America Threatens Sanctions Against Palestinian Authority

Jose you feeble minded hater, only 50%-60% of Israeli Jews are from Europe.
Think before you post such Jibberish.
Actually Sephardic / Mizrahi Jews have been the majority for over two decades now.
José;8977800 said:
Jose you feeble minded hater, only 50%-60% of Israeli Jews are from Europe.
Think before you post such Jibberish.

And the presence in Israel of millions of jews from the Middle East is a second disgrace caused by the partition of Palestine, toastman.

The creation of the state of Israel gave birth to two rather than one refugee wave.

Sephardic jews are what I call "the forgotten victims of the jewish racial dictatorship".

So far from being a justification for the creation and continued existance of the state of Israel, arab jews are an additional reminder that Israel's creation was indeed the worst mistake, the worst blunder commited in international politics in the last century.

It wasn't Israels creation that made those 700 000 refugees.
It was the fact that 5 Arab armies made the mistake of attacking Israel when she was barely one day old, thinking she would fall in a few weeks that made those refugees Jose.
José;8976823 said:
Originally posted by aris2chat
Instead of cheering terrorists that attack the US or defaming and bad mouthing the US or recruiting radicals to fight, both abroad and within the US, it would be nice to see a smile, get a hand shake or hear a thank you on occasion.

Thank you, America, for supporting all those Russians and Ukrainians who invaded and split our homeland in half without our consent!!

Thank you for providing political support and weapons to those Russians so they could herd us into our ethnic enclaves and murder us when we try to escape for the last 65 years!!

Thank you for all the sieges, blockades and invasions perpetrated by those Ukrainians with your blessings!!

Thank you for arming those Poles and Russians to the teeth with M-16s, F-16s, and all sort of military hardware so they can riddle our bodies with bullets and blow us up when we try to escape the arab bantustans set up for us!!

Thank you for all Apache hellicopters and Hellfire missiles that gives us instantaneous death without any suffering...

We have an eternal debt of gratitude to you, America, a debt we will never be able to pay!!

You really are the Mother Teresa among the nations!!

The sight of so much american charity and compassion is so overwhelming that we the palestinian people will faint together now both in Gaza and the West Bank:


Based on the above gibberish, I truly think that Jose Feliciano is addicted to Saudi Arabian camel dung hashish.

The entire post is just one non stop hate America hate Israel feeding frenzy.
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José;8977800 said:
Jose you feeble minded hater, only 50%-60% of Israeli Jews are from Europe.
Think before you post such Jibberish.

And the presence in Israel of millions of jews from the Middle East is a second disgrace caused by the partition of Palestine, toastman.

The creation of the state of Israel gave birth to two rather than one refugee wave.

Sephardic jews are what I call "the forgotten victims of the jewish racial dictatorship".

So far from being a justification for the creation and continued existance of the state of Israel, arab jews are an additional reminder that Israel's creation was indeed the worst mistake, the worst blunder commited in international politics in the last century.

Sephardic Jews are victims of the Arab states that kicked them out.

Jose, I'm not going to bother debating with you if you continue to lie and distort history.
José;8977800 said:
Jose you feeble minded hater, only 50%-60% of Israeli Jews are from Europe.
Think before you post such Jibberish.

And the presence in Israel of millions of jews from the Middle East is a second disgrace caused by the partition of Palestine, toastman.

The creation of the state of Israel gave birth to two rather than one refugee wave.

Sephardic jews are what I call "the forgotten victims of the jewish racial dictatorship".

So far from being a justification for the creation and continued existance of the state of Israel, arab jews are an additional reminder that Israel's creation was indeed the worst mistake, the worst blunder commited in international politics in the last century.

Sephardic Jews are victims of the Arab states that kicked them out.

Jose, I'm not going to bother debating with you if you continue to lie and distort history.

Toastman, I think the Sephardic Jews are the ones who were in Spain and left during the Inquisition to places like Greece and the New World. In fact, Jose being Hispanic himself can take up a study of those Hispanics in the Southwest who are just now learning, via DNA tests, that they have Jewish roots in Spain (and many of them are converting to Judaism). If Jose meets up with someone with the name of Gutierez, the ierez in the name means Israel). The Jews of the Arab world are called Mizrahis, and here is the story of one of them about life in the Middle East.

