenly nature.

There are people who glorify. Nietzsche did it.
Although there may be some basis. Nature created man free and alive. The enslaver and predator goes against nature.
That still doesn't answer my question. Why doesn't everyone celebrate rapists, swindlers, thieves, seducers, murderers for profit and so on aren't celebrated as heroes? Why are they vilified as villains?
That still doesn't answer my question. Why doesn't everyone celebrate rapists, swindlers, thieves, seducers, murderers for profit and so on aren't celebrated as heroes? Why are they vilified as villains?
Logically, this can be justified as follows. Let's say a villain kills a person. We can ask him if he would like to be in the place of the victim? he says he doesn't want to. Therefore, his behavior is contradictory, and the contradiction does not correspond to the truth.

You led me to this idea and right now I solved this problem from the point of view of pure logic. Before that, I couldn't do it.
Logically, this can be justified as follows. Let's say a villain kills a person. We can ask him if he would like to be in the place of the victim? he says he doesn't want to. Therefore, his behavior is contradictory, and the contradiction does not correspond to the truth.

You led me to this idea and right now I solved this problem from the point of view of pure logic. Before that, I couldn't do it.
Don't pat yourself on the back just yet. If he celebrates evil he wouldn't care. He would welcome your evilness of killing him.

Do you want me to tell you the answer?
He would welcome your evilness of killing him.
Such villains do not occur in nature, as a rule they are much more cowardly than their victims.

But you can tell your version
If he celebrates evil he wouldn't care. He would welcome your evilness of killing him.
By the way, this is also a contradictory statement. If this were so, the villain would do evil to himself
Such villains do not occur in nature, as a rule they are much more cowardly than their victims.

But you can tell your version
There is no version. There just is.

Evil is not extant. It doesn't exist. That's why no one does evil for the sake of evil. Only good exists.

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