America stands behind Freedom Caucus against Debt bill that gives democrats all

There's no need to default on the debt just because we hit the ceiling. There is a lot that can be cut out of the budget before we EVER get close to default.
If we DO default, then we keep making payments to everybody BUT China... once we're in "default mode", only our friends get a taste...

Ok, I know all of America doesn't stand behind Freedom Caucus but we should, definitely.

The best explanation of what's going on IMO came from the R from PA on Cavuto earlier today. I'll look for that one

But once he described it, it's like NO WAY should Americans support this McCarty-Bidum bill.

I'm VERY disappointed in McCarthy



House Freedom Caucus Chairman Scott Perry, R-Penn., described the deal as "absolutely and completely unacceptable."


If Byron Daniels (see below) is against it... you know it is not good (but I knew that some time ago thanks to the guy from PA... forgot his name... :(

oh here it is:
House Freedom Caucus Chairman Scott Perry, R-Penn.,

My Rep on the $4T Bill... Bob Good explains very clearly why no Republican should vote for this bill...

The proposed agreement eliminates the debt ceiling and will raise the debt by an estimated $4T in 19 months.
Current debt is ~$31.8T.
That would be an astounding 13% total, or over 8% per year.
Cost per capital of $4T is 12,000, $48,000 per family of four in 1.6 years!
This is crazy, astronomical spending!

All paid for by printing money. to take us past the next election, of course.
well, i know what i think about that but why do YOU say that?
In the final analysis there are enough Congress-critters who do NOT want to answer to their constituents after triggering a self-inflicted economic tsunami.
If we DO default, then we keep making payments to everybody BUT China... once we're in "default mode", only our friends get a taste...
The problem, of course, is that once we default for the first time, investors lose confidence and will no longer buy US bonds and there goes Washington's ability to spend endlessly, and that would be bad for democrats, and stuff.
The problem, of course, is that once we default for the first time, investors lose confidence and will no longer buy US bonds and there goes Washington's ability to spend endlessly, and that would be bad for democrats, and stuff.

We've never defaulted. That's why we've been able to keep selling the bonds and borrowing money at very low interest rates. If we default, that changes.

Just pointing out that Washington's ability to spend endlessly is not only good for the Dems. You people pretend like the Repubs are somehow better than the Dems in this area, and history proves you wrong
Just pointing out that Washington's ability to spend endlessly is not only good for the Dems. You people pretend like the Repubs are somehow better than the Dems in this area, and history proves you wrong
The only time Washington even talks about fiscal restraint is when a democrat is in the White House and the Republicans control the House. We need to milk it for everything we can.

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