America please stop

America please stop jailing so many people! What is it with the excessively large prison population? Is there something about American culture that creates so many scumbags? Before anyone calls me a liberal on criminal justice I say I support the execution of the Boston bombers.
I won't call you anything BUT I will suggest that you MYOFB.
Spoken like a true Marxist, BTW have you got one real example where someone blew away their best friend for a "good job"?
You know what I mean.

Actually, I know you threw crap out there with nothing to back it up. Not a good way to win friends and influence people.
That crap is supposed to fill the vacuum, that undiscovered space between total capitalism and soviet communism.

Tell me, where do I go to find total capitalism, it's damn sure not the US.
You have total capitalism. You system is unthinkable in Europe. Your veterans beg for dry bread at the roadside.

You are pathetic and totally full of shit. I am a vet and I assure you, I beg for nothing.
There is an easy way to avoid jail.

Don't commit crimes.

If you are an honest man the only way you end up in jail is if everyone isn't.

I have a friend who is a lawyer for a Foundation which works to get the wrongfully convicted out of prison. They have no shortage of cases. They only take on cases they believe are true miscarriages of justice.

My friend could have been a very rich criminal lawyer. Instead, he works for very little money and a whole lot of principle.

Police officers raises and promotions are based on tickets and arrests. More tickets are given out the last week of the month than at any other times. As with any job, you want to do a good job and get a nice promotion.

Police have been known to lie on the stand when the evidence is weak, and who is the judge going to believe, if they do?
I have a friend who is a lawyer for a Foundation which works to get the wrongfully convicted out of prison. They have no shortage of cases. They only take on cases they believe are true miscarriages of justice.

The American people have no concept of JUSTICE anymore. If we did, more would be in prison and most of the prisoners would be in the ground.

My friend could have been a very rich criminal lawyer. Instead, he works for very little money and a whole lot of principle.

Then he is both a fool and poorer than he should be. I have very little respect for lawyers in general, defense attornies even moreso; but ones who are too stupid to do what's in their own best interest especially.

Police have been known to lie on the stand when the evidence is weak, and who is the judge going to believe, if they do?

If I felt that there were any truly INNOCENT people in this country over the age of 5 I might care about that; but there aren't. So I have little to no sympathy or care on that issue.
Legalize drugs and the prison population will be greatly reduced...along with big government's police state.
If I felt that there were any truly INNOCENT people in this country over the age of 5 I might care about that; but there aren't. So I have little to no sympathy or care on that issue.

You don't care because you don't think it can happen to you. Nice bubble you've got going for yourself.

Keep paying taxes to keep people in jail who shouldn't be there.

This is why people think Americans are selfish idiots.
You don't care because you don't think it can happen to you. Nice bubble you've got going for yourself.

Keep paying taxes to keep people in jail who shouldn't be there.

This is why people think Americans are selfish idiots.

It couldn't happen to me for one reason..... I don't intend to allow myself to be arrested. Shot by police while resisting arrest, definitely. Arrested, no.

I already pay for people who shouldn't be in jail. The incarceration of ANY felon should never cost more than $150. One last meal and one bullet to the head.
Spoken like a true Marxist, BTW have you got one real example where someone blew away their best friend for a "good job"?
You know what I mean.

Actually, I know you threw crap out there with nothing to back it up. Not a good way to win friends and influence people.
That crap is supposed to fill the vacuum, that undiscovered space between total capitalism and soviet communism.

Tell me, where do I go to find total capitalism, it's damn sure not the US.
You have total capitalism. You system is unthinkable in Europe. Your veterans beg for dry bread at the roadside.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
Legalize drugs and the prison population will be greatly reduced...along with big government's police state.

Legalization of drugs only works if/when you allow druggies to be prosecuted for any crime they commit while high as if they are 100% in control of their faculties. Legalize it and suddenly it will become the excuse to get out of every other crime they commit..... "I was high. I didn't know what I was doing." should NEVER be an acceptable defense for commission of a crime.

P.S. - Neither should "I was drunk. I didn't know what I was doing."
You know what I mean.

Actually, I know you threw crap out there with nothing to back it up. Not a good way to win friends and influence people.
That crap is supposed to fill the vacuum, that undiscovered space between total capitalism and soviet communism.

Tell me, where do I go to find total capitalism, it's damn sure not the US.
You have total capitalism. You system is unthinkable in Europe. Your veterans beg for dry bread at the roadside.

You are pathetic and totally full of shit. I am a vet and I assure you, I beg for nothing.
Half a million vets can only laugh at your personal attacks because they are homeless. An increasing number of those homeless vets has to sleep on the streets. 76.000 in 2010, 107.000 in 2012. Happy Veteran´s Day, capitalism.

