America stands behind Freedom Caucus against Debt bill that gives democrats all


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

Ok, I know all of America doesn't stand behind Freedom Caucus but we should, definitely.

The best explanation of what's going on IMO came from the R from PA on Cavuto earlier today. I'll look for that one

But once he described it, it's like NO WAY should Americans support this McCarty-Bidum bill.

I'm VERY disappointed in McCarthy



House Freedom Caucus Chairman Scott Perry, R-Penn., described the deal as "absolutely and completely unacceptable."


If Byron Daniels (see below) is against it... you know it is not good (but I knew that some time ago thanks to the guy from PA... forgot his name... :(

oh here it is:
House Freedom Caucus Chairman Scott Perry, R-Penn.,

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Blah, neither the extremists on the right nor the ones on the left care for it but you have to start somewhere.

It took Newt four years to get to the only years of balanced budgets we have had in our lifetimes and he did it with huge capital gains cuts and economic prosperity to boot.

That and any win, no matter how small, against the dems is a damn good thing. ;)

What would you have preferred, a clean debt ceiling bill and more of the same dem money laundering?

I would have preferred that McCarthy had let the senate take the lead once he and Tater reached a agreement but from what I understand he was afraid that The Turtle would want to give away too much to the dems.

Ok, I know all of America doesn't stand behind Freedom Caucus but we should, definitely.

The best explanation of what's going on IMO came from the R from PA on Cavuto earlier today. I'll look for that one

But once he described it, it's like NO WAY should Americans support this McCarty-Bidum bill.

I'm VERY disappointed in McCarthy



House Freedom Caucus Chairman Scott Perry, R-Penn., described the deal as "absolutely and completely unacceptable."


If Byron Daniels (see below) is against it... you know it is not good (but I knew that some time ago thanks to the guy from PA... forgot his name... :(

oh here it is:
House Freedom Caucus Chairman Scott Perry, R-Penn.,

"Freedom Caucus"

What a joke.
It will pass. Those who need the cover to vote no will largely be permitted to do so but it's going to pass.

Now will one (R) stand up and call for McCarthy's removal? I doubt it, but maybe.

At this point if it didn't pass and it's because of a complete lack of (R) support, Biden is off the hook and the (R)'s get the blame.
I would have preferred that McCarthy had let the senate take the lead once he and Tater reached a agreement but from what I understand he was afraid that The Turtle would want to give away too much to the dems.
it is my understanding that that is exactly what happened.

The deceiver in chief got McCarthy, apparently, to agree to giving the dims just about everything and the Rs got NOTHING

That is the way Scott Perry explained it and that is what I believe, virtually KNOW.

And what he described is what those (*&^% Rinos in Congress have been doing for decades.. basically acquiesing to the loony, spend spend spend dims

sick o'that!

It will pass. Those who need the cover to vote no will largely be permitted to do so but it's going to pass.

Now will one (R) stand up and call for McCarthy's removal? I doubt it, but maybe.

At this point if it didn't pass and it's because of a complete lack of (R) support, Biden is off the hook and the (R)'s get the blame.

I tend to think a lot of Americans will NOT at all let bidim off the hook

A lot of them in the party don't want him to run in 24 anyhow... Plenty of us will blame the ones who deserve the blame: the dims
it is my understanding that that is exactly what happened.

The deceiver in chief got McCarthy, apparently, to agree to giving the dims just about everything and the Rs got NOTHING

That is the way Scott Perry explained it and that is what I believe, virtually KNOW.

And what he described is what those (*&^% Rinos in Congress have been doing for decades.. basically acquiesing to the loony, spend spend spend dims

sick o'that!

I really don't think you know what you are talking about. :dunno:
I tend to think a lot of Americans will NOT at all let bidim off the hook

A lot of them in the party don't want him to run in 24 anyhow... Plenty of us will blame the ones who deserve the blame: the dims

Whether the (R)'s got the blame if it didn't pass (it will) is a different thing than Biden winning the nomination in 2024. I don't think he will.