Who is an Arab Jew? by Albert Memmi
José;8977800 said:
And the presence in Israel of millions of jews from the Middle East is a second disgrace caused by the partition of Palestine, toastman.

The creation of the state of Israel gave birth to two rather than one refugee wave.

Sephardic jews are what I call "the forgotten victims of the jewish racial dictatorship".

So far from being a justification for the creation and continued existance of the state of Israel, arab jews are an additional reminder that Israel's creation was indeed the worst mistake, the worst blunder commited in international politics in the last century.

Sephardic Jews are victims of the Arab states that kicked them out.

Jose, I'm not going to bother debating with you if you continue to lie and distort history.

Toastman, I think the Sephardic Jews are the ones who were in Spain and left during the Inquisition to places like Greece and the New World. In fact, Jose being Hispanic himself can take up a study of those Hispanics in the Southwest who are just now learning, via DNA tests, that they have Jewish roots in Spain (and many of them are converting to Judaism). If Jose meets up with someone with the name of Gutierez, the ierez in the name means Israel). The Jews of the Arab world are called Mizrahis, and here is the story of one of them about life in the Middle East.

Who is an Arab Jew? by Albert Memmi

Spanish/Middle Eastern
Jose you feeble minded hater, only 50%-60% of Israeli Jews are from Europe.
Think before you post such Jibberish.

Toasty, you're mistaken: it's not even 50%! Over half of Israeli Jews are Mizrachi or Sephardi - and then there's a few hundred thousand from Ethiopia, elsewhere in Africa, and Asia .....

I don't recall the breakdown on 'American' Jews who've made aliyah - but a number of them hailed previously from Iraq and Iran. So it shouldn't be assumed that all 'American' olim are Ashkenazi either.
We Jews haven't been a 'race' since Sinai, when some of the *other* slaves coming out of Egypt decided to join the confederation of tribes.

In the US, a growing percentage of proselytes to Judaism are African-Americans.
José;8977800 said:
And the presence in Israel of millions of jews from the Middle East is a second disgrace caused by the partition of Palestine, toastman.

The creation of the state of Israel gave birth to two rather than one refugee wave.

Sephardic jews are what I call "the forgotten victims of the jewish racial dictatorship".

So far from being a justification for the creation and continued existance of the state of Israel, arab jews are an additional reminder that Israel's creation was indeed the worst mistake, the worst blunder commited in international politics in the last century.

Sephardic Jews are victims of the Arab states that kicked them out.

Jose, I'm not going to bother debating with you if you continue to lie and distort history.

Toastman, I think the Sephardic Jews are the ones who were in Spain and left during the Inquisition to places like Greece and the New World. In fact, Jose being Hispanic himself can take up a study of those Hispanics in the Southwest who are just now learning, via DNA tests, that they have Jewish roots in Spain (and many of them are converting to Judaism). If Jose meets up with someone with the name of Gutierez, the ierez in the name means Israel). The Jews of the Arab world are called Mizrahis, and here is the story of one of them about life in the Middle East.

Who is an Arab Jew? by Albert Memmi
Technically you are correct, but nowadays Sephardics and Mizrahis are now considered the same. We basically have two kinds now, Sephardics and Ashkenaizis. Any Jew who is a descendant of a European Jew, is in general considered an Ashkenazi.
Growing Number Of Latin Americans Turning to Judaism | Fox News Latino

Here is another article about Latinos converting to Judaism.
LOL I had Muslim friend / business associate who used to joke with me and say:

"I don't know what that thing is you guys put on your walls (referring to the Mezuzah in my office entrance), but whatever it is I think it's the reason you guys are all successful and make a lot of money, so I'm going to get myself one and glue it to the doorway. Do you where I can buy one of those things?!"

I still crack up when I think about it.
Growing Number Of Latin Americans Turning to Judaism | Fox News Latino

Here is another article about Latinos converting to Judaism.
LOL I had Muslim friend / business associate who used to joke with me and say:

"I don't know what that thing is you guys put on your walls (referring to the Mezuzah in my office entrance), but whatever it is I think it's the reason you guys are all successful and make a lot of money, so I'm going to get myself one and glue it to the doorway. Do you where I can buy one of those things?!"

I still crack up when I think about it.

