America Threatens Sanctions Against Palestinian Authority

José;8977800 said:
Jose you feeble minded hater, only 50%-60% of Israeli Jews are from Europe.
Think before you post such Jibberish.

And the presence in Israel of millions of jews from the Middle East is a second disgrace caused by the partition of Palestine, toastman.

The creation of the state of Israel gave birth to two rather than one refugee wave.

Sephardic jews are what I call "the forgotten victims of the jewish racial dictatorship".

So far from being a justification for the creation and continued existance of the state of Israel, arab jews are an additional reminder that Israel's creation was indeed the worst mistake, the worst blunder commited in international politics in the last century.

The worst mistake was in not hitting the arab league head on when they threatened to invade Israel. Then dispersing the arab muslims from Palestine to the other nations formed from the Ottoman empire. Making any arab muslim nation that held thoughts of invasion aware that any such attempt would see very aggressive action from the other UN nations.

Jordan showed the way one September when they massacred 50,000 Palestinians as an object lesson, one they learnt very quickly.
Growing Number Of Latin Americans Turning to Judaism | Fox News Latino

Here is another article about Latinos converting to Judaism.
LOL I had Muslim friend / business associate who used to joke with me and say:

"I don't know what that thing is you guys put on your walls (referring to the Mezuzah in my office entrance), but whatever it is I think it's the reason you guys are all successful and make a lot of money, so I'm going to get myself one and glue it to the doorway. Do you where I can buy one of those things?!"

I still crack up when I think about it.

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and Deuteronomy 11:13-21

The prayer is rolled up and put inside. You kiss your fingers and touch the mezuzah every time you pass through the door. It is a protection, not a good luck charm
You mount it slightly tilted.

At about shoulder height and just inside the threshold
Let the US sanction Palestine, there is not much more damage that the U.S. and Israel can do to those people. But what goes around comes around.

It certainly has been nice, though, for the people of the U.S., who pay the largest UN dues, feeding these people for all the years. My goodness, a Relief Organization just for the Palestinians when Africans are dropping dead in the roads from starvation.

Before Israel we had one self sufficient country.

Now we have two countries on welfare.

Good plan.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Not really as it was the Jews and Christians that produced the wealth while the muslims stole what they could. The partition has proven this when Israel is thriving and developing and Palestine is sinking further and further into debt.
It certainly has been nice, though, for the people of the U.S., who pay the largest UN dues, feeding these people for all the years. My goodness, a Relief Organization just for the Palestinians when Africans are dropping dead in the roads from starvation.

Some people do forget how much money, equipment, time and effort the US has put into helping the palestinians. Instead of cheering terrorists that attack the US or defaming and bad mouthing the US or recruiting radicals to fight, both abroad and within the US, it would be nice to see a smile, get a hand shake or hear a thank you on occasion. If someone offers you food, you don't chew off their arms and walk all over them.
Peace should be the goal from all sides. Negotiations unfortunately have been used to regroup and replenish supplies for the next round of attacks on Israel.
The idea a negotiated peace was doomed to fall apart without hamas on board. There should have been a focus on creating a unity government that could negotiate a peace deal with Israel.

The Palestinians did not need all that help before Israel stole, bombed, and bulldozed their economic infrastructure.

The cost of Israel goes beyond the billions Israel gets in welfare.

It was the arab league that destroyed most of the infrastructure when they invaded, and the Palestinians could have started to build up their country back in 1949. But the Egyptians and Jordanians shut then all away in prison camps and did nothing. The only time Israel bombed them was when they repeatedly attacked Israeli citizens.
José;8977800 said:
And the presence in Israel of millions of jews from the Middle East is a second disgrace caused by the partition of Palestine, toastman.

The creation of the state of Israel gave birth to two rather than one refugee wave.

Sephardic jews are what I call "the forgotten victims of the jewish racial dictatorship".

So far from being a justification for the creation and continued existance of the state of Israel, arab jews are an additional reminder that Israel's creation was indeed the worst mistake, the worst blunder commited in international politics in the last century.

It wasn't Israels creation that made those 700 000 refugees.
It was the fact that 5 Arab armies made the mistake of attacking Israel when she was barely one day old, thinking she would fall in a few weeks that made those refugees Jose.


Israeli bullshit.

Nope historic fact backed up by the words of arab muslims
Let the US sanction Palestine, there is not much more damage that the U.S. and Israel can do to those people. But what goes around comes around.

