America Rising: No longer kowtowing to Putin and Authoritarians.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow, declaring a new, tough approach by Washington.

And to prove it, Biden killed the XL pipeline, put tens of thousands of Americans out of work during a pandemic, put hundreds of thousands of other fossil fuel indusgtry employees and associatedc supporting businesses on notice, sacrificed the United State;'s energy inderpendence, and replaced it with dependence on Russia and China for part of our energy needs.

That's showing them, Joe.....
Temp jobs.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow, declaring a new, tough approach by Washington.

And to prove it, Biden killed the XL pipeline, put tens of thousands of Americans out of work during a pandemic, put hundreds of thousands of other fossil fuel indusgtry employees and associatedc supporting businesses on notice, sacrificed the United State;'s energy inderpendence, and replaced it with dependence on Russia and China for part of our energy needs.

That's showing them, Joe.....
Who cares about a Canadian Pipeline with a few temporary jobs?

President Biden is offering new GREEN Jobs

Obama is sitting in his 11 million dollar beach house laughing and thinking'I can't believe these idiots are falling for the green jobs BS again".
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow, declaring a new, tough approach by Washington.

And to prove it, Biden killed the XL pipeline, put tens of thousands of Americans out of work during a pandemic, put hundreds of thousands of other fossil fuel indusgtry employees and associatedc supporting businesses on notice, sacrificed the United State;'s energy inderpendence, and replaced it with dependence on Russia and China for part of our energy needs.

That's showing them, Joe.....
Temp jobs.
Pssssst....all union construction jobs are temp jobs you nitwit.
I wonder if we will ever find out why Trump was so soft on Russia...
Because Trump is not a globalist. Neither is Putin. The other assholes were "hard" on Russia because Putin would not bow to the globalist will.

It really is nothing more than a bunch of business interests fighting each other for control of the world.
Yeah....Sorry, I don't think that's it. Trump acted as if he were beholden to Putin. I hope someday we find out why.
See. It's very easy for someone on the left to believe that Trump was beholden to Putin. But, I noticed that nobody on the left finds it possible that Biden could be beholden to Xi.

If one is possible, so as the other.
Trump made it easy to “believe “ seeming beholden to Putin. When Biden takes the side of China over his own intelligence agencies, you might have an argument.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow, declaring a new, tough approach by Washington.

Visiting the State Department, Biden also promised to repair alliances and engage with the world again. “American leadership” must meet rising authoritarianism and unite with partners to combat global challenges such as the coronavirus pandemic or climate change, he said.

Biden, as expected, adopted a sterner tone with Russian President Vladimir Putin than his predecessor, Donald Trump.


No longer will we see this disgrace:
View attachment 453352

No longer will we hear a President say he believes the KGB over US intelligence.

No longer will we hear kind words of support from a President for autocrats and murders around the world.

The USA we know is back.

President Biden: America Rising!
Is this like when Barry Hussein told Putin to “Cut it out” when he was meddling in our election?

Empty tough guy talk from Veggie Joe.
Biden intends to be tough on China.
What does that have to do with the thread?
If you really think Biden will be "tough" on China, you must be hitting that bong.

No Dem or Republitard will be tough on China. There are too many interwoven business interests who like the status quo and who were pissed when Trump started messing with them.
Trump’s China policy was a failure because he thought he could do it alone while at the same time offending our allies. He drove the EU right into the arms of China not to mention he took us out of TPP that was meant to be a bulwark against Chinese hegemony.
Biden's China policy will also b a failure because that is the objective. Business interests are too powerful.
Biden has been in Office for only two weeks we will see.
And already added $2 TRILLION to our debt.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow, declaring a new, tough approach by Washington.

You people are so stupid. Words mean nothing, action does.

A week ago Biden gave Putin what Putin wanted with the extension of the START Treaty, Biden received nothing in return, while Trump was fighting Putin to make that treaty stronger. Putin rolled the dice waiting to see what happened on Election Day, and Putin won.

Trump had massive sanctions on Putin's Russia and allowed U.S. forces to kill or wound ~400 Russian 'mercenaries' in Syria.

Putin and Xi had no respect for Obama. Who can forget Xi doing this to Obama:

Putin and Xi feared and respected Trump.

They have no respect for Biden and less than that for the President-in-Waiting. They are laughing.
China Joe got a nice little $2.5 million payoff from the Russians. The Moscow Mayor's wife was the bag lady. Hunter was the bag boy on this end.

We are going to see some serious Russian ass kissing but they are going to have to take a back seat to China Joe's Chicom buddies.

Foreign governments pay well and China Joe is a world class seller.
I wonder if we will ever find out why Trump was so soft on Russia...
Because Trump is not a globalist. Neither is Putin. The other assholes were "hard" on Russia because Putin would not bow to the globalist will.

It really is nothing more than a bunch of business interests fighting each other for control of the world.
Yup. Before Putin was elected, 6 Jewish Oligarchs owned 50% of Russian wealth.
He kicked them out like Jesus kicked out the money lenders from the Temple.
that's why the media, Big Tech and Hollywood hate him.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow, declaring a new, tough approach by Washington.

And to prove it, Biden killed the XL pipeline, put tens of thousands of Americans out of work during a pandemic, put hundreds of thousands of other fossil fuel indusgtry employees and associatedc supporting businesses on notice, sacrificed the United State;'s energy inderpendence, and replaced it with dependence on Russia and China for part of our energy needs.

That's showing them, Joe.....
Temp jobs.
All construction jobs are temporary,
All construction jobs are temporary,

This is what the left thinks of working men. Do they think that building a house is a permanent job? They really are pathetic assholes.

Meanwhile, those guys that lost their good jobs on the Keystone XL, plus 5000 others that lost jobs building the border wall, l no longer have good jobs. But the left prattles on.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow, declaring a new, tough approach by Washington.

Visiting the State Department, Biden also promised to repair alliances and engage with the world again. “American leadership” must meet rising authoritarianism and unite with partners to combat global challenges such as the coronavirus pandemic or climate change, he said.

Biden, as expected, adopted a sterner tone with Russian President Vladimir Putin than his predecessor, Donald Trump.


No longer will we see this disgrace:
View attachment 453352

No longer will we hear a President say he believes the KGB over US intelligence.

No longer will we hear kind words of support from a President for autocrats and murders around the world.

The USA we know is back.

President Biden: America Rising!
Trump never said he believed the KGB over US intelligence. The KGB hasn't existed for years. Trump wisely said he believed Putin over James Comey, Peter Stzrok, Lisa Page, John Brennan, James Clapper. Let's throw in Christopher Steel too.

Trump was correct. The USA is dead. Biden sold us to China and pocketed the money.
Trump will go down in history as one of the most disgusting human beings of all time, his entire life is a blueprint for egocentric gratification, consumption, materialism, narcissism, ignorance, gluttony, delusion, and mental illness.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow

Biden and Dems threaten to start WWIII, try to stir up a war with Russia, abandon diplomacy, impeach this war monger!!
Trump will go down in history as one of the most disgusting human beings of all time, his entire life is a blueprint for egocentric gratification, consumption, materialism, narcissism, ignorance, gluttony, delusion, and mental illness.

^^^ President Trump living rent free in the lefts heads. :auiqs.jpg:

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