America Threatens Sanctions Against Palestinian Authority

I only post information that can be verified by absolutely neutral or Israeli-leaning media. You, on the other hand, post links to CAMERA FFS. The difference in this forum from others I participate in is that on most forums there are hardly, if any, Israelis or Palestinians posting, the posters are mostly English-Speaking neutrals whether they lean towards Israel or Palestine. This section of this forum consists of virtual Israelis, the Americans posting here would choose Israel over the U.S. given the choice, and those supporting the Palestinians are just normal neutral observers. While the Israeli supporters revel in the killing of Muslims (and Christians) and support further oppression of the non-Jews, those supporting Palestinians are seeking a just solution that will eliminate the oppression (and killing) of the non-Jews without the harming the civil and social rights of the Jews. That's the difference.

Is that why it takes me 30 seconds to prove your links are from pro muslim sources

Not one of my links were from a pro-Muslim site. You believe that unless the link is to an Israeli or Zionist site it is pro-Muslim.

Read what I wrote not what you want to see written. The site could be Jewish for all I care, but if the source is pro muslim then I will highlight it. Like your Wikipedia links that trace back to Palestinian activists in gaza
Is that why it takes me 30 seconds to prove your links are from pro muslim sources

Not one of my links were from a pro-Muslim site. You believe that unless the link is to an Israeli or Zionist site it is pro-Muslim.

Read what I wrote not what you want to see written. The site could be Jewish for all I care, but if the source is pro muslim then I will highlight it. Like your Wikipedia links that trace back to Palestinian activists in gaza

I hardly ever (if ever) link to Wiki, you are demented. As I said.
You are actually correct, for once. Treason is only treason during war. I always admit my errors, unlike you folks. However, my point that the U.S. should be a patriot's fatherland/motherland and should not be equal in terms of loyalty to another country, stands. By the way, send me your email and I'll send you a copy of my DD-214.

"Acts of dis-loyalty during peacetime are not considered treasonous under the Constitution."

treason legal definition of treason. treason synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.
I am familiar with the meaning of treason as all military personnel receive at least an orientation of the subject. But as for the term of 'sedition', there's a little of that going on here amongst the Arabists. I was involved in a GCM for a soldier convicted of sedition and he was in Leavenworth for 30 years. Uncle Sugar frowns on soldiers with a vendetta. I don't need your 214 but I can get access to it if I should need it. :D.

Were you aware that under the Constitution disloyalty in peacetime is not considered treason, I suspect this only applies to civilians. I went through the same training and did not know this. I believe that if there is sedition, it is the behaviour of the Zionutters which has a "tendency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist its enemies".

It is sedition and traitorous behaviour that carries the same penalty as Treason. And seeing as the USA is at war with Islamic terrorism your words in defence of such terrorism are treason.
Not one of my links were from a pro-Muslim site. You believe that unless the link is to an Israeli or Zionist site it is pro-Muslim.

Read what I wrote not what you want to see written. The site could be Jewish for all I care, but if the source is pro muslim then I will highlight it. Like your Wikipedia links that trace back to Palestinian activists in gaza

I hardly ever (if ever) link to Wiki, you are demented. As I said.

Only because I destroy the validity of your links by showing the source to be Palestinian activists.
Read what I wrote not what you want to see written. The site could be Jewish for all I care, but if the source is pro muslim then I will highlight it. Like your Wikipedia links that trace back to Palestinian activists in gaza

I hardly ever (if ever) link to Wiki, you are demented. As I said.

Only because I destroy the validity of your links by showing the source to be Palestinian activists.

You never destroy the validity of my links. You claim the U.S. State Department are Palestinian activists. You are a liar and are demented.
I only post information that can be verified by absolutely neutral or Israeli-leaning media. You, on the other hand, post links to CAMERA FFS. The difference in this forum from others I participate in is that on most forums there are hardly, if any, Israelis or Palestinians posting, the posters are mostly English-Speaking neutrals whether they lean towards Israel or Palestine. This section of this forum consists of virtual Israelis, the Americans posting here would choose Israel over the U.S. given the choice, and those supporting the Palestinians are just normal neutral observers. While the Israeli supporters revel in the killing of Muslims (and Christians) and support further oppression of the non-Jews, those supporting Palestinians are seeking a just solution that will eliminate the oppression (and killing) of the non-Jews without the harming the civil and social rights of the Jews. That's the difference.
Since Arabs want to wipe Israel off the map, those supporting the Palestinians are just as blood thirsty for infidel blood as Muslims are.

