America-The Failing Country


Silver Member
Jul 26, 2014
So, I was listening to this early morning talk show on the local rock station I listen to. The host was claiming that the United States is the greatest country on the planet. I am an American, but I disagree with that statement. When I heard this host say that, I actually got angry.

Here are a few reasons why I believe the U.S.A. is NOT the greatest country or even comes close:

The military is overpowering and very messed up (look up videos).
The leadership is lacking. All the presidents seem to make matters worse (economically speaking).
Americans are wasteful and rely too much on processed foods.
The American government has a way of making enemies globally.

The government wants to control every aspect of human life within its borders (what food we can and can't eat, etc).
The education system is in ruins.
Just wait until the military knocks down your door. Martial law is just around the corner and in some ways, already exists (FEMA camps).
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Agree with everything except for the last line. There is no reason to expect Martial Law in the near future nor are there any notorious FEMA camps in the works. That's all conspiracy nonsense.
Regarding the FEMA camps, I was trying to post a link but it's telling me I can only post links to other websites after I've made 15 or more posts. I'm not fond of the government whatsoever and I do a lot of research regarding how twisted it is. I do recognize your screen name. Are you involved on any other sites?
So, I was listening to this early morning talk show on the local rock station I listen to. The host was claiming that the United States is the greatest country on the planet. I am an American, but I disagree with that statement. When I heard this host say that, I actually got angry.

Here are a few reasons why I believe the U.S.A. is NOT the greatest country or even comes close:

The military is overpowering and very messed up (look up videos).
The leadership is lacking. All the presidents seem to make matters worse (economically speaking).
Americans are wasteful and rely too much on processed foods.
The American government has a way of making enemies globally.

The government wants to control every aspect of human life within its borders (what food we can and can't eat, etc).
The education system is in ruins.
Just wait until the military knocks down your door. Martial law is just around the corner and in some ways, already exists (FEMA camps).
If you really want to know the reason why America appears to be a failed Country and who is mainly responsible for that happening, please take a look at this for the answer.

Is America a failed State? ? Amanpour - Blogs
America is a failing country because the people who constitute America are changing across the decades.

We used to look at Canada is Soviet Canuckistan but now Canada is freer than the US.

If we change the people who constitute a society, then the society changes. We're becoming more Hispanicized and taking on more Third World characteristics because we're importing more Hispanics and Third World citizens,.

If we imported more Swedes and Danes then we'd be moving towards a more Nordic society. If we imported more Japanese then our society would be changing towards a more Japanese sensibility.
If you really want to know the reason why America appears to be a failed Country and who is mainly responsible for that happening, please take a look at this for the answer.

If you really want to know the reason why America appears to be a failed country and who is mainly responsible for that happening, please take a long hard look in the mirror.
America is a failing country because the people who constitute America are changing across the decades.

We used to look at Canada is Soviet Canuckistan but now Canada is freer than the US.

If we change the people who constitute a society, then the society changes. We're becoming more Hispanicized and taking on more Third World characteristics because we're importing more Hispanics and Third World citizens,.

If we imported more Swedes and Danes then we'd be moving towards a more Nordic society. If we imported more Japanese then our society would be changing towards a more Japanese sensibility.

Yep, don't want none of those brown people here. Obviously, that's the reason......

I don't watch CNN. Its a news channel that feeds the people bullshit, and I'm not racist and I accept people of all nationalities. We all bleed red.
Yep, don't want none of those brown people here. Obviously, that's the reason......

You don't think that the people who inhabit a society define the society?

Pretend we could do this - we magically replace every person in the US with a person from El Salvador (assume that we can do a 1:1 switch).

Is American society the same after the switch as it was before the switch?

Now let's ratchet down from the magic back to reality - do people change as they cross borders? Have you traveled internationally? When you landed in Rome for a visit did you suddenly become Italian? When you arrived in Munich did you suddenly become German in your behavior and attitudes?

As we see all around us, American society is changing from what it was in the 50s and 60s in ways that are not driven by internal revolution but by the influence of foreign cultures.

A society is defined by the people who live in the society. Is that really rocket science to you?
Doom and gloom. I don't subscribe. The US has been worse off and still came out alright...
I would like you guys to re-read my original post. It's talking mainly about how the government has failed the people, not society as a whole.
So, I was listening to this early morning talk show on the local rock station I listen to. The host was claiming that the United States is the greatest country on the planet. I am an American, but I disagree with that statement. When I heard this host say that, I actually got angry.

Here are a few reasons why I believe the U.S.A. is NOT the greatest country or even comes close:

The military is overpowering and very messed up (look up videos).
The leadership is lacking. All the presidents seem to make matters worse (economically speaking).
Americans are wasteful and rely too much on processed foods.
The American government has a way of making enemies globally.

The government wants to control every aspect of human life within its borders (what food we can and can't eat, etc).
The education system is in ruins.
Just wait until the military knocks down your door. Martial law is just around the corner and in some ways, already exists (FEMA camps).

