America Rising: No longer kowtowing to Putin and Authoritarians.

“American leadership” must meet rising authoritarianism
Like 150k EOs in the first couple weeks? lol
HUH..It takes an EO to reverse an EO. Unlike Trump, Biden will take the legislative route and cement far more enduring legacy.
Fucking cultists :lol:
As usual you did not understand a single word I wrote.

Since when is talking about a legislative agenda “cultist?” LOL
You have no idea what he will do. The dude has lied about many things but you are going to take his word on this when he has already written a bazillion EOs.
Thats called a CULTIST :lol:
No...”a bazillion EOs”. What is it you do not understand that a previously enacted EO can only be reversed by an EO? President Biden is reversing many of Trump’s EOs. Just as Trump reversed many of Obama’s EOs. How else can he do it?

Having said that, EOs are temporary in nature. Biden will need legislation to cement his legacy. He is smarter than Trump that way.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow, declaring a new, tough approach by Washington.

Visiting the State Department, Biden also promised to repair alliances and engage with the world again. “American leadership” must meet rising authoritarianism and unite with partners to combat global challenges such as the coronavirus pandemic or climate change, he said.

Biden, as expected, adopted a sterner tone with Russian President Vladimir Putin than his predecessor, Donald Trump.


No longer will we see this disgrace:
View attachment 453352

No longer will we hear a President say he believes the KGB over US intelligence.

No longer will we hear kind words of support from a President for autocrats and murders around the world.

The USA we know is back.

President Biden: America Rising!

Towards the end of 2020, Donald Trump once again followed Jewish orders and ushered Jonathan Pollard, “the most damaging spy in United States history,” towards “a dream realised after 35 very difficult years.” Pollard is Jewish and spied enthusiastically for Israel, doing huge harm to America as he handed priceless secrets to his Mossad handlers. But Pollard was born in America, therefore his “own nation” must be America and, as the IHRA have told us, it is clearly anti-Semitic to say he could be more loyal to Israel than to America.

But what did the citizens and prime minister of Israel do? They brazenly celebrated that vile anti-Semitic stereotype about Jewish disloyalty and treachery. The Irish Savant reported Pollard’s arrival in Israel like this:

View attachment 453361
Pollard was a traitor. No Democrat or Republican showed him any favoritism. It took Trump to do that.
“American leadership” must meet rising authoritarianism
Like 150k EOs in the first couple weeks? lol
HUH..It takes an EO to reverse an EO. Unlike Trump, Biden will take the legislative route and cement far more enduring legacy.
Fucking cultists :lol:
As usual you did not understand a single word I wrote.

Since when is talking about a legislative agenda “cultist?” LOL
You have no idea what he will do. The dude has lied about many things but you are going to take his word on this when he has already written a bazillion EOs.
Thats called a CULTIST :lol:
No...”a bazillion EOs”. What is it you do not understand that a previously enacted EO can only be reversed by an EO? President Biden is reversing many of Trump’s EOs. Just as Trump reversed many of Obama’s EOs. How else can he do it?

Having said that, EOs are temporary in nature. Biden will need legislation to cement his legacy. He is smarter than Trump that way.
How many of his EOs are just reversing others? Give me a number.
He has already backed down over 2K dollar checks and lost the minimum wage increase.
Cultists gonna cult :dunno:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow, declaring a new, tough approach by Washington.

Visiting the State Department, Biden also promised to repair alliances and engage with the world again. “American leadership” must meet rising authoritarianism and unite with partners to combat global challenges such as the coronavirus pandemic or climate change, he said.

Biden, as expected, adopted a sterner tone with Russian President Vladimir Putin than his predecessor, Donald Trump.


No longer will we see this disgrace:
View attachment 453352

No longer will we hear a President say he believes the KGB over US intelligence.

No longer will we hear kind words of support from a President for autocrats and murders around the world.

The USA we know is back.

President Biden: America Rising!


It was biden and obama, you fucking moron, who rolled over for putin.......they gave Ukraine blankets, Trump gave Ukraine tank killing moron.....obama gave putin a red button..that didn't work....Trump killed Russians in Syria.....

You are going to get into trouble ...... the Chinese want you shilling for them, not Russia...
LOL Putin and everyone else know Joe is a puppet with dementia. Warm applesauce and nap time for Joe.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow, declaring a new, tough approach by Washington.

Visiting the State Department, Biden also promised to repair alliances and engage with the world again. “American leadership” must meet rising authoritarianism and unite with partners to combat global challenges such as the coronavirus pandemic or climate change, he said.

Biden, as expected, adopted a sterner tone with Russian President Vladimir Putin than his predecessor, Donald Trump.


No longer will we see this disgrace:
View attachment 453352

No longer will we hear a President say he believes the KGB over US intelligence.

No longer will we hear kind words of support from a President for autocrats and murders around the world.

The USA we know is back.

President Biden: America Rising!


It was biden and obama, you fucking moron, who rolled over for putin.......they gave Ukraine blankets, Trump gave Ukraine tank killing moron.....obama gave putin a red button..that didn't work....Trump killed Russians in Syria.....

You are going to get into trouble ...... the Chinese want you shilling for them, not Russia...

Trump would bend over whenever Putin told him to bend over. Trump always had to be forced to take action against Putin.

Not to mention Trump did not give a damn when Putin placed bounties on the heads of American soldiers.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow, declaring a new, tough approach by Washington.

Visiting the State Department, Biden also promised to repair alliances and engage with the world again. “American leadership” must meet rising authoritarianism and unite with partners to combat global challenges such as the coronavirus pandemic or climate change, he said.

Biden, as expected, adopted a sterner tone with Russian President Vladimir Putin than his predecessor, Donald Trump.


No longer will we see this disgrace:
View attachment 453352

No longer will we hear a President say he believes the KGB over US intelligence.

No longer will we hear kind words of support from a President for autocrats and murders around the world.

The USA we know is back.

President Biden: America Rising!


It was biden and obama, you fucking moron, who rolled over for putin.......they gave Ukraine blankets, Trump gave Ukraine tank killing moron.....obama gave putin a red button..that didn't work....Trump killed Russians in Syria.....

You are going to get into trouble ...... the Chinese want you shilling for them, not Russia...

Trump would bend over whenever Putin told him to bend over. Trump always had to be forced to take action against Putin.

Not to mention Trump did not give a damn when Putin placed bounties on the heads of American soldiers.

Sell that crap to democrat voters......normal people know the truth, you dumb turd.
I wonder if we will ever find out why Trump was so soft on Russia...
Because Trump is not a globalist. Neither is Putin. The other assholes were "hard" on Russia because Putin would not bow to the globalist will.

It really is nothing more than a bunch of business interests fighting each other for control of the world.
Yeah....Sorry, I don't think that's it. Trump acted as if he were beholden to Putin. I hope someday we find out why.

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