America Rising: No longer kowtowing to Putin and Authoritarians.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow, declaring a new, tough approach by Washington.

And to prove it, Biden killed the XL pipeline, put tens of thousands of Americans out of work during a pandemic, put hundreds of thousands of other fossil fuel indusgtry employees and associatedc supporting businesses on notice, sacrificed the United State;'s energy inderpendence, and replaced it with dependence on Russia and China for part of our energy needs.

That's showing them, Joe.....
It's good to see a demoralized State Department functional again.

The one whose employees testified under oath during the 1st political partisan Impeachment hearings that Joe Biden lied about never meeting with Burisma employees, ignored State Deoartment advice against doing so because it created a Conflict of Interest, and a state Department who's employees testified it was JOE and HUNTER BIDEN that should be investigated and who should be answering questions under oath....
“American leadership” must meet rising authoritarianism
Like 150k EOs in the first couple weeks? lol
HUH..It takes an EO to reverse an EO. Unlike Trump, Biden will take the legislative route and cement far more enduring legacy.
Nice excuse...except Biden has already signed more EO’s than any other president.
God Bless President Biden

Not easy undoing the legacy of Trump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow, declaring a new, tough approach by Washington.

And to prove it, Biden killed the XL pipeline, put tens of thousands of Americans out of work during a pandemic, put hundreds of thousands of other fossil fuel indusgtry employees and associatedc supporting businesses on notice, sacrificed the United State;'s energy inderpendence, and replaced it with dependence on Russia and China for part of our energy needs.

That's showing them, Joe.....
Who cares about a Canadian Pipeline with a few temporary jobs?

President Biden is offering new GREEN Jobs
"Rising authoritarianism? What do you call that incredible number of executive orders his handlers have had him sign, again?

We live in Orwellian times as the uneducated proles just repeat the words they are spoon fed without having any idea what they actually mean.

Yeah ... There is no need to look offshore for the current batch of authoritarian despots with nefarious plan for America ... :thup:

I wonder if we will ever find out why Trump was so soft on Russia...
Because Trump is not a globalist. Neither is Putin. The other assholes were "hard" on Russia because Putin would not bow to the globalist will.

It really is nothing more than a bunch of business interests fighting each other for control of the world.
Yeah....Sorry, I don't think that's it. Trump acted as if he were beholden to Putin. I hope someday we find out why.
See. It's very easy for someone on the left to believe that Trump was beholden to Putin. But, I noticed that nobody on the left finds it possible that Biden could be beholden to Xi.

If one is possible, so as the other.
Show us video of Biden taking sides with Xi over US Intelligence agencies
Right. Russia Russia Russia.

We've been over this before. You must have missed the news.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow, declaring a new, tough approach by Washington.

And to prove it, Biden killed the XL pipeline, put tens of thousands of Americans out of work during a pandemic, put hundreds of thousands of other fossil fuel indusgtry employees and associatedc supporting businesses on notice, sacrificed the United State;'s energy inderpendence, and replaced it with dependence on Russia and China for part of our energy needs.

That's showing them, Joe.....
Who cares about a Canadian Pipeline with a few temporary jobs?

President Biden is offering new GREEN Jobs
The pipeline cost less then a third to transport the oil then the trains. The Paris accords will bind us and hurt our growth. China will not adhere to any of what we do and the world expects. Those green jobs will not pay as much as people in the oil and gas industry make. Biden is returning the one way trade imbalance that will increase more and more. At some point China will not need us as their own people will demand the products first.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow, declaring a new, tough approach by Washington.

Visiting the State Department, Biden also promised to repair alliances and engage with the world again. “American leadership” must meet rising authoritarianism and unite with partners to combat global challenges such as the coronavirus pandemic or climate change, he said.

Biden, as expected, adopted a sterner tone with Russian President Vladimir Putin than his predecessor, Donald Trump.


No longer will we see this disgrace:
View attachment 453352

No longer will we hear a President say he believes the KGB over US intelligence.

No longer will we hear kind words of support from a President for autocrats and murders around the world.

The USA we know is back.

President Biden: America Rising!

Nah, just pursuing policies that raise global oil and natural gas prices, thus giving Russia more export $$, and favoring or milquetoast western European allies while selling out our Eastern European ones.

But keep up the fallacy of Trump wanting to help Russia, while Biden implements policies that actually helps them.

And of course while he sucks off Chinese dick for fun and profit.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow, declaring a new, tough approach by Washington.

And to prove it, Biden killed the XL pipeline, put tens of thousands of Americans out of work during a pandemic, put hundreds of thousands of other fossil fuel indusgtry employees and associatedc supporting businesses on notice, sacrificed the United State;'s energy inderpendence, and replaced it with dependence on Russia and China for part of our energy needs.

