America Threatens Sanctions Against Palestinian Authority

Like most of you, but over the top, Phony is demented and should probably be institutionalized. His bloodthirstiness, as expressed in his maniacal writings is troubling. I am happy he lives in the UK and not here in the U.S.
That doesn't answer the issue, which is:

What are you doing for the people you profess to champion?
What have you done for them in the past?
Lip service doesn't count.

If you must know, I contribute to CARITAS (has a hospital in the West Bank among other things), participate on international forums (Yes, the plight of Palestinians in Syria is discussed) , participate on this, very unusual, American forum (but it might be a lost cause, given the brainwashing most of the participants have undergone) and generally try to counter the disinformation and propaganda promulgated by the heavily funded Israeli disinformation machine.

You mean the propaganda spewed by the many Palestinian propagandists like yourself ??
What a joke
No I wont shut up telling the truth to ISLAMONAZI SCUM like yourself

Right on, Phoenall! We choose to confront injustice, rather than be silent. If Monte really cared at all for those poor Palestinians - s/he'd be organizing demonstrations to protest the genocide against the 18 thousand Palestinians locked inside Yarmouk camp.......... but like so many fake 'humanitarians', Monte only cares when there are 'Jews' to be demonized!

Like most of you, but over the top, Phony is demented and should probably be institutionalized. His bloodthirstiness, as expressed in his maniacal writings is troubling. I am happy he lives in the UK and not here in the U.S.

Calling for the death penalty for Islamic terrorist is not being bloodthirsty, it is doing the world a favour
Like most of you, but over the top, Phony is demented and should probably be institutionalized. His bloodthirstiness, as expressed in his maniacal writings is troubling. I am happy he lives in the UK and not here in the U.S.
That doesn't answer the issue, which is:

What are you doing for the people you profess to champion?
What have you done for them in the past?
Lip service doesn't count.

If you must know, I contribute to CARITAS (has a hospital in the West Bank among other things), participate on international forums (Yes, the plight of Palestinians in Syria is discussed) , participate on this, very unusual, American forum (but it might be a lost cause, given the brainwashing most of the participants have undergone) and generally try to counter the disinformation and propaganda promulgated by the heavily funded Israeli disinformation machine.
Well, bless your heart!

While claiming to be in favor of negotiating a peace deal with Israel, the Palestinian Authority leadership is seeking to unite with terror group Hamas.

Terrorist Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh calls for Palestinian unity. (Photo: IDF blog)
Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party, following the breakdown of the U.S.-brokered peace negotiations between the PA and Israel, expects to form a unity government with the Hamas terror organization within five weeks.

The announcement was made on Tuesday and further talks are continuing on Wednesday.

Meeting at his Jerusalem office Wednesday morning with Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commented:

PA Seeks Unity with Terror Group Hamas | United with Israel

What will they try next, a frontal attack on Israel using the gas bombs they received from syria
It certainly has been nice, though, for the people of the U.S., who pay the largest UN dues, feeding these people for all the years. My goodness, a Relief Organization just for the Palestinians when Africans are dropping dead in the roads from starvation.

Before Israel we had one self sufficient country.

Now we have two countries on welfare.

Good plan.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Receiving grants that are specifically used for military/defence purposes is not welfare. Specially when Israel's GDP is $286 Billion .

Tinny has got it wrong again as there is one self sufficient country getting loans from the USA and one wannabee nation existing on massive amounts of charity and other handouts trying to bring the first country down to their level.

Time to dismantle the UNWRAC and stop all aid to Palestine, just like the EU have done
That doesn't answer the issue, which is:

What are you doing for the people you profess to champion?
What have you done for them in the past?
Lip service doesn't count.

If you must know, I contribute to CARITAS (has a hospital in the West Bank among other things), participate on international forums (Yes, the plight of Palestinians in Syria is discussed) , participate on this, very unusual, American forum (but it might be a lost cause, given the brainwashing most of the participants have undergone) and generally try to counter the disinformation and propaganda promulgated by the heavily funded Israeli disinformation machine.

You mean the propaganda spewed by the many Palestinian propagandists like yourself ??
What a joke

I only post information that can be verified by absolutely neutral or Israeli-leaning media. You, on the other hand, post links to CAMERA FFS. The difference in this forum from others I participate in is that on most forums there are hardly, if any, Israelis or Palestinians posting, the posters are mostly English-Speaking neutrals whether they lean towards Israel or Palestine. This section of this forum consists of virtual Israelis, the Americans posting here would choose Israel over the U.S. given the choice, and those supporting the Palestinians are just normal neutral observers. While the Israeli supporters revel in the killing of Muslims (and Christians) and support further oppression of the non-Jews, those supporting Palestinians are seeking a just solution that will eliminate the oppression (and killing) of the non-Jews without the harming the civil and social rights of the Jews. That's the difference.
If you must know, I contribute to CARITAS (has a hospital in the West Bank among other things), participate on international forums (Yes, the plight of Palestinians in Syria is discussed) , participate on this, very unusual, American forum (but it might be a lost cause, given the brainwashing most of the participants have undergone) and generally try to counter the disinformation and propaganda promulgated by the heavily funded Israeli disinformation machine.