Yes and it could result in you losing your adopted citizenship and being deported back to the third world cess pit you crawled out of. The party of choice for the upcoming UK elections is the UKIP and they have a total ban on immigration by unemployed migrants as one of their policies

Oh shut up.
Growing Number Of Latin Americans Turning to Judaism | Fox News Latino

Here is another article about Latinos converting to Judaism.
LOL I had Muslim friend / business associate who used to joke with me and say:

"I don't know what that thing is you guys put on your walls (referring to the Mezuzah in my office entrance), but whatever it is I think it's the reason you guys are all successful and make a lot of money, so I'm going to get myself one and glue it to the doorway. Do you where I can buy one of those things?!"

I still crack up when I think about it.
Mezuzot | U-Boutique shops
Let the US sanction Palestine, there is not much more damage that the U.S. and Israel can do to those people. But what goes around comes around.
Awwww sniff sniff sniff. What happened? Pali's won't get to steal more money? So sad.
Let the US sanction Palestine, there is not much more damage that the U.S. and Israel can do to those people. But what goes around comes around.

Yes and it could result in you losing your adopted citizenship and being deported back to the third world cess pit you crawled out of. The party of choice for the upcoming UK elections is the UKIP and they have a total ban on immigration by unemployed migrants as one of their policies

Oh shut up.

No I wont shut up telling the truth to ISLAMONAZI SCUM like yourself
It certainly has been nice, though, for the people of the U.S., who pay the largest UN dues, feeding these people for all the years. My goodness, a Relief Organization just for the Palestinians when Africans are dropping dead in the roads from starvation.

Some people do forget how much money, equipment, time and effort the US has put into helping the palestinians. Instead of cheering terrorists that attack the US or defaming and bad mouthing the US or recruiting radicals to fight, both abroad and within the US, it would be nice to see a smile, get a hand shake or hear a thank you on occasion. If someone offers you food, you don't chew off their arms and walk all over them.
Peace should be the goal from all sides. Negotiations unfortunately have been used to regroup and replenish supplies for the next round of attacks on Israel.
The idea a negotiated peace was doomed to fall apart without hamas on board. There should have been a focus on creating a unity government that could negotiate a peace deal with Israel.

The Palestinians did not need all that help before Israel stole, bombed, and bulldozed their economic infrastructure.

The cost of Israel goes beyond the billions Israel gets in welfare.
I don't think this bullshit line has been working for the last four decades.
Yes and it could result in you losing your adopted citizenship and being deported back to the third world cess pit you crawled out of. The party of choice for the upcoming UK elections is the UKIP and they have a total ban on immigration by unemployed migrants as one of their policies

Oh shut up.

No I wont shut up telling the truth to ISLAMONAZI SCUM like yourself

Right on, Phoenall! We choose to confront injustice, rather than be silent. If Monte really cared at all for those poor Palestinians - s/he'd be organizing demonstrations to protest the genocide against the 18 thousand Palestinians locked inside Yarmouk camp.......... but like so many fake 'humanitarians', Monte only cares when there are 'Jews' to be demonized!
Oh shut up.

No I wont shut up telling the truth to ISLAMONAZI SCUM like yourself

Right on, Phoenall! We choose to confront injustice, rather than be silent. If Monte really cared at all for those poor Palestinians - s/he'd be organizing demonstrations to protest the genocide against the 18 thousand Palestinians locked inside Yarmouk camp.......... but like so many fake 'humanitarians', Monte only cares when there are 'Jews' to be demonized!

Like most of you, but over the top, Phony is demented and should probably be institutionalized. His bloodthirstiness, as expressed in his maniacal writings is troubling. I am happy he lives in the UK and not here in the U.S.
No I wont shut up telling the truth to ISLAMONAZI SCUM like yourself

Right on, Phoenall! We choose to confront injustice, rather than be silent. If Monte really cared at all for those poor Palestinians - s/he'd be organizing demonstrations to protest the genocide against the 18 thousand Palestinians locked inside Yarmouk camp.......... but like so many fake 'humanitarians', Monte only cares when there are 'Jews' to be demonized!

Like most of you, but over the top, Phony is demented and should probably be institutionalized. His bloodthirstiness, as expressed in his maniacal writings is troubling. I am happy he lives in the UK and not here in the U.S.
Whereas you Pali lovers are such peaceful, reasonable, truthful people? Ha ha ha :lmao:
No I wont shut up telling the truth to ISLAMONAZI SCUM like yourself

Right on, Phoenall! We choose to confront injustice, rather than be silent. If Monte really cared at all for those poor Palestinians - s/he'd be organizing demonstrations to protest the genocide against the 18 thousand Palestinians locked inside Yarmouk camp.......... but like so many fake 'humanitarians', Monte only cares when there are 'Jews' to be demonized!