That's showing them, Joe.....
Who cares about a Canadian Pipeline with a few temporary jobs?

President Biden is offering new GREEN Jobs
The pipeline cost less then a third to transport the oil then the trains. The Paris accords will bind us and hurt our growth. China will not adhere to any of what we do and the world expects. Those green jobs will not pay as much as people in the oil and gas industry make. Biden is returning the one way trade imbalance that will increase more and more. At some point China will not need us as their own people will demand the products first.
You're arguing with a fucking parrot. He doesn't know what the fuck he is arguing. All he can do, like a parrot, is mimic the talking heads.
I wonder if we will ever find out why Trump was so soft on Russia...
Because Trump is not a globalist. Neither is Putin. The other assholes were "hard" on Russia because Putin would not bow to the globalist will.

It really is nothing more than a bunch of business interests fighting each other for control of the world.
Yeah....Sorry, I don't think that's it. Trump acted as if he were beholden to Putin. I hope someday we find out why.
See. It's very easy for someone on the left to believe that Trump was beholden to Putin. But, I noticed that nobody on the left finds it possible that Biden could be beholden to Xi.

If one is possible, so as the other.
Show us video of Biden taking sides with Xi over US Intelligence agencies
Right. Russia Russia Russia.

We've been over this before. You must have missed the news.
Still waiting

Where is the video?
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow, declaring a new, tough approach by Washington.

And to prove it, Biden killed the XL pipeline, put tens of thousands of Americans out of work during a pandemic, put hundreds of thousands of other fossil fuel indusgtry employees and associatedc supporting businesses on notice, sacrificed the United State;'s energy inderpendence, and replaced it with dependence on Russia and China for part of our energy needs.

That's showing them, Joe.....
Who cares about a Canadian Pipeline with a few temporary jobs?

President Biden is offering new GREEN Jobs
The pipeline cost less then a third to transport the oil then the trains. The Paris accords will bind us and hurt our growth. China will not adhere to any of what we do and the world expects. Those green jobs will not pay as much as people in the oil and gas industry make. Biden is returning the one way trade imbalance that will increase more and more. At some point China will not need us as their own people will demand the products first.
What does that have to do with me?

Let Canada worry about their oil while we invest in GREEN JOBS
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow, declaring a new, tough approach by Washington.

And to prove it, Biden killed the XL pipeline, put tens of thousands of Americans out of work during a pandemic, put hundreds of thousands of other fossil fuel indusgtry employees and associatedc supporting businesses on notice, sacrificed the United State;'s energy inderpendence, and replaced it with dependence on Russia and China for part of our energy needs.

That's showing them, Joe.....
Who cares about a Canadian Pipeline with a few temporary jobs?

President Biden is offering new GREEN Jobs

So did President Obama ... Unfortunately it turned out to be a money scheme that did little to advance the objective.
His plans with Solyndra did little more than leave the American taxpayers on the hook for $535 million.

Same Story ... Same Bullshit

Biden is a fool.
Lol...Wow, coming from a Trumper. Trump was the biggest fool to ever sit In the Oval Office.
I thought W was the biggest fool to sit in the WH.
Democrats say the same talking points about every Republican. Bush was Hitler, but now they like him because he's on their side against Trump.

You would think having the Bush gang on your side would make Democrats think twice about who the baddies really are.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow, declaring a new, tough approach by Washington.

And to prove it, Biden killed the XL pipeline, put tens of thousands of Americans out of work during a pandemic, put hundreds of thousands of other fossil fuel indusgtry employees and associatedc supporting businesses on notice, sacrificed the United State;'s energy inderpendence, and replaced it with dependence on Russia and China for part of our energy needs.

That's showing them, Joe.....
Who cares about a Canadian Pipeline with a few temporary jobs?

President Biden is offering new GREEN Jobs

So did President Obama ... Unfortunately it turned out to be a money scheme that did little to advance the objective.
His plans with Solyndra did little more than leave the American taxpayers on the hook for $535 million.

Democrats like SOME oil industries....

Biden just destroyed the XL Pipeline, yet Barry protected ther ISIS Black market oil Industry that paid for 50% of its terrorist activities, like their attack on Paris within hours after Barry publicly declared he had contained ISIS in Syria.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow, declaring a new, tough approach by Washington.

And to prove it, Biden killed the XL pipeline, put tens of thousands of Americans out of work during a pandemic, put hundreds of thousands of other fossil fuel indusgtry employees and associatedc supporting businesses on notice, sacrificed the United State;'s energy inderpendence, and replaced it with dependence on Russia and China for part of our energy needs.

That's showing them, Joe.....
Who cares about a Canadian Pipeline with a few temporary jobs?