Who are these Arabs that want to wipe Israel off the map. Can you name him/her?
Check the Hamas Charter, for starters that is.
Since Arabs want to wipe Israel off the map, those supporting the Palestinians are just as blood thirsty for infidel blood as Muslims are.

Who are these Arabs that want to wipe Israel off the map. Can you name him/her?
Check the Hamas Charter, for starters that is.

Political movements/parties have charters, HAMAS is a political movement/party take a look at the YISRAEL BEITEINU and SHAS charters. They want to wipe Palestinians off the map. I'm talking about an Arab leader that has minimal influence.
Political movements/parties have charters, HAMAS is a political movement/party take a look at the YISRAEL BEITEINU and SHAS charters. They want to wipe Palestinians off the map. I'm talking about an Arab leader that has minimal influence.

hamas is a) a terrorist group
b) the purported government of Gaza
c) the organization which claims they have the right to enter into a peace plan

so yes... loon.... they were required to take the destruction of Israel out of their charter.

you're welcome.
Political movements/parties have charters, HAMAS is a political movement/party take a look at the YISRAEL BEITEINU and SHAS charters. They want to wipe Palestinians off the map. I'm talking about an Arab leader that has minimal influence.

hamas is a) a terrorist group
b) the purported government of Gaza
c) the organization which claims they have the right to enter into a peace plan

so yes... loon.... they were required to take the destruction of Israel out of their charter.

you're welcome.

Any group or person that is not liked by another person or group is named a terrorist by the opposite party.

The Ukraine is calling Russian speakers terrorists and Russia is calling the government in Kiev terrorists. Go figure.

So, it doesn't say anything about wiping out Israel. Can't say Hamas I care much for Hamas anyway.

But, just a hint. Personal insults are really not helpful to your cause. It makes you look like an idiot.
Political movements/parties have charters, HAMAS is a political movement/party take a look at the YISRAEL BEITEINU and SHAS charters. They want to wipe Palestinians off the map. I'm talking about an Arab leader that has minimal influence.

hamas is a) a terrorist group
b) the purported government of Gaza
c) the organization which claims they have the right to enter into a peace plan

so yes... loon.... they were required to take the destruction of Israel out of their charter.

you're welcome.

Any group or person that is not liked by another person or group is named a terrorist by the opposite party.

The Ukraine is calling Russian speakers terrorists and Russia is calling the government in Kiev terrorists. Go figure.

So, it doesn't say anything about wiping out Israel. Can't say Hamas I care much for Hamas anyway.

But, just a hint. Personal insults are really not helpful to your cause. It makes you look like an idiot.

The Koran is a terrorist handbook. Now you know.
Political movements/parties have charters, HAMAS is a political movement/party take a look at the YISRAEL BEITEINU and SHAS charters. They want to wipe Palestinians off the map. I'm talking about an Arab leader that has minimal influence.

hamas is a) a terrorist group
b) the purported government of Gaza
c) the organization which claims they have the right to enter into a peace plan

so yes... loon.... they were required to take the destruction of Israel out of their charter.

you're welcome.

Any group or person that is not liked by another person or group is named a terrorist by the opposite party.

The Ukraine is calling Russian speakers terrorists and Russia is calling the government in Kiev terrorists. Go figure.

So, it doesn't say anything about wiping out Israel. Can't say Hamas I care much for Hamas anyway.

But, just a hint. Personal insults are really not helpful to your cause. It makes you look like an idiot.

And yours don't I expect, time to wake up and smell the java
José;8976823 said:
Thank you, America, for supporting all those Russians and Ukrainians who invaded and split our homeland in half without our consent!!

Thank you for providing political support and weapons to those Russians so they could herd us into our ethnic enclaves and murder us when we try to escape for the last 65 years!!

Thank you for all the sieges, blockades and invasions perpetrated by those Ukrainians with your blessings!!

Thank you for arming those Poles and Russians to the teeth with M-16s, F-16s, and all sort of military hardware so they can riddle our bodies with bullets and blow us up when we try to escape the arab bantustans set up for us!!

Thank you for all Apache hellicopters and Hellfire missiles that gives us instantaneous death without any suffering...

We have an eternal debt of gratitude to you, America, a debt we will never be able to pay!!

You really are the Mother Teresa among the nations!!

The sight of so much american charity and compassion is so overwhelming that we the palestinian people will faint together now both in Gaza and the West Bank:


"Jose you feeble minded hater, only 50%-60% of Israeli Jews are from Europe. Think before you post such Jibberish."


i know, talk about...

"Dial-Up the Drama..."


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