Like most of you, but over the top, Phony is demented and should probably be institutionalized. His bloodthirstiness, as expressed in his maniacal writings is troubling. I am happy he lives in the UK and not here in the U.S.
That doesn't answer the issue, which is:

What are you doing for the people you profess to champion?
What have you done for them in the past?
Lip service doesn't count.

While claiming to be in favor of negotiating a peace deal with Israel, the Palestinian Authority leadership is seeking to unite with terror group Hamas.

Terrorist Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh calls for Palestinian unity. (Photo: IDF blog)
Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party, following the breakdown of the U.S.-brokered peace negotiations between the PA and Israel, expects to form a unity government with the Hamas terror organization within five weeks.

The announcement was made on Tuesday and further talks are continuing on Wednesday.

Meeting at his Jerusalem office Wednesday morning with Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commented:

PA Seeks Unity with Terror Group Hamas | United with Israel
Let the US sanction Palestine, there is not much more damage that the U.S. and Israel can do to those people. But what goes around comes around.

It certainly has been nice, though, for the people of the U.S., who pay the largest UN dues, feeding these people for all the years. My goodness, a Relief Organization just for the Palestinians when Africans are dropping dead in the roads from starvation.

Before Israel we had one self sufficient country.

Now we have two countries on welfare.

Good plan.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Receiving grants that are specifically used for military/defence purposes is not welfare. Specially when Israel's GDP is $286 Billion .
Right on, Phoenall! We choose to confront injustice, rather than be silent. If Monte really cared at all for those poor Palestinians - s/he'd be organizing demonstrations to protest the genocide against the 18 thousand Palestinians locked inside Yarmouk camp.......... but like so many fake 'humanitarians', Monte only cares when there are 'Jews' to be demonized!

Like most of you, but over the top, Phony is demented and should probably be institutionalized. His bloodthirstiness, as expressed in his maniacal writings is troubling. I am happy he lives in the UK and not here in the U.S.
That doesn't answer the issue, which is:

What are you doing for the people you profess to champion?
What have you done for them in the past?
Lip service doesn't count.
For all the work he does for the terrorist cause, I think Hamas is short changing this guy by not honoring him with his own personalized suicide vest.

While claiming to be in favor of negotiating a peace deal with Israel, the Palestinian Authority leadership is seeking to unite with terror group Hamas.

Terrorist Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh calls for Palestinian unity. (Photo: IDF blog)
Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party, following the breakdown of the U.S.-brokered peace negotiations between the PA and Israel, expects to form a unity government with the Hamas terror organization within five weeks.

The announcement was made on Tuesday and further talks are continuing on Wednesday.

Meeting at his Jerusalem office Wednesday morning with Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commented:

PA Seeks Unity with Terror Group Hamas | United with Israel
This should make Tinmore happy. Now the Palestinians can speak with one unified terroristic voice. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Right on, Phoenall! We choose to confront injustice, rather than be silent. If Monte really cared at all for those poor Palestinians - s/he'd be organizing demonstrations to protest the genocide against the 18 thousand Palestinians locked inside Yarmouk camp.......... but like so many fake 'humanitarians', Monte only cares when there are 'Jews' to be demonized!

Like most of you, but over the top, Phony is demented and should probably be institutionalized. His bloodthirstiness, as expressed in his maniacal writings is troubling. I am happy he lives in the UK and not here in the U.S.
That doesn't answer the issue, which is:

What are you doing for the people you profess to champion?
What have you done for them in the past?
Lip service doesn't count.

If you must know, I contribute to CARITAS (has a hospital in the West Bank among other things), participate on international forums (Yes, the plight of Palestinians in Syria is discussed) , participate on this, very unusual, American forum (but it might be a lost cause, given the brainwashing most of the participants have undergone) and generally try to counter the disinformation and propaganda promulgated by the heavily funded Israeli disinformation machine.
José;8977800 said:
And the presence in Israel of millions of jews from the Middle East is a second disgrace caused by the partition of Palestine, toastman.

The creation of the state of Israel gave birth to two rather than one refugee wave.

Sephardic jews are what I call "the forgotten victims of the jewish racial dictatorship".

So far from being a justification for the creation and continued existance of the state of Israel, arab jews are an additional reminder that Israel's creation was indeed the worst mistake, the worst blunder commited in international politics in the last century.

It wasn't Israels creation that made those 700 000 refugees.
It was the fact that 5 Arab armies made the mistake of attacking Israel when she was barely one day old, thinking she would fall in a few weeks that made those refugees Jose.


Israeli bullshit.

Oh shutup Tinmore.
You know everything I said was 100% true.

It's simple. Had those 5 Arab states NOT tried to destroy Israel, there would not have been any military advancements by the IDF which resulted in many of the refugees.

Palestinian propagandists like yourself will never admit that.

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