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If you really want to know the reason why America appears to be a failed Country and who is mainly responsible for that happening, please take a look at this for the answer.

If you really want to know the reason why America appears to be a failed country and who is mainly responsible for that happening, please take a long hard look in the mirror.
Oh, that I could have that kind of power to move a country! But if I did, unlike the Conservatives in Congress I would actively work hard to better this country where things would get done and Congress could really Earn their money unlike today when they sit and do nothing and would rather play politics instead of get their work done as the American public is noticing. Yes, if only I had that kind of power!
I would like you guys to re-read my original post. It's talking mainly about how the government has failed the people, not society as a whole.

Fair enough, but how in your mind do you divorce the character of government from the character of society. Latin American countries are very corrupt. As we become more Hispanicized the corruption we see in government is increasing. The rich in Latin America tend to really isolate themselves from the teeming masses. We're seeing the very same trend developing here in the US.

The government failed the people. OK. Let's focus on that. Government works best when those leading government feel a connection to the people they govern. Look at this current immigration crisis. Our government leaders, our business leaders, all seem to sympathize with the interests of immigrants and infiltrators. The interests of the people, the howling people, are scaring Congressional Republicans into blocking immigration reform. If they weren't scared of being voted out of office they'd most certainly go along with the corrupted leaders who want to add more people into the US in order to drive down wages and increase corporate profits.

So why are our leaders interests not aligned with the interests of the people they lead? Because the people they lead have been hopelessly fractured. This is the fruit of multiculturalism. We actually have American-born Hispanics who care more about Hispanic infiltrators than they do about American citizens who are not Hispanic.

When the people are corrupted and fractured, then it's only natural that the leadership is too.
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America IS failing. 35 years ago, we identified with each other, more or less. NOW? forget it. Especially the young kids, they are semi nomadic, with no sense of roots or place. They identify with those other rootless nomads, the (illegal) immigrants. They think they transcend humdrum provincial concerns. And ever so condescending. But I sense their ennui in their meandering souls. Being rootless and without convictions has a price. Cynicism.
So, I was listening to this early morning talk show on the local rock station I listen to. The host was claiming that the United States is the greatest country on the planet. I am an American, but I disagree with that statement. When I heard this host say that, I actually got angry.

Here are a few reasons why I believe the U.S.A. is NOT the greatest country or even comes close:

The military is overpowering and very messed up (look up videos).
The leadership is lacking. All the presidents seem to make matters worse (economically speaking).
Americans are wasteful and rely too much on processed foods.
The American government has a way of making enemies globally.

The government wants to control every aspect of human life within its borders (what food we can and can't eat, etc).
The education system is in ruins.
Just wait until the military knocks down your door. Martial law is just around the corner and in some ways, already exists (FEMA camps).


America is in fact the greatest Nation in the world, and the best America is yet to come.

More Americans enjoy greater freedom today than at any time in this Nation's history; Americans' civil liberties are more secure today than at anytime in this Nation's history; and gay, lesbian, and transgender Americans are soon to realize their comprehensive civil rights.

American society is becoming more diverse, inclusive, and accepting of expressions of individual liberty and rejects the fear and ignorance of the reactionary right hostile to change and the civil liberties of others.

Your post is ignorant, inane, and ridiculous, devoid of any facts or evidence – typical of the fear-mongering gloom and doom tripe propagated by most on the right.
boy I hate to say I agree
but watching things go as they have over 60 years..I'm afraid it is right on
Hispanics don't make this country bad. In my eyes, it was white man who came here and uprooted the Natives. So, if we want to play the race card it was white man who started all this bull crap.
More Americans enjoy greater freedom today than at any time in this Nation's history; Americans' civil liberties are more secure today than at anytime in this Nation's history; and gay, lesbian, and transgender Americans are soon to realize their comprehensive civil rights.

What kind of delusion are you suffering? Universities are free speech dead zones. Males at universities are being strung up by kangaroo rape courts. All sorts of "hate" speech laws are sprouting. The climate of self-censorship is burgeoning. Tech CEOs are being run out of their jobs for their private beliefs. Small business owners are having their free association rights gutted like a fish.

We're living in a more and more oppressive society as liberals dig deeper into the skin of society, like tics.

When my daughter has to share a shower with a boy who says he's a girl, my daughter is having her civil rights attacked and feels less safe.

When I'm forced to hire a transsexual to work in my business then my rights of free association are being trampled.

This is outright oppression, not freedom. Things are getting worse.

What you're doing is mistaking "Forced tolerance under punishment of law" as "greater freedom." Freedom means that I can tell you and everyone else to FO and not have to face legal consequences for doing so. In your formulation, shutting me up and preventing me from saying FO creates a more free and tolerant society.

Well, FO, and I'm glad that I still have the freedom to tell you to shove your oppression where the sun doesn't shine.
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