Ok, I know all of America doesn't stand behind Freedom Caucus but we should, definitely.

The best explanation of what's going on IMO came from the R from PA on Cavuto earlier today. I'll look for that one

But once he described it, it's like NO WAY should Americans support this McCarty-Bidum bill.

I'm VERY disappointed in McCarthy



House Freedom Caucus Chairman Scott Perry, R-Penn., described the deal as "absolutely and completely unacceptable."


If Byron Daniels (see below) is against it... you know it is not good (but I knew that some time ago thanks to the guy from PA... forgot his name... :(

oh here it is:
House Freedom Caucus Chairman Scott Perry, R-Penn.,

If there's one thing that RINOs and Demwits love to do (outside of getting America into endless wars), it's spend someone else's money. I think it's the reason they get into politics in the first place. Spend taxpayers into oblivion while pocketing a good portion for themselves. Nothing new under the sun. As long as RINOs and DummyCrats are running the show, we can expect to swirl down the proverbial toilet.
it is my understanding that that is exactly what happened.

The deceiver in chief got McCarthy, apparently, to agree to giving the dims just about everything and the Rs got NOTHING

That is the way Scott Perry explained it and that is what I believe, virtually KNOW.

And what he described is what those (*&^% Rinos in Congress have been doing for decades.. basically acquiesing to the loony, spend spend spend dims

sick o'that!

The Republicans could know...pass a Budget.
If my Congress-critter... Illinois 11th... fails to vote for the bipartisan debt-ceiling bill... I will (a) vote against him and (b) convince others to do so as well, in 2024.

The freaks who want us to default are out of their tiny little minds... there is no point in inviting such a self-inflicted wound...
Whether the (R)'s got the blame if it didn't pass (it will) is a different thing than Biden winning the nomination in 2024. I don't think he will.
I'm damn sure of it

(assuming all voting places are legit this time :rolleyes:--or at least enough to over-ride dim criminality in enough places)
Option B is either:
1. 14th Amendment
2. Stretching payments including SS, paychecks, Medicare, tax rebates, everything.
I'm agnostic on this bill at this time, but I see both sides of the R position(s)

I prefer the policies of the Freedom Caucus, however....

and if they can work out a better deal, they should definitely go for it... should try to get the FC on the side of this (corrected/amended) bill

I don't fully u/stand all the machinations involved in getting a bill passed... the rules.. cloture and all that... though I get the gist of things...

hope they can get a better bill b4 sending it to the Senate where pigs rule
Withholding SS checks would be unforgivable. It would be pathetic. Disgusting
The only unforgivable sin is rejecting Christ/redemption

What is most 'pathetic' of all is gaining the whole world(as libs try to) and losing your soul (as happens when you are an unrepentant lib)
If my Congress-critter... Illinois 11th... fails to vote for the bipartisan debt-ceiling bill... I will (a) vote against him and (b) convince others to do so as well, in 2024.

The freaks who want us to default are out of their tiny little minds... there is no point in inviting such a self-inflicted wound...

what does a default look like in its ugly details?

it's never happened, has it?
Withholding SS checks would be unforgivable. It would be pathetic. Disgusting
Hitting the debt ceiling just means that the government would have to prioritize spending. We would still have plenty of revenue to pay the interest on the debt and pretty much everything else. What we couldn't do, and democrats cannot allow, is to keep the budget blindly growing each and every year. The fact that the pols automatically and immediately threaten to cut off SS checks every single time is their ultimate fear mongering tactic of creating the maximum pain to force the voters to ignore the reality that there are billions in the budget that could be cut without much pain for anyone.
If my Congress-critter... Illinois 11th... fails to vote for the bipartisan debt-ceiling bill... I will (a) vote against him and (b) convince others to do so as well, in 2024.

The freaks who want us to default are out of their tiny little minds... there is no point in inviting such a self-inflicted wound...
There's no need to default on the debt just because we hit the ceiling. There is a lot that can be cut out of the budget before we EVER get close to default.

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