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and Deuteronomy 11:13-21

The prayer is rolled up and put inside. You kiss your fingers and touch the mezuzah every time you pass through the door. It is a protection, not a good luck charm
You mount it slightly tilted.
Let the US sanction Palestine, there is not much more damage that the U.S. and Israel can do to those people. But what goes around comes around.

It certainly has been nice, though, for the people of the U.S., who pay the largest UN dues, feeding these people for all the years. My goodness, a Relief Organization just for the Palestinians when Africans are dropping dead in the roads from starvation.

Before Israel we had one self sufficient country.

Now we have two countries on welfare.

Good plan.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Let the US sanction Palestine, there is not much more damage that the U.S. and Israel can do to those people. But what goes around comes around.

It certainly has been nice, though, for the people of the U.S., who pay the largest UN dues, feeding these people for all the years. My goodness, a Relief Organization just for the Palestinians when Africans are dropping dead in the roads from starvation.

Some people do forget how much money, equipment, time and effort the US has put into helping the palestinians. Instead of cheering terrorists that attack the US or defaming and bad mouthing the US or recruiting radicals to fight, both abroad and within the US, it would be nice to see a smile, get a hand shake or hear a thank you on occasion. If someone offers you food, you don't chew off their arms and walk all over them.
Peace should be the goal from all sides. Negotiations unfortunately have been used to regroup and replenish supplies for the next round of attacks on Israel.
The idea a negotiated peace was doomed to fall apart without hamas on board. There should have been a focus on creating a unity government that could negotiate a peace deal with Israel.

The Palestinians did not need all that help before Israel stole, bombed, and bulldozed their economic infrastructure.

The cost of Israel goes beyond the billions Israel gets in welfare.
José;8977800 said:
Jose you feeble minded hater, only 50%-60% of Israeli Jews are from Europe.
Think before you post such Jibberish.

And the presence in Israel of millions of jews from the Middle East is a second disgrace caused by the partition of Palestine, toastman.

The creation of the state of Israel gave birth to two rather than one refugee wave.

Sephardic jews are what I call "the forgotten victims of the jewish racial dictatorship".

So far from being a justification for the creation and continued existance of the state of Israel, arab jews are an additional reminder that Israel's creation was indeed the worst mistake, the worst blunder commited in international politics in the last century.

It wasn't Israels creation that made those 700 000 refugees.
It was the fact that 5 Arab armies made the mistake of attacking Israel when she was barely one day old, thinking she would fall in a few weeks that made those refugees Jose.


Israeli bullshit.
Let the US sanction Palestine, there is not much more damage that the U.S. and Israel can do to those people. But what goes around comes around.

It certainly has been nice, though, for the people of the U.S., who pay the largest UN dues, feeding these people for all the years. My goodness, a Relief Organization just for the Palestinians when Africans are dropping dead in the roads from starvation.

Before Israel we had one self sufficient country.

Now we have two countries on welfare.

Good plan.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

The holy land was never self sufficient during the four centuries of the Ottomans. There was not enough from the taxes collected to come close. It was a welfare long before the mandate or Israel.
Israel is not the reason for the US debt. US had a surplus during Clinton. The debt was from 9/11, two major hurricanes and the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, higher security and technology at airports and buildings, auto and banking bail outs, etc.

You really cannot help yourself, laying the blame for anything and everything at the Israeli door.
What if the illegal Abbas government falls and the elected government takes over?

Israel would have to do a Cast Lead type attack on the West Bank to keep that from happening.

Neither party can govern by themselves due to the way the P.A. is set up. So hamas would not be able to take over without the fatah representatives in place.
Let the US sanction Palestine, there is not much more damage that the U.S. and Israel can do to those people. But what goes around comes around.

Yes and it could result in you losing your adopted citizenship and being deported back to the third world cess pit you crawled out of. The party of choice for the upcoming UK elections is the UKIP and they have a total ban on immigration by unemployed migrants as one of their policies
Jose you feeble minded hater, only 50%-60% of Israeli Jews are from Europe.
Think before you post such Jibberish.

No matter, nearly 100% were not from Palestine. The Christians and Muslims were from Palestine.

Wrong again as the muslims came from all over the M.E and are despised by the other arab muslims as mongrels and wasters. They are the dross of arab society that were driven out by their own over the last 150 years.

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