You mean the propaganda spewed by the many Palestinian propagandists like yourself ??
What a joke

I only post information that can be verified by absolutely neutral or Israeli-leaning media. You, on the other hand, post links to CAMERA FFS. The difference in this forum from others I participate in is that on most forums there are hardly, if any, Israelis or Palestinians posting, the posters are mostly English-Speaking neutrals whether they lean towards Israel or Palestine. This section of this forum consists of virtual Israelis, the Americans posting here would choose Israel over the U.S. given the choice, and those supporting the Palestinians are just normal neutral observers. While the Israeli supporters revel in the killing of Muslims (and Christians) and support further oppression of the non-Jews, those supporting Palestinians are seeking a just solution that will eliminate the oppression (and killing) of the non-Jews without the harming the civil and social rights of the Jews. That's the difference.
Since Arabs want to wipe Israel off the map, those supporting the Palestinians are just as blood thirsty for infidel blood as Muslims are.
If you must know, I contribute to CARITAS (has a hospital in the West Bank among other things), participate on international forums (Yes, the plight of Palestinians in Syria is discussed) , participate on this, very unusual, American forum (but it might be a lost cause, given the brainwashing most of the participants have undergone) and generally try to counter the disinformation and propaganda promulgated by the heavily funded Israeli disinformation machine.

You mean the propaganda spewed by the many Palestinian propagandists like yourself ??
What a joke

I only post information that can be verified by absolutely neutral or Israeli-leaning media. You, on the other hand, post links to CAMERA FFS. The difference in this forum from others I participate in is that on most forums there are hardly, if any, Israelis or Palestinians posting, the posters are mostly English-Speaking neutrals whether they lean towards Israel or Palestine. This section of this forum consists of virtual Israelis, the Americans posting here would choose Israel over the U.S. given the choice, and those supporting the Palestinians are just normal neutral observers. While the Israeli supporters revel in the killing of Muslims (and Christians) and support further oppression of the non-Jews, those supporting Palestinians are seeking a just solution that will eliminate the oppression (and killing) of the non-Jews without the harming the civil and social rights of the Jews. That's the difference.
FYI, the Americans posting here don't put Israel ahead of the US, but Jewish or Christian, we recognize the fact that Israel is the Motherland and put both countries on an equal basis. Stick that in your bong and smoke it, Fatima.
You mean the propaganda spewed by the many Palestinian propagandists like yourself ??
What a joke

I only post information that can be verified by absolutely neutral or Israeli-leaning media. You, on the other hand, post links to CAMERA FFS. The difference in this forum from others I participate in is that on most forums there are hardly, if any, Israelis or Palestinians posting, the posters are mostly English-Speaking neutrals whether they lean towards Israel or Palestine. This section of this forum consists of virtual Israelis, the Americans posting here would choose Israel over the U.S. given the choice, and those supporting the Palestinians are just normal neutral observers. While the Israeli supporters revel in the killing of Muslims (and Christians) and support further oppression of the non-Jews, those supporting Palestinians are seeking a just solution that will eliminate the oppression (and killing) of the non-Jews without the harming the civil and social rights of the Jews. That's the difference.
Since Arabs want to wipe Israel off the map, those supporting the Palestinians are just as blood thirsty for infidel blood as Muslims are.

Who are these Arabs that want to wipe Israel off the map. Can you name him/her?
If you must know, I contribute to CARITAS (has a hospital in the West Bank among other things), participate on international forums (Yes, the plight of Palestinians in Syria is discussed) , participate on this, very unusual, American forum (but it might be a lost cause, given the brainwashing most of the participants have undergone) and generally try to counter the disinformation and propaganda promulgated by the heavily funded Israeli disinformation machine.

You mean the propaganda spewed by the many Palestinian propagandists like yourself ??
What a joke

I only post information that can be verified by absolutely neutral or Israeli-leaning media. You, on the other hand, post links to CAMERA FFS. The difference in this forum from others I participate in is that on most forums there are hardly, if any, Israelis or Palestinians posting, the posters are mostly English-Speaking neutrals whether they lean towards Israel or Palestine. This section of this forum consists of virtual Israelis, the Americans posting here would choose Israel over the U.S. given the choice, and those supporting the Palestinians are just normal neutral observers. While the Israeli supporters revel in the killing of Muslims (and Christians) and support further oppression of the non-Jews, those supporting Palestinians are seeking a just solution that will eliminate the oppression (and killing) of the non-Jews without the harming the civil and social rights of the Jews. That's the difference.