Veteran Homelessness Facts Green Doors
Why Are So Many Veterans in the US Homeless
America please stop jailing so many people! What is it with the excessively large prison population? Is there something about American culture that creates so many scumbags? Before anyone calls me a liberal on criminal justice I say I support the execution of the Boston bombers.

My opinion, when Clinton got away with lying to the Grand Jury several hundred times the days of respect for the law took a turn to Who Cares. The drug culture of the 60's, parents being friends and not really parents, a general lack of ethics, the Me Me Me generation, lack of faith, the rise of liberalism .. eh, the list goes on and it's ponderous.
Please. This is an absolutely idiotic contention. Your head lives in la la land. :cuckoo::cuckoo: What an ignorant, small minded AH you are.
Some people want to go to jail. A bed, 3 meals a day.... here in Northern VA they call the Fairfax County Jail the "Fairfax Hilton" ... it's sad
America please stop jailing so many people! What is it with the excessively large prison population? Is there something about American culture that creates so many scumbags? Before anyone calls me a liberal on criminal justice I say I support the execution of the Boston bombers.

My opinion, when Clinton got away with lying to the Grand Jury several hundred times the days of respect for the law took a turn to Who Cares. The drug culture of the 60's, parents being friends and not really parents, a general lack of ethics, the Me Me Me generation, lack of faith, the rise of liberalism .. eh, the list goes on and it's ponderous.
Please. This is an absolutely idiotic contention. Your head lives in la la land. :cuckoo::cuckoo: What an ignorant, small minded AH you are.
:laugh: Yes you're right, a President sworn on a bible, the Constitution and to the American people to uphold the law and then doesn't what-so ever is a fine example to all the American people (young and old) to follow the law and be honest citizens in Democratic Party land. Your logic is impeccable...:alcoholic:
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Nixon was the original lying President. The guy authorized break-ins, destruction of evidence, conspired to hide the crimes, made pay/offs, used the IRS to attack his "enemies" and lied to everyone about it all.

None of which explains why the U.S. is incarcerating black and brown men at higher and higher rates.
Nixon was the original lying President. The guy authorized break-ins, destruction of evidence, conspired to hide the crimes, made pay/offs, used the IRS to attack his "enemies" and lied to everyone about it all.

None of which explains why the U.S. is incarcerating black and brown men at higher and higher rates.
No...nearly all our presidents were liars...they are politicians after all.
Actually, I know you threw crap out there with nothing to back it up. Not a good way to win friends and influence people.
That crap is supposed to fill the vacuum, that undiscovered space between total capitalism and soviet communism.

Tell me, where do I go to find total capitalism, it's damn sure not the US.
You have total capitalism. You system is unthinkable in Europe. Your veterans beg for dry bread at the roadside.

You are pathetic and totally full of shit. I am a vet and I assure you, I beg for nothing.
Half a million vets can only laugh at your personal attacks because they are homeless. An increasing number of those homeless vets has to sleep on the streets. 76.000 in 2010, 107.000 in 2012. Happy Veteran´s Day, capitalism.

Veteran Homelessness Facts Green Doors
Why Are So Many Veterans in the US Homeless
LOL it is a known fact many homeless vets choose to be homeless. But that is not the subject being discussed.
There is an easy way to avoid jail.

Don't commit crimes.

If you are an honest man the only way you end up in jail is if everyone isn't.

Nonsense. There are plenty of ways for a good person to run afoul of the law.
That crap is supposed to fill the vacuum, that undiscovered space between total capitalism and soviet communism.

Tell me, where do I go to find total capitalism, it's damn sure not the US.
You have total capitalism. You system is unthinkable in Europe. Your veterans beg for dry bread at the roadside.

You are pathetic and totally full of shit. I am a vet and I assure you, I beg for nothing.
Half a million vets can only laugh at your personal attacks because they are homeless. An increasing number of those homeless vets has to sleep on the streets. 76.000 in 2010, 107.000 in 2012. Happy Veteran´s Day, capitalism.

Veteran Homelessness Facts Green Doors
Why Are So Many Veterans in the US Homeless
LOL it is a known fact many homeless vets choose to be homeless. But that is not the subject being discussed.
Don´t make a fool out of yourself.
There is an easy way to avoid jail.

Don't commit crimes.

If you are an honest man the only way you end up in jail is if everyone isn't.

Nonsense. There are plenty of ways for a good person to run afoul of the law.
VERY true. Everything is illegal these days so much so that most have no idea when they are breaking a law.

And for those saints that never break the law – there is civil forfeiture to solve that problem as well.
There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kinds of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted - and you create a nation of lawbreakers - and then you cash in on guilt.

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