President Biden is offering new GREEN Jobs
The pipeline cost less then a third to transport the oil then the trains. The Paris accords will bind us and hurt our growth. China will not adhere to any of what we do and the world expects. Those green jobs will not pay as much as people in the oil and gas industry make. Biden is returning the one way trade imbalance that will increase more and more. At some point China will not need us as their own people will demand the products first.
What does that have to do with me?

Let Canada worry about their oil while we invest in GREEN JOBS
I feel sorry for the average American family that needs gas for their cars. China will take the oil we don't extract as soon as we can’t afford to protect it.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow, declaring a new, tough approach by Washington.

And to prove it, Biden killed the XL pipeline, put tens of thousands of Americans out of work during a pandemic, put hundreds of thousands of other fossil fuel indusgtry employees and associatedc supporting businesses on notice, sacrificed the United State;'s energy inderpendence, and replaced it with dependence on Russia and China for part of our energy needs.

That's showing them, Joe.....
Who cares about a Canadian Pipeline with a few temporary jobs?

President Biden is offering new GREEN Jobs

So did President Obama ... Unfortunately it turned out to be a money scheme that did little to advance the objective.
His plans with Solyndra did little more than leave the American taxpayers on the hook for $535 million.

Democrats like SOME oil industries....

Biden just destroyed the XL Pipeline, yet Barry protected ther ISIS Black market oil Industry that paid for 50% of its terrorist activities, like their attack on Paris within hours after Barry publicly declared he had contained ISIS in Syria.
ISIS was Obamas civilian military. Remember those trucks they got from Democrats and all the Democrats that went to join them?
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow, declaring a new, tough approach by Washington.

And to prove it, Biden killed the XL pipeline, put tens of thousands of Americans out of work during a pandemic, put hundreds of thousands of other fossil fuel indusgtry employees and associatedc supporting businesses on notice, sacrificed the United State;'s energy inderpendence, and replaced it with dependence on Russia and China for part of our energy needs.

That's showing them, Joe.....
Who cares about a Canadian Pipeline with a few temporary jobs?

President Biden is offering new GREEN Jobs
The pipeline cost less then a third to transport the oil then the trains. The Paris accords will bind us and hurt our growth. China will not adhere to any of what we do and the world expects. Those green jobs will not pay as much as people in the oil and gas industry make. Biden is returning the one way trade imbalance that will increase more and more. At some point China will not need us as their own people will demand the products first.
What does that have to do with me?

Let Canada worry about their oil while we invest in GREEN JOBS
I feel sorry for the average American family that needs gas for their cars. China will take the oil we don't extract as soon as we can’t afford to protect it.
GM is abandoning gas powered cars by 2035
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow, declaring a new, tough approach by Washington.

And to prove it, Biden killed the XL pipeline, put tens of thousands of Americans out of work during a pandemic, put hundreds of thousands of other fossil fuel indusgtry employees and associatedc supporting businesses on notice, sacrificed the United State;'s energy inderpendence, and replaced it with dependence on Russia and China for part of our energy needs.

That's showing them, Joe.....
Who cares about a Canadian Pipeline with a few temporary jobs?

President Biden is offering new GREEN Jobs
The pipeline cost less then a third to transport the oil then the trains. The Paris accords will bind us and hurt our growth. China will not adhere to any of what we do and the world expects. Those green jobs will not pay as much as people in the oil and gas industry make. Biden is returning the one way trade imbalance that will increase more and more. At some point China will not need us as their own people will demand the products first.
What does that have to do with me?

Let Canada worry about their oil while we invest in GREEN JOBS
I feel sorry for the average American family that needs gas for their cars. China will take the oil we don't extract as soon as we can’t afford to protect it.
GM is abandoning gas powered cars by 2035
If Americans can't afford to run their ac at their home, imagine everyone plugging in their cars. Massive outages.
I wonder if we will ever find out why Trump was so soft on Russia...
Because Trump is not a globalist. Neither is Putin. The other assholes were "hard" on Russia because Putin would not bow to the globalist will.

It really is nothing more than a bunch of business interests fighting each other for control of the world.
Yeah....Sorry, I don't think that's it. Trump acted as if he were beholden to Putin. I hope someday we find out why.
See. It's very easy for someone on the left to believe that Trump was beholden to Putin. But, I noticed that nobody on the left finds it possible that Biden could be beholden to Xi.

If one is possible, so as the other.
Show us video of Biden taking sides with Xi over US Intelligence agencies
Waste of time. We've shown you kooks videos of Fingering Joe bragging about actually Quid pro quo and you lie to yourself pretending it never happened then impeach Trump for a phone call that you lie to yourself believing he engaged in Quid pro quo.

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