Is that why it takes me 30 seconds to prove your links are from pro muslim sources
I only post information that can be verified by absolutely neutral or Israeli-leaning media. You, on the other hand, post links to CAMERA FFS. The difference in this forum from others I participate in is that on most forums there are hardly, if any, Israelis or Palestinians posting, the posters are mostly English-Speaking neutrals whether they lean towards Israel or Palestine. This section of this forum consists of virtual Israelis, the Americans posting here would choose Israel over the U.S. given the choice, and those supporting the Palestinians are just normal neutral observers. While the Israeli supporters revel in the killing of Muslims (and Christians) and support further oppression of the non-Jews, those supporting Palestinians are seeking a just solution that will eliminate the oppression (and killing) of the non-Jews without the harming the civil and social rights of the Jews. That's the difference.
Since Arabs want to wipe Israel off the map, those supporting the Palestinians are just as blood thirsty for infidel blood as Muslims are.

Who are these Arabs that want to wipe Israel off the map. Can you name him/her?
You mean, besides you? :D
You mean the propaganda spewed by the many Palestinian propagandists like yourself ??
What a joke

I only post information that can be verified by absolutely neutral or Israeli-leaning media. You, on the other hand, post links to CAMERA FFS. The difference in this forum from others I participate in is that on most forums there are hardly, if any, Israelis or Palestinians posting, the posters are mostly English-Speaking neutrals whether they lean towards Israel or Palestine. This section of this forum consists of virtual Israelis, the Americans posting here would choose Israel over the U.S. given the choice, and those supporting the Palestinians are just normal neutral observers. While the Israeli supporters revel in the killing of Muslims (and Christians) and support further oppression of the non-Jews, those supporting Palestinians are seeking a just solution that will eliminate the oppression (and killing) of the non-Jews without the harming the civil and social rights of the Jews. That's the difference.
FYI, the Americans posting here don't put Israel ahead of the US, but Jewish or Christian, we recognize the fact that Israel is the Motherland and put both countries on an equal basis. Stick that in your bong and smoke it, Fatima.

As an American, the United States should be your Motherland/Fatherland. No foreign country should be on an equal basis. Anything different reeks of treason, frankly. By the way, a small minority of American Christians think as you do. Most are loyal Americans.
I only post information that can be verified by absolutely neutral or Israeli-leaning media. You, on the other hand, post links to CAMERA FFS. The difference in this forum from others I participate in is that on most forums there are hardly, if any, Israelis or Palestinians posting, the posters are mostly English-Speaking neutrals whether they lean towards Israel or Palestine. This section of this forum consists of virtual Israelis, the Americans posting here would choose Israel over the U.S. given the choice, and those supporting the Palestinians are just normal neutral observers. While the Israeli supporters revel in the killing of Muslims (and Christians) and support further oppression of the non-Jews, those supporting Palestinians are seeking a just solution that will eliminate the oppression (and killing) of the non-Jews without the harming the civil and social rights of the Jews. That's the difference.
Since Arabs want to wipe Israel off the map, those supporting the Palestinians are just as blood thirsty for infidel blood as Muslims are.

Who are these Arabs that want to wipe Israel off the map. Can you name him/her?

Abbass for starters, but it all started with Husseini way back in the early 1940's. Just do a search on "arab muslims want to wipe Israel of the map" and see what you get.

Here is just one entry that can be verified very easily by doing a search on each separate quote.

Then this

Palestine-Israel Conflict | How Arab Jew Hate Invented A State And People That Don't Exist
You mean the propaganda spewed by the many Palestinian propagandists like yourself ??
What a joke

I only post information that can be verified by absolutely neutral or Israeli-leaning media. You, on the other hand, post links to CAMERA FFS. The difference in this forum from others I participate in is that on most forums there are hardly, if any, Israelis or Palestinians posting, the posters are mostly English-Speaking neutrals whether they lean towards Israel or Palestine. This section of this forum consists of virtual Israelis, the Americans posting here would choose Israel over the U.S. given the choice, and those supporting the Palestinians are just normal neutral observers. While the Israeli supporters revel in the killing of Muslims (and Christians) and support further oppression of the non-Jews, those supporting Palestinians are seeking a just solution that will eliminate the oppression (and killing) of the non-Jews without the harming the civil and social rights of the Jews. That's the difference.

Is that why it takes me 30 seconds to prove your links are from pro muslim sources

Not one of my links were from a pro-Muslim site. You believe that unless the link is to an Israeli or Zionist site it is pro-Muslim.
I only post information that can be verified by absolutely neutral or Israeli-leaning media. You, on the other hand, post links to CAMERA FFS. The difference in this forum from others I participate in is that on most forums there are hardly, if any, Israelis or Palestinians posting, the posters are mostly English-Speaking neutrals whether they lean towards Israel or Palestine. This section of this forum consists of virtual Israelis, the Americans posting here would choose Israel over the U.S. given the choice, and those supporting the Palestinians are just normal neutral observers. While the Israeli supporters revel in the killing of Muslims (and Christians) and support further oppression of the non-Jews, those supporting Palestinians are seeking a just solution that will eliminate the oppression (and killing) of the non-Jews without the harming the civil and social rights of the Jews. That's the difference.
FYI, the Americans posting here don't put Israel ahead of the US, but Jewish or Christian, we recognize the fact that Israel is the Motherland and put both countries on an equal basis. Stick that in your bong and smoke it, Fatima.

As an American, the United States should be your Motherland/Fatherland. No foreign country should be on an equal basis. Anything different reeks of treason, frankly. By the way, a small minority of American Christians think as you do. Most are loyal Americans.
Damn if I ain't glad I have ZOG to protect me. You might want to look up the definition for treason, Fatima. And look up sedition while you're at it. Might just save you a visit from your local friendly FBI guy.
FYI, the Americans posting here don't put Israel ahead of the US, but Jewish or Christian, we recognize the fact that Israel is the Motherland and put both countries on an equal basis. Stick that in your bong and smoke it, Fatima.

As an American, the United States should be your Motherland/Fatherland. No foreign country should be on an equal basis. Anything different reeks of treason, frankly. By the way, a small minority of American Christians think as you do. Most are loyal Americans.
Damn if I ain't glad I have ZOG to protect me. You might want to look up the definition for treason, Fatima. And look up sedition while you're at it. Might just save you a visit from your local friendly FBI guy.

When some of the Boiler Room gang comes from places like Tehran and Qom, one would be hard pressed to believe that they know those definitions. However, they can probably recite the Koran in record time.
You are actually correct, for once. Treason is only treason during war. I always admit my errors, unlike you folks. However, my point that the U.S. should be a patriot's fatherland/motherland and should not be equal in terms of loyalty to another country, stands. By the way, send me your email and I'll send you a copy of my DD-214.

"Acts of dis-loyalty during peacetime are not considered treasonous under the Constitution."

treason legal definition of treason. treason synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.
You are actually correct, for once. Treason is only treason during war. I always admit my errors, unlike you folks. However, my point that the U.S. should be a patriot's fatherland/motherland and should not be equal in terms of loyalty to another country, stands. By the way, send me your email and I'll send you a copy of my DD-214.

"Acts of dis-loyalty during peacetime are not considered treasonous under the Constitution."

treason legal definition of treason. treason synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

Naturally, Haniya and the Boiler Room Gang, don't care about those rich Muslim countries passing along money to help the terrorists kill innocent people in the name of Allah. Plus, as one poster once said who was a retired Naval intelligence Officer, that if Americans knew just how much Israel helped America, they wouldn't deny her anything. We give loads of money to Pakistan, and many of the Muslim Pakistan soldiers pass on information to the Taliban to kill our soldiers.
You are actually correct, for once. Treason is only treason during war. I always admit my errors, unlike you folks. However, my point that the U.S. should be a patriot's fatherland/motherland and should not be equal in terms of loyalty to another country, stands. By the way, send me your email and I'll send you a copy of my DD-214.

"Acts of dis-loyalty during peacetime are not considered treasonous under the Constitution."

treason legal definition of treason. treason synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.
I am familiar with the meaning of treason as all military personnel receive at least an orientation of the subject. But as for the term of 'sedition', there's a little of that going on here amongst the Arabists. I was involved in a GCM for a soldier convicted of sedition and he was in Leavenworth for 30 years. Uncle Sugar frowns on soldiers with a vendetta. I don't need your 214 but I can get access to it if I should need it. :D.
You are actually correct, for once. Treason is only treason during war. I always admit my errors, unlike you folks. However, my point that the U.S. should be a patriot's fatherland/motherland and should not be equal in terms of loyalty to another country, stands. By the way, send me your email and I'll send you a copy of my DD-214.

"Acts of dis-loyalty during peacetime are not considered treasonous under the Constitution."

treason legal definition of treason. treason synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.
I am familiar with the meaning of treason as all military personnel receive at least an orientation of the subject. But as for the term of 'sedition', there's a little of that going on here amongst the Arabists. I was involved in a GCM for a soldier convicted of sedition and he was in Leavenworth for 30 years. Uncle Sugar frowns on soldiers with a vendetta. I don't need your 214 but I can get access to it if I should need it. :D.

Were you aware that under the Constitution disloyalty in peacetime is not considered treason, I suspect this only applies to civilians. I went through the same training and did not know this. I believe that if there is sedition, it is the behaviour of the Zionutters which has a "tendency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist its enemies".

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